public IHttpResponse Register(IHttpRequest req)
            //slagame imenata na inputite ot formata v konstanti zashtoto  po dobre
            const string formNameKey            = "name";
            const string formUsernameKey        = "username";
            const string formPasswordKey        = "password";
            const string formConfirmPasswordKey = "confirmpassword";

            //Proverqvame dali FormData sudurja nashite kluchove ot formichkata
            if (!req.FormData.ContainsKey(formNameKey) ||
                !req.FormData.ContainsKey(formUsernameKey) ||
                !req.FormData.ContainsKey(formPasswordKey) ||


            //Vzimame si stoinostite ot formichkata
            var name            = req.FormData[formNameKey];
            var username        = req.FormData[formUsernameKey];
            var password        = req.FormData[formPasswordKey];
            var confirmpassword = req.FormData[formConfirmPasswordKey];

            //Proverqvame dali ne sa null ili ""
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password) ||
                //Ako e tuka slagame greshkite i se redirektvame kum /register

            if (name.Length < 3 || username.Length < 3)

            //Proverqvame dali parolite suvpadat
            if (password != confirmpassword)

            //Trqbva da keshirame parolata predi da registrirame daden user

            User user = new User()
                Name               = name,
                Username           = username,
                PasswordHash       = PasswordUtilities.GenerateHash256(password), //keshirame parolata kato polzvame PaswordUtilities klasa
                DateOfRegistration = DateTime.UtcNow

            using (var context = new ByTheCakeContext())

            //Ako vsichko mine dobre, avtomatichno se logvame s imeto si kato suzdavame sesiq
            return(LoginUser(req, user));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the background task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void Run(BackgroundTaskExecuteContext context)
            var logger = HostContainer.GetInstance <ILogger>();

            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _hasActiveTask, 1, 0) == 0)
                var countUsers = 0;
                    logger.Info(string.Format("[{0}] Start account expires notification task", EzCMSContants.AccountExpiresNotificationTaskName));
                    //Update the background task last running time
                    var backgroundTaskService = HostContainer.GetInstance <IEzBackgroundTaskService>();

                    var userService          = HostContainer.GetInstance <IUserService>();
                    var emailLogService      = HostContainer.GetInstance <IEmailLogService>();
                    var emailTemplateService = HostContainer.GetInstance <IEmailTemplateService>();

                    var nearExpirationDateUsers = userService.GetUsersNearExpirationDate().ToList();

                    foreach (var user in nearExpirationDateUsers)
                        if (user.AccountExpiresDate.HasValue)
                            var authorizeCode = PasswordUtilities.EncryptString(String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", user.Id,
                                                                                              FrameworkConstants.UniqueLinkSeparator, user.Email));
                            var extendExpirationDateLink =
                                UrlUtilities.GenerateUrl(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext, "Account",
                                area          = "Admin",
                                authorizeCode = authorizeCode
                            }, true);

                            var model = new NotifyAccountExpiredEmailModel
                                FullName                 = user.FullName,
                                Username                 = user.Username,
                                Email                    = user.Email,
                                ExpirationDate           = user.AccountExpiresDate.Value,
                                ExtendExpirationDateLink = extendExpirationDateLink

                            var emailResponse = emailTemplateService.ParseEmail(EmailEnums.EmailTemplateType.AccountExpiredNotification, model);
                            var emailLog      = new EmailLog
                                To       = user.Email,
                                ToName   = user.FullName,
                                From     = emailResponse.From,
                                FromName = emailResponse.FromName,
                                CC       = emailResponse.CC,
                                Bcc      = emailResponse.BCC,
                                Subject  = emailResponse.Subject,
                                Body     = emailResponse.Body,
                                Priority = EmailEnums.EmailPriority.Medium
                            emailLogService.CreateEmail(emailLog, true);
                catch (Exception exception)

                logger.Info(string.Format("[{0}] End account expires notification task. Notify to {1} account(s) near expiration date", EzCMSContants.AccountExpiresNotificationTaskName, countUsers));
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref _hasActiveTask, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static bool CheckLogin(string TenDangNhap, string MatKhau)
     return(DataProvider.DataProvider.ExecuteDataReader("Select * From TAIKHOAN Where TENDANGNHAP = @1 And MATKHAU = @2", TenDangNhap, PasswordUtilities.EncodingPassword(MatKhau)).Read());
        public IActionResult Register(RegisterUserBindingModel model)
            if (this.User.IsAuthenticated)

