Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void DrawLogImage()
            // define local image resources
            // resolution 96 pixels per inch, image quality 100%
            PdfImageControl ImageControl = new PdfImageControl();

            ImageControl.Resolution   = 96.0;
            ImageControl.ImageQuality = 100;


            PdfImage Image1 = new PdfImage(Document, "temps/" + pk.Logo.Filename, ImageControl);

            // save graphics state

            // translate coordinate origin to the center of the picture
            Contents.Translate(0, 10);

            // adjust image size an preserve aspect ratio
            PdfRectangle NewSize = Image1.ImageSizePosition(3, 1.1, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);

            // clipping path
            Contents.DrawOval(NewSize.Left, NewSize.Bottom, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height, PaintOp.Fill);

            // draw image
            Contents.DrawImage(Image1, NewSize.Left, NewSize.Bottom, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height);

            // restore graphics state
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add pages to PDF document
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The PrintDoc.Print method will call BeginPrint method,
        /// next it will call multiple times PrintPage method and finally
        /// it will call EndPrint method.
        /// </remarks>
        public void AddPagesToPdfDocument()
            // print the document by calling BeginPrint, PrintPage multiple times and finally EndPrint

            // get printing results in the form of array of images one per page
            // image format is Metafile
            PreviewPageInfo[] PageInfo = ((PreviewPrintController)PrintController).GetPreviewPageInfo();

            // page size in user units
            Double PageWidth  = Document.PageSize.Width / Document.ScaleFactor;
            Double PageHeight = Document.PageSize.Height / Document.ScaleFactor;

            // define empty image source rectangle
            Rectangle SourceRect = new Rectangle();

            // add pages to pdf document
            for (Int32 ImageIndex = 0; ImageIndex < PageInfo.Length; ImageIndex++)
                // add page to document
                PdfPage Page = new PdfPage(Document);

                // add contents to the page
                PdfContents Contents = new PdfContents(Page);

                // page image
                Image PageImage = PageInfo[ImageIndex].Image;

                // no crop
                if (CropRect.IsEmpty)
                    // convert metafile image to PdfImage
                    PdfImage Image = new PdfImage(Contents.Document, PageImage, Resolution);

                    // draw the image
                    Contents.DrawImage(Image, 0.0, 0.0, PageWidth, PageHeight);

                // crop
                    Int32 ImageWidth  = PageImage.Width;
                    Int32 ImageHeight = PageImage.Height;
                    SourceRect.X      = (Int32)(ImageWidth * CropRect.X / PageWidth + 0.5);
                    SourceRect.Y      = (Int32)(ImageHeight * CropRect.Y / PageHeight + 0.5);
                    SourceRect.Width  = (Int32)(ImageWidth * CropRect.Width / PageWidth + 0.5);
                    SourceRect.Height = (Int32)(ImageHeight * CropRect.Height / PageHeight + 0.5);

                    // convert metafile image to PdfImage
                    PdfImage PdfPageImage = new PdfImage(Contents.Document, PageImage, SourceRect, Resolution);

                    // draw the image
                    Contents.DrawImage(PdfPageImage, CropRect.X, PageHeight - CropRect.Y - CropRect.Height, CropRect.Width, CropRect.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void appendTopHeader(string title, string logoPath, bool includeSecondLine = true, string assessmentType = "")
            drawY -= .7;
            string logoDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(logoPath);

            PdfImage logo       = new PdfImage(doc, logoPath);
            double   logoHeight = .6;
            double   logoWidth  = logoHeight * logo.WidthPix / logo.HeightPix;

            // standard (left) header logo
            cont.DrawImage(logo, firstColumnHeaderX, drawY - .2, logoWidth, logoHeight);

            // right header logo
            string logoRight = Path.Combine(logoDir, "logo-right.png");

            if (File.Exists(logoRight))
                PdfImage logoR = new PdfImage(doc, logoRight);
                cont.DrawImage(logoR, secondColumnHeaderX + 1.7, drawY + .05, logoWidth, logoHeight);

