Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Run(string path)
            float zoom   = 10;
            var   redPen = new Pen(Color.Red, zoom * 0.4f);

            using (var converter = new PdfImageConverter(path))
                using (var document = PdfDocument.Open(path))
                    for (var i = 0; i < document.NumberOfPages; i++)
                        var page = document.GetPage(i + 1);

                        using (var bitmap = converter.GetPage(i + 1, zoom))
                            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                                var imageHeight = bitmap.Height;

                                foreach (var letter in page.Letters)
                                    var height = letter.GlyphRectangle.Height;

                                    var rect = new Rectangle(
                                        (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                        imageHeight - (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)((letter.GlyphRectangle.Width == 0 ? 1 : letter.GlyphRectangle.Width) * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)((letter.GlyphRectangle.Height == 0 ? 1 : letter.GlyphRectangle.Height) * (decimal)zoom));
                                    graphics.DrawRectangle(redPen, rect);

                                bitmap.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(path, (i + 1) + "_imageTest.png"));
        public static void Run()
            var exporter = new PageXmlTextExporter(NearestNeighbourWordExtractor.Instance,
                                                   scale: zoom);

            using (var converter = new PdfImageConverter(pdfPath))
                using (PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.Open(pdfPath))
                    var page = document.GetPage(pageNo);

                    var xml = exporter.Get(page);
                    File.WriteAllText(Path.ChangeExtension(pdfPath, pageNo + ".xml"), xml);

                    using (var bitmap = converter.GetPage(page.Number, zoom))
                        using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                            // save pdf page as image
                            bitmap.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(pdfPath, pageNo + "_raw.png"));

                            // save empty image for LayoutEvalGUI
                            Bitmap blackAndWhite = new Bitmap(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed);
                            blackAndWhite.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(pdfPath, pageNo + "_bw_raw.png"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public string GetCode(string documentPath)
            _documentPath = documentPath;

            var    pageNumber = 0;
            string hocr       = "";

            using (var document = PdfDocument.Open(documentPath))
                pageNumber = document.NumberOfPages;
                hocr       = GetCode(document);

            using (var converter = new PdfImageConverter(documentPath))
                for (var i = 0; i < pageNumber; i++)
                    using (var bitmap = converter.GetPage(i + 1, (float)_scale))
                        using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                            bitmap.Save(GetPageImagePath(documentPath, i + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void ConvertPdfToMultiPageTiff()
            // Create a PDF converter instance by loading a local file
            PdfImageConverter pdfConverter = new PdfImageConverter("sample.pdf");

            // Set the dpi, the output image will be rendered in such resolution
            pdfConverter.DPI = 96;

            // Convert whole pdf document to a multipage tiff image file
            // you can set the target image size for each page
            pdfConverter.DocumentToMultiPageTiff(500, 800, "Page_multiple.tiff");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void OpenDocument(string path)
            if (Path.GetExtension(path) != ".pdf")

            _pdfImageConverter = new PdfImageConverter(path);
            _pdfDocumentModel  = PdfDocumentModel.Open(path);
            NumberOfPages      = _pdfDocumentModel.NumberOfPages;
            CurrentPageNumber  = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void SavePDF2Images(string strPDFPath)
            string            sourcePath   = strPDFPath;
            string            outputPath   = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\Output\\Images\\";
            PdfImageConverter pdfConverter = new PdfImageConverter(sourcePath);

            pdfConverter.DPI = 96;

            for (int i = 0; i < pdfConverter.PageCount - 1; i++)
                Image pageImage = pdfConverter.PageToImage(i, 300, 300);
                pageImage.Save(outputPath + "Page" + i + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async void Test1()
            var pdfFile    = @"C:\Users\visouza\Repos\DOU-OCR\data\pdf\D141.pdf";
            int pdfPages   = 48;
            var gs         = @"C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.23\bin\gswin64.exe";
            var tempFolder = @"C:\temp\dou";

            var pdfInput = File.OpenRead(pdfFile);

