public DataTable calculationsLoan(double LoanAmount, int LoanPeriod, double InterestRate)
            //This will hold all the calculations.

            //Initializing the necessary variables.
            double PaymentAmount, PrincipalAmountPaid, InterestAmountPaid, LoanOutstanding, TotalInterestAmountPaid;

            //Setting th Total Interest Amount Paid to 0, this prevents overlapping of total values during subsequent runs.
            TotalInterestAmountPaid = 0;

            //Defining the DataTable and adding the columns to it.
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            table.Columns.Add("Payment no.", typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("Payment amount", typeof(Double));
            table.Columns.Add("Principal amount paid", typeof(Double));
            table.Columns.Add("Interest amount paid", typeof(Double));
            table.Columns.Add("Loan outstanding balance", typeof(Double));

            //Converting the annual interest to a monthly one.
            InterestRate    = (InterestRate) / (1200);
            LoanOutstanding = LoanAmount;

            //Using the loop to fill the table wth values.
            for (int i = 1; i <= LoanPeriod; i++)
                //Using math.pow to calculate ((1 + InterestRate)^(LoanPeriod)).
                double InterestPowered = Math.Pow((1 + InterestRate), LoanPeriod);

                //Calculating the payment amount.
                PaymentAmount = (InterestRate * LoanAmount) * InterestPowered / (InterestPowered - 1);

                //Calculating the Principal Amount paid.
                double InterestPrincipalPowered = Math.Pow((1 + InterestRate), (1 + LoanPeriod - i));

                PrincipalAmountPaid = PaymentAmount / InterestPrincipalPowered;

                //Calculating the Interest Amount Paid.
                InterestAmountPaid = PaymentAmount - PrincipalAmountPaid;

                //Calculating the LoanOutstanding;
                LoanOutstanding -= PrincipalAmountPaid;

                //Calculating the Total Interest Amount Paid.
                TotalInterestAmountPaid += InterestAmountPaid;

                //Adding values to the Datatable one at a time.
                table.Rows.Add(i, PaymentAmount.ToString("F"), PrincipalAmountPaid.ToString("F"), InterestAmountPaid.ToString("F"), LoanOutstanding.ToString("F"));

                //Added X and Y to the chart.
                chart1.Series["Principal Amount Paid"].Points.AddXY(i, PrincipalAmountPaid.ToString("F"));
                chart1.Series["Interest Amount Paid"].Points.AddXY(i, InterestAmountPaid.ToString("F"));

            //The total amount interest paid is displayed in the label.
            lbl_TotalInterest.Text = "Total Interest Paid : " + TotalInterestAmountPaid.ToString("F");

            //Returning the DataTable.
        public string GetAuditString()
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            result.AppendFormat(" {0}", PaymentAmount.ToString("C"));

            if (IsByCash)
                result.Append(", by cash");

            if (IsByCheque)
                result.Append(", by cheque");

            if (IsByCreditCardNew || IsByCreditCardAuth)
                result.Append(" ,by cheque");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Comment))
                result.AppendFormat(" ({0})", Comment);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        ResultMessageModel Isbank()
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
                ePayment.cc5payment mycc5pay = new ePayment.cc5payment();

                #region Pos Configuration
              = "";
                mycc5pay.password    = "";
                mycc5pay.clientid    = "";
                mycc5pay.orderresult = 0; // 0 : gercek islem, 1 : test islem
              = "";

                string order_code = Util.CreateRandomValue(10, true, true, true, false);

                mycc5pay.oid        = order_code;
                mycc5pay.cardnumber = CreditCard.CardNumber;
                mycc5pay.expmonth   = CreditCard.Month;
                mycc5pay.expyear    = CreditCard.Year;
                mycc5pay.cv2        = CreditCard.Cvc;
                mycc5pay.taksit     = "";
                mycc5pay.subtotal   = PaymentAmount.ToString().Replace(",", ".");
                mycc5pay.currency   = "949";
                mycc5pay.chargetype = "Auth";
                mycc5pay.bname      = NameSurname;
            = Email;

                if (Instalment > 1)
                    mycc5pay.taksit = Instalment.ToString();

                if (mycc5pay.processorder() == "1" && mycc5pay.appr == "Approved")
                    return(new ResultMessageModel {
                        Status = true
                    return(new ResultMessageModel {
                        Status = false, Code = mycc5pay.err, Message = mycc5pay.errmsg
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ResultMessageModel {
                    Status = false, Message = ex.Message
Ejemplo n.º 4
        ResultMessageModel Garanti()
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls;

