Ejemplo n.º 1
    Vector3 getReachablePointOnRoute(Vector3 startPosition, RouteGameLogic patrolRoute, PatrolRouteWaypoints waypointIterator, List <PathNode> validDestinations, out bool isComplete, out int nextWaypointIndex, out bool nextPointGoesForward, out Vector3 successorPoint)
        nextWaypointIndex    = -1;
        nextPointGoesForward = false;

        float destinationRadius = unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Float_RouteWaypointRadius).FloatVal;
        //Vector3 foundDest;
        Vector3 lastReachablePoint;
        Vector3 firstUnreachableWaypoint;

        List <AbstractActor> lanceUnits = AIUtil.GetLanceUnits(unit.Combat, unit.LanceId);

        bool completedRoute;

        findLastReachablePatrolWaypoint(startPosition, patrolRoute, validDestinations, waypointIterator, destinationRadius, out lastReachablePoint, out firstUnreachableWaypoint, out nextWaypointIndex, out completedRoute);
        successorPoint = startPosition;

        if (completedRoute)
            isComplete           = true;
            nextWaypointIndex    = patrolRoute.routePointList.Length - 1;
            nextPointGoesForward = true;
            // look away from the foundDest in the direction that we moved
            // TODO(dlecompte) try to look away from the previous waypoint? Or maybe the pathnode's previous parent?
            successorPoint = lastReachablePoint + (lastReachablePoint - startPosition);
            // TODO(dlecompte) this ignores maxDist, probably could prune smarter.

        Vector3 nextWaypoint = patrolRoute.routePointList[nextWaypointIndex].Position;

        nextPointGoesForward = waypointIterator.goingForward;
        successorPoint       = nextWaypoint;
        isComplete           = false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
    override protected BehaviorTreeResults Tick()
        BehaviorTreeResults results;

        if (unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Bool_RouteCompleted).BoolVal)
            results                  = new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Success);
            results.orderInfo        = new OrderInfo(OrderType.Brace);
            results.debugOrderString = string.Format("{0}: bracing for end of patrol route", this.name);

        bool isSprinting = unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Bool_RouteShouldSprint).BoolVal;

        if (isSprinting && unit.CanSprint)

        PathNodeGrid grid = unit.Pathing.CurrentGrid;

        if (grid.UpdateBuild(25) > 0)
            // have to wait for the grid to build.
            results = new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Running);

        if (!unit.Pathing.ArePathGridsComplete)
            // have to wait for the grid to build.
            results = new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Running);

        float destinationRadius = unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Float_RouteWaypointRadius).FloatVal;

        RouteGameLogic myPatrolRoute = getRoute();

        if (myPatrolRoute == null)
            AIUtil.LogAI("Move Along Route failing because no route found", unit);
            return(new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Failure));

        BehaviorVariableValue nrpiVal = unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Int_RouteTargetPoint);
        int nextRoutePointIndex       = (nrpiVal != null) ? nrpiVal.IntVal : 0;
        BehaviorVariableValue pfVal   = unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Bool_RouteFollowingForward);
        bool patrollingForward        = (pfVal != null) ? pfVal.BoolVal : true;

        PatrolRouteWaypoints routeWaypointIterator = null;

        switch (myPatrolRoute.routeTransitType)
        case RouteTransitType.Circuit:
            routeWaypointIterator = new CircuitRouteWaypoints(nextRoutePointIndex, patrollingForward, myPatrolRoute.routePointList.Length);

        case RouteTransitType.OneWay:
            routeWaypointIterator = new OneWayRouteWaypoints(nextRoutePointIndex, patrollingForward, myPatrolRoute.routePointList.Length);

        case RouteTransitType.PingPong:
            routeWaypointIterator = new PingPongRouteWaypoints(nextRoutePointIndex, patrollingForward, myPatrolRoute.routePointList.Length);