            //cont.DrawText(logoFont, 50.0, firstColumnHeaderX, drawY, sisred, "AAIDD");
            double titleSize = includeSecondLine ? 10.0 : 15.0;
            double titleY    = includeSecondLine ? drawY + .15 : drawY + .07;

            cont.DrawText(boldFont, titleSize, 3.6, titleY, title);
            if (includeSecondLine)
                // customize header text for SIS-A/C
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(assessmentType))
                    if (assessmentType == "SIS-A")
                        cont.DrawText(contentFont, 7.5, 3.6, drawY, "Confidential Interview and Profile Results for the Supports Intensity Scale Adult Version     : SIS-A");
                        cont.DrawText(contentFont, 5, 7.63, drawY + .03, "TM");
                        cont.DrawText(contentFont, 5, 8.09, drawY + .03, "TM");
                    if (assessmentType == "SIS-C")
                        cont.DrawText(contentFont, 7.5, 3.6, drawY, "Confidential Interview and Profile Results for the Supports Intensity Scale Children's Version     : SIS-C");
                        cont.DrawText(contentFont, 5, 7.85, drawY + .03, "TM");
                        cont.DrawText(contentFont, 5, 8.33, drawY + .03, "TM");
                    cont.DrawText(contentFont, 7.5, 3.6, drawY, "Confidential Interview and Profile Results for the Supports Intensity Scale");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Draw image and clip it

        private void DrawImage()
            // define local image resources
            // resolution 96 pixels per inch, image quality 50%
            PdfImageControl ImageControl = new PdfImageControl();

            ImageControl.Resolution   = 96.0;
            ImageControl.ImageQuality = 50;
//		ImageControl.SaveAs = SaveImageAs.GrayImage;
//		ImageControl.ReverseBW = true;
            PdfImage Image1 = new PdfImage(Document, "TestImage.jpg", ImageControl);

            // save graphics state

            // translate coordinate origin to the center of the picture
            Contents.Translate(2.6, 5.0);

            // adjust image size an preserve aspect ratio
            PdfRectangle NewSize = Image1.ImageSizePosition(1.75, 1.5, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);

            // clipping path
            Contents.DrawOval(NewSize.Left, NewSize.Bottom, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height, PaintOp.ClipPathEor);

            // draw image
            Contents.DrawImage(Image1, NewSize.Left, NewSize.Bottom, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height);

            // restore graphics state
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Draw image and clip it

        private void DrawImage(float originx, float originy)
            // define local image resources
            // resolution 96 pixels per inch, image quality 50%
            PdfImageControl ImageControl = new PdfImageControl();

            ImageControl.Resolution   = 300;
            ImageControl.ImageQuality = 80;
//		ImageControl.SaveAs = SaveImageAs.GrayImage;
//		ImageControl.ReverseBW = true;
            PdfImage Image1 = new PdfImage(Document, @"C:\Users\Sriram\Downloads\10-05-2017_17-59-05_Report\20170510063212x3.jpg", ImageControl);

            // save graphics state

            // translate coordinate origin to the center of the picture
            //Contents.Translate(2.6, 5.0);
            Contents.Translate(originx, originy);

            // adjust image size an preserve aspect ratio
            PdfRectangle NewSize = Image1.ImageSizePosition(300, 200, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);

            // clipping path
            //Contents.DrawOval(NewSize.Left, NewSize.Bottom, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height, PaintOp.ClipPathEor);

            // draw image
            Contents.DrawImage(Image1, NewSize.Left, NewSize.Bottom, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height);

            // restore graphics state
        // Draw image of a flower and clip it

        private void DrawFlower
            PdfDocument Document,
            PdfContents Contents
            // define local image resources
            PdfImage Image1 = new PdfImage(Document, "flower.jpg");

            // image size will be limited to 1.4" by 1.4"
            SizeD ImageSize = Image1.ImageSize(1.4, 1.4);

            // save graphics state

            // translate coordinate origin to the center of the picture
            Contents.Translate(3.36, 5.7);

            // clipping path
            Contents.DrawOval(-ImageSize.Width / 2, -ImageSize.Height / 2, ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height, PaintOp.ClipPathEor);

            // draw image
            Contents.DrawImage(Image1, -ImageSize.Width / 2, -ImageSize.Height / 2, ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height);

            // restore graphics state
        // Draw image and clip it

        private static void DrawTitle()
            // define local image resources as 200ppi and 100% quality
            PdfImageControl ImageControl = new PdfImageControl();

