Ejemplo n.º 1
        private IEnumerator heightCheckCoroutine; //this coroutine is running as long as there's a building to be placed and it allows NPC factions to place buildings on different heights

        //a method that other NPC components use to request to place a building.
        public void OnBuildingPlacementRequest(Building buildingPrefab, GameObject buildAround, float buildAroundRadius, Building buildingCenter, float buildAroundDistance, bool rotate)
            //if the building center or the build around object hasn't been specified:
            if (buildAround == null || buildingCenter == null)
                Debug.LogError("Build Around object or Building Center for " + buildingPrefab.GetName() + " hasn't been specified in the Building Placement Request!");

            //take resources to place building.
            gameMgr.ResourceMgr.UpdateRequiredResources(buildingPrefab.GetResources(), false, factionMgr.FactionID);

            //pick the building's spawn pos:
            Vector3 buildAroundPos = buildAround.transform.position;

            //for the sample height method, the last parameter presents the navigation layer mask and 0 stands for the built-in walkable layer where buildings can be placed
            buildAroundPos.y = gameMgr.TerrainMgr.SampleHeight(buildAround.transform.position, buildAroundRadius, 0) + gameMgr.PlacementMgr.GetBuildingYOffset();
            Vector3 buildingSpawnPos = buildAroundPos;

            buildingSpawnPos.x += buildAroundDistance;

            //create new instance of building and add it to the pending buildings list:
            PendingBuilding newPendingBuilding = new PendingBuilding
                buildingPrefab      = buildingPrefab,
                buildingInstance    = Instantiate(buildingPrefab.gameObject, buildingSpawnPos, buildingPrefab.transform.rotation).GetComponent <Building>(),
                buildAroundPos      = buildAroundPos,
                buildingCenter      = buildingCenter,
                buildAroundDistance = buildAroundDistance,
                rotate = rotate

            //initialize the building instance for placement:
            newPendingBuilding.buildingInstance.InitPlacementInstance(gameMgr, factionMgr.FactionID, buildingCenter.BorderComp);

            //we need to hide the building initially, when its turn comes to be placed, appropriate settings will be applied.
            newPendingBuilding.buildingInstance.ToggleModel(false); //Hide the building's model:

            //Call the start building placement custom event:

            //add the new pending building to the list:

            if (pendingBuildings.Count == 1)                           //if the queue was empty before adding the new pending building
                StartPlacingNextBuilding();                            //immediately start placing it.

                heightCheckCoroutine = HeightCheck(heightCheckReload); //Start the height check coroutine to keep the building always on top of the terrain
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //a method that other NPC components use to request to place a building.
        public void OnBuildingPlacementRequest(Building buildingPrefab, GameObject buildAround, Building buildingCenter, float buildAroundDistance)
            //if the building center or the build around object hasn't been specified:
            if (buildAround == null || buildingCenter == null)
                Debug.LogError("Build Around object or Building Center hasn't been specified in the Building Placement Request!");

            //take resources to place building.
            resourceMgr.TakeResources(buildingPrefab.BuildingResources, factionMgr.FactionID);

            //pick the building's spawn pos:
            Vector3 buildAroundPos   = new Vector3(buildAround.transform.position.x, GameManager.Instance.TerrainMgr.SampleHeight(buildAround.transform.position) + BuildingPlacement.instance.BuildingYOffset, buildAround.transform.position.z);
            Vector3 buildingSpawnPos = buildAroundPos;

            buildingSpawnPos.x += buildAroundDistance;

            //create new instance of building and add it to the pending buildings list:
            PendingBuilding newPendingBuilding = new PendingBuilding
                buildingPrefab      = buildingPrefab,
                buildingInstance    = Instantiate(buildingPrefab.gameObject, buildingSpawnPos, buildingPrefab.transform.rotation).GetComponent <Building>(),
                buildAroundPos      = buildAroundPos,
                buildingCenter      = buildingCenter,
                buildAroundDistance = buildAroundDistance

            //initialize the building instance for placement:
            newPendingBuilding.buildingInstance.InitPlacementInstance(factionMgr.FactionID, buildingCenter.BorderMgr);

            //we need to hide the building initially, when its turn comes to be placed, appropriate settings will be applied.
            //Hide the building's model:
            newPendingBuilding.buildingInstance.BuildingPlane.SetActive(false); //hide the building's selection texture

            //Call the start building placement custom event:
            if (GameManager.Instance.Events)

            //add the new pending building to the list:

            if (pendingBuildings.Count == 1) //if the queue was empty before adding the new pending building
                StartPlacingNextBuilding();  //immediately start placing it.
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void Awake()
     slider          = GetComponentInChildren <Slider>();
     pendingBuilding = GetComponentInParent <HeirarchyNode>().GetComponentInChildren <PendingBuilding>();