Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Program.cs Proyecto: sgww/cozy
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <FileVersionInfo> filelist = new List <FileVersionInfo>();

            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(args[0]))
                if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".exe" || Path.GetExtension(file) == ".dll")
                    filelist.Add(new FileVersionInfo
                        Name = Path.GetFileName(file),
                        Md5  = FileMd5.GetMD5HashFromFile(PathTransform.LocalFullPath(file)),

            // to json
            var filename = (args.Length < 2 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[1])) ? "./publish.json" : args[1];

            using (var fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                using (var sr = new StreamWriter(fs))
        public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject spawned)
            // Normal linear transforms
              transform.Rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Origin.transform.rotation, Target.transform.rotation, curve.Value);
              transform.Scale = Vector3.Lerp(Origin.transform.localScale, Target.transform.localScale, curve.Value);

              // Find new position by speed
              var direction = (Target.transform.position - spawned.GameObject.transform.position).normalized;
              var delta = Speed * curve.Delta * direction;
              var output = spawned.GameObject.transform.position + delta;

              // Force position to be on the correct path
              var correctGap = (Target.transform.position - Origin.transform.position);
              var correctDirection = correctGap.normalized;
              var step = (output - Origin.transform.position).magnitude;

              // If the movement moves past the target, halt at target
              if (step > correctGap.magnitude)
            step = correctGap.magnitude;
            transform.Active = false;

              // Save output
              output = Origin.transform.position + step * correctDirection;
              transform.Position = output;
    public void test_arc_height()
        var transform = new PathTransform();
        var instance  = fixture();
        var spawned   = new SpawnedObject()
            GameObject = mobile

        target.transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 10f);

        curve.elapsed = 0f;
        instance.Update(curve, transform, spawned);
        Assert(transform.position == new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f));

        curve.elapsed = 2.5f;
        curve.Delta   = 2.5f;
        instance.Update(curve, transform, spawned);
        Assert((transform.position - new Vector3(0f, 7.071068f, 2.5f)).magnitude < 0.001f);

        curve.elapsed = 5f;
        curve.Delta   = 5f;
        instance.Update(curve, transform, spawned);
        Assert(transform.position == new Vector3(0f, 10f, 5f));

        curve.elapsed = 10.0f;
        curve.Delta   = 10.0f; // We never apply to the gameObject, so it doesn't step
        instance.Update(curve, transform, spawned);
        Assert((transform.position - new Vector3(0f, 0f, 10f)).magnitude < 0.001f);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject spawned)
            // Normal linear transforms
            transform.Rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Origin.transform.rotation, Target.transform.rotation, curve.Value);
            transform.Scale    = Vector3.Lerp(Origin.transform.localScale, Target.transform.localScale, curve.Value);

            // Find new position by speed
            var direction = (Target.transform.position - spawned.GameObject.transform.position).normalized;
            var delta     = Speed * curve.Delta * direction;
            var output    = spawned.GameObject.transform.position + delta;

            // Force position to be on the correct path
            var correctGap       = (Target.transform.position - Origin.transform.position);
            var correctDirection = correctGap.normalized;
            var step             = (output - Origin.transform.position).magnitude;

            // If the movement moves past the target, halt at target
            if (step > correctGap.magnitude)
                step             = correctGap.magnitude;
                transform.Active = false;

            // Save output
            output             = Origin.transform.position + step * correctDirection;
            transform.Position = output;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private List <FileVersionInfo> GetLocalFileVersionInfo()
            var filelist = new List <string> {





            return(filelist.Select(x => new FileVersionInfo
                Name = x,
                Md5 = FileMd5.GetMD5HashFromFile((PathTransform.LocalFullPath(Path.Combine("..\\", x)))),
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Transform(PathTransform p)
     for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
         points[i] *= p.Scale;
         points[i] += p.Translation;
         points[i]  = MotionHelper.Rotate(points[i], p.Rotation, p.RotationOrigin);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void Update()
     catch (Exception)
 public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject origin)
     var distance = (Target.transform.position - origin.GameObject.transform.position).magnitude;
       if (distance < Offset)
     var total = 1f - (distance - Offset) / Offset;
     byte alpha = (byte) (255 - (byte) Math.Ceiling(255 * total));
     alpha = transform.Active ? alpha : (byte) 255;
     transform.Color = new Color32(Color.r, Color.g, Color.b, alpha);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Run(CardCollect cc)
            CozyLuaCore lua = new CozyLuaCore();

            lua.DoString("import ('CozyPoker.Engine', 'CozyPoker.Engine.Model')");
            lua.DoString("import ('CozyPoker.Engine', 'CozyPoker.Engine.Util')");
            var f = lua.GetFunction("shuffle");