            ImageControl.Resolution   = 200;
            ImageControl.ImageQuality = 100;
            // Get image from embedded local resource
            Image    BocTitle   = Properties.Resources.BocTitleBitmap;
            PdfImage titleImage = new PdfImage(document, BocTitle, ImageControl);

            // save graphics state

            // set coordinate
            Contents.Translate(1.3, 26.8);

            // set image size
            PdfRectangle size = titleImage.ImageSizePosition(18.39, 1.85, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);

            // clipping path
            Contents.DrawRectangle(size.Left, size.Bottom, size.Width, size.Height, PaintOp.ClipPathEor);

            // draw image
            Contents.DrawImage(titleImage, size.Left, size.Bottom, size.Width, size.Height);

            // restore graphics state
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // Draw Barcode

        private void DrawBarcode()
            // save graphics state

            // draw EAN13 barcode
            BarcodeEAN13 Barcode1 = new BarcodeEAN13("1234567890128");

            Contents.DrawBarcode(1.3, 7.05, 0.012, 0.75, Barcode1, ArialNormal, 8.0);

            // create QRCode barcode
            QREncoder QREncoder = new QREncoder();

            // set error correction code
            QREncoder.ErrorCorrection = ErrorCorrection.M;

            // set module size in pixels
            QREncoder.ModuleSize = 1;

            // set quiet zone in pixels
            QREncoder.QuietZone = 4;

            // encode your text or byte array

            // convert QRCode to black and white image
            PdfImage BarcodeImage = new PdfImage(Document);


            // draw image (height is the same as width for QRCode)
            Contents.DrawImage(BarcodeImage, 6.0, 6.8, 1.2);

            // define a web link area coinsiding with the qr code
            Page.AddWebLink(6.0, 6.8, 7.2, 8.0, ArticleLink);

            // restore graphics sate
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (folderDiag.SelectedPath != null && folderDiag.SelectedPath != "")
                textBox1.Text = "Adding pages";
                Image[] pages = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folderDiag.SelectedPath)
                                .Select(file => System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(file))
                string      title = titleBox.Text == "Title" ? "untitled" : titleBox.Text;
                PdfDocument book  = new PdfDocument(title + ".pdf");
                PdfPage     page;
                PdfContents contents;
                PdfImage    pic;

                foreach (Image i in pages)
                    double height = i.Height;
                    double width  = i.Width;

                    page     = new PdfPage(book, width, height);
                    contents = new PdfContents(page);
                    pic = new PdfImage(book, i);
                    contents.DrawImage(pic, 0, 0, width, height);
                textBox1.Text = "Book created";
                pages         = null;
                book          = null;
                page          = null;
                contents      = null;
                pic           = null;
                textBox1.Text = "No directory selected";
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Add pages to PDF document
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The PrintDoc.Print method will call BeginPrint method,
        /// next it will call multiple times PrintPage method and finally
        /// it will call EndPrint method.
        /// </remarks>
        public void AddPagesToPdfDocument()
            // print the document by calling BeginPrint, PrintPage multiple times and finally EndPrint

            // get printing results in the form of array of images one per page
            // image format is Metafile
            PreviewPageInfo[] PageInfo = ((PreviewPrintController)PrintController).GetPreviewPageInfo();

            // page size in user units
            double PageWidth  = Document.PageSize.Width / Document.ScaleFactor;
            double PageHeight = Document.PageSize.Height / Document.ScaleFactor;

            // add pages to pdf document
            for (int ImageIndex = 0; ImageIndex < PageInfo.Length; ImageIndex++)
                // add page to document
                PdfPage Page = new PdfPage(Document);

                // add contents to the page
                PdfContents Contents = new PdfContents(Page);

                // page image
                Image PageImage = PageInfo[ImageIndex].Image;

                // empty pdf image
                PdfImage PdfImage = new PdfImage(Contents.Document);
                PdfImage.Resolution     = Resolution;
                PdfImage.SaveAs         = SaveAs;
                PdfImage.ImageQuality   = ImageQuality;
                PdfImage.GrayToBWCutoff = GrayToBWCutoff;
                PdfImage.CropRect       = Rectangle.Empty;
                PdfImage.CropPercent    = RectangleF.Empty;

