public ActionResult InitiatePayment([Bind(Include = "vpc_Amount, vpc_MerchTxnRef, vpc_OrderInfo, vpc_ReturnURL")] string vpc_Amount, string vpc_MerchTxnRef, string vpc_OrderInfo, string vpc_ReturnURL)
                //region parameters
                var VPC_URL        = "";
                var paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest
                    Amount      = vpc_Amount,
                    MerchTxnRef = vpc_MerchTxnRef,
                    OrderInfo   = vpc_OrderInfo,
                    ReturnUrl   = vpc_ReturnURL

                var transactionData = paymentRequest.GetParameters().OrderBy(t => t.Key, new VPCStringComparer()).ToList();

                var redirectUrl = VPC_URL + "?" + string.Join("&", transactionData.Select(item => HttpUtility.UrlEncode(item.Key) + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(item.Value)));

                transactionData = transactionData.Where(x => x.Key != "vpc_SecureHashType").ToList();

                string shaKey  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MigsSecureHashSecret"];
                string shaData = string.Join("&", transactionData.Select(item => item.Key + "=" + item.Value));

                redirectUrl += "&vpc_SecureHash=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(PaymentHelperMethods.CreateSHA256Signature(shaKey, shaData));

            catch (Exception ex)
                var message = "Exception encountered. " + ex.Message;
                return(View("Error", ex));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult InitiatePayment([Bind(Include = "vpc_Amount, vpc_MerchTxnRef, vpc_OrderInfo, vpc_ReturnURL")] string vpc_Amount, string vpc_MerchTxnRef, string vpc_OrderInfo, string vpc_ReturnURL)
                //region parameters
                var VPC_URL        = "";
                var paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest
                    Amount      = vpc_Amount,
                    MerchTxnRef = vpc_MerchTxnRef,
                    OrderInfo   = vpc_OrderInfo,
                    ReturnUrl   = vpc_ReturnURL

                string hashSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MigsSecureHashSecret"];

                //region redirect to payment gateway
                var transactionData = paymentRequest.GetParameters().OrderBy(t => t.Key, new VPCStringComparer()).ToList();
                // Add custom data, transactionData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Title", title));
                var redirectUrl = VPC_URL + "?" + string.Join("&", transactionData.Select(item => HttpUtility.UrlEncode(item.Key) + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(item.Value)));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hashSecret))
                    redirectUrl += "&vpc_SecureHash=" + PaymentHelperMethods.CreateMD5Signature(hashSecret + string.Join("", transactionData.Select(item => item.Value)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                var message = "Exception encountered. " + ex.Message;
                return(View("Error", ex));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public ActionResult InitiatePayment()
            #region parameters
            var    VPC_URL        = "";
            string returnURL      = "";
            string url            = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority + returnURL;
            var    paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest
                Amount    = "100",
                ReturnUrl = "http://localhost/demo2/payment/paymentconfirm",
                OrderInfo = "Visa Assessment",
            // SECURE_SECRET can be found in Merchant Administration/Setup page
            string hashSecrest = "FE7555C9D2C35C2552934E8DB1D73D43";
            #region redirect to payment gateway
            var transactionData = paymentRequest.GetParameters().OrderBy(t => t.Key, new VPCStringComparer()).ToList();
            // Add custom data, transactionData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Title", title));
            var redirectUrl = VPC_URL + "?" + string.Join("&", transactionData.Select(item => HttpUtility.UrlEncode(item.Key) + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(item.Value)));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hashSecrest))
                redirectUrl += "&vpc_SecureHash=" + PaymentHelperMethods.CreateMD5Signature(hashSecrest + string.Join("", transactionData.Select(item => item.Value)));

        catch (Exception ex)
            var message = "(51) Exception encountered. " + ex.Message;
            return(View("PaymentError", ex));