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public CardCollect Run(CardCollect cc)
            CozyLuaCore lua = new CozyLuaCore();

            lua.DoString("import ('CozyPoker.Engine', 'CozyPoker.Engine.Model')");
            lua.DoString("import ('CozyPoker.Engine', 'CozyPoker.Engine.Util')");
            var f = lua.GetFunction("deal");

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject origin)
            var distance = (Target.transform.position - origin.GameObject.transform.position).magnitude;

            if (distance < Offset)
                var  total = 1f - (distance - Offset) / Offset;
                byte alpha = (byte)(255 - (byte)Math.Ceiling(255 * total));
                alpha           = transform.Active ? alpha : (byte)255;
                transform.Color = new Color32(Color.r, Color.g, Color.b, alpha);
 public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject target)
     var delta = (target.GameObject.transform.position - target.Origin.Position).magnitude;
       if (Distance > 0)
     if (delta <= Distance)
       var total = delta / Distance;
       byte alpha = (byte) Math.Ceiling(255 * total);
       transform.Color.a = alpha;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject target)
     if (curve.Value > Offset)
     var total = 1.0f - Offset;
     if (total >= 0)
       var value = (curve.Value - Offset) / total;
       byte alpha = (byte) (255 - (byte) Math.Ceiling(255 * value));
       alpha = transform.Active ? alpha : (byte) 255;
       transform.Color.a = alpha;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject target)
            var delta = (target.GameObject.transform.position - target.Origin.Position).magnitude;

            if (Distance > 0)
                if (delta <= Distance)
                    var  total = delta / Distance;
                    byte alpha = (byte)Math.Ceiling(255 * total);
                    transform.Color.a = alpha;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject target)
     if (curve.Value > Offset)
         var total = 1.0f - Offset;
         if (total >= 0)
             var  value = (curve.Value - Offset) / total;
             byte alpha = (byte)(255 - (byte)Math.Ceiling(255 * value));
             alpha             = transform.Active ? alpha : (byte)255;
             transform.Color.a = alpha;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public virtual bool Init(string script)


            var methods = lua.GetTable("methods");

            for (var em = methods.GetEnumerator(); em.MoveNext();)
                var funcName = (string)em.Value;
                mapMethod.Add(funcName, lua.GetFunction(funcName));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        virtual public bool Init(string script)
            CozyLuaCore lua = new CozyLuaCore();

            mapMethod = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var methods = lua.GetTable("methods");
            var em      = methods.GetEnumerator();

            while (em.MoveNext())
                mapMethod.Add((string)em.Key, (string)em.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public CardCollect Run()
            CozyLuaCore lua = new CozyLuaCore();

            lua.DoString("import ('CozyPoker.Engine', 'CozyPoker.Engine.Model')");
            lua.DoString("import ('CozyPoker.Engine', 'CozyPoker.Engine.Util')");
            //lua.DoString(@" import ('CozyPoker.Engine', 'CozyPoker.Engine.Model')");
            //    cc = CardCollect()
            //    c = Card(1,1)
            //    cc:Add(c)");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject spawned)
            // Normal linear transforms
            transform.Scale = Vector3.Lerp(Origin.transform.localScale, Target.transform.localScale, curve.Value);

            // Find new position by speed
            var direction = (Target.transform.position - spawned.GameObject.transform.position).normalized;
            var delta     = Speed * curve.Delta * direction;
            var output    = spawned.GameObject.transform.position + delta;

            if (Math.Abs(direction.magnitude) < DirectionTolerance)
                transform.Active = false;

            // Force position to be on the correct path
            var correctDirection = (Origin.transform.position - Target.transform.position).normalized;
            var offset           = output - spawned.Origin.Position;
            var pathLength       = (correctDirection * Vector3.Dot(offset, correctDirection) / correctDirection.magnitude);
            var projected        = Origin.transform.position + pathLength;

            // Distance from here to origin
            var left      = (projected - Target.transform.position).magnitude;
            var total     = (spawned.Origin.Position - Target.transform.position).magnitude;
            var increment = 1f - left / total;

