Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Returns SelectList containing practice friendly name and practice ID for value with provided practice selected
        public static SelectList getFavorites(PatientLogModel db)
            string userID = HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID();
            IQueryable <SelectListItem> practices = from f in db.ScheduleFavorites
                                                    where f.UserID == userID
                                                    select new SelectListItem {
                Value = f.ID.ToString(), Text = f.Name

            List <SelectListItem> list = practices.ToList();

            //if (list.Count == 0)
            //    list.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "", Value = "" });
            return(new SelectList(list, "Value", "Text"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Returns SelectList containing PCP's from a single site
        public static SelectList getPCP(PatientLogModel db, string hosp)
            IQueryable <SelectListItem> pcpModel = from u in db.Users
                                                   join ud in db.UserDetails on u.UserID equals ud.UserID
                                                   where (ud.UserType == "RefPhy") && (ud.DefaultHospital == hosp)
                                                   orderby u.LastName
                                                   select new SelectListItem {
                Value = (u.LastName + ", " + u.FirstName), Text = (u.LastName + ", " + u.FirstName)

            List <SelectListItem> list = pcpModel.ToList();

            list.Insert(0, new SelectListItem {
                Text = "No PCP", Value = "No PCP"
            return(new SelectList(list, "Value", "Value"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Returns DISTINCT SelectList containing all AIMSPhy users
        public static SelectList getAIMSPhy(PatientLogModel db)
            IQueryable <SelectListItem> phyModel = from u in db.Users
                                                   join ud in db.UserDetails on u.UserID equals ud.UserID
                                                   where (ud.UserType == "AIMSPhy" && ud.Active == true)
                                                   select new SelectListItem {
                Text = (u.LastName + ", " + u.FirstName), Value = u.UserID

            phyModel = phyModel.Distinct().OrderBy(u => u.Text);
            List <SelectListItem> list = phyModel.ToList();

            list.Insert(0, new SelectListItem {
                Text = "Unassigned", Value = "Unassigned"
            return(new SelectList(list, "Value", "Text"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //Returns List<string> containing PCP names based on an admin user
        public static List <string> getPracticeAdminPCPs(PatientLogModel db, string userID)
            List <string> retList = new List <string>();

            List <string> practices = (from r in db.RefPracAdmins
                                       where r.UserID == userID
                                       select r.UserID).Distinct().ToList();

            var pcpmodel = (from u in db.Users
                            join ud in db.UserDetails on u.UserID equals ud.UserID
                            where (ud.UserType == "RefPhy" && practices.Contains(ud.UserID))
                            orderby u.LastName
                            select new { Value = (u.LastName + ", " + u.FirstName) }).Distinct();

            retList = pcpmodel.Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //Returns SelectList containing all PCP's
        public static SelectList getPCP(PatientLogModel db)
            IQueryable <SelectListItem> pcpModel = from u in db.Users
                                                   join ud in db.UserDetails on u.UserID equals ud.UserID
                                                   where (ud.UserType == "RefPhy")
                                                   orderby u.LastName
                                                   select new SelectListItem {
                Value = (u.LastName + ", " + u.FirstName), Text = (u.LastName + ", " + u.FirstName)

            pcpModel = pcpModel.Distinct().OrderBy(u => u.Value);

            List <SelectListItem> list = pcpModel.ToList();

            list.Insert(0, new SelectListItem {
                Text = "No PCP", Value = "No PCP"
            return(new SelectList(list, "Value", "Value"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void SavePatient(PatientLogModel db, PatientLog patient)
            patient.LastUpdated     = DateTime.Now;
            db.Entry(patient).State = EntityState.Modified;

            //db.Audits.Add(new Audit
            //    Action = "Update",
            //    FunctionUsed = "SavePatient(PatientLog)",
            //    UserID = HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID(),
            //    TargetIDs = patient.ID.ToString(),
            //    Controller = getController(),
            //    Page = getPage(),
            //    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now

