Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Footer
 public void CreateFooter(PdfFile file, Document doc, PdfWriter writer)
     file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Signature de directeur", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 265, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 - 285, true, false);
     file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Signature de L'econome", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 + 35, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 - 285, true, false);
     file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Signature du responsable de materiel", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 265, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 - 350, true, false);
     file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Signature de la majore du service", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 + 35, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 - 350, true, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Mail Management
        // Header
        public void BRDHeader(PdfFile file, Document doc, PdfWriter writer, Departure Departure)
            file.CreateParagraph(doc, "ROYAUM DU MAROC\nMINISTERE DE LA SANTE\nnDELEGATION TANGER ASSILAH\nHOPITAL MOHAMED VI", false, false, false);
            file.AddImage(doc, 50f, 100f, 10f, doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 15, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 320, Resources.MarocHeaderresx.Maroc, ImageFormat.Bmp);

            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "LE MEDECIN DIRECTEUR DE L'HOPITAL", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 85, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 250, false, true);
            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "MOHAMMED VI", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 15, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 230, false, true);
            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Tanger", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 + 5, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 210, false, true);

            file.CreateText(doc, writer, Departure.Configuration.Adress.ToString(), doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 2, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 170, false, true);
            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "BORDERAU D'ENVOI", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 35, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 130, true, false);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Material Management
        // Header
        public void CreateHeader(PdfFile file, Document doc, PdfWriter writer, Service service)
            file.CreateParagraph(doc, "Royaume du Maroc\nMinistère de la sante\nDélégation Tanger-assilah\nHôpital Mohammed VI", false, false, false);
            file.AddImage(doc, 50f, 100f, 10f, doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 15, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 320, Resources.MarocHeaderresx.Maroc, ImageFormat.Bmp);
            file.AddImage(doc, 50f, 100f, 22f, doc.PageSize.Width - 36f - 72f, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 320, Resources.SanteHeader.Sante, ImageFormat.Bmp);

            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Inventaire de Materiels de Service : " + service.Name.French, doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 85, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 250, false, true);
        public string CreatePDF()
            // Create PDF Document with ItextSharp
            //string appRootDir = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory).FullName;
            //string path = appRootDir + "/PDFs/" + "OrdreMission.pdf";
                // Step 1: Creating System.IO.FileStream object
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("MaterialsList_" + Location.Name + ".pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    // Step 2: Creating iTextSharp.text.Document object
                    using (Document doc = new Document())
                        // Step 3: Creating iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter object
                        // It helps to write the Document to the Specified FileStream
                        using (PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, fs))
                            // Step 4: Openning the Document

                            // Step 5: Adding a paragraph
                            // NOTE: When we want to insert text, then we've to do it through creating paragraph
                            //doc.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World :"));

                            PdfFile file = new PdfFile();
                            // Document Header
                            file.CreateParagraph(doc, "Royaume du Maroc\nMinistère de la sante\nDélégation Tanger-assilah\nHôpital Mohammed VI", false, false, false);
                            file.AddImage(doc, 50f, 100f, 10f, doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 15, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 320, Resources.MarocHeaderresx.Maroc, ImageFormat.Bmp);
                            file.AddImage(doc, 50f, 100f, 22f, doc.PageSize.Width - 36f - 72f, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 320, Resources.SanteHeader.Sante, ImageFormat.Bmp);

                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Inventaire de Materiels de Service : " + Location.Name.French, doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 85, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 + 250, false, true);

                            List <String> HeaderText = new List <string>();
                            PdfPTable table = file.CreateHeaderTable(doc, HeaderText);

                            // List<Material> MaterialsList = new  MaterialBLO(db).GetMaterialsBylocation(Location);

                            //foreach (var item in MaterialsList)

                            //    // Designation
                            //    PdfPCell DesignationCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(item.Designation.French));
                            //    DesignationCell.MinimumHeight = 32f;
                            //    table.AddCell(DesignationCell);

                            //    // Inventory Number
                            //    PdfPCell InventoryNumberCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(item.InventoryNumber));
                            //    InventoryNumberCell.MinimumHeight = 32f;
                            //    table.AddCell(InventoryNumberCell);