            PdfImageConverter imageConverter = new PdfImageConverter(gs, tempFolder, "102.4");

            Stream[] pdfPageImageList = null;

            //The array of streams will respect the page number-1, page 1 equal index 0;
            imageConverter.GenerateImage(pdfInput, ref pdfPageImageList);

            Assert.Equal(pdfPages, pdfPageImageList.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void ConvertPdfToImage()
            // Create a PDF converter instance by loading a local file
            PdfImageConverter pdfConverter = new PdfImageConverter("sample.pdf");

            // Set the dpi, the output image will be rendered in such resolution
            pdfConverter.DPI = 96;

            for (int i = 0; i < pdfConverter.PageCount; i++)
                // Convert each pdf page to jpeg image with original page size
                //Image pageImage = pdfConverter.PageToImage(i);
                // Convert pdf to jpg in customized image size
                Image pageImage = pdfConverter.PageToImage(i, 500, 800);

                // Save converted image to jpeg format
                pageImage.Save("Page " + i + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public List <Image> pdfToImage(string pdfFilePath, int dpi, float resModifier)
            // Create a PDF converter instance by loading a local file
            PdfImageConverter pdfConverter = new PdfImageConverter(pdfFilePath);

            // Set the dpi, the output image will be rendered in such resolution
            pdfConverter.DPI = dpi;

            // the output image will be rendered to grayscale image or not
            pdfConverter.GrayscaleOutput = true;

            // open and load the file
            using (PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(pdfFilePath, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import))
                List <Image> tempImagePdfPages = new List <Image>();

                // process and save pages one by one
                for (int i = 0; i < inputDocument.Pages.Count; i++)
                    PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage currentPage = inputDocument.Pages[i];

                    /*// Create instance of Ghostscript wrapper class.
                     * GS gs = new GS();*/

                    /*int widthPdfPage = Convert.ToInt32(currentPage.Width.Point);
                     * int heightPdfPage = Convert.ToInt32(currentPage.Height.Point);*/

                    int widthPdfPage  = Convert.ToInt32(currentPage.Width.Point * resModifier);
                    int heightPdfPage = Convert.ToInt32(currentPage.Height.Point * resModifier);

                    // Convert pdf to png in customized image size
                    Image image = pdfConverter.PageToImage(i, widthPdfPage, heightPdfPage);



Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void Run(string path)
            float zoom     = 3;
            var   pinkPen  = new Pen(Color.HotPink, zoom * 0.4f);
            var   greenPen = new Pen(Color.GreenYellow, zoom * 0.6f);
            var   bluePen  = new Pen(Color.Fuchsia, zoom * 2.0f);

            using (var converter = new PdfImageConverter(path))
                using (PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.Open(path))
                    for (var i = 0; i < document.NumberOfPages; i++)
                        var page = document.GetPage(i + 1);

                        using (var bitmap = converter.GetPage(i + 1, zoom))
                            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                                var imageHeight = bitmap.Height;

                                var words      = page.GetWords(NearestNeighbourWordExtractor.Instance);
                                var pageWordsH = words.Where(x => x.TextDirection == TextDirection.Horizontal || x.TextDirection == TextDirection.Rotate180).ToArray();
                                var blocks     = new RecursiveXYCutLocal(path, i + 1).GetBlocks(pageWordsH);

                                foreach (var block in blocks)
                                    var rect = new Rectangle(
                                        (int)(block.BoundingBox.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                        imageHeight - (int)(block.BoundingBox.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(block.BoundingBox.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(block.BoundingBox.Height * (decimal)zoom));

                                    graphics.DrawRectangle(bluePen, rect);

                                bitmap.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(path, (i + 1) + "_final.png"));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static List <string> ConvertPdf2Image(string readerDoc)
            PdfImageConverter imageConverter = new PdfImageConverter(gsPath, rawTempPath, "204.8");