                // no crop
                if (PageCropRect.IsEmpty)
                    // convert metafile image to PdfImage

                    // draw the image
                    Contents.DrawImage(PdfImage, 0.0, 0.0, PageWidth, PageHeight);

                // crop
                    int ImageWidth  = PageImage.Width;
                    int ImageHeight = PageImage.Height;
                    PdfImage.CropRect.X      = (int)(ImageWidth * PageCropRect.X / PageWidth + 0.5);
                    PdfImage.CropRect.Y      = (int)(ImageHeight * PageCropRect.Y / PageHeight + 0.5);
                    PdfImage.CropRect.Width  = (int)(ImageWidth * PageCropRect.Width / PageWidth + 0.5);
                    PdfImage.CropRect.Height = (int)(ImageHeight * PageCropRect.Height / PageHeight + 0.5);

                    // convert metafile image to PdfImage

                    // draw the image
                    Contents.DrawImage(PdfImage, PageCropRect.X, PageHeight - PageCropRect.Y - PageCropRect.Height, PageCropRect.Width, PageCropRect.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // create base contents for all pages
        /// <summary>
        /// ovde se kreira naslov svake strane, zaglavlje tabele kao i same ivice tabela
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateBaseContents()
            // create unattached contents
            BaseContents = new PdfContents(Document);

            // save graphics state

            // restore graphics state

            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialBold, 14, 0.5 * PageWidth, 11.5, TextJustify.Center, "IZVEŠTAJ O ISPITIVANJU MEHANIČKIH OSOBINA");

            //draw logo
            PdfImage Image2 = new PdfImage(Document, System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\logoLjig.png");

            //BaseContents.DrawImage(Image1, 0.95, p1.Y - 3.8, ImageSize.Width - 1, ImageSize.Height);
            BaseContents.DrawImage(Image2, 8.5, 7.7, 1.4, 0.7);

            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 0.48, 7.85, TextJustify.Left, "BR. ZB. IZVEŠTAJA ");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(1.6, 8.0, 2.3, 8.0);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(1.6, 7.8, 2.3, 7.8);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(1.6, 8.0, 1.6, 7.8);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(2.3, 8.0, 2.3, 7.8);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 1.6, 7.85, TextJustify.Left, _sumReport.Records[0].BrzbIzvestaja);

            //horizontal lines
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 7.6, 10.8, 7.6);
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 7.4, 10.8, 7.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 7.2, 10.8, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 7.0, 10.8, 7.0);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 6.8, 10.8, 6.8);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 6.6, 10.8, 6.6);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 6.4, 10.8, 6.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 6.2, 10.8, 6.2);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 6.0, 10.8, 6.0);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 5.8, 10.8, 5.8);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 5.6, 10.8, 5.6);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 5.4, 10.8, 5.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 5.2, 10.8, 5.2);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 5.0, 10.8, 5.0);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 4.8, 10.8, 4.8);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 4.6, 10.8, 4.6);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 4.4, 10.8, 4.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 4.2, 10.8, 4.2);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 4.0, 10.8, 4.0);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 3.8, 10.8, 3.8);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 3.6, 10.8, 3.6);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 3.4, 10.8, 3.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 3.2, 10.8, 3.2);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 3.0, 10.8, 3.0);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 2.8, 10.8, 2.8);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 2.6, 10.8, 2.6);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 2.4, 10.8, 2.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 2.2, 10.8, 2.2);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 2.0, 10.8, 2.0);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 1.8, 10.8, 1.8);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 1.6, 10.8, 1.6);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 1.4, 10.8, 1.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 1.2, 10.8, 1.2);
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 1.0, 10.8, 1.0);//31st row
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 0.8, 10.8, 0.8);//32nd row
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 0.6, 10.8, 0.6);//33th row
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 0.4, 10.8, 0.4);//34th row

            //vertical two lines
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 7.6, 0.45, 0.4);//this is for 34 rows per page
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(10.8, 7.6, 10.8, 0.4);

            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.45, 7.6, 0.45, 1.2);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(10.8, 7.6, 10.8, 1.2);

