Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Parser(PcmsContext context)
     Logger   = Program.LoggerFabric.CreateLogger <Parser>();
     Settings = Program.Configuration
                .Get <ParserSettings>();
     Context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task ParseFile(string xmlFile, PcmsContext context)
            try {
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Standing));

                Logger.LogDebug($"parsing {xmlFile}");

                XmlReader reader      = XmlReader.Create(xmlFile);
                var       standings   = (Standing)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
                var       contestId   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xmlFile);
                var       contestHash = await CalculateMD5(xmlFile);

                Logger.LogDebug($"performing contest with name: {standings.Contest.Name} and id: {contestId}");

                var contest = await context.Contests.FindAsync(contestId);

                if (contest == null)
                    Logger.LogInformation($"contest with id = {contestId} does not exist in db");
                    var generation = contestId.StartsWith("algo-") ? "GR1" : "GR2";

                    contest             = standings.Contest.ToDbModel(contestId).SetNameAndGeneration(contestId, generation);
                    contest.Md5Checksum = contestHash;


                    .Select(s => s.Submitter)
                    .Select(s => new { Student = s, Exists = context.Students.Any(st => st.Name == s.Name) })
                    // .Select(o => { Console.Write($"{o.Student.Name}; exists: {o.Exists}"); return o; })
                    .Where(o => o.Exists)
                    .Select(o => o.Student)
                    .SetEntityState(context, EntityState.Unchanged);

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    Logger.LogInformation($"contest saved");
                    if (contest.Md5Checksum != contestHash)
                        Logger.LogInformation($"rewriting contest with id = {contestId}");
                        var generation = contestId.StartsWith("algo-") ? "GR1" : "GR2";

                        var newContest = standings.Contest.ToDbModel(contestId).SetNameAndGeneration(contestId, generation);
                        contest.Md5Checksum = contestHash;
                        contest.LastUpdate  = DateTime.Now;

                        context.Entry(contest).State = EntityState.Modified;

                        // if contest exists then there are limited number of reasons
                        // why it pushed to update
                        // 1) new problem was added
                        // 2) new submissions
                        // 3) new student_problems
                        // 4) new students

                        newContest.Problems // marking existing problems as unchanged
                        .Select(p => (problem: p, exists: context.Problems.Find(p.Id) != null))
                        .Where(o => !o.exists)
                        .Select(o => o.problem)
                        .SetEntityState(context, EntityState.Added);

                        .Select(s => (submission: s, exists: context.Submissions.Find(s.Contest.PcmsId, s.Problem.Id, s.Submitter.Name, s.Time) != null))
                        .Where(t => !t.exists)
                        .Select(t => t.submission)
                        .SetEntityState(context, EntityState.Added);

                        var nulll = newContest.Submissions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Problem.Submitters == null);
                        if (nulll != null)
                            Logger.LogWarning($"{nulll.Submitter.Name} has shitty submition");
                        newContest.Submissions.SelectMany(s => s.Problem.Submitters ?? new Data.Models.ProblemStudent[] {})
                        .Where(s => s.Student != null)
                        // .Select(o => { Console.WriteLine($"{o.Problem?.Id ?? "pidnull"}-{o.Student?.Name ?? "sidnull"}") ; return o; })
                        .Select(sp => (studentProblem: sp, exists: context.ProblemStudent.Find(sp.Student.Name, sp.Problem.Id) != null))
                        .Where(t => !t.exists)
                        .Select(t => t.studentProblem)
                        .SetEntityState(context, EntityState.Added);

                        newContest.Submissions.Select(s => s.Submitter)
                        .Select(s => (student: s, exists: context.Students.Find(s.Name) != null))
                        .Where(t => !t.exists)
                        .Select(t => t.student)
                        .SetEntityState(context, EntityState.Added);

                        await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        Logger.LogInformation($"contest with id = {contestId} rewrited");
                        Logger.LogInformation($"contest with id = {contestId} not changed. did not nothing");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.LogError(e, "some shit happened during file parsing");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public ContestController(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, PcmsContext pcmsContext)
     DataContext = pcmsContext;
     Logger      = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ContestController>();