            Stream[] pdfPageImageList = null;

            using (var pdfInput = File.OpenRead(readerDoc))
                    //The array of streams will respect the page number-1, page 1 equal index 0;
                    imageConverter.GenerateImage(pdfInput, ref pdfPageImageList);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Error generating pdf images {ex.Message}");

            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(readerDoc);

            return(ImageProcessing.UploadImages(pdfPageImageList, f.Name.Replace(".pdf", "")));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void Run([QueueTrigger("pdftoimage", Connection = "queuestorage")] string pdfFileUrl, TraceWriter log)
            var gs         = $@"{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME")}\site\wwwroot\gs\gswin64c.exe";
            var tempFolder = $@"{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME")}\site\wwwroot\temp";

            log.Info($"Downloading resource - {pdfFileUrl}");

            var pdfTempFile = string.Empty;

                pdfTempFile = DownloadTempPdf(pdfFileUrl, tempFolder);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error($"Error: {ex.Message}");
                log.Error($"Error: {ex.InnerException}");

            Stream[] pdfPageImageList = null;

            using (var pdfInput = File.OpenRead(pdfTempFile))
                log.Info("Generating Image stream array");
                PdfImageConverter imageConverter = new PdfImageConverter(gs, tempFolder, "204.8");

                    //The array of streams will respect the page number-1, page 1 equal index 0;
                    imageConverter.GenerateImage(pdfInput, ref pdfPageImageList);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    log.Error($"Error generating pdf images {ex.Message}");

            if (pdfPageImageList == null)
                log.Info($"No Pages was generated!");

                log.Info($"Uploading Images to final Storage Account");

                FileInfo info = new FileInfo(pdfTempFile);

                    UploadImages(pdfPageImageList, info.Name.ToUpper().Replace(".PDF", ""));
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    log.Error($"Error Uploading Images: {ex.Message}");

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error($"Error trying to delete the temp file {pdfTempFile}: {ex.Message}");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void Run(string path)
            // check shape, see http://www.aforgenet.com/articles/shape_checker/
            SimpleShapeChecker shapeChecker = new SimpleShapeChecker()

            float zoom     = 20;
            var   pinkPen  = new Pen(Color.HotPink, zoom * 0.4f);
            var   greenPen = new Pen(Color.GreenYellow, zoom * 0.7f);
            var   aquaPen  = new Pen(Color.Aqua, zoom * 0.7f);
            var   redPen   = new Pen(Color.Red, zoom * 0.4f);
            var   bluePen  = new Pen(Color.Blue, zoom * 0.4f);
            var   blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, zoom * 0.7f);

            using (var converter = new PdfImageConverter(path))
                using (PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.Open(path))
                    for (var i = 0; i < document.NumberOfPages; i++)
                        var page  = document.GetPage(i + 1);
                        var paths = page.ExperimentalAccess.Paths;

                        using (var bitmap = converter.GetPage(i + 1, zoom))
                            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                                var imageHeight = bitmap.Height;

                                foreach (var letter in page.Letters)
                                    var rect = new Rectangle(
                                        (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                        imageHeight - (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                    graphics.DrawRectangle(pinkPen, rect);

                                foreach (var p in paths)
                                    if (p == null)
                                    var commands = p.Commands;
                                    var points   = ToPoints(commands);

                                    //Scatterplot plot = new Scatterplot();
                                    //plot.Compute(points.Select(po => (double)po.X).ToArray(), points.Select(po => (double)po.Y).ToArray());

                                    var shape   = shapeChecker.CheckShapeType(points);
                                    var subType = shapeChecker.CheckPolygonSubType(points);

                                    var bboxF = GetBoundingRectangle(commands);
                                    if (bboxF.HasValue)
                                        var rect = new Rectangle(
                                            (int)(bboxF.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                            imageHeight - (int)(bboxF.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                            (int)(bboxF.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bboxF.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                            (int)(bboxF.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bboxF.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));

                                        var pen = shape == ShapeType.Quadrilateral ? greenPen : (shape == ShapeType.Circle ? aquaPen : blackPen);

                                        graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rect);

