protected override void AddSubpaths(List <IModule> activeModules, PathIdentifier identifier)
            if (PackageIdentifier == null)

            var processor = new PathProcessor(identifier);

            processor.Read(state.Folder, skipFolderPaths: true, pathReader: f => {
                var sharePath = f.MetaEDiscoveryPathIdentifierRead();

                if (PackageIdentifier.PathKey != EDiscoveryUtility.E_DISCOVERY_ALL_PACKAGE_PATH_KEY &&
                    f.Read <string>(MetadataKeyConstants.E_DISCOVERY_SHARE_PACKGAGE) != PackageName &&
                    f.Read <string>(MetadataKeyConstants.E_DISCOVERY_SHARE_PACKGAGE) != null)

                if (sharePath != null)

            var paths = RelativePathIdentifier != null
                ? processor[PackageIdentifier.CreateChild(RelativePathIdentifier.PathKey)].Paths
                : processor[PackageIdentifier].Paths;

            foreach (var p in paths)
                allRows.Add(new ManagerPathModel
                    Identifier        = p.Identifier,
                    AllowedOperations = GetSubPathOperations(activeModules, p.Identifier),
                    FullPath          = p.FullPath,
                    Icons             = p.Icons,
                    Name  = p.Name,
                    Paths = null

            base.AddSubpaths(activeModules, identifier);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public EDiscoveryManagerPathModel GetNotSharedYetPath(FolderModel folder)
            // We need to get the staged count, as it will allow us to A. determine if we're going to show the not shared yet folder,
            // and B. a cound on the not shared yet folder.
            var stagedCount         = EDiscoveryUtility.GetStagedCount(folder);
            var notSharedIdentifier = new PathIdentifier(folder.Identifier, EDiscoveryUtility.E_DISCOVERY_NOT_SHARED_PATH_KEY);

            var processor = new PathProcessor(folder.Identifier);

            processor.Read(folder, skipFolderPaths: true, pathReader: f => {
                if (f.ShareState() != EDiscoveryShareState.Staged)

                var sharePath = f.MetaEDiscoveryPathIdentifierRead();

                if (sharePath != null)


            return(new EDiscoveryManagerPathModel()
                Identifier = notSharedIdentifier,
                Icons = new string[] { EDiscoveryUtility.EDISCOVERY_FOLDER_COLOR_STYLE },
                Name = $"Not Shared Yet ({stagedCount.ToString()})",
                FullPath = "eDiscovery/Not Shared Yet",
                AllowedOperations = null,
                Paths = processor[notSharedIdentifier]?.Paths
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public PathIdentifier GetOfficerPath(FolderIdentifier folderIdentifier, string firstName, string lastName)
            var leoUploadFolder = new PathIdentifier(folderIdentifier, LEOUploadUtility.LEO_UPLOAD_PATH_KEY);

            // Here we're adding a child folder to the leo upload whenever we add a new officer.
            var childPath = leoUploadFolder.CreateChild($"{firstName} {lastName}");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <EDiscoveryManagerPathModel> BuildDatedPackagesDynamicFolder(FolderModel folder)
            var managerPaths = new List <EDiscoveryManagerPathModel>();

            var packageMap = folder.Read <EDiscoveryPackageMap>(MetadataKeyConstants.E_DISCOVERY_PACKAGE_MAP_METAKEY);

            if (this.IsModuleActive(folder))
                // go through all the folders, and find all the
                foreach (var file in folder.Files.Rows
                         .Where(f => f.Read <string>(MetadataKeyConstants.E_DISCOVERY_SHARE_PACKGAGE) != null)
                    var sharePackageName       = file.Read <string>(MetadataKeyConstants.E_DISCOVERY_SHARE_PACKGAGE);
                    var sharePackageIdentifier = new PathIdentifier(file.Identifier as FolderIdentifier, "eDiscovery/" + sharePackageName);