                            //    // Dimension
                            //    PdfPCell DimensionCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(item.Dimension.ToString()));
                            //    DimensionCell.MinimumHeight = 32f;
                            //    table.AddCell(DimensionCell);

                            //    // Observation
                            //    PdfPCell ObservationCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(item.Observation.French));
                            //    ObservationCell.MinimumHeight = 32f;
                            //    table.AddCell(ObservationCell);

                            //    //NBRE
                            //    PdfPCell NBRECell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(item.NBRE.ToString()));
                            //    NBRECell.MinimumHeight = 32f;
                            //    table.AddCell(NBRECell);

                            foreach (var item in db.Materials)
                                List <MaterialInOut> MaterialInOutList = new MaterialInOutBLO(db).GetMIOByMaterial(item);
                                if (MaterialInOutList.Count > 0)
                                    MaterialInOut MIO = MaterialInOutList[0];
                                    if (MIO.Location.Id == Convert.ToInt32(Location.Id))
                                        // Designation
                                        PdfPCell DesignationCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(MIO.Material.Designation.French));
                                        DesignationCell.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                        // Inventory Number
                                        PdfPCell InventoryNumberCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(MIO.Material.InventoryNumber));
                                        InventoryNumberCell.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                        // Dimension
                                        PdfPCell DimensionCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(MIO.Material.Dimension.ToString()));
                                        DimensionCell.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                        // Observation
                                        PdfPCell ObservationCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(MIO.Material.Observation.French));
                                        ObservationCell.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                        PdfPCell NBRECell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(MIO.Material.NBRE.ToString()));
                                        NBRECell.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                            PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
                            table.TotalWidth = 500f;
                            table.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, 50, 665, cb);

                            // Step 6: Closing the Document
            // Catching iTextSharp.text.DocumentException if any
            catch (DocumentException de)
                throw de;
            // Catching System.IO.IOException if any
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw ioe;

            return("MaterialsList_" + Location.Name + ".pdf");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 // Footer
 public void BRDFooter(PdfFile file, Document doc, PdfWriter writer)
     file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Le Directeur de l'Hopital", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 + 35, doc.PageSize.Height / 2 - 350, true, false);
        public string CreatePDF()
            // Create PDF Document with ItextSharp
            //string appRootDir = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory).FullName;
            //string path = appRootDir + "/PDFs/" + "OrdreMission.pdf";
                // Step 1: Creating System.IO.FileStream object
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("OrdreMission.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    // Step 2: Creating iTextSharp.text.Document object
                    using (Document doc = new Document())
                        // Step 3: Creating iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter object
                        // It helps to write the Document to the Specified FileStream
                        using (PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, fs))
                            // Step 4: Openning the Document

                            // Step 5: Adding a paragraph
                            // NOTE: When we want to insert text, then we've to do it through creating paragraph
                            //doc.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World :"));
                            PdfFile file = new PdfFile();
                            // Add Image Header
                            file.AddImage(doc, 650f, 100f, 30f, doc.PageSize.Width - 400f, doc.PageSize.Height - 65f);
                            // Ordre , Date
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, Ordre, doc.PageSize.Width - 250f, doc.PageSize.Height - 100f, false, true);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Date : " + Date.ToShortDateString(), doc.PageSize.Width - 250f, doc.PageSize.Height - 120f, false, true);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Ordre de Mission", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 45f, doc.PageSize.Height - 160f, true, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, Region, doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 80f, doc.PageSize.Height - 180f, false, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "-" + City + "-", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 20f, doc.PageSize.Height - 200f, false, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "DESIGNE", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 24f, doc.PageSize.Height - 218f, false, true);


                            // First :
                            //int YPos = 620;
                            //int k = 15;
                            //List<Object> Cell1 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell1.Add("Matricule : " + Matricule);
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell1, 50, YPos);

                            //List<Object> Cell2 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell2.Add("Categorie : " + Category);
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell2, 50, YPos - (k ));

                            //List<Object> Cell3 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell3.Add("Affectation : " + Affectation);
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell3, 50, YPos - (k * 2));//2

                            //List<Object> Cell4 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell4.Add("De se rendre à : " + Place);
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell4, 50, YPos - (k * 3));