            BaseContents.DrawLine(0.75, 7.6, 0.75, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 0.48, 7.42, TextJustify.Left, "RED.");
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 0.48, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "BR.");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(1.45 + 0.2125, 7.6, 1.45 + 0.2125, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 1.00, 7.42, TextJustify.Left, "BROJ" /*"POLAZNI"*/);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 1.00, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "UZORKA" /*"KVALITET"*/);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(2.15 + 2 * 0.2125, 7.6, 2.15 + 2 * 0.2125, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 1.95, 7.32, TextJustify.Left, "ŠARŽA" /*"NAZIVNA"*/);
            //BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 1.75, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "DEBLJINA");
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(3.8, 7.6, 3.8, 7.2);
            //BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 2.67, 7.42, TextJustify.Left, "ISPITIVAČ");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(4.5 - 0.7125, 7.6, 4.5 - 0.7125, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 2.95, 7.42, TextJustify.Left, "POLAZNI" /*"BROJ"*/);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 2.95, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "KVALITET" /*"UZORKA"*/);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(4.6, 7.6, 4.6, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 3.95, 7.42, TextJustify.Left, "NAZIVNA" /*"ŠARŽA"*/);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 3.95, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "DEBLJINA" /*"ŠARŽA"*/);
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(8.5, 7.6, 8.5, 7.2);//vertical line na kraju mehanicko tehnickih osobina
            BaseContents.DrawLine(8.5, 7.4, 8.5, 7.2); // samo za A ne za sve jel smo dodali Z
            BaseContents.DrawLine(4.6, 7.4, 9.4, 7.4); //horizontal line
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8.5, 6.0, 7.45, TextJustify.Left, "MEHANIČKO-TEHNIČKE OSOBINE");

            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 7.45 /*4.65*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "Rm[MPa]");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(5.2 + 0.00, 7.4, 5.2 + 0.00, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 4.65 /*5.28*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "R");
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 6.5, 4.73 /*5.36*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "p0.2");
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 4.92 /*5.55*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "[MPa]");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(5.9 + 0.00, 7.4, 5.9 + 0.00, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 5.28 /*5.98*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "R");
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 6.5, 5.36 /*6.05*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "t0.5");
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 5.55 /*6.24*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "[MPa]");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(6.6 + 2 * 0.00, 7.4, 6.6 + 2 * 0.00, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 6.0 /*6.7*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "ReL[MPa]");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(7.3 + 3 * 0.00, 7.4, 7.3 + 3 * 0.00, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 6.7 /*7.41*/, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "ReH[MPa]");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(8.0 + 4 * 0.00, 7.4, 8.0 + 4 * 0.00, 7.2);
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(8.7, 7.4, 8.7, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 8.05, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "A[%]");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(9.0 + 4 * 0.00, 7.6, 9.0 + 4 * 0.00, 7.2);//za kraj mehanicko tehnickih osobina vertikalna linija
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 9.15, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "KV[J]");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(9.6 + 4 * 0.00, 7.4, 9.6 + 4 * 0.00, 7.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 9.75, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "KU[J]");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(10.2 + 4 * 0.00, 7.4, 10.2 + 4 * 0.00, 7.2);
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(9.4, 7.4, 9.4, 7.2);
            //BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 9.0, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "At");
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(10.8, 7.6, 10.8, 7.4);//vertical line
            BaseContents.DrawLine(9.4, 7.4, 10.8, 7.4);//horizontal line
            //BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 9.45, 7.42, TextJustify.Left, "FAKTOR");
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(10.2, 7.6, 10.2, 7.2);//faktor
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 10.5, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "n");
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 8.6, 7.24, TextJustify.Left, "Z[%]");
            //BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 0.5, 7.05, TextJustify.Left, "NAPOMENATEST");

            //BaseContents.DrawLine(0.75, 7.4, 0.75, 7.2);
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(1.45, 7.4, 1.45, 7.2);
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(2.15, 7.4, 2.15, 7.2);
            //BaseContents.DrawLine(3.8, 7.4, 3.8, 7.2);

            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 0.45, 0.25, TextJustify.Left, "VERIFIKOVAO");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(1.3, 0.2, 5, 0.2);//horizontal line

