Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void MoveTo(int x, int y, bool ignoreblocking = false)

            if (Map.Map[x, y].Blocked && !ignoreblocking)
                _currentpath = null;

            TargetX = x;
            TargetY = y;

            var position = CordUtil.WorldToTile(transform.position);
            var currentx = position.First;
            var currenty = position.Second;

            Pathfinder.ResultFound = r =>
                _currentpath = r;

                if (_currentpath != null)
                    _nextworldpos = CordUtil.TileToWorld(_currentpath.X, _currentpath.Y);

            _currentpath = null;
            Pathfinder.FindPath(currentx, currenty, x, y, this);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void btnGenerateMap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtMap.Text = "";

            // Start with a clear map (don't add any obstacles)
            InitializeMap(7, 5, Point.Empty, Point.Empty, true);
            PathFinding       pathFinder = new PathFinding(searchParameters);
            PathFindingResult pathResult = pathFinder.FindPath();

            //txtMap.Text += ShowRoute("The algorithm should find a direct path without obstacles:", path);
            //txtMap.Text += Environment.NewLine;

            //// Now add an obstacle
            //InitializeMap(7, 5, Point.Empty, Point.Empty);
            //pathFinder = new PathFinding(searchParameters);
            //path = pathFinder.FindPath();
            //txtMap.Text += ShowRoute("The algorithm should find a route around the obstacle:", path);
            //txtMap.Text += Environment.NewLine;

            //// Create a barrier between the start and end points
            //InitializeMap(7, 5, Point.Empty, Point.Empty);
            //pathFinder = new PathFinding(searchParameters);
            //path = pathFinder.FindPath();
            //txtMap.Text += ShowRoute("The algorithm should not be able to find a route around the barrier:", path);
            //txtMap.Text += Environment.NewLine;

            //// Create a maze with custom start and end points
            //InitializeMap(7, 5, new Point(0, 4), new Point(6, 4));
            //pathFinder = new PathFinding(searchParameters);
            //path = pathFinder.FindPath();
            //txtMap.Text += ShowRoute("The algorithm should be able to find a long route around the barrier:", path);
            //txtMap.Text += Environment.NewLine;

            //// Create a maze with custom start and end points
            //InitializeMap(7, 5, new Point(0, 4), new Point(4, 2));
            //pathFinder = new PathFinding(searchParameters);
            //path = pathFinder.FindPath();
            //txtMap.Text += ShowRoute("The algorithm should be able to find a long route around the barrier:", path);
            //txtMap.Text += Environment.NewLine;

            // Create a larger maze with custom start and end points
            InitializeMap(70, 40, new Point(0, 0), new Point(69, 39), false);
            this.map     = GenerateMap.GenerateRandomMap(this.map, 70, 40, 40);
            pathFinder   = new PathFinding(searchParameters);
            pathResult   = pathFinder.FindPath();
            txtMap.Text += ShowRoute("The algorithm should be able to find a long route around the random blocks:", pathResult.Path);
            txtMap.Text += Environment.NewLine;

            //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void FixedUpdate()

            if (_currentpath == null)

            if (Vector3.Distance(_nextworldpos, transform.position) <= _distanceBeforeNext)
                if (_currentpath.Next == null)
                    _currentpath = null;

                if (Map.Map[_currentpath.Next.X, _currentpath.Next.Y].Blocked)
                    MoveTo(TargetX, TargetY);

                _currentpath = _currentpath.Next;

                SwapPosition(_currentpath.X, _currentpath.Y);

                if (_currentpath == null)

                _nextworldpos = CordUtil.TileToWorld(_currentpath.X, _currentpath.Y);

            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, _nextworldpos, Speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void btnGenerateMap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtMap.Text = "";
            int width          = int.Parse(txtWidth.Text);
            int height         = int.Parse(txtHeight.Text);
            int range          = int.Parse(txtRange.Text);
            int startingWidth  = 3;
            int startingHeight = 3;

            // Create a larger maze with custom start and end points
            InitializeMap(width, height, new Point(0, 0), new Point(width - 1, height - 1), false);
            AddRandomItems(width, height, 40);
            AddStartingLocation(startingWidth, startingHeight);
            //pathFinder = new PathFinding(searchParameters);
            //path = pathFinder.FindPath();

