private void OnErrorSelected() { if (SelectedError == null) { return; } // if PeFundId <>0 start PeFundDetail // if InvestorId <>0 start InvestorDetail if (SelectedError.InvestorId != 0) { Investor investor = investorAccess.GetInvestorById(SelectedError.InvestorId); NavigationParameters parameters = new NavigationParameters(); parameters.Add("Investor", investor); regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.TabControlRegion, ViewNames.InvestorDetails, parameters); } if (SelectedError.PeFundId != 0) { PeFund fund = PefundAccess.GetPeFundById(SelectedError.PeFundId); NavigationParameters parameters = new NavigationParameters(); parameters.Add("Fund", fund); regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.TabControlRegion, ViewNames.PeFundDetail, parameters); } }
private void OnPeFundCollectionAction(PeFundCollectionAction obj) { if (peFunds == null) { var task = LoadPefundsAsync(); } if (obj.action == CollectionAction.removed) { PeFund fund = peFunds.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id ==; peFunds.Remove(fund); } else if (obj.action == CollectionAction.added) { peFunds.Add(; } else if (obj.action == CollectionAction.updated) { PeFund fund = peFunds.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id ==; fund.FundHqTrustNumber =; fund.FundName =; fund.FundShortName =; fund.FundLegalName =; } else if (obj.action == CollectionAction.reload) { var task = LoadPefundsAsync(); } }
private bool GetFileData(PeFund peFund) { DirectoryHelper.CheckDirectory($"TextFiles"); textFileInfo = DirectoryHelper.GetTextFileName(Fund.Id); if (textFileInfo.Exists) { string fileContent = string.Empty; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(textFileInfo.FullName)) { fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent)) { cashFlowInformation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CashFlowInformation>(fileContent); } if (cashFlowInformation == null) { NotificationRequest.Raise(new Notification() { Title = ApplicationNames.NotificationTitle, Content = "Die Ausschüttungsdaten konnten nicht gelesen werden" }); return(false); } return(true); } return(false); }
public override bool IsNavigationTarget(NavigationContext navigationContext) { PeFund newFund = navigationContext.Parameters["Fund"] as PeFund; if (newFund.Id == Fund.Id) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void AddError(PeFund fund, string v) { CashFlowErrors error = new CashFlowErrors() { PeFundId = fund.Id, ErrorText = v, ObjectName = fund.FundShortName }; Errors.Add(error); }
private void InvestorCommitment_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "PeFundId") { PeFund fund = AvailableFunds.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == InvestorCommitment.PeFundId); if (fund != null) { InvestorCommitment.PeFund = fund; RaisePropertyChanged("PeFund"); } } }
/// <summary> /// returns true if more than one Fund uses the same Beteiligungsnummer /// (PS Plus makes no difference between legal entities) /// </summary> /// <param name="fund"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool BeteiligungsNummerExistsMoreThanOnce(PeFund fund) { bool morethanone = false; using (HqTrustData dbContext = new HqTrustData()) { int count = dbContext.PeFunds.Where(p => p.FundHqTrustNumber == fund.FundHqTrustNumber).Count(); if (count > 1) { morethanone = true; } } return(morethanone); }
public override bool IsNavigationTarget(NavigationContext navigationContext) { if (Fund == null) { return(true); } PeFund f = navigationContext.Parameters["Fund"] as PeFund; if (f.Id == Fund.Id) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void OnGridMouseDoubleClick() { if (SelectedCommitment == null) { return; } PeFund entirePeFund = PefundAccess.GetPeFundById(SelectedCommitment.PeFundId); NavigationParameters parameter = new NavigationParameters(); parameter.Add("Fund", entirePeFund); regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.TabControlRegion, ViewNames.PeFundDetail, parameter); }