            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 7, 0.25, TextJustify.Left, "ISPITIVAČ");
            BaseContents.DrawLine(7.8, 0.4, 9.8, 0.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(7.8, 0.2, 7.8, 0.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(9.8, 0.2, 9.8, 0.4);
            BaseContents.DrawLine(7.8, 0.2, 9.8, 0.2);
            BaseContents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 8, 7.8 + 0.01, 0.25, TextJustify.Left, _sumReport.Records[0].Ispitivac);//u jednom zbirnom izvestaju treba da ima samo jedan ispitivac

            // exit
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Test
            bool Debug,
            string InputFileName
            // create document
            using (Document = new PdfDocument(PaperType.Letter, false, UnitOfMeasure.Inch, InputFileName))
                // set document page mode to open the layers panel
                Document.InitialDocDisplay = InitialDocDisplay.UseLayers;

                // define font
                ArialFont = PdfFont.CreatePdfFont(Document, "Arial", FontStyle.Bold);

                // open layer control object (in PDF terms optional content object)
                PdfLayers Layers = new PdfLayers(Document, "PDF layers group");

                // set layer panel to incluse all layers including ones that are not visible
                Layers.ListMode = ListMode.AllPages;

                // Add new page
                PdfPage Page = new PdfPage(Document);

                // Add contents to page
                PdfContents Contents = new PdfContents(Page);

                // heading
                Contents.DrawText(ArialFont, 24, 4.25, 10, TextJustify.Center, "PDF File Writer Layer Test/Demo");

                // define layers
                PdfLayer DrawingTest    = new PdfLayer(Layers, "Drawing Test");
                PdfLayer Rectangle      = new PdfLayer(Layers, "Rectangle");
                PdfLayer HorLines       = new PdfLayer(Layers, "Horizontal Lines");
                PdfLayer VertLines      = new PdfLayer(Layers, "Vertical Lines");
                PdfLayer QRCodeLayer    = new PdfLayer(Layers, "QRCode barcode");
                PdfLayer Pdf417Layer    = new PdfLayer(Layers, "PDF417 barcode");
                PdfLayer NoBarcodeLayer = new PdfLayer(Layers, "No barcode");

                // combine three layers into one group of radio buttons
                QRCodeLayer.RadioButton    = "Barcode";
                Pdf417Layer.RadioButton    = "Barcode";
                NoBarcodeLayer.RadioButton = "Barcode";

                // set the order of layers in the layer pane
                Layers.DisplayOrderStartGroup("Barcode group");

                // start a group layer

                // sticky note annotation
                PdfAnnotation StickyNote = Page.AddStickyNote(2.0, 9.0, "My sticky note", StickyNoteIcon.Note);
                StickyNote.LayerControl = DrawingTest;

                // draw a single layer
                Contents.DrawText(ArialFont, 14, 1.0, 8.0, TextJustify.Left, "Draw rectangle");

                // draw a single layer
                Contents.DrawText(ArialFont, 14, 1.0, 7.5, TextJustify.Left, "Draw horizontal lines");

                // draw a single layer
                Contents.DrawText(ArialFont, 14, 1.0, 7.0, TextJustify.Left, "Draw vertical lines");

                double Left   = 4.0;
                double Right  = 7.0;
                double Top    = 9.0;
                double Bottom = 6.0;

                // draw a single layer
                Contents.DrawRectangle(Left, Bottom, 3.0, 3.0, PaintOp.CloseFillStroke);

                // save graphics state

                // draw a single layer
                for (int Row = 1; Row < 6; Row++)
                    Contents.DrawLine(Left, Bottom + 0.5 * Row, Right, Bottom + 0.5 * Row);

                // draw a single layer
                for (int Col = 1; Col < 6; Col++)
                    Contents.DrawLine(Left + 0.5 * Col, Bottom, Left + 0.5 * Col, Top);

                // restore graphics state

                // terminate a group of layers

                // define QRCode barcode
                QREncoder QREncoder = new QREncoder();
                QREncoder.ErrorCorrection = ErrorCorrection.M;
                PdfImage QRImage = new PdfImage(Document);

                // define PDF417 barcode
                Pdf417Encoder Pdf417Encoder = new Pdf417Encoder();
                Pdf417Encoder.ErrorCorrection = ErrorCorrectionLevel.AutoMedium;
                PdfImage Pdf417Image = new PdfImage(Document);

