Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected void Dispatch(IDocumentItem documentItem, PdfDocumentWriter writer, Context context)
     if (!documentItem.Hidden)
         this.GetType().GetMethod("Handle" + documentItem.GetType().Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(this, new object[] { documentItem, writer, context });
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Run(string outputfilename, PdfPageFormat pageFormat)
            // Prepare document options:
            var options = new PdfDocumentOptions();

            options.Author     = "Arebis";
            options.Title      = "PDF Raster";
            options.Subject    = "Demonstrate Arebis.Pdf generation library.";
            options.TextFilter = new Arebis.Pdf.Common.PdfDeflateStreamFilter();
            //options.TextFilter = new Arebis.Pdf.Common.PdfASCIIHexDecodeFilter();

            // Content options:
            var graphicsOptions = new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.1, PdfColor.Black, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Small);
            var textOptions     = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.Helvetica, 8, PdfColor.Black);

            // Make stream and writer objects:
            using (var stream = new FileStream(outputfilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                using (var writer = new PdfDocumentWriter(stream, options))
                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(pageFormat))
                        for (int x = 20; x < page.Width; x += 20)
                            page.DrawLine(x, 0, x, page.Height, graphicsOptions);
                            page.DrawText(x + 1, 101, x.ToString(), textOptions);

                        for (int y = 20; y < page.Height; y += 20)
                            page.DrawLine(0, y, page.Width, y, graphicsOptions);
                            page.DrawText(101, y - 8, y.ToString(), textOptions);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Run(string outputfilename)
            // Prepare document options:
            var options = new PdfDocumentOptions();

            options.Author     = "Arebis";
            options.Title      = "PDF Raster";
            options.Subject    = "Demonstrate Arebis.Pdf generation library.";
            options.TextFilter = new Arebis.Pdf.Common.PdfDeflateStreamFilter();

            var sizes = new int[] { 48, 36, 32, 28, 24, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 };

            // Make stream and writer objects:
            using (var stream = new FileStream(outputfilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                using (var writer = new PdfDocumentWriter(stream, options))
                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        var cursor = page.Height - sizes[0] - 0;
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.Courier, "Courier");
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.CourierBold, "CourierBold");

                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        var cursor = page.Height - sizes[0] - 0;
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.CourierItalic, "CourierItalic");
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.CourierBoldItalic, "CourierBoldItalic");

                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        var cursor = page.Height - sizes[0] - 0;
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.Helvetica, "Helvetica");
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold, "HelveticaBold");

                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        var cursor = page.Height - sizes[0] - 0;
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaItalic, "HelveticaItalic");
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBoldItalic, "HelveticaBoldItalic");

                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        var cursor = page.Height - sizes[0] - 0;
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRoman, "TimesRoman");
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanBold, "TimesRomanBold");

                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        var cursor = page.Height - sizes[0] - 0;
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanItalic, "TimesRomanItalic");
                        cursor = WriteSampleLines(sizes, page, cursor, PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanBoldItalic, "TimesRomanBoldItalic");
 internal void                WriteObj(PdfDocumentWriter document, PdfWriterReference reference, PdfValue obj)
     obj.pdfWriteToDocument(document, this);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected void HandleScriptObject(ScriptObject item, PdfDocumentWriter writer, Context context)
     if (!this.referables.ContainsKey(item.Id))
         var so = new PdfScriptObject();
         var pdfRef = writer.WriteObject(so);
         SetReferenceObject(item.Id, pdfRef);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void HandleTextOptions(TextOptions item, PdfDocumentWriter writer, Context context)
            PdfTextOptions to;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.TemplateRef))
                to = new PdfTextOptions((PdfTextOptions)GetReferenceObject(item.TemplateRef));
                to = new PdfTextOptions();

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.FontRef))
                to.Font = (PdfPredefinedFont)typeof(PdfPredefinedFont).GetField(item.FontRef).GetValue(null);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.FontSize))
                to.FontSize = this.GetValue(item.FontSize, 100);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.InkColor))
                to.InkColor = GetColor(item.InkColor);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.LineCapStyle))
                to.LineCapStyle = (PdfLineCapStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfLineCapStyle), item.LineCapStyle);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.LineDashPattern))
                to.LineDashPattern = (PdfLineDashPattern)typeof(PdfLineDashPattern).GetField(item.LineDashPattern).GetValue(null);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.OutlineColor))
                to.OutlineColor = GetColor(item.OutlineColor);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.OutlineWidth))
                to.OutlineWidth = GetValue(item.OutlineWidth, 100);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.RenderingMode))
                to.RenderingMode = (PdfTextRenderingMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfTextRenderingMode), item.RenderingMode);