Ejemplo n.º 7
        //public static void SetDailyRepeatSchedule(PatientLogModel db, string user, string hospital, string type, DateTime start, DateTime end, int interval, DateTime repeatTo)


        public static string SetDefaultFavorite(PatientLogModel db, string id)
            string userid = HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID();
            string ret;
            int    newID = Convert.ToInt32(id);
            List <ScheduleFavorite> query = (from f in db.ScheduleFavorites where f.UserID == userid select f).ToList();

            foreach (ScheduleFavorite f in query)
                f.Default         = false;
                db.Entry(f).State = EntityState.Modified;
            ScheduleFavorite newD = db.ScheduleFavorites.Find(newID);

            ret                  = newD.Name;
            newD.Default         = true;
            db.Entry(newD).State = EntityState.Modified;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void CreatePatient(PatientLogModel db, PatientLog patient)
            patient.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
            //patientLog.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;

            if (patient.Physician == "" || patient.Physician == null)
                patient.Physician = "Unassigned";
            if (patient.PCP_Practice == "" || patient.PCP_Practice == null)
                patient.PCP_Practice = "No PCP";
            if (patient.ServiceType == "" || patient.ServiceType == null)
                patient.ServiceType = "Assigned";
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static void SavePatients(PatientLogModel db, PatientLog[] patient)
     //string ids = "";
     foreach (PatientLog pat in patient)
         pat.LastUpdated     = DateTime.Now;
         db.Entry(pat).State = EntityState.Modified;
         //ids += pat.ID.ToString() + ",";
     //db.Audits.Add(new Audit
     //    Action = "Update",
     //    FunctionUsed = "SavePatients(PatientLog[])",
     //    UserID = HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID(),
     //    TargetIDs = ids.Substring(0, ids.Length - 1),
     //    Controller = getController(),
     //    Page = getPage(),
     //    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now
Ejemplo n.º 10
        //Returns SelectList containing practice friendly name and practice ID for value with provided practice selected
        public static SelectList getPractices(PatientLogModel db, string userID, string selectedPrac)
            IQueryable <SelectListItem> practices = from p in db.ReferringPractices
                                                    join a in db.RefPracAdmins on p.PracID equals a.PracID
                                                    where a.UserID == userID
                                                    orderby p.PracName
                                                    select new SelectListItem {
                Value = p.PracID.ToString(), Text = p.PracName

            List <SelectListItem> list = practices.ToList();

            if (list.Count > 1)
                list.Insert(0, new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "ALL", Value = "ALL"
            //list.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Text = "No PCP", Value = "No PCP" });
            return(new SelectList(list, "Value", "Text", selectedPrac));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 //Saves specialties
 public static void SaveSpecialties(PatientLogModel db, List <RefPracSpecialty> specialties)
     //Zero ID indicates this has never been saved to the database before
     if (specialties[0].ID == 0)
         foreach (RefPracSpecialty spec in specialties)
         foreach (RefPracSpecialty spec in specialties)
             RefPracSpecialty oldSpec = (from s in db.RefPracSpecialties where s.ID == spec.ID select s).Single();
             oldSpec.FirstChoice     = spec.FirstChoice;
             oldSpec.Backup          = spec.Backup;
             oldSpec.Comments        = spec.Comments;
             db.Entry(oldSpec).State = EntityState.Modified;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void SavePreference(PatientLogModel db, string controller, string viewModel, string filterName, string filterValue)
            string         userID     = HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID();
            UserPreference preference = (from u in db.UserPreferences where u.Controller == controller && u.ViewModel == viewModel && u.FilterName == filterName && u.UserID == userID select u).FirstOrDefault();