                                    foreach (var command in commands)
                                        if (command is PdfPath.Line line)
                                            var bbox = line.GetBoundingRectangle();
                                            if (bbox.HasValue)
                                                var rect = new Rectangle(
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                                graphics.DrawRectangle(bluePen, rect);
                                        else if (command is BezierCurve curve)
                                            var bbox = curve.GetBoundingRectangle();
                                            if (bbox.HasValue)
                                                var rect = new Rectangle(
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                                graphics.DrawRectangle(redPen, rect);
                                        else if (command is Close close)
                                            var bbox = close.GetBoundingRectangle();
                                            if (bbox.HasValue)
                                                var rect = new Rectangle(
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                                graphics.DrawRectangle(greenPen, rect);
                                        else if (command is Move move)
                                            var bbox = move.GetBoundingRectangle();
                                            if (bbox.HasValue)
                                                var rect = new Rectangle(
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                                    (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                                graphics.DrawRectangle(greenPen, rect);
                                            throw new NotImplementedException(command.GetType().ToString());

                                var rectsPaths = RecursiveXYCutPath.Instance.GetBlocks(paths, 0, 10, 10);
                                foreach (var rectPath in rectsPaths)
                                    var rect = new Rectangle(
                                        (int)(rectPath.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                        imageHeight - (int)(rectPath.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(rectPath.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(rectPath.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                    graphics.DrawRectangle(aquaPen, rect);

                                bitmap.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(path, (i + 1) + "_pathsTest.png"));
 public RecursiveXYCutLocal(string path, int page)
     converter = new PdfImageConverter(path);
     _path     = path;
     _page     = page;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void Run(string path)
            // check shape, see http://www.aforgenet.com/articles/shape_checker/
            SimpleShapeChecker shapeChecker = new SimpleShapeChecker()

            float zoom     = 20;
            var   pinkPen  = new Pen(Color.HotPink, zoom * 0.4f);
            var   greenPen = new Pen(Color.GreenYellow, zoom * 0.7f);
            var   aquaPen  = new Pen(Color.Aqua, zoom * 0.7f);
            var   redPen   = new Pen(Color.Red, zoom * 0.4f);
            var   bluePen  = new Pen(Color.Blue, zoom * 0.4f);
            var   blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, zoom * 0.7f);

            using (var converter = new PdfImageConverter(path))
                using (PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.Open(path))
                    for (var i = 0; i < document.NumberOfPages; i++)
                        var page       = document.GetPage(i + 1);
                        var paths      = page.ExperimentalAccess.Paths;
                        var geometries = paths.Select(p => new PdfGeometry(p)).ToList();

                        var verticals = geometries.Where(g => g.IsVerticalLine()).ToList();

                        var horizontals = geometries.Where(g => g.IsHorizontalLine()).ToList();

                        using (var bitmap = converter.GetPage(i + 1, zoom))
                            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                                var imageHeight = bitmap.Height;

                                foreach (var letter in page.Letters)
                                    var rect = new Rectangle(
                                        (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                        imageHeight - (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                    graphics.DrawRectangle(pinkPen, rect);

                                foreach (var p in paths)
                                    if (p == null)
                                    PdfGeometry geometry = new PdfGeometry(p);

                                    var isClosed    = geometry.IsClosed;
                                    var isClockwise = geometry.IsClockwise;

                                    var commands = p.Commands;
                                    var points   = ToOrderedPoints(commands);

                                    if (isClosed) //.SubGeometries.Count > 1)
                                        //Scatterplot scatterplot = new Scatterplot();
                                        //    points.Select(po => (double)po.X).Take(31).ToArray(),
                                        //    points.Select(po => (double)po.Y).Take(31).ToArray(),
                                        //    Enumerable.Range(0, points.Count).Take(31).ToArray());

                                        ScatterplotView view = new ScatterplotView();
                                        view.Dock         = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
                                        view.LinesVisible = true;
                                        view.Graph.GraphPane.Title.Text = isClockwise ? "CW" : "CCW";