            if (!this.IsValidModel(model))
                this.ShowError("Invalid register details.");

            var username = model.Username;
            var password = PasswordUtilities.GetPasswordHash(model.Password);
            var fullName = model.FullName;
            var email    = model.Email;

            if (this.Context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == username) != null)
                this.ShowError("User already exists.");

            var user = new User
                Username = username,
                Password = password,
                FullName = fullName,
                Email    = email


            if (this.Context.Users.Count() == 1)
                var admin = this.Context.Users.First();

                var role = new Role
                    UserId = admin.Id,
                    Name   = "Admin"

                admin.Role = role;

                var notAdmin = this.Context.Users
                               .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == username);

                var role = new Role
                    UserId = notAdmin.Id,
                    Name   = "User"


            var currentUser = this.Context
                              .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == username);

            var roles = this.Context
                        .Where(r => r.UserId == currentUser.Id)
                        .Select(r => r.Name);

            this.SignIn(user.Username, user.Id, roles);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Get authorize url
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clientId"></param>
 /// <param name="callbackUrl"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetLinkedInAuthorizeUrl(string clientId, string callbackUrl)
     return(string.Format(AuthorizationUrl, clientId, callbackUrl, PasswordUtilities.GetRandomString()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static bool AddNewAccount(string TenDangNhap, string MatKhau, string HoTen)
     return(DataProvider.DataProvider.ExecuteNonQuery("Insert into TAIKHOAN(TENDANGNHAP, MATKHAU, HOTEN) Values(@1, @2, @3)", TenDangNhap, PasswordUtilities.EncodingPassword(MatKhau), HoTen));
        public IActionResult Register(RegisterUserBindingModel registerUserBindingModel)
            if (this.User.IsAuthenticated)

            this.Model["isAdmin"] = userIsAdmin() ? "block" : "none";

            if (registerUserBindingModel.Password == "" ||
                registerUserBindingModel.ConfirmPassword == "" ||
                registerUserBindingModel.Username == "" ||
                registerUserBindingModel.Email == "" ||
                registerUserBindingModel.FullName == "")
                this.Model["error"] = "Empty input fields !";

            if (registerUserBindingModel.Password != registerUserBindingModel.ConfirmPassword)
                this.Model["error"] = "Passwords must match !";

            if (!this.IsValidModel(registerUserBindingModel))
                this.Model["error"] = "Something went wrong !";

            var users = this.Context.Users.ToList();

            Role role = this.Context.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == "User");

            if (users.Count < 1)
                role = this.Context.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == "Admin");

            var user = new User()
                RoleId   = role.Id,
                Email    = registerUserBindingModel.Email,
                Username = registerUserBindingModel.Username,
                Password = PasswordUtilities.GenerateHash256(registerUserBindingModel.Password),
                FullName = registerUserBindingModel.FullName,
                Orders   = new List <Order>()

            using (this.Context)
                if (Context.Users.Any(u => u.Email == registerUserBindingModel.Email))
                    this.Model["error"] = "Email is taken !";

                if (Context.Users.Any(u => u.Username == registerUserBindingModel.Username))
                    this.Model["error"] = "Username is taken !";




Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void Seed(GymContext context)
            #region Clients
            var passwordSalt1  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password1      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("12345", passwordSalt1);
            var passwordSalt2  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password2      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt2);
            var passwordSalt3  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password3      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt3);
            var passwordSalt4  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password4      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt4);
            var passwordSalt5  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password5      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt5);
            var passwordSalt6  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password6      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt6);
            var passwordSalt7  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password7      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt7);
            var passwordSalt8  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password8      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt8);
            var passwordSalt9  = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password9      = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt9);
            var passwordSalt10 = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
            var password10     = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash("335588", passwordSalt10);

            var clients = new List <Client>
                new Client {
                    FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 34578800, BirthDate = new DateTime(1990, 12, 31),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2008, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password1, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt1, Role = Catalog.Roles.Client, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Hombre

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "Cristian", LastName = "Piqué", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 34578644, BirthDate = new DateTime(1989, 12, 31),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2008, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password2, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt2, Role = Catalog.Roles.Admin, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Hombre