                // draw a single layer
                Contents.DrawText(ArialFont, 14, 1.0, 2.5, TextJustify.Left, "QRCode Barcode");
                Contents.DrawImage(QRImage, 3.7, 2.5 - 1.75, 3.5);

                // draw a single layer
                Contents.DrawText(ArialFont, 14, 1.0, 2.5, TextJustify.Left, "PDF417 Barcode");
                Contents.DrawImage(Pdf417Image, 3.7, 2.5 - 1.75 * Pdf417Encoder.ImageHeight / Pdf417Encoder.ImageWidth, 3.5);

                // draw a single layer
                Contents.DrawText(ArialFont, 14, 1.0, 3.0, TextJustify.Left, "Display no barcode");

                // create pdf file

                // start default PDF reader and display the file
                Process Proc = new Process();
                Proc.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(InputFileName);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public FileInfo CreateOfferDocument(Offer offer, bool asOrder = false, bool withPreview = true)
            myOffer = offer;
            PdfDocument  doc;
            PdfPage      page;
            PdfContents  content;
            PdfImage     img;
            double       lineSpacing;
            double       descent;
            const double fontSize = 10.0;
            bool         isOffer  = (this.myOffer.Bestellkennzeichen | asOrder);

            string fullName = Path.Combine(CatalistRegistry.Application.OfferFilePath, offer.OfferId + ".pdf");

            doc       = new PdfDocument(PaperType.A4, false, UnitOfMeasure.mm, fullName);
            doc.Debug = false;
            page      = new PdfPage(doc);
            content   = new PdfContents(page);

            fontDefault    = new PdfFont(doc, "Calibri", System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, true);
            myFontBold     = new PdfFont(doc, "Calibri", System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, true);
            fontFooter     = new PdfFont(doc, "Calibri Light", System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, true);
            fontFooterBold = new PdfFont(doc, "Calibri Light", System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, true);
            fontPriceTotal = new PdfFont(doc, "Calibri Light", System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, true);

            lineSpacing = fontDefault.LineSpacing(fontSize);
            descent     = fontDefault.Descent(fontSize);

            // Header
            string imagePath = Path.Combine(CatalistRegistry.Application.PicturePath, "briefkopf.png");

            img = new PdfImage(doc, imagePath);
            content.DrawImage(img, 5, pageHeight - 27.9 - 5, 199.6, 27.4);
            content.DrawLine(xLeftMargin - 5, pageHeight - 27.9 - 5 - 2, xRightMargin + 5, pageHeight - 27.9 - 5 - 2);

            string absender = @"Cut & Print Media GmbH & Co. KG · Osterheide 9 · 49124 Georgsmarienhütte";

            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize - 4, 18, pageHeight - 49.5, absender);
            content.DrawLine(18, pageHeight - 50.5, 84.5, pageHeight - 50.5, 0.1);
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, 18, pageHeight - 55, offer.Customer.CompanyName1);
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, 18, pageHeight - 65, offer.Customer.Street);
            string zipCity = string.Format("{0} {1}", offer.Customer.ZipCode, offer.Customer.City);

            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, 18, pageHeight - 71, zipCity);

            string vorgang = isOffer ? "Bestellung" : "Angebot";

            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, xVLine3 + 5, pageHeight - 55, "Kunden-Nr.:");
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, xVLine5 - 13, pageHeight - 55, offer.CustomerId.Substring(0, 5));
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, xVLine3 + 5, pageHeight - 60, vorgang + " Nr.:");
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, xVLine5 - 13, pageHeight - 60, offer.OfferId);
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, xVLine3 + 5, pageHeight - 65, "Datum:");
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, xVLine5 - 13, pageHeight - 65, offer.ChangeDate.ToShortDateString());
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, xVLine3 + 5, pageHeight - 70, "Bearbeitet von:");
            content.DrawText(fontDefault, fontSize + 2, xVLine5 - 13, pageHeight - 70, offer.ChangeUser);

            content.DrawText(myFontBold, fontSize + 2, 10, pageHeight - 96.5, vorgang + " " + offer.OfferId);

            var table = new PdfTable(page, content, fontDefault, 9);