            //If user preference query returns a value, update it. If not, create a new entry in the db
            if (preference != null)
                preference.FilterValue     = filterValue;
                db.Entry(preference).State = EntityState.Modified;
                preference.Controller  = controller;
                preference.ViewModel   = viewModel;
                preference.FilterName  = filterName;
                preference.FilterValue = filterValue;
                preference.UserID      = userID;
            //Decided to leave this outside of the function so that it is only called once, supposed to be more efficient
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static SelectList getAllLocationsByType(PatientLogModel db, bool addNone)
            IQueryable <Hospital> hosps = from h in db.Hospitals
                                          where h.Active == true
                                          select h;

            hosps = hosps.OrderBy(h => (h.HospitalType == "HOS") ? 0 : (h.HospitalType == "NH") ? 1 : 2).ThenBy(h => h.ShortName);
            List <SelectListItem> list = new List <SelectListItem>();

            if (addNone)
                list.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "-none-", Value = "none"
            foreach (Hospital hosp in hosps)
                list.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = hosp.ShortName, Value = hosp.ShortName
            return(new SelectList(list, "Value", "Text"));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void CopyPatient(PatientLogModel db, int id)
            PatientLog patient = db.PatientLogs.Find(id);

            //Reset values for copied record
            patient.ServiceDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
            patient.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
            patient.LastUpdated = null;
            patient.Notes       = null;

            //db.Audits.Add(new Audit
            //    Action = "Copy",
            //    FunctionUsed = "CopyPatient(int)",
            //    UserID = HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID(),
            //    TargetIDs = id.ToString(),
            //    Controller = getController(),
            //    Page = getPage(),
            //    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static DataTable getScheduleWorkArea(PatientLogModel db, DateTime start, DateTime end, List <string> users, List <string> hospitals, List <string> types, bool rounding)
            DataTable returnDT = new DataTable();


            var query = from s in db.ScheduleWorkAreas
                        where s.StartTime >= start && s.EndTime <= end
                        select s;

            if (rounding)
                List <string> round = (from t in db.ScheduleRoundingTypes select t.Event).ToList <string>();
                query = query.Where(s => round.Contains(s.ScheduleType));
            if (users.Any())
                query = query.Where(s => users.Contains(s.UserID));
            if (hospitals.Any())
                query = query.Where(s => hospitals.Contains(s.HospitalShortName));
            if (types.Any())
                query = query.Where(s => types.Contains(s.ScheduleType));

            //Implement Ordering
            //Orders by Day, then Day Nursing, everything else, and finally Scheduled Off at the bottom, alphabetical order of the users for each type
            query = query.OrderBy(s => (s.ScheduleType == "Day-(D)") ? 0 : (s.ScheduleType == "Day Nursing-(DN)") ? 1 : (s.ScheduleType == "Scheduled Off-(O)") ? 100 : 2).ThenBy(s => s.UserID.Substring(1));

            foreach (ScheduleWorkArea sch in query)
                string  displayStart = sch.StartTime.Value.ToString("htt");
                string  displayEnd   = sch.EndTime.Value.ToString("htt");
                DataRow dr           = returnDT.NewRow();
                dr["ID"]        = sch.ID;
                dr["StartTime"] = sch.StartTime;
                //If time span is overnight, set End Time same as Start to avoid tag spilling into the next day
                if (sch.EndTime.Value.Day == sch.StartTime.Value.Day + 1)
                    dr["EndTime"] = sch.StartTime;
                    dr["EndTime"] = sch.EndTime;

                dr["Title"]        = displayStart + ' ' + sch.Title + ' ' + displayEnd;
                dr["ScheduleType"] = sch.ScheduleType;
                dr["UserID"]       = sch.UserID;
                dr["Hospital"]     = sch.HospitalShortName;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static int FinalizeSchedule(PatientLogModel db, List <string> users, List <string> hosps, List <string> types, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            DateTime newStart = start.Date + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);
            DateTime newEnd   = end.Date + new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);
            int      count;

            IQueryable <Schedule> toDelete = from w in db.Schedules
                                             where w.StartTime >= newStart && w.StartTime <= newEnd
                                             select w;

            if (users.Any())
                toDelete = toDelete.Where(w => users.Contains(w.UserID));
            if (hosps.Any())
                toDelete = toDelete.Where(w => hosps.Contains(w.HospitalShortName));
            if (types.Any())
                toDelete = toDelete.Where(w => types.Contains(w.ScheduleType));