            // Apply arc
            // NB. f(x)  -> (x, sin(x)) ie. f'(x) -> (1, cos(x))
            var currentHeight    = Mathf.Sin(increment * 180f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * this.Height;
            var right            = Vector3.Cross(Up, direction);
            var tangentDirection = Mathf.Cos(increment * 180f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * Up - correctDirection;
            var normal           = Vector3.Cross(right, -tangentDirection);

            transform.Rotation      = Quaternion.LookRotation(tangentDirection, normal);
            transform.Position      = projected + Up * currentHeight;
            spawned.Origin.Position = Origin.transform.position;

            // Halt?
            if ((transform.Position - Target.transform.position).magnitude < ArcFixedPath.CutoffDistance)
                transform.Active = false;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static FollowerPackage GetFollowerPackages()
            var name   = @"Data/FollowerPackage";
            var result = new FollowerPackage();

            int i = 1;

            while (File.Exists(PathTransform.LuaScript(name + i)))
                var lua = new CozyLua.Core.CozyLuaCore();

                lua.DoFile(PathTransform.LuaScript(name + i));
                var retVal = (FollowerPackage)lua.GetFunction("GetFollowerPackage").Call()[0];
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject spawned)
            // Normal linear transforms
              transform.Scale = Vector3.Lerp(Origin.transform.localScale, Target.transform.localScale, curve.Value);

              // Find new position by speed
              var direction = (Target.transform.position - spawned.GameObject.transform.position).normalized;
              var delta = Speed * curve.Delta * direction;
              var output = spawned.GameObject.transform.position + delta;
              if (Math.Abs(direction.magnitude) < DirectionTolerance)
            transform.Active = false;

              // Force position to be on the correct path
              var correctDirection = (Origin.transform.position - Target.transform.position).normalized;
              var offset = output - spawned.Origin.Position;
              var pathLength = (correctDirection * Vector3.Dot(offset, correctDirection) / correctDirection.magnitude);
              var projected = Origin.transform.position + pathLength;

              // Distance from here to origin
              var left = (projected - Target.transform.position).magnitude;
              var total = (spawned.Origin.Position - Target.transform.position).magnitude;
              var increment = 1f - left / total;

              // Apply arc
              // NB. f(x)  -> (x, sin(x)) ie. f'(x) -> (1, cos(x))
              var currentHeight = Mathf.Sin(increment * 180f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * this.Height;
              var right = Vector3.Cross(Up, direction);
              var tangentDirection = Mathf.Cos(increment * 180f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * Up - correctDirection;
              var normal = Vector3.Cross(right, -tangentDirection);
              transform.Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tangentDirection, normal);
              transform.Position = projected + Up * currentHeight;
              spawned.Origin.Position = Origin.transform.position;

              // Halt?
              if ((transform.Position - Target.transform.position).magnitude < ArcFixedPath.CutoffDistance)
            transform.Active = false;
    public void test_fixed_path_with_moving_target()
        var transform = new PathTransform();
        var instance  = fixture();
        var spawned   = new SpawnedObject()
            GameObject = mobile

        target.transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 10f);
        curve.elapsed             = 0f;
        instance.Update(curve, transform, spawned);

        Assert(transform.position == new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f));

        curve.elapsed = 5f;
        curve.Delta   = 5f;
        instance.Update(curve, transform, spawned);
        Assert(transform.position == new Vector3(0f, 0f, 5f));

Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject spawned)
     transform.Position = Vector3.Lerp(Origin.transform.position, Target.transform.position, curve.Value);
     transform.Rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Origin.transform.rotation, Target.transform.rotation, curve.Value);
     transform.Scale    = Vector3.Lerp(Origin.transform.localScale, Target.transform.localScale, curve.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: LuaExt.cs Proyecto: sgww/cozy
        public static void InitEnvironment(this CozyLuaCore lua)

Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void Update(IAnimationCurve curve, PathTransform transform, SpawnedObject spawned)
     transform.Position = Vector3.Lerp(Origin.transform.position, Target.transform.position, curve.Value);
       transform.Rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Origin.transform.rotation, Target.transform.rotation, curve.Value);
       transform.Scale = Vector3.Lerp(Origin.transform.localScale, Target.transform.localScale, curve.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public Path(int pointCount, float startT, float endT, Func <float, float> x, Func <float, float> y, PathTransform p)
     Generate(pointCount, startT, endT, x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public Path(int pointCount, ParametricEquations eq, PathTransform p, float a = 1, float b = 0, float c = 0)
     Generate(pointCount, eq, a, b, c);