Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Run(
            String openPath,                            // source PDF document
            String savePath                             // output PDF document
            Pdfix pdfix = PdfixEngine.Instance;

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PdfPage page = doc.AcquirePage(0);

            if (page == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PdfRect cropBox = page.GetCropBox();

            // place annotation to the middle of the page
            PdfRect annotRect = new PdfRect();

            annotRect.left   = (float)((cropBox.right + cropBox.left) / 2.0) - 10;
            annotRect.bottom = (float)((cropBox.top + cropBox.bottom) / 2.0) - 10;
            annotRect.right  = (float)((cropBox.right + cropBox.left) / 2.0) + 10;
            annotRect.top    = (float)((cropBox.top + cropBox.bottom) / 2.0) + 10;

            PdfTextAnnot annot = (PdfTextAnnot)page.CreateAnnot(PdfAnnotSubtype.kAnnotText, annotRect);

            page.AddAnnot(-1, annot);
            if (annot == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
            annot.SetAuthor(@"Peter Brown");
            annot.SetContents(@"This is my comment.");
            annot.AddReply(@"Mark Fish", @"This is some reply.");


            if (!doc.Save(savePath, Pdfix.kSaveFull))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

        public static void Run(
            String openPath,                            // source PDF document
            String savePath                             // dest PDF document
            Pdfix pdfix = PdfixEngine.Instance;

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // cleanup any previous structure tree
            if (!doc.RemoveTags(null, null))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetErrorType().ToString());

            // autotag document first
            if (!doc.AddTags(null, null))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetErrorType().ToString());

            // get the struct tree
            PdsStructTree struct_tree = doc.GetStructTree();

            if (struct_tree == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetErrorType().ToString());

            PdsStructElement paragraph = GetFirstParagraph(struct_tree);

            if (paragraph == null)
                throw new Exception("No paragraph found.");

            PdfRect annot_bbox = new PdfRect();

            GetStructElementBBox(paragraph, ref annot_bbox);

            // add new link annotation to the page
            PdfPage      page  = doc.AcquirePage(0);
            PdfLinkAnnot annot = (PdfLinkAnnot)page.CreateAnnot(PdfAnnotSubtype.kAnnotLink, annot_bbox);

            page.AddAnnot(0, annot);
            if (annot == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetErrorType().ToString());

            // re-tag the document the link annotation
            if (!doc.RemoveTags(null, null))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetErrorType().ToString());
            if (!doc.AddTags(null, null))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetErrorType().ToString());

            if (!doc.Save(savePath, Pdfix.kSaveFull))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
