protected void btnSaveClass_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ApplicationResult objResult = new ApplicationResult(); PeriodBO objPeriodBo = new PeriodBO(); PeriodBL objPeriodBl = new PeriodBL(); objPeriodBo.DayName = ddlDay.SelectedItem.ToString(); objPeriodBo.DayNo = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDay.SelectedValue); objPeriodBo.ClassMID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlClass.SelectedValue); objPeriodBo.SchoolMID = Convert.ToInt32(Session[ApplicationSession.SCHOOLID].ToString()); int intCount = Convert.ToInt32(hfNoOfPeriod.Value); if (ViewState["Mode"].ToString() == "Save") { for (int i = 1; i <= intCount; i++) { objPeriodBo.PeriodNo = i; TextBox txt1 = Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("txtFromHH" + i.ToString()) as TextBox; TextBox txt2 = Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("txtFromMM" + i.ToString()) as TextBox; string a, b, c, d; a = txt1.Text; b = txt2.Text; if (txt1.Text == "") { a = "--"; } if (txt2.Text == "") { b = "--"; } objPeriodBo.FromTime = a + ":" + b; TextBox txt3 = Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("txtToHH" + i.ToString()) as TextBox; TextBox txt4 = Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("txtToMM" + i.ToString()) as TextBox; c = txt3.Text; d = txt4.Text; if (c == "") { c = "--"; } if (d == "") { d = "--"; } objPeriodBo.ToTime = c + ":" + d; objPeriodBo.CreatedUserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session[ApplicationSession.USERID].ToString()); objPeriodBo.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(5.5).ToString(); objResult = objPeriodBl.Period_Insert(objPeriodBo); } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "MessagePopUp", "<script>alert('Record saved successfully.');</script>"); } else if (ViewState["Mode"].ToString() == "Edit") { for (int i = 1; i <= intCount; i++) { objPeriodBo.PeriodNo = i; TextBox txt1 = Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("txtFromHH" + i.ToString()) as TextBox; TextBox txt2 = Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("txtFromMM" + i.ToString()) as TextBox; string a, b, c, d; a = txt1.Text; b = txt2.Text; if (txt1.Text == "") { a = "--"; } if (txt2.Text == "") { b = "--"; } objPeriodBo.FromTime = a + ":" + b; TextBox txt3 = Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("txtToHH" + i.ToString()) as TextBox; TextBox txt4 = Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("txtToMM" + i.ToString()) as TextBox; c = txt3.Text; d = txt4.Text; if (c == "") { c = "--"; } if (d == "") { d = "--"; } objPeriodBo.ToTime = c + ":" + d; objPeriodBo.LastModifiedUserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session[ApplicationSession.USERID].ToString()); objPeriodBo.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(5.5).ToString(); objResult = objPeriodBl.Period_Update(objPeriodBo); } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "MessagePopUp", "<script>alert('Record updated successfully.');</script>"); } ClearAll(); BindPeriod(); PanelVisibility(1); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("Error", ex); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "MessagePopUp", "<script>alert('Oops! There is some technical issue. Please Contact to your administrator.');</script>"); } }
/// <summary> /// To Update details of Period in tbl_Period_M table /// Created By : Darshan, 09/04/2014 /// Modified By : /// </summary> /// <param name="objPeriodBO"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ApplicationResult Period_Update(PeriodBO objPeriodBO) { try { pSqlParameter = new SqlParameter[7]; pSqlParameter[0] = new SqlParameter("@DayNo", SqlDbType.Int); pSqlParameter[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; pSqlParameter[0].Value = objPeriodBO.DayNo; pSqlParameter[1] = new SqlParameter("@PeriodNo", SqlDbType.Int); pSqlParameter[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; pSqlParameter[1].Value = objPeriodBO.PeriodNo; pSqlParameter[2] = new SqlParameter("@FromTime", SqlDbType.VarChar); pSqlParameter[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; pSqlParameter[2].Value = objPeriodBO.FromTime; pSqlParameter[3] = new SqlParameter("@ToTime", SqlDbType.VarChar); pSqlParameter[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; pSqlParameter[3].Value = objPeriodBO.ToTime; pSqlParameter[4] = new SqlParameter("@ClassMID", SqlDbType.Int); pSqlParameter[4].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; pSqlParameter[4].Value = objPeriodBO.ClassMID; pSqlParameter[5] = new SqlParameter("@LastModifiedUserID", SqlDbType.Int); pSqlParameter[5].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; pSqlParameter[5].Value = objPeriodBO.LastModifiedUserID; pSqlParameter[6] = new SqlParameter("@LastModifiedDate", SqlDbType.VarChar); pSqlParameter[6].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; pSqlParameter[6].Value = objPeriodBO.LastModifiedDate; sSql = "usp_tbl_Period_M_Update"; int iResult = Database.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, sSql, pSqlParameter); if (iResult > 0) { ApplicationResult objResults = new ApplicationResult(); objResults.status = ApplicationResult.CommonStatusType.SUCCESS; return(objResults); } else { ApplicationResult objResults = new ApplicationResult(); objResults.status = ApplicationResult.CommonStatusType.FAILURE; return(objResults); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { objPeriodBO = null; } }