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "José", LastName = "Pérez", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 34578644, BirthDate = new DateTime(1982, 12, 31),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2014, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password3, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt3, Role = Catalog.Roles.Instructor, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Hombre

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "Ray", LastName = "Allen", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 34578644, BirthDate = new DateTime(1992, 12, 31),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2014, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password4, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt4, Role = Catalog.Roles.Client, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Hombre

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "Enzo", LastName = "Gutiérrez", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 34578644, BirthDate = new DateTime(1991, 12, 31),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2014, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password5, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt5, Role = Catalog.Roles.Client, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Hombre

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "Juana", LastName = "Pérez", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 33123654, BirthDate = new DateTime(1979, 08, 11),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2015, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password6, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt6, Role = Catalog.Roles.Client, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Mujer

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "Carolina", LastName = "García", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 12345678, BirthDate = new DateTime(1971, 11, 15),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2015, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password7, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt7, Role = Catalog.Roles.Instructor, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Mujer

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "Martina", LastName = "Núñez", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 34578644, BirthDate = new DateTime(1981, 02, 01),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2015, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password8, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt8, Role = Catalog.Roles.Client, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Mujer

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "Sol", LastName = "Rodríguez", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 34578644, BirthDate = new DateTime(1991, 12, 31),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2015, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password9, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt9, Role = Catalog.Roles.Client, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Mujer

                new Client {
                    FirstName = "José", LastName = "García", DocType = "DNI", DocNumber = 34578644, BirthDate = new DateTime(1986, 12, 31),
                    DateFrom  = new DateTime(2016, 09, 01), Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Password  = password10, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt10, Role = Catalog.Roles.Client, Sexo = Catalog.Genre.Hombre

            clients.ForEach(c => context.Clients.Add(c));

            #region Routines
            var routines = new List <Routine>
                new Routine {
                    ClientID = 1, NameFile = "CristianPique v1.0", Description = "Rutina personalizada", Files = new List <File>(), CreationDate = DateTime.Now, DaysInWeek = 5,
                    Level    = Catalog.LevelRoutine.Medium, Status = Catalog.Status.Active
                new Routine {
                    ClientID = 1, NameFile = "RutinaBegginers", Description = "Rutina nivel princiante", Files = new List <File>(), CreationDate = DateTime.Now, DaysInWeek = 3,
                    Level    = Catalog.LevelRoutine.Begginer, Status = Catalog.Status.Active
                new Routine {
                    ClientID = 1, NameFile = "Cardio rutina", Description = "Rutina intensiva cardio", Files = new List <File>(), CreationDate = DateTime.Now, DaysInWeek = 4,
                    Level    = Catalog.LevelRoutine.Medium, Status = Catalog.Status.Active
                new Routine {
                    ClientID = 1, NameFile = "AbdominalesRutina", Description = "Rutina abdominales", Files = new List <File>(), CreationDate = DateTime.Now, DaysInWeek = 4,
                    Level    = Catalog.LevelRoutine.Expert, Status = Catalog.Status.Active

            routines.ForEach(r => context.Routines.Add(r));

            #region MedicalRecords
            var medicalRecords = new List <MedicalRecord>
                new MedicalRecord {
                    ClientID = 1, Age = 26, Gender = 'M', Heigth = 1.81, Weight = 75

            medicalRecords.ForEach(m => context.MedicalRecords.Add(m));

            #region Activities
            var clientsForActivities = new List <Client>();
            clientsForActivities.Add(clients.Where(x => x.ClientID == 1).FirstOrDefault());
            clientsForActivities.Add(clients.Where(x => x.ClientID == 1).FirstOrDefault());

            var activities = new List <Activity>
                new Activity {
                    Name = "Gimnasio", Description = "Gimnasio, pesas, bicicletas, máquinas para correr"
                new Activity {
                    Name = "Pilates", Description = "Sistema de entrenamiento físico y mental"
                new Activity {
                    Name = "Boxeo", Description = "Deporte de combate"

            activities.ForEach(a => context.Activities.Add(a));