            #region Pos Configuration
            string strMode              = "PROD";
            string strVersion           = "v0.01";
            string strTerminalID        = ""; //8 Haneli TerminalID yazılmalı.
            string _strTerminalID       = "0" + strTerminalID;
            string strProvUserID        = "PROVAUT";
            string strProvisionPassword = ""; //TerminalProvUserID şifresi
            string strUserID            = ""; //
            string strMerchantID        = ""; //Üye İşyeri Numarası
            string strHostAddress       = "";

            string order_code  = Util.CreateRandomValue(10, true, true, true, false);
            string amount_send = PaymentAmount.ToString();

            if (amount_send.Contains(","))
                string[] split_amount = PaymentAmount.ToString().Split(',');

                if (split_amount[1].Length > 2)
                    amount_send = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1].Substring(0, 2);
                    amount_send = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1];
            else if (amount_send.Contains("."))
                string[] split_amount = PaymentAmount.ToString().Split('.');

                if (split_amount[1].Length > 2)
                    amount_send = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1].Substring(0, 2);
                    amount_send = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1];

            string strIPAddress             = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
            string strEmailAddress          = Email;
            string strOrderID               = order_code;
            string strNumber                = CreditCard.CardNumber;
            string strExpireDate            = CreditCard.Month + "" + CreditCard.Year;
            string strCVV2                  = CreditCard.Cvc;
            string strAmount                = amount_send;
            string strType                  = "sales";
            string strCurrencyCode          = "949";
            string strCardholderPresentCode = "0";
            string strMotoInd               = "N";
            string strInstallmentCount      = String.Empty;
            if (Instalment > 1)
                strInstallmentCount = Instalment.ToString();

            string SecurityData = Util.GetSHA1(strProvisionPassword + _strTerminalID).ToUpper();
            string HashData     = Util.GetSHA1(strOrderID + strTerminalID + strNumber + strAmount + SecurityData).ToUpper();

            string strXML = null;
            strXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<GVPSRequest>" + "<Mode>" + strMode + "</Mode>" + "<Version>" + strVersion + "</Version>" + "<Terminal><ProvUserID>" + strProvUserID + "</ProvUserID><HashData>" + HashData + "</HashData><UserID>" + strUserID + "</UserID><ID>" + strTerminalID + "</ID><MerchantID>" + strMerchantID + "</MerchantID></Terminal>" + "<Customer><IPAddress>" + strIPAddress + "</IPAddress><EmailAddress>" + strEmailAddress + "</EmailAddress></Customer>" + "<Card><Number>" + strNumber + "</Number><ExpireDate>" + strExpireDate + "</ExpireDate><CVV2>" + strCVV2 + "</CVV2></Card>" + "<Order><OrderID>" + strOrderID + "</OrderID><GroupID></GroupID><AddressList><Address><Type>S</Type><Name></Name><LastName></LastName><Company></Company><Text></Text><District></District><City></City><PostalCode></PostalCode><Country></Country><PhoneNumber></PhoneNumber></Address></AddressList></Order>" + "<Transaction>" + "<Type>" + strType + "</Type><InstallmentCnt>" + strInstallmentCount + "</InstallmentCnt><Amount>" + strAmount + "</Amount><CurrencyCode>" + strCurrencyCode + "</CurrencyCode><CardholderPresentCode>" + strCardholderPresentCode + "</CardholderPresentCode><MotoInd>" + strMotoInd + "</MotoInd>" + "</Transaction>" + "</GVPSRequest>";

