Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void Button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (GVbebidas.HeaderRow == null && GVplatos.HeaderRow == null)
                negome.LiberarMesa(Convert.ToInt64(ddlmesa.SelectedItem.Value), false);
                int columnsCount = 0;
                if (GVplatos.HeaderRow == null)
                    columnsCount = GVbebidas.HeaderRow.Cells.Count;
                else if (GVbebidas.HeaderRow == null)
                    columnsCount = GVplatos.HeaderRow.Cells.Count;
                    columnsCount = GVbebidas.HeaderRow.Cells.Count + GVplatos.HeaderRow.Cells.Count;

                // Create the PDF Table specifying the number of columns
                PdfPTable pdfTable = new PdfPTable(columnsCount);
                pdfTable.AddCell("       Total= ");
                pdfTable.AddCell("$" + total);
                pdfTable.AddCell("       ");
                pdfTable.AddCell("       ");
                pdfTable.AddCell("       ");
                pdfTable.AddCell("       ");
                Session["cantidadColumnas"] = columnsCount;
                if (GVplatos.HeaderRow != null)
                    // Loop thru each cell in GrdiView header row
                    foreach (TableCell gridViewHeaderCell in GVplatos.HeaderRow.Cells)
                        // Create the Font Object for PDF document
                        Font font = new Font();
                        // Set the font color to GridView header row font color
                        font.Color = new BaseColor(GVplatos.HeaderStyle.ForeColor);

                        // Create the PDF cell, specifying the text and font
                        PdfPCell pdfCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(gridViewHeaderCell.Text, font));

                        // Set the PDF cell backgroundcolor to GridView header row BackgroundColor color
                        pdfCell.BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(GVplatos.HeaderStyle.BackColor);

                        // Add the cell to PDF table

                    // Loop thru each datarow in GrdiView
                    foreach (GridViewRow gridViewRow in GVplatos.Rows)
                        if (gridViewRow.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                            // Loop thru each cell in GrdiView data row
                            foreach (TableCell gridViewCell in gridViewRow.Cells)
                                Font font = new Font();
                                font.Color = new BaseColor(GVplatos.RowStyle.ForeColor);

                                PdfPCell pdfCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(gridViewCell.Text, font));

                                pdfCell.BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(GVplatos.RowStyle.BackColor);

                if (GVbebidas.HeaderRow != null)
                    foreach (TableCell gridViewHeaderCell in GVbebidas.HeaderRow.Cells)
                        // Create the Font Object for PDF document
                        Font font = new Font();
                        // Set the font color to GridView header row font color
                        font.Color = new BaseColor(GVbebidas.HeaderStyle.ForeColor);

                        // Create the PDF cell, specifying the text and font
                        PdfPCell pdfCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(gridViewHeaderCell.Text, font));

                        // Set the PDF cell backgroundcolor to GridView header row BackgroundColor color
                        pdfCell.BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(GVbebidas.HeaderStyle.BackColor);

                        // Add the cell to PDF table


                    // Loop thru each datarow in GrdiView
                    foreach (GridViewRow gridViewRow in GVbebidas.Rows)
                        if (gridViewRow.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                            // Loop thru each cell in GrdiView data row
                            foreach (TableCell gridViewCell in gridViewRow.Cells)
                                Font font = new Font();
                                font.Color = new BaseColor(GVbebidas.RowStyle.ForeColor);

                                PdfPCell pdfCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(gridViewCell.Text, font));

                                pdfCell.BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(GVbebidas.RowStyle.BackColor);

                pdfTable.AddCell("Total= $" + total);

                // Create the PDF document specifying page size and margins
                Document pdfDocument = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f);
                // Roate page using Rotate() function, if you want in Landscape
                // pdfDocument.SetPageSize(PageSize.A4.Rotate());

                // Using PageSize.A4_LANDSCAPE may not work as expected
                // Document pdfDocument = new Document(PageSize.A4_LANDSCAPE, 10f, 10f, 10f, 10f);

                PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDocument, Response.OutputStream);

                LabelExito.Text = "COBRADO CON EXITO, se te descargo en PDF el detalle ";
                Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";