            #region ActivitySchedules
            var activitySchedules = new List <ActivitySchedule>
                new ActivitySchedule {
                    ActivityID = 2, Day = "Lunes", HourFrom = 11, HourTo = 12
                new ActivitySchedule {
                    ActivityID = 2, Day = "Lunes", HourFrom = 16, HourTo = 17
                new ActivitySchedule {
                    ActivityID = 2, Day = "Miércoles", HourFrom = 19, HourTo = 21
                new ActivitySchedule {
                    ActivityID = 3, Day = "Miércoles", HourFrom = 9, HourTo = 10
                new ActivitySchedule {
                    ActivityID = 3, Day = "Miércoles", HourFrom = 20, HourTo = 21

            activitySchedules.ForEach(actS => context.ActivitySchedules.Add(actS));

            #region Files
            var files = new List <File>
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 1, ExerciseName = "Pecho inclinado", MuscleName = "Pecho", Peso = "20", Repetitions = "3x10", Day = "Lunes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 1, ExerciseName = "Pecho con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Pecho", Peso = "15", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Martes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 1, ExerciseName = "Pecho con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Pecho", Peso = "20", Repetitions = "3x8", Day = "Martes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 1, ExerciseName = "Bíceps con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Bíceps", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Miércoles"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 1, ExerciseName = "Bíceps con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Bíceps", Peso = "10", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Jueves"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 1, ExerciseName = "Francés", MuscleName = "Tríceps", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Jueves"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 1, ExerciseName = "Tríceps con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Tríceps", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Viernes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 1, ExerciseName = "Press militar", MuscleName = "Hombros", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Viernes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 2, ExerciseName = "Pecho inclinado", MuscleName = "Pecho", Peso = "20", Repetitions = "3x10", Day = "Lunes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 2, ExerciseName = "Pecho con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Pecho", Peso = "15", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Martes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 2, ExerciseName = "Pecho con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Pecho", Peso = "20", Repetitions = "3x8", Day = "Martes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 2, ExerciseName = "Bíceps con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Bíceps", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Miércoles"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 2, ExerciseName = "Bíceps con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Bíceps", Peso = "10", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Jueves"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 2, ExerciseName = "Francés", MuscleName = "Tríceps", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Jueves"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 2, ExerciseName = "Tríceps con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Tríceps", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Viernes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 2, ExerciseName = "Press militar", MuscleName = "Hombros", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Viernes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Biclicleta", MuscleName = "Piernas", Peso = "-", Repetitions = "20 min", Day = "Lunes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Cinta", MuscleName = "Piernas", Peso = "15", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Lunes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Pecho con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Pecho", Peso = "20", Repetitions = "3x8", Day = "Martes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Abdominales oblicuos", MuscleName = "Abdominales", Peso = "-", Repetitions = "3x20", Day = "Martes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Abdominales bajos", MuscleName = "Abdominales", Peso = "-", Repetitions = "3x30", Day = "Míércoles"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Saltar soga", MuscleName = "Piernas", Peso = "-", Repetitions = "15 min", Day = "Míércoles"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Tríceps con mancuernas", MuscleName = "Tríceps", Peso = "8", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Jueves"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Biclicleta", MuscleName = "Pecho", Peso = "-", Repetitions = "20 min", Day = "Lunes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Biclicleta", MuscleName = "Piernas", Peso = "-", Repetitions = "20 min", Day = "Lunes"
                new File {
                    RoutineID = 3, ExerciseName = "Cinta", MuscleName = "Piernas", Peso = "15", Repetitions = "3x12", Day = "Lunes"

            files.ForEach(f => context.Files.Add(f));

            #region PaymentType
            var paymentType = new List <PaymentType>
                new PaymentType {
                    Description = "Gimnasio mensual", Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ActivityID = 1, DurationInMonths = 1
                new PaymentType {
                    Description = "Gimnasio anual", Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ActivityID = 1, DurationInMonths = 12
                new PaymentType {
                    Description = "Pilates mensual", Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ActivityID = 2, DurationInMonths = 1
                new PaymentType {
                    Description = "Boxeo mensual", Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ActivityID = 3, DurationInMonths = 1

            paymentType.ForEach(p => context.PaymentTypes.Add(p));