                            //List<Object> Cell5 = new List<object>();
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell5, 50, YPos - (k * 4));

                            //List<Object> Cell6 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell6.Add("Date de Depart : " + DepartureDate);
                            //Cell6.Add("Heure : " + DepartureHour);
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell6, 50, YPos - (k * 5));

                            //List<Object> Cell7 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell7.Add("Date de Retour : " + ReturnDate);
                            //Cell7.Add("Heure  " + ReturnHour);
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell7, 50, YPos - (k * 6));

                            //List<Object> Cell8 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell8.Add("L'intéressé (e) utilisera : ");
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell8, 50, YPos - (k * 7));

                            ////////List<Object> Cell9 = new List<object>();
                            ////////Cell9.Add("\t\t\tTransport Public");
                            ////////Cell9.Add("\t\t\tVoiture de Mission\n\nMarque : \nN° de plaque : ");
                            ////////Cell9.Add("\t\t\tVoiture Personnelle\n\nMarque : \nPuissance Fiscale : \nN° de plaque : ");
                            ////////file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell9, 50, YPos - (k * 8));
                            //List<Object> Cell9 = new List<object>();
                            //if (TransportType == "PublicTransport")
                            //    Cell9.Add("X)\n\nTransport Public");
                            //    Cell9.Add("..)\n\nVoiture de Mission\n\nMarque : \nN° de plaque : ");
                            //    Cell9.Add("..)\n\nVoiture Personnelle\n\nMarque : \nPuissance Fiscale : \nN° de plaque : ");
                            //    file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell9, 50, YPos - (k * 8));
                            //if (TransportType == "MissionCar")
                            //    Cell9.Add("..)\n\nTransport Public");
                            //    Cell9.Add("X)\n\nVoiture de Mission\n\nMarque : " + MissionCarmark + "\nN° de plaque : " + MissionCarPlatNumber);
                            //    Cell9.Add("..)\n\nVoiture Personnelle\n\nMarque : \nPuissance Fiscale : \nN° de plaque : ");
                            //    file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell9, 50, YPos - (k * 8));
                            //if (TransportType == "PersonalCar")
                            //    Cell9.Add("..)\n\nTransport Public");
                            //    Cell9.Add("..)\n\nVoiture Personnelle\n\nMarque : \nPuissance Fiscale : \nN° de plaque : ");
                            //    Cell9.Add("X)\n\nVoiture Personnelle\n\nMarque : " + PersonalCarmark + "\nPuissance Fiscale : " + PersonalCarPlatNumber + "\nN° de plaque : ");
                            //    file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell9, 50, YPos - (k * 8));

                            ////Table Footer
                            //List<Object> Cell10 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell10.Add("Le Directeur d'Ismontic Tanger : \n\n" + FirstPersonne);
                            //Cell10.Add(Region + "\n\n" + SecondePersonne);
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell10, 50, YPos - (k * 16));

                            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3);
                            // Row 1 ( Mensieur , Matricule )
                            PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(Mensieur))
                                Colspan = 2
                            cell.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            PdfPCell cell2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Matricule : " + Matricule));
                            cell2.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            // Row 2 (Categorie)
                            PdfPCell cell3 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Categorie : " + Category))
                                Colspan = 3
                            cell3.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            //Row 3 (Affectation)
                            PdfPCell cell4 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Affectation : " + Affectation, new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)))
                                Colspan = 3
                            cell3.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            //Row 4 (Theme)
                            PdfPCell cell5 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Theme  : " + Theme))
                                Colspan = 3
                            cell5.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            //Row 5 (Departure Date , Departure Hour)
                            PdfPCell cell6 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Date de Depart : " + DepartureDate))
                                Colspan = 2
                            cell6.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            PdfPCell cell7 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Heure : " + DepartureHour));
                            cell7.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            // Row 6 (Return Date , return hour)
                            PdfPCell cell8 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Date de retour : " + ReturnDate))
                                Colspan = 2
                            cell8.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            PdfPCell cell9 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Heure : " + ReturnHour));
                            cell9.MinimumHeight = 30f;