            PathFinding       pathFinder = new PathFinding(searchParameters);
            PathFindingResult pathResult = pathFinder.FindPath();

            pathResult.Path.AddRange(PossibleTiles.FindTiles(new Point(0, 0), range, this.map));
            txtMap.Text += ShowRoute("The algorithm should be able to find a long route around the random blocks:", pathResult.Path);
            txtMap.Text += Environment.NewLine;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public PathFindingResult <PickingTravelStep> FindPath(PickingOrder order)
            var result = new PathFindingResult <PickingTravelStep>
                Success = true,
            var currentPosition = new PickingTravelStep(_warehouseLayout.GetPickingStartPosition(), new Dictionary <long, int>(order.RequiredArticles));

            var possiblePickingSlots = order.RequiredArticles
                                       .SelectMany(x => _warehouseLayout.GetPickingSlotsWithSku(x.Key))
                                       .OrderBy(x => x.AlleyNumber).ThenBy(x => x.PositionNumber)

            var precalculatedRoutes = GetRoutesBetweenSlots(possiblePickingSlots);
            var remainingInOrder    = new Dictionary <long, int>(order.RequiredArticles);

            foreach (var possiblePickingSlot in possiblePickingSlots)
                var previousPosition = currentPosition;
                if (!remainingInOrder.TryGetValue(possiblePickingSlot.Sku, out int positionUnits) || remainingInOrder[possiblePickingSlot.Sku] < 1)

                if (positionUnits < 1)

                var unitsToTake = Math.Min(positionUnits, remainingInOrder[possiblePickingSlot.Sku]);

                _warehouseLayout.GetPickingSlots().FirstOrDefault(x => x == possiblePickingSlot).Units -= unitsToTake;
                remainingInOrder[possiblePickingSlot.Sku] -= unitsToTake;
                currentPosition        = new PickingTravelStep(possiblePickingSlot, unitsToTake, new Dictionary <long, int>(remainingInOrder));
                currentPosition.Parent = previousPosition;

                if (!remainingInOrder.Any(x => x.Value > 0))

            var endPosition = _warehouseLayout.GetPickingEndPosition();
            var finalStep   = new PickingTravelStep(endPosition, currentPosition.PendingSkus);

            finalStep.CostFromStart = currentPosition.CostFromStart + FindTravelCostBetween(precalculatedRoutes, finalStep.Position, currentPosition.Position);
            finalStep.Parent        = currentPosition;
            currentPosition         = finalStep;

            var steps = new List <ITravelStep>();

            while (currentPosition != null)
                var nextPosition = currentPosition.Parent;
                currentPosition.Parent = null;
                if (nextPosition != null && currentPosition != (PickingTravelStep)nextPosition)
                    var route = FindTravelRouteBetween(precalculatedRoutes, currentPosition.Position, nextPosition.Position).Route;
                    foreach (var coord in route)
                currentPosition = nextPosition as PickingTravelStep;

            result.Steps = steps.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public PathFindingResult <PickingTravelStep> FindPath(PickingOrder order)
            var result = new PathFindingResult <PickingTravelStep>
                Success = true,

            var openList = new Heap <PickingTravelStep>();

            var currentPosition = new PickingTravelStep(_warehouseLayout.GetPickingStartPosition(), new Dictionary <long, int>(order.RequiredArticles));

            var possiblePickingSlots = order.RequiredArticles
                                       .SelectMany(x => _warehouseLayout.GetPickingSlotsWithSku(x.Key))

            var routesBetweenSlots = GetRoutesBetweenSlots(possiblePickingSlots);
            var endPosition        = _warehouseLayout.GetPickingEndPosition();

            while (currentPosition.PendingSkus.Any(x => x.Value > 0))
                if (currentPosition.Sku > 0 && currentPosition.PickingSlot.Units > 0 && currentPosition.PendingSkus.ContainsKey(currentPosition.Sku))
                    var requiredUnits = currentPosition.PendingSkus[currentPosition.Sku];
                    var unitsToTake   = Math.Min(requiredUnits, currentPosition.PickingSlot.AvailableUnits);
                    currentPosition.PendingSkus[currentPosition.Sku] -= unitsToTake;

                if (currentPosition.PendingSkus.All(x => x.Value == 0))
                    result.Success = true;