            Debug.LogError("Invalid route transit type: " + myPatrolRoute.routeTransitType);
            AIUtil.LogAI("Move Along Route failing because patrol route was set to an invalid transit type: " + myPatrolRoute.routeTransitType, unit);
            return(new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Failure));

        float movementAvailable = unit.Pathing.MaxCost * unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Float_PatrolRouteThrottlePercentage).FloatVal / 100.0f;

        bool            isComplete           = false;
        int             nextWaypoint         = -1;
        bool            nextPointGoesForward = false;
        Vector3         successorPoint;
        List <PathNode> availablePathNodes = unit.Pathing.CurrentGrid.GetSampledPathNodes();

        // prune for region
        string regionGUID = RegionUtil.StayInsideRegionGUID(unit);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionGUID))
            availablePathNodes = availablePathNodes.FindAll(node => RegionUtil.PointInRegion(unit.Combat, node.Position, regionGUID));

        string guardGUID  = unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.String_GuardLanceGUID).StringVal;
        Lance  guardLance = guardGUID != null?unit.Combat.ItemRegistry.GetItemByGUID <Lance>(guardGUID) : null;

        // if guarding units, adjust movement available to account for their speed
        if (guardLance != null)
            movementAvailable = adjustMovementAvailableForGuardLance(unit, movementAvailable, guardLance);

        // prune for distance from start point
        availablePathNodes = availablePathNodes.FindAll(node => node.CostToThisNode <= movementAvailable);

        // if there is a guarding lance, make sure that we're not moving out of the lance tether
        if (guardLance != null)
            availablePathNodes = filterAvailablePathNodesForGuardTether(unit, availablePathNodes, guardLance);

        Vector3 patrolPoint = getReachablePointOnRoute(unit.CurrentPosition, myPatrolRoute, routeWaypointIterator, availablePathNodes, out isComplete, out nextWaypoint, out nextPointGoesForward, out successorPoint);

        unit.BehaviorTree.unitBehaviorVariables.SetVariable(BehaviorVariableName.Bool_RouteFollowingForward, new BehaviorVariableValue(nextPointGoesForward));
        unit.BehaviorTree.unitBehaviorVariables.SetVariable(BehaviorVariableName.Int_RouteTargetPoint, new BehaviorVariableValue(nextWaypoint));
        unit.BehaviorTree.unitBehaviorVariables.SetVariable(BehaviorVariableName.Bool_RouteCompleted, new BehaviorVariableValue(isComplete));

        //Vector3 destination = RegionUtil.MaybeClipMovementDestinationToStayInsideRegion(unit, patrolPoint);
        Vector3 destination = patrolPoint;

        if (!isComplete)
            List <PathNode> path = constructPath(unit.Combat.HexGrid, destination, availablePathNodes);

            if ((path.Count == 0) || ((path.Count == 1) && (AIUtil.Get2DDistanceBetweenVector3s(path[0].Position, unit.CurrentPosition) < 1)))
                // can't actually make progress - fail here, and presumably pass later on.
                AIUtil.LogAI("Move Along Route failing because no nodes in path.", unit);

                DialogueGameLogic proximityDialogue = unit.Combat.ItemRegistry.GetItemByGUID <DialogueGameLogic>(unit.Combat.Constants.CaptureEscortProximityDialogID);

                if (proximityDialogue != null)
                    TriggerDialog triggerDialogueMessage = new TriggerDialog(unit.GUID, unit.Combat.Constants.CaptureEscortProximityDialogID, async: false);
                    Debug.LogError("Could not find CaptureEscortProximityDialog. This is only a real error message if this is a Capture Escort (Normal Escort) mission. For other missions (Story, Ambush Convoy, etc) you can safely ignore this error message.");

                return(new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Failure));

            destination = path[path.Count - 1].Position;

        Vector3 cur = unit.CurrentPosition;

        if ((destination - cur).magnitude < 1)
            // can't actually make progress - fail here, and presumably pass later on.
            AIUtil.LogAI("Move Along Route failing because destination too close to unit start.", unit);
            return(new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Failure));