                    // Here we're checking to make sure we haven't already added this 'dated share folder'
                    if (!managerPaths.Any(mp => mp.Identifier.Equals(sharePackageIdentifier)))
                        var processor = new PathProcessor(folder.Identifier);
                        processor.Read(folder, skipFolderPaths: true, pathReader: f => {
                            var sharePath = f.MetaEDiscoveryPathIdentifierRead();
                            if (sharePackageName != null &&
                                f.Read <string>(MetadataKeyConstants.E_DISCOVERY_SHARE_PACKGAGE) != sharePackageName)

                            if (sharePath != null)

                        var packagePath = new EDiscoveryManagerPathModel()
                            Identifier        = sharePackageIdentifier,
                            Icons             = new string[] { EDiscoveryUtility.EDISCOVERY_FOLDER_COLOR_STYLE },
                            Name              = sharePackageName,
                            FullPath          = sharePackageIdentifier.FullName,
                            Paths             = processor[sharePackageIdentifier]?.Paths,
                            CustomName        = EDiscoveryUtility.GetCustomName(packageMap, sharePackageName),
                            AllowedOperations = EDiscoveryUtility.IsUserEDiscovery(connection.UserAccessIdentifiers) ? new AllowedOperation[] { } : new AllowedOperation[] { AllowedOperation.GetAllowedOperationEditPackageName(folder.Identifier, sharePackageName) },

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <ActionResult> UploadChunk(
            PathIdentifier pathIdentifier,
            BrowserFileInformation fileInformation,
            string token,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)
            if (!Request.ContentLength.HasValue)
                throw new Exception("Missing Content-Length header");
            if (Request.Headers["Content-Range"].Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Missing Content-Range header");
            if (Request.Headers["Content-Disposition"].Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Missing Content-Disposition header");

            var range = ContentRangeHeaderValue.Parse(Request.Headers["Content-Range"]);

            if (!range.HasLength)
                throw new Exception("Content-Range header does not include total length");

            long from       = (long)range.From;
            long to         = (long)range.To;
            long fileLength = (long)range.Length;

            var fileName = fileInformation?.Name;

            if (fileName == null)
                var contentDisposition = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(Request.Headers["Content-Disposition"]);
                fileName = contentDisposition?.FileName;
                if (fileName == null)
                    throw new Exception("Filename is not specified in either Content-Disposition header or fileInformation");

                // for some dumb reason, the ContentDispositionHeaderValue parser doesn't finish parsing file names
                // it leaves them quoted
                if (fileName.StartsWith('"') && fileName.EndsWith('"') && fileName.Length > 1)
                    fileName = WebUtility.UrlDecode(fileName.Substring(1, fileName.Length - 2));

            Stream             stream     = Request.Body;
            UploadContextModel tokenState = null;

            // test retries
            //if ((new Random()).NextDouble() < .3)
            //    throw new Exception("Chaos Monkey");

            bool isFirstChunk = from == 0;
            bool isLastChunk  = to == (fileLength - 1);

            FileIdentifier fileIdentifier = null;

            var folderModel = await Connection.Folder.GetOrThrowAsync(pathIdentifier);

            var modules = ModuleConfigurator.GetActiveModules(folderModel);

            // === Step 1: Begin Upload
            if (isFirstChunk)
                var fileModel = new FileModel
                    Identifier = new FileIdentifier(pathIdentifier, null),
                    Name       = fileName,
                    Modified   = fileInformation?.LastModified != null
                        ? epoch.AddMilliseconds(fileInformation.LastModified.Value)
                        : DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Length   = fileLength,
                    MimeType = fileInformation?.Type ?? Request.ContentType ?? "application/octet-stream",

                fileModel.Created = new DateTime(Math.Min(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks, fileModel.Modified.Ticks), DateTimeKind.Utc);