                var possibleNextSlots = possiblePickingSlots.Where(x => !currentPosition.VisitedSlots.Contains(x) &&
                                                                   currentPosition.PendingSkus.TryGetValue(x.Sku, out var value) &&
                                                                   value > 0)
                if (!possibleNextSlots.Any())
                    result.Success = false;

                foreach (var nextSlot in possibleNextSlots)
                    var remainingRequiredUnits = currentPosition.PendingSkus[nextSlot.Sku];
                    var unitsToTake            = Math.Min(remainingRequiredUnits, nextSlot.Units - nextSlot.ReservedUnits);

                    var remainingSlots = possibleNextSlots.Where(x => x != nextSlot);
                    if (unitsToTake == remainingRequiredUnits)
                        remainingSlots = remainingSlots.Where(x => x.Sku != nextSlot.Sku);

                    var remainingSlotsList = remainingSlots.ToList();

                    var next = new PickingTravelStep(nextSlot, unitsToTake, new Dictionary <long, int>(currentPosition.PendingSkus))
                        Parent = currentPosition,
                    next.CostFromStart = currentPosition.CostFromStart + FindTravelCostBetween(routesBetweenSlots, next.Position, currentPosition.Position);
                    next.VisitedSlots  = new List <PickingSlot>(currentPosition.VisitedSlots)

                    var tentativeCost = FindTravelCostBetween(routesBetweenSlots, nextSlot.Position, endPosition);
                    tentativeCost += currentPosition.CostFromStart;
                    tentativeCost += remainingSlotsList.Sum(x => FindTravelCostBetween(routesBetweenSlots, nextSlot.Position, x.Position));

                    openList.Add(new HeapNode <PickingTravelStep>(next, tentativeCost));

                currentPosition = openList.TakeHeapHeadPosition();

            var finalStep = new PickingTravelStep(endPosition, currentPosition.PendingSkus);

            finalStep.CostFromStart = currentPosition.CostFromStart + FindTravelCostBetween(routesBetweenSlots, finalStep.Position, currentPosition.Position);
            finalStep.Parent        = currentPosition;
            currentPosition         = finalStep;

            // recreate found path and reserve items on stock
            var pickedArticles = order.RequiredArticles.Select(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(x => x, x => 0);
            var steps          = new List <ITravelStep>();

            while (currentPosition != null)
                if (pickedArticles.ContainsKey(currentPosition.Sku))
                    pickedArticles[currentPosition.Sku] += currentPosition.UnitsToTake;

                if (currentPosition.PickingSlot != null)
                    _warehouseLayout.ReserveArticles(currentPosition.PickingSlot.Address, currentPosition.Sku, currentPosition.UnitsToTake);

                var nextPosition = currentPosition.Parent;
                currentPosition.Parent = null;
                if (nextPosition != null && currentPosition != (PickingTravelStep)nextPosition)
                    var route = FindTravelRouteBetween(routesBetweenSlots, currentPosition.Position, nextPosition.Position).Route;
                    foreach (var coord in route)

                currentPosition = nextPosition as PickingTravelStep;

            result.Steps = steps.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public PathFindingResult <TravelStep> FindPath(TravelStep startTravelStep, TravelStep endTravelStep, bool traverse)
            var result = new PathFindingResult <TravelStep>();

            if (!_warehouseLayout.IsWalkable(startTravelStep.Position))
                return(new PathFindingResult <TravelStep>()
                    Success = false

            if (!_warehouseLayout.IsWalkable(endTravelStep.Position))
                return(new PathFindingResult <TravelStep>()
                    Success = false

            var openList = new Heap <TravelStep>();

            var closedList      = new byte[_warehouseLayout.Width + 1, _warehouseLayout.Height + 1];
            var addedToOpenList = new int[_warehouseLayout.Width + 1, _warehouseLayout.Height + 1];

            var currentPosition = startTravelStep;

            openList.Add(new HeapNode <TravelStep>(currentPosition, currentPosition.TraverseCost * currentPosition.EuclidianDistanceTo(endTravelStep)));

            var stepCount = 0;

            while (openList.HasMore())
                currentPosition = openList.TakeHeapHeadPosition();
                if (currentPosition == endTravelStep) // sukces
                closedList[currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y] = 1;

                var movementOptions = GetAvailableTravelSteps(currentPosition, traverse);