        AIUtil.LogAI(string.Format("issuing order from [{0} {1} {2}] to [{3} {4} {5}] looking at [{6} {7} {8}]",
                                   cur.x, cur.y, cur.z,
                                   destination.x, destination.y, destination.z,
                                   successorPoint.x, successorPoint.y, successorPoint.z
                                   ), unit);

        results = new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Success);
        MovementOrderInfo mvtOrderInfo = new MovementOrderInfo(destination, successorPoint);

        mvtOrderInfo.IsSprinting = isSprinting;
        results.orderInfo        = mvtOrderInfo;
        results.debugOrderString = string.Format("{0}: dest:{1} sprint:{2}", this.name, destination, mvtOrderInfo.IsSprinting);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void findLastReachablePatrolWaypoint(Vector3 startPosition, RouteGameLogic patrolRoute, List <PathNode> pathNodes, PatrolRouteWaypoints waypointIterator, float destinationRadius, out Vector3 lastReachablePoint, out Vector3 firstUnreachableWayPoint, out int nextWaypointIndex, out bool completedRoute)
        List <int> indicesConsideredThisTurn = new List <int>();  // to keep us from visiting the same node twice in a turn, either in a loop or in a ping-pong

        // We can definitely reach the start point
        lastReachablePoint = startPosition;

        // The following is just to get past the compiler error of assigning an out param.
        firstUnreachableWayPoint = startPosition;
        PathNode tempPathNode = null;
        PathNode realPathNode = null;

        foreach (int waypointIndex in waypointIterator.GetWaypoints())
            if (indicesConsideredThisTurn.IndexOf(waypointIndex) >= 0)
                // we've already been here
                nextWaypointIndex = waypointIndex;
                completedRoute    = false;

            Vector3 wayPoint = patrolRoute.routePointList[waypointIndex].Position;
            firstUnreachableWayPoint = wayPoint;

            Vector3 foundPoint;

            // Try and find
            if (findClosestWalkablePointToDestination(unit.Combat.HexGrid, wayPoint, startPosition, pathNodes, destinationRadius, out foundPoint, out tempPathNode))
                // If a pathnode was found, update the realPathNode.
                if (tempPathNode != null)
                    realPathNode = tempPathNode;

                lastReachablePoint = foundPoint;
                // At this point we have a start point we can reach and the next waypoint we can't reach. Try to find
                // the closest point in the path node to the next waypoint. We're going to find the closest point to the
                // firstUnreachableWayPoint in our pathNodes that pass through the lastPathNode that we can reach.
                float    closestDistance = AIUtil.Get2DSquaredDistanceBetweenVector3s(lastReachablePoint, firstUnreachableWayPoint);
                PathNode closestPathNode = realPathNode;

                // Loop through all our path nodes.
                for (int i = 0; i < pathNodes.Count; ++i)
                    // Find the distance from this node to the first unreachable waypoint.
                    PathNode currentPathNode = pathNodes[i];
                    float    currentDistance = AIUtil.Get2DSquaredDistanceBetweenVector3s(currentPathNode.Position, firstUnreachableWayPoint);

                    // If this node is closer to the destination than our current best node
                    if (currentDistance <= closestDistance)
                        // If we couldn't reach the first node, just move towards the first node as best we can.
                        if (realPathNode == null)
                            closestPathNode = pathNodes[i];
                            closestDistance = currentDistance;

                        // See if this path walks through the previous waypoint.
                        while (currentPathNode != null)
                            // If so, change our closest node.
                            if (currentPathNode == realPathNode)
                                closestPathNode = pathNodes[i];
                                closestDistance = currentDistance;
                            currentPathNode = currentPathNode.Parent;

                lastReachablePoint = closestPathNode.Position;
                nextWaypointIndex  = waypointIndex;
                completedRoute     = false;

        // used up all waypoints
        nextWaypointIndex = -1;
        completedRoute    = true;