                // some browsers will send us the relative path of a file during a folder upload
                var relativePath = fileInformation?.FullPath;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relativePath) && relativePath != "/")
                    if (relativePath.StartsWith("/"))
                        relativePath = relativePath.Substring(1);

                    pathIdentifier = pathIdentifier.CreateChild(relativePath);


                foreach (var module in modules)
                    await module.PreUploadAsync(folderModel, fileModel);

                tokenState = await Connection.File.UploadBeginAsync(fileModel, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);
                if (token == null)
                    throw new Exception("Uploaded secondary chunk without token");

                tokenState = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UploadContextModel>(token);

            // === Step 2: Send this Chunk
            using (stream)
                if (!isLastChunk)
                    if (to - from != tokenState.ChunkSize - 1)
                        throw new Exception($"Chunk Size Mismatch: received ({to - from}) expected ({tokenState.ChunkSize})");

                int chunkIndex = (int)(from / tokenState.ChunkSize);

                tokenState = await Connection.File.UploadSendChunkAsync(
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken

            // === Step 3: End the Upload
            if (isLastChunk)  // if file is one chunk, all three steps happen in a single call
                var fileModel = await Connection.File.UploadEndAsync(tokenState, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                fileIdentifier = fileModel.Identifier;

                foreach (var module in modules)
                    await module.PostUploadAsync(folderModel, fileModel);

            return(Json(new APIResponse <UploadedFileResponse>
                Response = new UploadedFileResponse
                    FileIdentifier = fileIdentifier,
                    Token = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tokenState)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void BuildDynamicFolders(PathIdentifier identifier, ItemQueryResponse page, FolderModel folder, bool isRestrictedView)
            if (!page?.PathTree?.Paths?.Any(p => p.Identifier.PathKey == EDiscoveryUtility.E_DISCOVERY_PATH_KEY) ?? false)
                if (page.PathTree.Paths == null)
                    page.PathTree.Paths = new List <ManagerPathModel>();

                var managerPathModels = new List <ManagerPathModel>();

                // we have to build up the children first.
                // First we get all the dated package dynamic paths.
                var datedPackagePaths = BuildDatedPackagesDynamicFolder(folder);

                var eDiscoveryIdentifier = new PathIdentifier(identifier)
                    PathKey = EDiscoveryUtility.E_DISCOVERY_PATH_KEY

                // Last the parent / root node of 'eDiscovery'
                var eDiscoveryPath = new ManagerPathModel
                    Identifier        = eDiscoveryIdentifier,
                    Icons             = new string[] { EDiscoveryUtility.EDISCOVERY_FOLDER_COLOR_STYLE },
                    Name              = EDiscoveryUtility.E_DISCOVERY_PATH_NAME,
                    FullPath          = EDiscoveryUtility.E_DISCOVERY_PATH_KEY,
                    AllowedOperations = null,
                    Paths             = new List <ManagerPathModel>(),
                    IsExpanded        = datedPackagePaths.Count > 0 || EDiscoveryUtility.GetStagedCount(folder) > 0,

                if (datedPackagePaths.Any())
                    var allPackagesIdentifier = new PathIdentifier(identifier as FolderIdentifier, EDiscoveryUtility.E_DISCOVERY_ALL_PACKAGE_PATH_KEY);

                    var packageName = "All";

                    var processor = new PathProcessor(folder.Identifier);
                    processor.Read(folder, skipFolderPaths: true, pathReader: f => {
                        var sharePath = f.MetaEDiscoveryPathIdentifierRead();

                        if (sharePath != null)

                    datedPackagePaths.Insert(0, new EDiscoveryManagerPathModel()
                        Identifier = allPackagesIdentifier,
                        Icons      = new string[] { EDiscoveryUtility.EDISCOVERY_FOLDER_COLOR_STYLE },
                        Name       = packageName,
                        FullPath   = allPackagesIdentifier.FullName,
                        Paths      = processor[allPackagesIdentifier]?.Paths

                eDiscoveryPath.Paths = eDiscoveryPath.Paths.Concat(datedPackagePaths).ToList();

                if (!isRestrictedView)