            SetReferenceObject(item.Id, to);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public static void Main()
        DocumentWriter documentWriter = new PdfDocumentWriter();


        // Re-use the same variable.
        // CreateDocumentwill still call the correct version of CreatePage.
        documentWriter = new HtmlDocumentWriter();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected void HandleImageObject(ImageObject item, PdfDocumentWriter writer, Context context)
            item.Id = item.Id ?? item.FileName ?? item.Url;

            if (!this.referables.ContainsKey(item.Id))
                var img    = LoadImage(item.FileName, item.Url);
                var pdfRef = writer.AddImage(img);
                SetReferenceObject(item.Id, pdfRef);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public IActionResult PrintArabicLetter(int code)
                var pdfFolder = string.Empty;
                if (_hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
                    pdfFolder = _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath;
                    var homePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Home");
                    _logger.LogCritical("Home path is: " + homePath);
                    pdfFolder = Path.Combine(homePath, "data", "PdfLetters");
                    _logger.LogCritical("Pdf Folder path is: " + pdfFolder);

                var webRoot = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;

                string src = Path.Combine(webRoot, "waqfletter", "LetterHead.pdf");

                string dest     = string.Empty;
                string fileName = "test.pdf";
                if (_hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
                    dest = Path.Combine(pdfFolder, "PdfLetters", fileName);
                    dest = Path.Combine(pdfFolder, fileName);
                    _logger.LogCritical("Pdf Folder Path: " + pdfFolder);

                var    regularFont = Path.Combine(webRoot, "fonts", "trado.TTF");
                var    boldFont    = Path.Combine(webRoot, "fonts", "tradbdo.TTF");
                string title       = Constants.IDENTITFICATION_TITLE;
                string body        = Constants.IDENTIFICATION_BODY_TEXT;

                PdfDocumentWriter pdfDocument = new PdfDocumentWriter();
                string            resultPath  = pdfDocument.WriteArabicIdentification(title, body, src, dest, regularFont, boldFont);
                var stream = new FileStream(resultPath, FileMode.Open);

                return(new FileStreamResult(stream, "application/pdf"));

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected void HandlePage(Page item, PdfDocumentWriter writer, Context context)
            var format = PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Format))
                format = (PdfPageFormat)typeof(PdfPageFormat).GetField(item.Format).GetValue(null);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Width) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Height))
                format = new PdfPageFormat(GetValue(item.Width, format.Width), GetValue(item.Height, format.Height));

            var pageWriter = writer.NewPage(format);

            context                    = new Context(context);
            context.Coordinates        = GetCoordinates(pageWriter);
            context.GraphicsOptionsRef = item.GraphicsOptionsRef ?? context.GraphicsOptionsRef;
            context.TextOptionsRef     = item.TextOptionsRef ?? context.TextOptionsRef;

            if (item.CoordinateSpace != null)
                context.Coordinates = new Coordinates(context.Coordinates.Physical, 0.0, 0.0, item.CoordinateSpace.Width, item.CoordinateSpace.Height);

                // Call OnPageBegin callback:
                if (OnPageBegin != null)
                    OnPageBegin(pageWriter, item);

                // Dispatch page items:
                foreach (var pageItem in item.Items)
                    this.Dispatch(pageItem, pageWriter, context);

                // Call OnPageEnd callback:
                if (OnPageEnd != null)
                    OnPageEnd(pageWriter, item);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal void                pdfWriteResources(PdfDocumentWriter document, PdfStreamWriter writer)
            bool[] entryWriten = new bool[Count];

            for (;;)
                string CurrentClass = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < base.Count; ++i)
                    if (!entryWriten[i])
                        PdfResourceEntry Entry = base[i];

                        if (CurrentClass == null)
                            CurrentClass = Entry.Class;

                        if (Entry.Class == CurrentClass)

                            if (Entry.Resource is PdfObject)
                                writer.WriteReference(document, (PdfObject)Entry.Resource);
                                Entry.Resource.pdfWriteToDocument(document, writer);

                            entryWriten[i] = true;

                if (CurrentClass == null)

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void Run(string filename)
            // Create a TextOptions object:
            var to = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.Helvetica, 12.0, PdfColor.Blue);