            #region Payment
            var payments = new List <Payment>
                new Payment {
                    ClientID = 1, PaymentTypeID = 1, Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), CreationDate = DateTime.Now
                new Payment {
                    ClientID = 2, PaymentTypeID = 2, Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), CreationDate = DateTime.Now

                new Payment {
                    ClientID = 4, PaymentTypeID = 1, Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), CreationDate = DateTime.Now
                new Payment {
                    ClientID = 4, PaymentTypeID = 2, Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), CreationDate = DateTime.Now

                new Payment {
                    ClientID = 5, PaymentTypeID = 3, Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), CreationDate = DateTime.Now
                new Payment {
                    ClientID = 5, PaymentTypeID = 3, Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), CreationDate = DateTime.Now

                new Payment {
                    ClientID = 6, PaymentTypeID = 4, Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), CreationDate = DateTime.Now
                new Payment {
                    ClientID = 6, PaymentTypeID = 4, Status = Catalog.Status.Active, ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), CreationDate = DateTime.Now

            payments.ForEach(p => context.Payments.Add(p));

            #region PaymentTypePrices
            var paymentTypePrices = new List <PaymentTypePrice>
                new PaymentTypePrice {
                    DateFrom = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01), PaymentTypeID = 1, Price = 200
                new PaymentTypePrice {
                    DateFrom = new DateTime(2016, 05, 01), PaymentTypeID = 1, Price = 300
                new PaymentTypePrice {
                    DateFrom = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01), PaymentTypeID = 1, Price = 2000

            paymentTypePrices.ForEach(ptp => context.PaymentTypePrices.Add(ptp));

            #region Suppliers
            var suppliers = new List <Supplier>
                new Supplier {
                    Address    = "Entre Rios 2456", BusinessName = "EuroGym", City = "Rosario", Country = "Argentina", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "(341) 42145580",
                    PostalCode = 2000, WebSite = ""
                new Supplier {
                    Address    = "Santa Fé Av 1052", BusinessName = "Total Gym", City = "Buenos Aires", Country = "Argentina", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "(011) 5445-7189",
                    PostalCode = 1059, WebSite = ""
                new Supplier {
                    Address    = "V. Cardoso 1401", BusinessName = "e-punto Fitness", City = "Ramos Mejia", Country = "Argentina", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "(011) 4654-2160",
                    PostalCode = 1059, WebSite = ""
                new Supplier {
                    Address    = "La Paz 138", BusinessName = "Distribuidora Boom S.R.L", City = "Rosario", Country = "Argentina", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "(341) 1564895212",
                    PostalCode = 2000, WebSite = ""

            suppliers.ForEach(s => context.Suppliers.Add(s));

            #region Products
            var products = new List <Product>
                new Product {
                    Name   = "Cama de Pilates", Description = "Cama de pilates + tabla de salto + tabla de extensión + box Garantía 1 año", Price = 8000, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2014, 05, 02),
                    Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 3
                new Product {
                    Name   = "Sillón de cuadriceps", Description = "Sillon de cuadriceps c/75kgrs.Linea Exclusive", Price = 25560, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2015, 08, 02),
                    Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 3
                new Product {
                    Name  = "Bicicleta Indoor", Description = "Transmisión a cadena Volante de inercia de 20Kg. balanceado dinámicamente cromado y pintado en el centro. Asiento prostático. Manubrio regulable en altura.",
                    Price = 6099, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2015, 07, 22), Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 3
                new Product {
                    Name  = "Cinta Profesional", Description = "Motor 3hp corriente alterna uso industrial 24hs - Velocidad de 0,8 a 16 km/h programable hasta 20km/h- Banda de doble tela antideslizante y antiestática con carbono .",
                    Price = 37550, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2014, 05, 02), Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 3
                new Product {
                    Name  = "Complejo Multiestación", Description = "El complejo de cuatro estaciones de uso profesional esta compuesto por una Camilla femoral y sillon de cuadriceps con una carga de 50 Kg mas una polea simple alta y baja de 10 regulaciones y 50 Kg de carga mas una pectoralera con 50 Kg de carga y una Dorsalera con 75 kg de carga. ",
                    Price = 97500, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2014, 05, 02), Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Deteriorated, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 1
                new Product {
                    Name  = "Polea simple regulable 12 niveles", Description = "Polea simple con lingotera de 75 kilos y 12 regulaciones línea profesional Exclusive.",
                    Price = 6512, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2014, 05, 02), Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Broken, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 1
                new Product {
                    Name  = "Pectoralera c/75kgrs", Description = "Pectoralera mariposa con lingotera de 75 kilos línea profesional Exclusive",
                    Price = 5300, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2014, 05, 02), Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 2
                new Product {
                    Name  = "Remo Bajo", Description = "Press de pecho con lingotera de 100 kilos línea profesional Exclusive.",
                    Price = 6100, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2014, 05, 02), Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 4
                new Product {
                    Name   = "Agua Villavicencio 500ml", Description = "Botella de agua mineral Villavicencio", Price = 1050, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2016, 09, 02),
                    Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Article, SupplierID = 4
                new Product {
                    Name   = "Gatorade 750ml", Description = "Gatorade 750ml Naranja", Price = 20, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2016, 09, 02),
                    Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Article, SupplierID = 4
                new Product {
                    Name  = "Banco Pecho Modulo", Description = "Banco regulable que permite ejercicios con barra y camilla de cuadriceps y femoral a discos.",
                    Price = 2300, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2016, 09, 02), Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 1
                new Product {
                    Name   = "Banco Pecho Regulable", Description = "Banco de pecho regulable standard", Price = 3100, PurchaseDate = new DateTime(2016, 09, 02),
                    Status = Utils.Catalog.ProductStatus.Ok, Type = Utils.Catalog.ProductType.Machine, SupplierID = 2