private static void UpdateDocumentAndLettersForPeFund(PeFund fund) { using (HqTrustData dbContext = new HqTrustData()) { var existingDocs = dbContext.DocumentAndLetters.Where(b => b.PeFundId == fund.Id).ToList(); // foreach account in existingAccounts try to find a record in investor.BankAccounts // if found --> update properties // if not found --> record was deleted by user --> remove account foreach (DocumentAndLetter document in existingDocs) { DocumentAndLetter newDoc = fund.DocumentAndLetters.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == document.Id); if (newDoc == null) { // not found --> remove dbContext.DocumentAndLetters.Remove(document); } else { // found --> update properties document.DocumentDate = newDoc.DocumentDate; document.DocumentDescription = newDoc.DocumentDescription; document.DocumentFileName = newDoc.DocumentFileName; document.DocumentType = newDoc.DocumentType; } } foreach (DocumentAndLetter document in fund.DocumentAndLetters) { if (document.Id != 0) { continue; } document.PeFundId = fund.Id; document.InvestorId = null; dbContext.DocumentAndLetters.Add(document); } try { dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Fehler beim Einfügen eines neuen Private Equity Funds (Tabelle: DocumentAndLetters) Fehler: {ex.InnerException.Message}"); } } }
public static bool FundHasCommitments(PeFund fund) { int numberOfCommitments = 0; using (HqTrustData dbContext = new HqTrustData()) { numberOfCommitments = dbContext.InvestorCommitmnents.Where(c => c.PeFundId == fund.Id).Count(); } if (numberOfCommitments > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext) { fund = navigationContext.Parameters["Fund"] as PeFund; TabTitle = $"PsPlus CashFlows ({fund.FundHqTrustNumber})"; if (PsPlusCashFlows != null) { PsPlusCashFlows.CurrentChanged -= PsPlusCashFlows_CurrentChanged; } // fill collection of cashflows: await Task.Run(() => AddInvestorCashFlowsAsync()); PsPlusCashFlows = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(cashFlows); PsPlusCashFlows.CurrentChanged += PsPlusCashFlows_CurrentChanged; RaisePropertyChanged("PsPlusCashFlows"); // // add sort criteria to CollectionViewSource // sort by HQTrustaccount and then by Date // PsPlusCashFlows.SortDescriptions.Clear(); SortDescription sortDescription = new SortDescription() { Direction = ListSortDirection.Ascending, PropertyName = "InvestorHqTrustAccount" }; PsPlusCashFlows.SortDescriptions.Add(sortDescription); sortDescription = new SortDescription() { Direction = ListSortDirection.Ascending, PropertyName = "InvestorCashFlow.EffectiveDate" }; PsPlusCashFlows.SortDescriptions.Add(sortDescription); // // groupdescription to CollectoinViewSource // the information is grouped by HqTrustAccount // grouping is defined in the xaml // }
private bool FilterInvestor(object obj) { PeFund fund = obj as PeFund; if (fund.FundName != null && fund.FundName.ToLower().Contains(FilterText.ToLower())) { return(true); } if (fund.FundLegalName != null && fund.FundLegalName.ToLower().Contains(FilterText.ToLower())) { return(true); } if (fund.FundHqTrustNumber != null && fund.FundHqTrustNumber.ToLower().Contains(FilterText.ToLower())) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static void RemovePeFund(PeFund fund) { using (HqTrustData dbContext = new HqTrustData()) { PeFund removefund = dbContext.PeFunds.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == fund.Id); if (removefund == null) { throw new Exception($"Der Fund mit der Id {fund.Id} wurde in der Datenbank nicht gefunden."); } dbContext.PeFunds.Remove(removefund); try { // remove related BankAccounts var results = dbContext.BankAccounts.Where(b => b.PefundId == fund.Id).ToList(); if (results.Count > 0) { dbContext.BankAccounts.RemoveRange(results); } // remove related Documents and LetterInformation var docs = dbContext.DocumentAndLetters.Where(e => e.PeFundId == fund.Id).ToList(); if (docs.Count > 0) { dbContext.DocumentAndLetters.RemoveRange(docs); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Fehler beim Löschen von abhängigen Tabellen: {ex.InnerException.Message}"); } // save changes try { dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Fehler beim Löschen des Funds. Ursache: {ex.InnerException.Message}"); } } }
public static void UpdatePeFund(PeFund fund) { using (HqTrustData dbContext = new HqTrustData()) { PeFund updatePeFund = dbContext.PeFunds.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == fund.Id); if (updatePeFund == null) { throw new Exception($"Der Fund mit der Id {fund.Id} wurde nicht in der Datenbank gefunden"); } dbContext.Entry(updatePeFund).CurrentValues.SetValues(fund); try { dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Fehler beim Ändern eines PeFunds: {ex.InnerException.Message}"); } } UpdateBankAccountsForPeFund(fund); UpdateDocumentAndLettersForPeFund(fund); }