                // dodaj wyszukane do sterty
                foreach (var position in movementOptions)

                    if (closedList[position.X, position.Y] == 1)

                    //var tentativeGScore = currentPosition.CostFromStart + currentPosition.EuclidianDistanceTo(position);
                    var gScore = currentPosition.CostFromStart + position.TraverseCost;
                    var cost   = gScore + currentPosition.CostFromStart * position.ManhattanDistanceTo(endTravelStep);
                    position.Parent        = currentPosition;
                    position.CostFromStart = gScore;

                    if (addedToOpenList[position.X, position.Y] == 0)
                        openList.Add(new HeapNode <TravelStep>(position, cost));
                        addedToOpenList[position.X, position.Y] = (int)gScore;
                    else if (addedToOpenList[position.X, position.Y] > gScore)
                        openList.Reinsert(new HeapNode <TravelStep>(position, cost));

            result.Success = currentPosition == endTravelStep;
            //Debug.WriteLine("Wykonano krokow: " + stepCount + ". Wynik końcowy: " + (currentPosition == endTravelStep ? "POWODZENIE" : "NIEPOWODZENIE"));

            // powrót po śladach
            var steps = new List <ITravelStep>();

            while (currentPosition != startTravelStep)
                var nextPosition = currentPosition.Parent;
                currentPosition.Parent = null;

                currentPosition = nextPosition as TravelStep;
            result.Steps = steps.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public PathFindingResult FindPath(Position startPosition, Position endPosition, bool traverse)
            var result = new PathFindingResult
                PathCoordinates    = new byte[_grid.SizeX + 1, _grid.SizeY + 1],
                CheckedCoordinates = new byte[_grid.SizeX + 1, _grid.SizeY + 1],

            if (!_grid.IsPositionAvailable(startPosition))
                throw new Exception("Start position unavailable");

            if (!_grid.IsPositionAvailable(endPosition))
                throw new Exception("End position unavailable");

            var openList = new Heap();

            // lista zamkniętych lokalizacji w postaci tablicy bitów diametralnie skraca czas wykonania
            // algorytmu względem List<Position> (3 min -> 0,3 sec !!)
            var closedList      = new byte[_grid.SizeX + 1, _grid.SizeY + 1];
            var addedToOpenList = new int[_grid.SizeX + 1, _grid.SizeY + 1];

            var currentPosition = startPosition;

            openList.Add(new HeapNode(currentPosition, currentPosition.TraverseCost * currentPosition.EuclidianDistanceTo(endPosition)));

            var stepCount = 0;

            while (openList.HasMore())
                currentPosition = openList.TakeHeapHeadPosition();
                if (currentPosition == endPosition) // sukces!
                closedList[currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y] = 1;

                // wyszukaj możliwe i niewykorzystane możliwości ruchów
                var movementOptions = _grid.GetAvailableNeighbours(currentPosition, traverse);

                // dodaj wyszukane do stosu
                foreach (var position in movementOptions)
                    result.CheckedCoordinates[position.X, position.Y] = 1;

                    if (closedList[position.X, position.Y] == 1)

                    var tentativeGScore = currentPosition.CostFromStart + currentPosition.EuclidianDistanceTo(position);
                    var gScore          = currentPosition.CostFromStart + position.TraverseCost;
                    var cost            = gScore + position.TraverseCost * position.EuclidianDistanceTo(endPosition);
                    position.Parent        = currentPosition;
                    position.CostFromStart = (int)gScore;

                    if (addedToOpenList[position.X, position.Y] == 0)
                        openList.Add(new HeapNode(position, cost));
                        addedToOpenList[position.X, position.Y] = (int)cost;
                    else if (addedToOpenList[position.X, position.Y] != 0 && addedToOpenList[position.X, position.Y] > tentativeGScore)
                        openList.Reinsert(new HeapNode(position, cost));

            result.Success   = currentPosition == endPosition;
            result.FinalCost = currentPosition.CostFromStart;

            Debug.WriteLine("Wykonano krokow: " + stepCount + ". Wynik końcowy: " + (currentPosition == endPosition ? "POWODZENIE" : "NIEPOWODZENIE"));

            // powrót po śladach
            while (currentPosition != startPosition)
                var nextPosition = currentPosition.Parent;
                currentPosition.Parent = null;
                result.PathCoordinates[currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y] = 1;

                currentPosition = nextPosition;