                            // Row 7 (Message !)
                            PdfPCell cell10 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("L'intéressé (e) Utilisera : "))
                                Colspan = 3
                            cell10.MinimumHeight       = 30f;
                            cell10.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                            cell10.VerticalAlignment   = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                            //Row 8 (Transport Type)
                            if (TransportType == "PublicTransport")
                                PdfPCell cell11 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("X)\n\nTransport Public", new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)));
                                cell11.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                PdfPCell cell12 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("..)\n\nVoiture de Mission\n\nMarque : \nN° de plaque : "));
                                cell12.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                PdfPCell cell13 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("..)\n\nVoiture Personnelle\n\nMarque : \nPuissance Fiscale : \nN° de plaque : "));
                                cell13.MinimumHeight = 32f;
                            if (TransportType == "MissionCar")
                                PdfPCell cell11 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("..)\n\nTransport Public"));
                                cell11.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                PdfPCell cell12 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("X)\n\nVoiture de Mission\n\nMarque : " + MissionCarmark + " \nN° de plaque : " + MissionCarPlatNumber, new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)));
                                cell12.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                PdfPCell cell13 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("..)\n\nVoiture Personnelle\n\nMarque : \nPuissance Fiscale : \nN° de plaque : "));
                                cell13.MinimumHeight = 32f;
                            if (TransportType == "PersonalCar")
                                PdfPCell cell11 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("..)\n\nTransport Public"));
                                cell11.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                PdfPCell cell12 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("..)\n\nVoiture de Mission\n\nMarque : \nN° de plaque : "));
                                cell12.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                                PdfPCell cell13 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("X)\n\nVoiture Personnelle\n\nMarque : " + PersonalCarmark + "\nPuissance Fiscale : " + PersonalCarFiscalPower + "\nN° de plaque : " + PersonalCarPlatNumber, new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)));
                                cell13.MinimumHeight = 32f;

                            //PdfPCell cell14 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Le Directeur d'Ismontic Tanger : " + FirstPersonne)) { Colspan = 3 };
                            //cell14.MinimumHeight = 50f;
                            PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
                            table.TotalWidth = 500f;
                            table.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, 50, 600, cb);
                            //Table Footer
                            //List<Object> Cell10 = new List<object>();
                            //Cell10.Add("Le Directeur d'Ismontic Tanger : \n\n" + FirstPersonne);
                            //Cell10.Add(Region + "\n\n" + SecondePersonne);
                            //file.AddTableCells(writer, Cell10, 50, 620 - (15 * 25));
                            PdfPTable table2 = new PdfPTable(2);
                            PdfPCell  c1     = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Le Directeur d'Ismontic Tanger : \n\n" + FirstPersonne, new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, BaseColor.BLACK)));

                            c1.MinimumHeight       = 50f;
                            c1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                            c1.VerticalAlignment   = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                            PdfPCell c2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(Region + " :\n\n" + SecondePersonne, new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, BaseColor.BLACK)));
                            c2.MinimumHeight       = 50f;
                            c2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                            c2.VerticalAlignment   = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                            PdfContentByte cb2 = writer.DirectContent;
                            table2.TotalWidth = 500f;
                            table2.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, 50, 620 - (15 * 25), cb2);

                            // Create Footer
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Direction Régionale", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 210, 620 - (15 * 35), true, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Nord-Ouest II", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 210, 620 - (15 * 36), true, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "ISMONTIC", doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - 210, 620 - (15 * 37), true, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Institut Spécialisé dans les Métieres d'offshoring  ", doc.PageSize.Width / 2, 620 - (15 * 35), true, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "et les Nouvelles Technologies", doc.PageSize.Width / 2, 620 - (15 * 36), true, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, " de l'Information", doc.PageSize.Width / 2, 620 - (15 * 37), true, false);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Km 06,Route Principale de Rabat 90000 -Tanger-", doc.PageSize.Width / 2, 620 - (15 * 38), false, true);
                            file.CreateText(doc, writer, "Tél : 0539 38 08 71   Email : [email protected]", doc.PageSize.Width / 2, 620 - (15 * 39), false, true);
                            // Step 6: Closing the Document
            // Catching iTextSharp.text.DocumentException if any
            catch (DocumentException de)
                throw de;
            // Catching System.IO.IOException if any
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw ioe;