public static void InsertPeFund(PeFund fund) { PeFund newFund = fund.Copy(fund); newFund.BankAccounts = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <BankAccount>(); newFund.DocumentAndLetters = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <DocumentAndLetter>(); using (HqTrustData dbContext = new HqTrustData()) { dbContext.PeFunds.Add(newFund); try { dbContext.SaveChanges(); fund.Id = newFund.Id; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Fehler beim Einfügen eines neuen Private Equity Funds: {ex.InnerException.Message}"); } } UpdateBankAccountsForPeFund(fund); UpdateDocumentAndLettersForPeFund(fund); }
private void OnShowPeFundDiagram(ShowPeFundDiagram obj) { if ( != null) { return; } if (obj == null) { return; } if (obj.hirarchy == null) { return; } Hirarchies = obj.hirarchy; =; CreateDiagram(); if (border != null) { border.Child = diagram; } //eventAggregator.GetEvent<ShowPeFundDiagramEvent>().Unsubscribe(token); }
private static void UpdateBankAccountsForPeFund(PeFund fund) { using (HqTrustData dbContext = new HqTrustData()) { var existingAccounts = dbContext.BankAccounts.Where(b => b.PefundId == fund.Id).ToList(); // foreach account in existingAccounts try to find a record in investor.BankAccounts // if found --> update properties // if not found --> record was deleted by user --> remove account foreach (BankAccount account in existingAccounts) { BankAccount newAccount = fund.BankAccounts.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == account.Id); if (newAccount == null) { // not found --> remove dbContext.BankAccounts.Remove(account); } else { // found --> update properties account.AccountHolder = newAccount.AccountHolder; account.AccountNumber = newAccount.AccountNumber; account.AdditionalInstructions = newAccount.AdditionalInstructions; account.BankAddress = newAccount.BankAddress; account.BankContactId = newAccount.BankContactId; account.BankName = newAccount.BankName; account.BankNumberBlz = newAccount.BankNumberBlz; account.BeneficiaryBank = newAccount.BeneficiaryBank; account.CurrencyId = newAccount.CurrencyId; account.FfcAccountHolderName = newAccount.FfcAccountHolderName; account.FfcAccountNumber = newAccount.FfcAccountNumber; account.Iban = newAccount.Iban; account.InvestorId = null; account.PefundId = fund.Id; account.Signature1 = newAccount.Signature1; account.Signature2 = newAccount.Signature2; account.SwiftAddress = newAccount.SwiftAddress; } } foreach (BankAccount account in fund.BankAccounts) { if (account.Id != 0) { continue; } account.PefundId = fund.Id; account.InvestorId = null; dbContext.BankAccounts.Add(account); } try { dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Fehler beim Einfügen eines neuen Private Equity Funds (Tabelle: BankAccounts) Fehler: {ex.InnerException.Message}"); } } }
private void GetCommitmentRow(int row) { ImportCommitment commitment = new ImportCommitment(); commitment.PeFundNumber = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 0); commitment.PeFundCurrency = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 1); commitment.PeFundCurrencyId = FindCurrencyId(commitment.PeFundCurrency); commitment.PeFundName = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 2); commitment.InvestorNumber = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 3); commitment.InvestorCurrency = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 4); commitment.InvestorCurrencyId = FindCurrencyId(commitment.InvestorCurrency); commitment.AsOfDate = sheetFunctions.GetDate(row, 5); try { commitment.Commitment = sheetFunctions.GetAmount(row, 6); } catch (Exception) { commitment.Commitment = 0; } if (!int.TryParse(commitment.InvestorNumber.Substring(0, 3), out int test)) { // lines with other content than 3 numerical digits will ignored // these lines are for institutional investors return; } ImportCommitment found = ICommitments. Where(c => c.PeFundNumber == commitment.PeFundNumber && c.InvestorNumber == commitment.InvestorNumber).FirstOrDefault(); if (found != null) { found.FoundInPsPlus = true; if (found.Commitment == commitment.Commitment) { return; } found.ErrorInformation = $"Abweichende Kapitalzusage zwischen PsPlus ({commitment.Commitment:N0}) und HQT Private Equity ({found.Commitment:N0}) "; found.HqpeCommitment = found.Commitment; CanShowDifferentCommitments = true; return; } // there is a commitment in PS-Plus with no matching commitment in HQPE // add a new importCommitment to the importCommitmentCollection // add a InvestorCommitment to the database if PeFund and Investor are found ImportCommitment import = new ImportCommitment() { AsOfDate = commitment.AsOfDate, PeFundName = commitment.PeFundName, PeFundNumber = commitment.PeFundNumber, InvestorNumber = commitment.InvestorNumber, InvestorCurrency = commitment.InvestorCurrency, InvestorCurrencyId = commitment.InvestorCurrencyId, PeFundCurrency = commitment.PeFundCurrency, PeFundCurrencyId = commitment.PeFundCurrencyId, Commitment = commitment.Commitment, FoundInPsPlus = true, ErrorInformation = "Es wurde kein Commitment in HQT Private Equity gefunden;" }; // try to find Investor using InvestorNumber; set InvestorId if found // try to find PEFund using Beteiligungsnumber; set PeFundId if found Investor investor = investorAccess.GetInvestorByHqTrustNumber(import.InvestorNumber); if (investor == null) { import.ErrorInformation += " kein Investor gefunden;"; import.InvestorId = 0; CanShowMissingInvestors = true; CanAddMissingItems = true; } if (investor != null) { import.InvestorId = investor.Id; } PeFund peFund = PefundAccess.GetPeFundByBeteiligungsnummer(import.PeFundNumber); if (peFund == null) { import.ErrorInformation += " kein Fund gefunden;"; import.PeFundId = 0; CanShowMissingFunds = true; CanAddMissingItems = true; } if (peFund != null) { import.PeFundId = peFund.Id; } // if investor and fund are found insert investorcommitment if (import.PeFundId > 0 && import.InvestorId > 0) { // Find Commitment using FundId and InvestorId // if found set InvestorCommitmentId and add ImportCommitment // if not add InvestorCommitment InvestorCommitment newCommitment = new InvestorCommitment() { CommitmentAmount = import.Commitment, InvestorId = import.InvestorId, PeFundId = import.PeFundId }; try { newCommitment = investorAccess.UpdateInvestorCommitments(newCommitment); import.ErrorInformation = "Das Commitment wurde in die Datenbank eingefügt."; import.InvestorCommitmentId = newCommitment.Id; import.CommitmentsAdded = true; CanShowAddedCommitments = true; } catch (Exception ex) { NotificationRequest.Raise(new Notification() { Title = ApplicationNames.NotificationTitle, Content = ex.Message }); CloseThisTab(); } } ICommitments.Add(import); return; }
private void OnAddMissingItems() { CanAddMissingItems = false; foreach (ImportCommitment item in iCommitments) { if (item.PeFundId == 0 || item.InvestorId == 0) { if (item.PeFundId == 0) { string found = fundList.FirstOrDefault(p => p == item.PeFundNumber); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(found)) { fundList.Add(item.PeFundNumber); // Fund hinzufügen PeFund newFund = new PeFund() { FundHqTrustNumber = item.PeFundNumber, FundName = item.PeFundName, CurrencyId = item.PeFundCurrencyId }; try { PefundAccess.InsertPeFund(newFund); } catch (Exception ex) { NotificationRequest.Raise(new Notification() { Title = ApplicationNames.NotificationTitle, Content = $"Fehler beim Einfügen eines Funds. {ex.Message}" }); } } } if (item.InvestorId == 0) { string found = investorList.FirstOrDefault(p => p == item.InvestorNumber); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(found)) { investorList.Add(item.InvestorNumber); Investor newInvestor = new Investor() { InvestorHqTrustAccount = item.InvestorNumber, InvestorReference = "Hinzugefügt " + item.InvestorNumber, CurrencyId = item.InvestorCurrencyId }; try { investorAccess.InsertInvestor(newInvestor); } catch (Exception ex) { NotificationRequest.Raise(new Notification() { Title = ApplicationNames.NotificationTitle, Content = $"Fehler beim Einfügen eines Investors. {ex.Message}" }); } } } } } CanStartImport = true; eventAggregator.GetEvent <InvestorCollectionActionEvent>().Publish(new InvestorCollectionAction() { action = CollectionAction.reload, investor = null }); eventAggregator.GetEvent <PeFundCollectionActionEvent>().Publish(new PeFundCollectionAction() { action = CollectionAction.reload, fund = null }); }