            // Write the document:
            using (var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                using (var writer = new PdfDocumentWriter(stream))
                    // Write a page:
                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        // Draw text on the page (with given TextOptions):
                        page.DrawText(40, 800, "Hello World !", to);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected void HandleGraphicsOptions(GraphicsOptions item, PdfDocumentWriter writer, Context context)
            PdfGraphicsOptions go;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.TemplateRef))
                go = new PdfGraphicsOptions((PdfGraphicsOptions)GetReferenceObject(item.TemplateRef));
                go = new PdfGraphicsOptions();

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.LineCapStyle))
                go.LineCapstyle = (PdfLineCapStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfLineCapStyle), item.LineCapStyle);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.LineDashPattern))
                go.LineDashPattern = (PdfLineDashPattern)typeof(PdfLineDashPattern).GetField(item.LineDashPattern).GetValue(null);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.LineJoinStyle))
                go.LineJoinStyle = (PdfLineJoinStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfLineJoinStyle), item.LineJoinStyle);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.StrokeColor))
                go.StrokeColor = GetColor(item.StrokeColor);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.StrokeWidth))
                go.StrokeWidth = Double.Parse(item.StrokeWidth ?? "1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.FillColor))
                go.FillColor = GetColor(item.FillColor);

            SetReferenceObject(item.Id, go);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a TextOptions object:
            var to = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.Helvetica, 12.0, PdfColor.Blue);

            // Write the document:
            using (var stream = new FileStream(@"MyNewPDF.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                using (var writer = new PdfDocumentWriter(stream))
                    // Write a page:
                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        /// Read text file
                        string text = File.ReadAllText(@"c:\temp\file.txt", Encoding.UTF8);

                        // Draw text on the page (with given TextOptions):
                        page.DrawText(40, 800, text, to);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a PDF document based on the given document object to the given stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void Write(Document document, System.IO.Stream stream)
            var options = new PdfDocumentOptions();

            options.Title      = document.Title;
            options.Subject    = document.Subject;
            options.Keywords   = document.Keywords;
            options.Author     = document.Author;
            options.TextFilter = new Arebis.Pdf.Common.PdfDeflateStreamFilter();

            var context = new Context();

            context.GraphicsOptionsRef = document.GraphicsOptionsRef;
            context.TextOptionsRef     = document.TextOptionsRef;

            using (var docwriter = new PdfDocumentWriter(stream, options))
                // Call OnDocumentBegin callback:
                if (OnDocumentBegin != null)
                    OnDocumentBegin(docwriter, document);

                // Dispatch all child elements:
                foreach (var childItem in document.Items)
                    this.Dispatch(childItem, docwriter, context);

                // Call OnDocumentEnd callback:
                if (OnDocumentEnd != null)
                    OnDocumentEnd(docwriter, document);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 internal PdfObject(PdfDocumentWriter documentWriter)
     this.DocumentWriter = documentWriter;
     this.Data           = new Dictionary <string, object>();
 internal void                WriteReference(PdfDocumentWriter document, PdfValue value)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public static void Main()
        var documentWriter = new PdfDocumentWriter();

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static void Run(string outputfilename)
            // Prepare document options:
            var options = new PdfDocumentOptions();

            options.Author     = "Arebis";
            options.Title      = "PDF Generation Sample";
            options.Subject    = "Demonstrate Arebis.Pdf generation library.";
            options.TextFilter = new Arebis.Pdf.Common.PdfDeflateStreamFilter();
            //options.TextFilter = new Arebis.Pdf.Common.PdfASCIIHexDecodeFilter();

            // Make stream and writer objects:
            using (var stream = new FileStream(outputfilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                using (var writer = new PdfDocumentWriter(stream, options))
                    // Load an image to place on all pages:
                    var logo    = Properties.Resources.ArebisLogo160;
                    var logoref = writer.AddImage(logo);

                    // Create a page header object:
                    var header = new PdfScriptObject();
                    header.BeginText(50, 810, PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanItalic, 10.0);
                    header.DrawText("Arebis.Pdf Library - Sample 1");
                    header.DrawImageByRef(465, 25, 100, 100 * logo.Height / logo.Width, logoref);
                    header.BeginPath(50, 808);
                    header.DrawLineA(50, 808, 0, 500);
                    header.EndPath(true, true, false);
                    var headerref = writer.WriteObject(header);

                    // Add a page with text:
                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        // Write header:

                        // Text options template:
                        var h1 = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold, 36);
                        var p  = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRoman, 12);

                        // Write title:
                        page.DrawText(50, 760, "Sample 1 : Fully coded", h1);

                        // Draw box (box has no function, just to show) and write text splitted to fit:
                        page.DrawRectangle(45, 255, 510, 480, new PdfGraphicsOptions(0, PdfColor.Gray));
                        page.DrawTextblock(50, 720, Properties.Resources.LoremIpsum, 500, p);