            table.TableStartEvent += tab_TableStartEvent;
            table.TableEndEvent   += tab_TableEndEvent;
            table.TableArea        = new PdfRectangle(10D, 35D, 200D, pageHeight - 40);
            table.RowTopPosition   = pageHeight - 100D;           // 10cm vom oberen Rand
            table.SetColumnWidth(9D, 34D, 86D, 13D, 19D, 19D);
            table.HeaderOnEachPage = true;

            table.Header[colPos].Style           = table.HeaderStyle;
            table.Header[colPos].Style.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            table.Header[colPos].Value           = "Pos.";

            table.Header[colArtNr].Value  = "Artikel-Nr.";
            table.Header[colArtBez].Value = "Artikelbezeichnung";

            table.Header[colMenge].Style           = table.HeaderStyle;
            table.Header[colMenge].Style.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            table.Header[colMenge].Value           = "Menge";

            table.Header[colPreis].Style           = table.HeaderStyle;
            table.Header[colPreis].Style.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            table.Header[colPreis].Value           = "Einzelpreis";

            table.Header[colGesamt].Style           = table.HeaderStyle;
            table.Header[colGesamt].Style.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            table.Header[colGesamt].Value           = "Gesamtpreis";

            table.DefaultHeaderStyle.Font          = myFontBold;
            table.DefaultHeaderStyle.Alignment     = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
            table.DefaultHeaderStyle.MultiLineText = false;

            table.DefaultCellStyle.Font      = fontDefault;
            table.DefaultCellStyle.FontSize  = 9;
            table.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft;

            table.Cell[colPos].Style           = table.CellStyle;
            table.Cell[colPos].Style.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight;

            table.Cell[colArtNr].Style = table.CellStyle;
            table.Cell[colArtNr].Style.TextBoxTextJustify = TextBoxJustify.Left;

            table.Cell[colArtBez].Style = table.CellStyle;
            table.Cell[colArtBez].Style.TextBoxTextJustify = TextBoxJustify.Left;

            table.Cell[colMenge].Style           = table.CellStyle;
            table.Cell[colMenge].Style.Format    = "#,##0";
            table.Cell[colMenge].Style.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight;

            table.Cell[colPreis].Style           = table.CellStyle;
            table.Cell[colPreis].Style.Format    = "#,##0.00";
            table.Cell[colPreis].Style.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight;

            table.Cell[colGesamt].Style = table.CellStyle;
            table.Cell[colGesamt].Style.ForegroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed;
            table.Cell[colGesamt].Style.Format          = "#,##0.00";
            table.Cell[colGesamt].Style.Alignment       = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight;

            int dCount = offer.OfferDetails.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < dCount; i++)
                lastRow |= i == dCount - 1;

                table.Cell[colPos].Value   = offer.OfferDetails[i].Position;
                table.Cell[colArtNr].Value = offer.OfferDetails[i].Artikelnummer;
                TextBox txtBezeichnung = table.Cell[colArtBez].CreateTextBox();
                txtBezeichnung.AddText(myFontBold, 9, offer.OfferDetails[i].Artikelname);
                if (!isOffer)
                    txtBezeichnung.AddText(fontDefault, 9, string.Format("\n\n{0}", offer.OfferDetails[i].Artikeltext.Replace("\t", " ")));
                table.Cell[colMenge].Value = string.Format("{0:#,##0} {1}", offer.OfferDetails[i].Menge, offer.OfferDetails[i].Einheit);

                if (!isOffer)
                    table.Cell[colPreis].Value  = offer.OfferDetails[i].Kundenpreis;
                    table.Cell[colGesamt].Value = offer.OfferDetails[i].Zeilensumme;
                    zwischenSumme += offer.OfferDetails[i].Zeilensumme;
                    table.Cell[colPreis].Value  = "-";
                    table.Cell[colGesamt].Value = "-";

                if (File.Exists(fullName) && withPreview)
                    // Datei in das lokale TEMP Verzeichnis kopieren
                    var    temp            = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                    string prefix          = asOrder ? "B" : "A";
                    var    tempFilename    = string.Format("{0}{1}.pdf", prefix, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh.mm.ss"));
                    var    tempFileAndPath = Path.Combine(temp, tempFilename);
                    File.Copy(fullName, tempFileAndPath);
                    var proc = new Process();
                    proc.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(tempFileAndPath);

                return(new FileInfo(fullName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;