            //Delete all matching criteria from schedule
            foreach (Schedule sch in toDelete)

            IQueryable <ScheduleWorkArea> toAdd = from w in db.ScheduleWorkAreas
                                                  where w.StartTime >= newStart && w.StartTime <= newEnd
                                                  select w;

            if (users.Any())
                toAdd = toAdd.Where(w => users.Contains(w.UserID));
            if (hosps.Any())
                toAdd = toAdd.Where(w => hosps.Contains(w.HospitalShortName));
            if (types.Any())
                toAdd = toAdd.Where(w => types.Contains(w.ScheduleType));

            //Add all matching ScheduleWorkArea schedules to the schedule table
            count = toAdd.Count();
            foreach (ScheduleWorkArea sch in toAdd)
                Schedule newSchedule = new Schedule();

                newSchedule.Comments          = sch.Comments;
                newSchedule.DateCreated       = DateTime.Now;
                newSchedule.EndTime           = sch.EndTime;
                newSchedule.HospitalShortName = sch.HospitalShortName;
                newSchedule.ScheduleType      = sch.ScheduleType;
                newSchedule.StartTime         = sch.StartTime;
                newSchedule.Title             = sch.Title;
                newSchedule.UserID            = sch.UserID;

Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static void CreateScheduleWorkArea(PatientLogModel db, ScheduleWorkArea sch)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static void DeletePatient(PatientLogModel db, PatientLog patient)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 //Returns SelectList of servicetype with specified service as default
 public static SelectList getServiceType(PatientLogModel db, string serv)
     return(new SelectList(db.ServiceTypes, "Service", "Service", serv));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 //Returns SelectList containing PatientClass types with passed pclass as selected
 public static SelectList getPatientClass(PatientLogModel db, string pclass)
     return(new SelectList(db.PatientClasses, "ShortName", "ShortName", pclass));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 //Returns genders
 public static SelectList getGender(PatientLogModel db)
     return(new SelectList(db.Genders, "Gender1", "Gender1", "Male"));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        //Searches RefPracSpecialty for provided practice, if found returns results, else returns a blank default of common specialties
        public static List <RefPracSpecialty> getSpecialties(PatientLogModel db, int selectedPrac)
            IQueryable <RefPracSpecialty> specials = from s in db.RefPracSpecialties
                                                     where s.PracID == selectedPrac
                                                     select s;

            List <RefPracSpecialty> list = new List <RefPracSpecialty>();

            if (specials.Any() == false)
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Allergy and Immunology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Anesthesiology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Cardiology - EP", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Cardiology - General", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Cardiology - Interventional", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Cardiology - Surgery", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Dermatology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Endocrinology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "ENT", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Gastroenterology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Hematology/Oncology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Infectious Disease", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Nephrology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Neurology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Neurosurgery", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "OB/GYN", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "OMFS", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Ophthamology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Orthopedic Spine", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Orthopedic Surgery", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Orthopedics", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Other 1", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Other 2", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Other 3", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Other 4", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Other 5", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Plastic Surgery", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "PMR", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Podiatry", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Psychiatry", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Pulmonary/CCM", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Rheumatology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - Cardio Thoracic", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - Colon & Rectal", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - General", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - Neurological", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - Orthopedic", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - Plastic", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - Thoracic", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - Urological", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Surgery - Vascular", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list.Add(new RefPracSpecialty {
                    Specialty = "Urology", FirstChoice = "", Backup = "", Comments = "", ID = 0
                list = specials.ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public static ReferringPractice getPractice(PatientLogModel db, int PracID)
            ReferringPractice prac = (from r in db.ReferringPractices where r.PracID == PracID select r).Single();

Ejemplo n.º 24
 //Returns SelectList containing PatientClass types
 public static SelectList getPatientClass(PatientLogModel db)
     return(new SelectList(db.PatientClasses, "ShortName", "ShortName", "None"));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 //Returns SelectList of genders with specified gender as default
 public static SelectList getGender(PatientLogModel db, string gen)
     return(new SelectList(db.Genders, "Gender1", "Gender1", gen));