                    // Add a page with font effects:
                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        var text1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
                        var text2 = "Åxèl Dößeçais won € 25.95";

                        // Write header:

                        // Text options template:
                        var to1 = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold, 23.3, PdfColor.Blue, PdfTextRenderingMode.Fill, PdfColor.LightBlue, 1.6);
                        var to2 = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold, 14.0);
                        var to3 = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaItalic, 8, PdfColor.Gray);

                        // Draw text with different effects:
                        page.DrawText(50, 760, text1, to1);
                        page.DrawText(50, 720, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1)
                            InkColor = PdfColor.Red
                        page.DrawText(50, 680, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1)
                            RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.FillAndStroke
                        page.DrawText(50, 640, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1)
                            RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke
                        page.DrawText(50, 600, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1)
                            RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.Medium
                        page.DrawText(50, 560, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1)
                            RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, OutlineWidth = 0.1, OutlineColor = PdfColor.Red

                        // Draw with different fonts:
                        page.DrawText(50, 600 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.Courier
                        page.DrawText(50, 585 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.CourierItalic
                        page.DrawText(50, 570 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.CourierBold
                        page.DrawText(50, 555 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.CourierBoldItalic
                        page.DrawText(50, 525 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.Helvetica
                        page.DrawText(50, 510 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaItalic
                        page.DrawText(50, 495 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold
                        page.DrawText(50, 480 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBoldItalic
                        page.DrawText(50, 450 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRoman
                        page.DrawText(50, 435 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanItalic
                        page.DrawText(50, 420 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanBold
                        page.DrawText(50, 405 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            Font = PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanBoldItalic

                        // Draw rotated text:
                        page.DrawText(65, 50, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            InkColor = PdfColor.DarkOliveGreen
                        page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            InkColor = new PdfColor(200, 200, 200)
                        page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            InkColor = new PdfColor(150, 150, 150)
                        }, 22.0);
                        page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            InkColor = new PdfColor(100, 100, 100)
                        }, 45.0);
                        page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            InkColor = new PdfColor(50, 50, 50)
                        }, 67.0);
                        page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2)
                            InkColor = new PdfColor(0, 0, 0)
                        }, 90.0);

                        // Draw big 'A' with different LineCapStyles:
                        page.DrawText(240, 170, "A", new PdfTextOptions(to1)
                            FontSize = 144.0, RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, OutlineWidth = 8, OutlineColor = PdfColor.Red, LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.XLarge, LineCapStyle = PdfLineCapStyle.Butt
                        page.DrawText(340, 170, "A", new PdfTextOptions(to1)
                            FontSize = 144.0, RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, OutlineWidth = 8, OutlineColor = PdfColor.Green, LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.XLarge, LineCapStyle = PdfLineCapStyle.Round
                        page.DrawText(440, 170, "A", new PdfTextOptions(to1)
                            FontSize = 144.0, RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, OutlineWidth = 8, OutlineColor = PdfColor.Blue, LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.XLarge, LineCapStyle = PdfLineCapStyle.Square
                        // Legend:
                        page.DrawText(240, 155, "LineCapStyle.Butt", new PdfTextOptions(to3)
                            InkColor = PdfColor.Red
                        page.DrawText(340, 155, "LineCapStyle.Round", new PdfTextOptions(to3)
                            InkColor = PdfColor.Green
                        page.DrawText(440, 155, "LineCapStyle.Square", new PdfTextOptions(to3)
                            InkColor = PdfColor.Blue

                    // Add a page with drawings:
                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        // Write header:

                        // Graphical options template:
                        var helpline = new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.0, PdfColor.Gray, PdfColor.White, PdfLineDashPattern.Small);
                        var got1     = new PdfGraphicsOptions(2.0, PdfColor.Black, PdfColor.White, PdfLineDashPattern.Solid);

                        // Draw rectangles:
                        var got2 = new PdfGraphicsOptions(got1)
                            LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.Medium, FillColor = PdfColor.Yellow
                        page.DrawRectangle(50, 700, 240, 80, got1);
                        page.DrawRoundedRectangle(50 + 10, 700 + 10, 240 - 20, 80 - 20, 15, got2);
                        page.DrawRectangle(50 + 240 + 10 + 10, 700, 240, 80, got2);
                        page.DrawRoundedRectangle(50 + 240 + 10 + 10 + 10, 700 + 10, 240 - 20, 80 - 20, 15, got1);