            products.ForEach(p => context.Products.Add(p));

            #region Assistances
            var assistances = new List <Assistance>
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01), ClientID = 1
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01), ClientID = 1
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 1
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01), ClientID = 2
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01), ClientID = 2
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 2
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01), ClientID = 3
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01), ClientID = 3
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 3
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01), ClientID = 4
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 4
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01), ClientID = 5
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 5
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 6
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 6
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 6
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 8
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 8
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 8
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 8
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 8
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 7
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 7
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 7
                new Assistance {
                    assistanceDate = new DateTime(2016, 02, 01), ClientID = 7

            assistances.ForEach(a => context.Assistances.Add(a));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formId"></param>
        /// <param name="contact"></param>
        /// <param name="communication"></param>
        /// <param name="collection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ResponseModel SubmitForm(string formId, Contact contact, ContactCommunication communication,
                                        NameValueCollection collection)
                var id = PasswordUtilities.ComplexDecrypt(formId).ToInt();

                var form = GetById(id);

                if (form != null)
                    var formData = collection.AllKeys.SelectMany(collection.GetValues, (k, v) => new ContactInformation
                        Key   = k,
                        Value = v

                    //Save contact and communication
                    contact = _contactService.SaveForm(contact, communication, formData);

                    #region Form Data

                    var formEmailModel =
                        collection.AllKeys.SelectMany(collection.GetValues, (k, v) => new ContactInformation
                        Key   = k.CamelFriendly(),
                        Value = v

                    var formBuilderSetting = _siteSettingService.LoadSetting <FormBuilderSetting>();

                    var cacheName =

                    var formDataBody = RazorEngineHelper.CompileAndRun(formBuilderSetting.SubmitFormBodyTemplate,
                                                                       formEmailModel, null, cacheName);


                    if (form.SendSubmitFormEmail && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(form.EmailTo))
                        var email = new EmailLog
                            From     = form.FromEmail,
                            FromName = form.FromName,
                            To       = form.EmailTo,
                            ToName   = form.EmailTo,
                            Subject  = formBuilderSetting.SubmitFormSubject,
                            Body     = formDataBody

                        _emailLogService.CreateEmail(email, true);

                    if (form.SendNotificationEmail && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(form.NotificationEmailTo))
                        var notificationBodyStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                        var email = new EmailLog
                            From     = form.FromEmail,
                            FromName = form.FromName,
                            To       = form.NotificationEmailTo,
                            ToName   = form.NotificationEmailTo,
                            Subject  = form.NotificationSubject,
                            Body     = notificationBodyStringBuilder.ToString()

                        _emailLogService.CreateEmail(email, true);

                    if (form.SendAutoResponse)
                        // Get email from form data
                        var emailAddress =
                                f => f.Key.Contains("Email", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

                        if (emailAddress != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress.Value))
                            var toName = contact.FullName;
                            var email  = new EmailLog
                                From     = form.FromEmail,
                                FromName = form.FromName,
                                To       = emailAddress.Value,
                                ToName   = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toName) ? emailAddress.Value : toName,
                                Subject  = form.AutoResponseSubject,
                                Body     = form.AutoResponseBody