                string     data        = "data=" + strXML;
                WebRequest _WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(strHostAddress);
                _WebRequest.Method = "POST";
                byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
                _WebRequest.ContentType   = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                _WebRequest.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
                Stream dataStream = _WebRequest.GetRequestStream();
                dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
                WebResponse _WebResponse = _WebRequest.GetResponse();
                dataStream = _WebResponse.GetResponseStream();
                StreamReader reader             = new StreamReader(dataStream);
                string       responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
                string       XML  = responseFromServer;
                XmlDocument  xDoc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlElement xElement1 = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("//GVPSResponse/Transaction/Response/ReasonCode") as XmlElement;
                XmlElement xElement3 = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("//GVPSResponse/Transaction/Response/ErrorMsg") as XmlElement;

                if (xElement1.InnerText == "00")
                    return(new ResultMessageModel {
                        Status = true
                    return(new ResultMessageModel {
                        Status = false, Message = xElement3.InnerText, Code = xElement1.InnerText
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ResultMessageModel {
                    Status = false, Message = ex.Message
Ejemplo n.º 5
        ResultMessageModel YapiKredi()
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
                C_Posnet posnetObj = new C_Posnet();
                bool     result    = false;

                #region Pos Configuration

                string instalment = "00";

                if (Instalment > 1)
                    instalment = "0" + Instalment;

                string amount_send = PaymentAmount.ToString();

                if (PaymentAmount.ToString().Contains(","))
                    string[] split_amount = PaymentAmount.ToString().Split(',');

                    if (split_amount[1].Length > 2)
                        amount_send = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1].Substring(0, 2);
                        amount_send = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1];
                else if (PaymentAmount.ToString().Contains("."))
                    string[] split_amount = PaymentAmount.ToString().Split('.');

                    if (split_amount[1].Length > 2)
                        amount_send = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1].Substring(0, 2);
                        amount_send = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1];

                result = posnetObj.DoSaleTran(CreditCard.CardNumber, CreditCard.Year + "" + CreditCard.Month, CreditCard.Cvc, Util.CreateOrderId(), amount_send, "YT", instalment);

                if (result)
                    if (posnetObj.GetApprovedCode() == "1" || posnetObj.GetApprovedCode() == "2")
                        return(new ResultMessageModel {
                            Status = true
                        return(new ResultMessageModel {
                            Status = false, Message = posnetObj.GetResponseText(), Code = posnetObj.GetResponseCode()
                    return(new ResultMessageModel {
                        Status = false, Message = posnetObj.GetResponseText(), Code = posnetObj.GetResponseCode()
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ResultMessageModel {
                    Status = false, Message = ex.Message
Ejemplo n.º 6
        ResultMessageModel Vakifbank()
                #region Pos Configuration
                string strUserName     = "";
                string strUserPassword = "";
                string strUserClientId = "";
                string strPosNumber    = "";
                string strSecurityCode = "";

                string strInstalment = "00";
                string strMonth      = string.Format("{0:00}", CreditCard.Year);
                string strYear       = CreditCard.Year;
                string strAmount     = PaymentAmount.ToString();
                string strIPAddress  = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
                string strOrderID    = Util.CreateRandomValue(10, true, true, true, false);

                byte[] b = new byte[5000];
                string result;
                System.Text.Encoding encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-9");

                if (Instalment == 1)
                    strInstalment = "00";
                    strInstalment = String.Format("{0:00}", Instalment);

                if (CreditCard.Year.Length == 4)
                    strYear = strYear.Substring(2, 2);
                    strYear = CreditCard.Year.ToString();

                strAmount = strAmount.Replace(".", "");
                strAmount = strAmount.Replace(",", "");
                strAmount = String.Format("{0:0000000000.00}", Convert.ToInt32(strAmount)).Replace(",", "");

                string provizyonMesaji = "kullanici=" + strUserName + "&sifre=" + strUserPassword + "&islem=PRO&uyeno=" + strUserClientId + "&posno=" + strPosNumber + "&kkno=" + CreditCard.CardNumber + "&gectar=" + strYear
                                         + strMonth + "&cvc=" + string.Format("{0:000}", CreditCard.Cvc) + "&tutar=" + strAmount + "&provno=000000&taksits=" + strInstalment + "&islemyeri=I&uyeref=" + strOrderID + "&vbref=0&khip=" + strIPAddress + "&xcip=" + strSecurityCode;

                b = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(provizyonMesaji);

