Ejemplo n.º 1
    IEnumerator GenerateMap(int pMapHeight, int pMapWidth)
        //creating a periln values map
        int[,] map = perlin.GanerateMap(pMapWidth, pMapHeight);
        //initializing tilemap to desired size
        tileMap    = new Tile[pMapHeight, pMapWidth];
        chunkedMap = new List <Tile> [pMapHeight / chunkSize, pMapWidth / chunkSize];

        //we have to initialize the array before using
        //without this step there were no lists to add the tiles later
        for (int x = 0; x < pMapHeight / chunkSize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < pMapWidth / chunkSize; y++)
                chunkedMap[x, y] = new List <Tile>();
        //we will use this list for generateing houses
        List <Vector2Int> buildableTiles = new List <Vector2Int>();

        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        for (int i = 0; i < pMapWidth; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < pMapHeight; j++)
                Tile newTile;
                //casting perlin values to tile types
                if (map[i, j] == 0)
                    newTile = new Tile()
                        type = "water", name = "Empty Tile", level = 0, position = new Vector2Int(i, j)
                else if (map[i, j] == 1)
                    newTile = new Tile()
                        type = "sand", name = "Empty Tile", level = 0, position = new Vector2Int(i, j)
                else if (map[i, j] == 2)
                    newTile = new Tile()
                        type = "grass", name = "Empty Tile", level = 0, position = new Vector2Int(i, j)
                    buildableTiles.Add(new Vector2Int(i, j));
                else if (map[i, j] == 3)
                    int tmp = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                    if (tmp == 0)
                        newTile = new Tile()
                            type = "trees1", name = "Empty Tile", level = 0, position = new Vector2Int(i, j)
                        newTile = new Tile()
                            type = "trees2", name = "Empty Tile", level = 0, position = new Vector2Int(i, j)
                    buildableTiles.Add(new Vector2Int(i, j));
                else if (map[i, j] == 4)
                    newTile = new Tile()
                        type = "trees2", name = "Empty Tile", level = 0, position = new Vector2Int(i, j)
                    Debug.LogError("DIDNT FIND TILE TYPE FOR NUMBER:" + map[i, j]);
                    newTile = new Tile();

                //adding to tile Map
                tileMap[i, j] = newTile;

                //adding to the chunked tile map
                int x = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)i / chunkSize);
                int y = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)j / chunkSize);
                chunkedMap[x, y].Add(newTile);

        Dictionary <Vector2Int, Tile> houses = new Dictionary <Vector2Int, Tile>();

        for (int i = 0; i < mapData.number_of_houses; i++)
            int        randTile = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, buildableTiles.Count);
            Vector2Int pos      = buildableTiles[randTile];
            int        offset   = 20;
            //Making sure not to add to the same tile multiple times  or is to close to edge of the map
            while (houses.ContainsKey(pos) || (pos.x < offset || pos.x > mapData.map_width - offset) || (pos.y < offset || pos.y > mapData.map_height - offset))
                randTile = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, buildableTiles.Count);
                pos      = buildableTiles[randTile];

            Tile tile;
            //randomizing tyle type
            int tmp = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
            if (tmp == 0)
                tile = new Tile()
                    type = "house2", name = "Storage", level = 1, position = pos
                tile = new Tile()
                    type = "house1", name = "Barrack", level = 2, position = pos

            houses.Add(pos, tile);
            //changing the tile on the tilemap
            tileMap[pos.x, pos.y] = tile;

            //adding to the chunked tile map
            int x = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)pos.x / chunkSize);
            int y = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)pos.y / chunkSize);

            foreach (var item in chunkedMap[x, y])
                if (item.position == new Vector2Int(pos.x, pos.y))
                    //removing old tile from the list of tiles in this chunk
                    chunkedMap[x, y].Remove(item);

            //adding new tile to the chunked tile map
            chunkedMap[x, y].Add(tile);

            //saving the position a house so we can set the camera on map scene to look at a house on starting the scene
            if (i == 0)
                firstHousePos = pos;
        //signaling the map is done
        done = true;