                        // Draw oval in rectangle:
                        page.DrawRectangle(50, 600, 400, 80, helpline);
                        page.DrawOval(50, 600, 400, 80, got1);

                        // Draw circle in rectangle:
                        page.DrawRectangle(550 - 80, 600, 80, 80, helpline);
                        page.DrawCircle(550 - 40, 600 + 40, 40, got1);

                        // Draw various line types:
                        page.DrawLine(50, 560, 550, 560, new PdfGraphicsOptions(8.0, PdfColor.Goldenrod));
                        page.DrawLine(50, 540, 550, 540, new PdfGraphicsOptions(4.0, PdfColor.Green));
                        page.DrawLine(50, 520, 550, 520, new PdfGraphicsOptions(2.0, PdfColor.Brown));
                        page.DrawLine(50, 500, 550, 500, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Coral));
                        page.DrawLine(50, 480, 550, 480, new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.5, PdfColor.Lime));
                        page.DrawLine(50, 460, 550, 460, new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.0, PdfColor.Magenta));

                        // Dashed lines (with the last one, a custom dash definition):
                        page.DrawLine(50, 420, 550, 420, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Red, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Large));
                        page.DrawLine(50, 400, 550, 400, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Green, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Medium));
                        page.DrawLine(50, 380, 550, 380, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Blue, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Small));
                        page.DrawLine(50, 360, 550, 360, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Gray, null, new PdfLineDashPattern(2, 8)));

                        // Circle of lines:
                        var cl = new PdfScriptObject();
                        for (int a = 0; a < 360; a += 15)
                            cl.DrawLineA(150, 220, a, 100);
                        cl.EndPath(false, true, false);

                        // Circle of squares:
                        var got3 = new PdfGraphicsOptions(got1)
                            StrokeColor = PdfColor.Green
                        for (int a = 15; a <= 360; a += 15)
                            page.DrawRectangle(450, 220, 70, 70, got3, a);

                    // Add a page with images:
                    var imgHRef = writer.AddImage(Properties.Resources.ImgH);
                    var imgVRef = writer.AddImage(Properties.Resources.ImgV);
                    using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                        // Write header:

                        // Graphical options template:
                        var bo = new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.5, PdfColor.Gray, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Medium);
                        var to = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaItalic, 8, PdfColor.Gray);

                        // First row: a vertical image:
                        page.DrawRectangle(48, 658, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50, 660, imgVRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Stretch);
                        page.DrawText(48, 650, "Stretch", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 130, 658, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 130, 660, imgVRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 130, 650, "Center", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 260, 658, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 260, 660, imgVRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.LeftOrTop);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 260, 650, "LeftOrTop", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 390, 658, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 390, 660, imgVRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.RightOrBottom);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 390, 650, "RightOrBottom", to);

                        // Second row: a horizontal image:
                        page.DrawRectangle(48, 508, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50, 510, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Stretch);
                        page.DrawText(48, 500, "Stretch", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 130, 508, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 130, 510, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 130, 500, "Center", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 260, 508, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 260, 510, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.LeftOrTop);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 260, 500, "LeftOrTop", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 390, 508, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 390, 510, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.RightOrBottom);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 390, 500, "RightOrBottom", to);

                        // Third row: a rotated image:
                        page.DrawRectangle(48, 358, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50, 360, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center, PdfImageRotation.None);
                        page.DrawText(48, 350, "No rotation", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 130, 358, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 130, 360, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center, PdfImageRotation.Left);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 130, 350, "Rotated Left", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 260, 358, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 260, 360, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center, PdfImageRotation.Right);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 260, 350, "Rotated Right", to);

                        page.DrawRectangle(48 + 390, 358, 114, 114, bo);
                        page.DrawImageRef(50 + 390, 360, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center, PdfImageRotation.UpsideDown);
                        page.DrawText(48 + 390, 350, "Upside Down", to);

                        // Free rotation:
                        page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0);
                        page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 15.0);
                        page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 30.0);
                        page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 45.0);
                        page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 60.0);
                        page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 75.0);
                        page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 90.0);
                        page.DrawText(48, 80, "Free rotation", to);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the given document item to the given document writer.
        /// </summary>
        public void Write(IDocumentItem documentItem, PdfDocumentWriter writer)
            var context = new Context();

            this.Dispatch(documentItem, writer, context);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        protected void HandleFont(Font item, PdfDocumentWriter writer, Context context)
            var font = (PdfPredefinedFont)typeof(PdfPredefinedFont).GetField(item.FontRef).GetValue(null);