                                        foreach (var command in commands)
                                            if (command is PdfPath.Line line)
                                                view.Graph.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Add(new ZedGraph.ArrowObj(
                                                                                          Color.Blue, 10.0f, (double)line.From.X, (double)line.From.Y,
                                                                                          (double)line.To.X, (double)line.To.Y));

                                                                              new[] { (double)line.From.X, (double)line.To.X },
                                                                              new[] { (double)line.From.Y, (double)line.To.Y },
                                            else if (command is BezierCurve curve)
                                                foreach (var lineB in BezierCurveToPaths(curve))
                                                    view.Graph.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Add(new ZedGraph.ArrowObj(
                                                                                              Color.Blue, 10.0f, (double)lineB.From.X, (double)lineB.From.Y,
                                                                                              (double)lineB.To.X, (double)lineB.To.Y));

                                                                                  new[] { (double)lineB.From.X, (double)lineB.To.X },
                                                                                  new[] { (double)lineB.From.Y, (double)lineB.To.Y },

                                        //    points.Select(po => (double)po.X).ToArray(),
                                        //    points.Select(po => (double)po.Y).ToArray(),
                                        //    Color.Blue,
                                        //    ZedGraph.SymbolType.Circle);
                                        var f1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Form();
                                        f1.Width  = 1000;
                                        f1.Height = 1000;

                                    var shape   = shapeChecker.CheckShapeType(points);
                                    var subType = shapeChecker.CheckPolygonSubType(points);

                                    var bboxF = GetBoundingRectangle(commands);
                                    if (bboxF.HasValue)
                                        var rect = new Rectangle(
                                            (int)(bboxF.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                            imageHeight - (int)(bboxF.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                            (int)(bboxF.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bboxF.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                            (int)(bboxF.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bboxF.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));

                                        graphics.DrawRectangle(greenPen, rect);

                                    /*foreach (var command in commands)
                                     * {
                                     *  if (command is PdfPath.Line line)
                                     *  {
                                     *      var bbox = line.GetBoundingRectangle();
                                     *      if (bbox.HasValue)
                                     *      {
                                     *          var rect = new Rectangle(
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                     *          graphics.DrawRectangle(bluePen, rect);
                                     *      }
                                     *  }
                                     *  else if (command is BezierCurve curve)
                                     *  {
                                     *      var bbox = curve.GetBoundingRectangle();
                                     *      if (bbox.HasValue)
                                     *      {
                                     *          var rect = new Rectangle(
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                     *          graphics.DrawRectangle(redPen, rect);
                                     *      }
                                     *  }
                                     *  else if (command is Close close)
                                     *  {
                                     *      var bbox = close.GetBoundingRectangle();
                                     *      if (bbox.HasValue)
                                     *      {
                                     *          var rect = new Rectangle(
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                     *          graphics.DrawRectangle(greenPen, rect);
                                     *      }
                                     *  }
                                     *  else if (command is Move move)
                                     *  {
                                     *      var bbox = move.GetBoundingRectangle();
                                     *      if (bbox.HasValue)
                                     *      {
                                     *          var rect = new Rectangle(
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                     *              (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                     *          graphics.DrawRectangle(greenPen, rect);
                                     *      }
                                     *  }
                                     *  else
                                     *  {
                                     *      throw new NotImplementedException(command.GetType().ToString());
                                     *  }
                                     * }*/

                                var rectsPaths = RecursiveXYCutPath.Instance.GetBlocks(paths, 0, 10, 10);
                                foreach (var rectPath in rectsPaths)
                                    var rect = new Rectangle(
                                        (int)(rectPath.Left * (decimal)zoom),
                                        imageHeight - (int)(rectPath.Top * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(rectPath.Width * (decimal)zoom),
                                        (int)(rectPath.Height * (decimal)zoom));
                                    graphics.DrawRectangle(aquaPen, rect);

                                bitmap.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(path, (i + 1) + "_pathsTest.png"));