                WebRequest h1 = (WebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("" + provizyonMesaji);
                h1.Method = "GET";

                WebResponse wr = h1.GetResponse();
                Stream      s2 = wr.GetResponseStream();

                byte[] buffer = new byte[10000];
                int    len = 0, r = 1;
                while (r > 0)
                    r    = s2.Read(buffer, len, 10000 - len);
                    len += r;
                result = encoding.GetString(buffer, 0, len).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");

                String      successCode, refCode;
                XmlNode     node         = null;
                XmlDocument _msgTemplate = new XmlDocument();
                node        = _msgTemplate.SelectSingleNode("//Cevap/Msg/Kod");
                successCode = node.InnerText.ToString();

                if (successCode == "00")
                    node    = _msgTemplate.SelectSingleNode("//Cevap/Msg/ProvNo");
                    refCode = node.InnerText.ToString();
                    return(new ResultMessageModel {
                        Status = true, Code = refCode, Message = ""
                    return(new ResultMessageModel {
                        Status = false, Code = successCode, Message = ""
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ResultMessageModel {
                    Status = false, Message = ex.Message
Ejemplo n.º 7
        ResultMessageModel Garanti3D()
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls;

                #region Pos Configuration
                string strTerminalID        = "";
                string _strTerminalID       = "0" + strTerminalID;
                string strStoreKey          = "";
                string strMerchantID        = "";
                string strProvisionPassword = "";
                string strSuccessURL        = "";
                string strErrorURL          = "";

                string strAmount = PaymentAmount.ToString();

                if (PaymentAmount.ToString().Contains(","))
                    string[] split_amount = PaymentAmount.ToString().Split(',');

                    if (split_amount[1].Length > 2)
                        strAmount = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1].Substring(0, 2);
                        strAmount = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1];
                else if (PaymentAmount.ToString().Contains("."))
                    string[] split_amount = PaymentAmount.ToString().Split('.');

                    if (split_amount[1].Length > 2)
                        strAmount = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1].Substring(0, 2);
                        strAmount = split_amount[0] + "" + split_amount[1];

                string strType             = "sales";
                string strInstallmentCount = "";
                string strOrderID          = Util.CreateRandomValue(10, true, true, true, false);

                string SecurityData = Util.GetSHA1(strProvisionPassword + _strTerminalID).ToUpper();
                string HashData     = Util.GetSHA1(strTerminalID + strOrderID + strAmount + strSuccessURL + strErrorURL + strType + strInstallmentCount + strStoreKey + SecurityData).ToUpper();

                NameValueCollection order_payment = new NameValueCollection();
                order_payment.Add("cardnumber", CreditCard.CardNumber);
                order_payment.Add("cardexpiredatemonth", CreditCard.Month);
                order_payment.Add("cardexpiredateyear", CreditCard.Year);
                order_payment.Add("cardcvv2", CreditCard.Cvc);
                order_payment.Add("mode", "PROD");
                order_payment.Add("secure3dsecuritylevel", "3D");
                order_payment.Add("apiversion", "v0.01");
                order_payment.Add("terminalprovuserid", "PROVAUT");
                order_payment.Add("terminaluserid", strTerminalID);
                order_payment.Add("terminalmerchantid", strMerchantID);
                order_payment.Add("txntype", strType);
                order_payment.Add("txnamount", strAmount);
                order_payment.Add("txncurrencycode", "949");
                order_payment.Add("txninstallmentcount", strInstallmentCount);
                order_payment.Add("orderid", strOrderID);
                order_payment.Add("terminalid", strTerminalID);
                order_payment.Add("successurl", strSuccessURL);
                order_payment.Add("errorurl", strErrorURL);
                order_payment.Add("customeremailaddress", Email);
                order_payment.Add("customeripaddress", HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress);
                order_payment.Add("secure3dhash", HashData);

                Util.RedirectAndPOST((Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler, "", order_payment);

                return(new ResultMessageModel {
                    Status = false
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ResultMessageModel {
                    Status = false, Message = ex.Message