                            _emailLogService.CreateEmail(email, true);

                    return(new ResponseModel
                        Success = true,
                        Message = form.ThankyouMessage
            catch (Exception)
                // Form parameters invalid

            return(new ResponseModel
                Success = false,
                Message = T("Form_Message_InvalidFormId")
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public IHttpResponse Register(IHttpRequest req)
            const string formNameKey            = "name";
            const string formUsernameKey        = "username";
            const string formPasswordKey        = "password";
            const string formConfirmPasswordKey = "confirmpassword";

            if (!req.FormData.ContainsKey(formNameKey) ||
                !req.FormData.ContainsKey(formPasswordKey) ||
                !req.FormData.ContainsKey(formConfirmPasswordKey) ||
                return(new BadRequestResponse());

            var name            = req.FormData[formNameKey];
            var username        = req.FormData[formUsernameKey];
            var password        = req.FormData[formPasswordKey];
            var confirmPassword = req.FormData[formConfirmPasswordKey];

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password) ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(confirmPassword) ||
                this.ViewData["error"]       = "You have empty fields";
                this.ViewData["showError"]   = "block";
                this.ViewData["authDisplay"] = "none";


            int userId = 0;

            using (ByTheCakeContext context = new ByTheCakeContext())
                bool userExists = context.Users.Any(x => x.Username == username);
                if (userExists)
                    this.ViewData["error"]       = "The username is taken.";
                    this.ViewData["showError"]   = "block";
                    this.ViewData["authDisplay"] = "none";


                bool passwordsMatch = password.Equals(confirmPassword);
                if (!passwordsMatch)
                    this.ViewData["error"]       = "Password do not match.";
                    this.ViewData["showError"]   = "block";
                    this.ViewData["authDisplay"] = "none";


                User userToRegister = new User()
                    Name             = name,
                    Username         = username,
                    PasswordHash     = PasswordUtilities.GenerateHash(password),
                    RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now


                userId = userToRegister.Id;

            req.Session.Add(SessionStore.CurrentUserKey, userId);
            req.Session.Add(ShoppingCart.SessionKey, new ShoppingCart());

            return(new RedirectResponse("/"));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public IHttpResponse Login(IHttpRequest req)
            const string formNameKey     = "username";
            const string formPasswordKey = "password";

            if (!req.FormData.ContainsKey(formNameKey) ||
                this.ViewData["error"]       = "You have empty fields";
                this.ViewData["showError"]   = "block";
                this.ViewData["authDisplay"] = "none";


            var userName = req.FormData[formNameKey];
            var password = req.FormData[formPasswordKey];

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName) ||
                this.ViewData["error"]       = "You have empty fields";
                this.ViewData["showError"]   = "block";
                this.ViewData["authDisplay"] = "none";


            User userToLog = default(User);

            using (ByTheCakeContext context = new ByTheCakeContext())
                userToLog = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == userName);

            bool userExists = ValidateUserExistence(userToLog);

            if (!userExists)
                this.ViewData["error"]       = "Invalid credentials.";
                this.ViewData["showError"]   = "block";
                this.ViewData["authDisplay"] = "none";

                return(new RedirectResponse("/register"));

            string hashedPassword = PasswordUtilities.GenerateHash(password);

            bool passwordIsCorrect = userToLog.PasswordHash.Equals(hashedPassword);

            if (!passwordIsCorrect)
                this.ViewData["error"]       = "Invalid credentials.";
                this.ViewData["showError"]   = "block";
                this.ViewData["authDisplay"] = "none";


            req.Session.Add(SessionStore.CurrentUserKey, userToLog.Id);
            req.Session.Add(ShoppingCart.SessionKey, new ShoppingCart());

            return(new RedirectResponse("/"));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void HashPassword(Client client)
     client.PasswordSalt = PasswordUtilities.CreateSalt(16);
     client.Password     = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSHA256Hash(client.Password, client.PasswordSalt);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // construct libwarty dependencies
            ICollectionFactory collectionFactory = new CollectionFactory();

            // construct libwarty-proxies dependencies
            IStreamFactory          streamFactory                = new StreamFactory();
            IFileSystemProxy        fileSystemProxy              = new FileSystemProxy(streamFactory);
            IThreadingFactory       threadingFactory             = new ThreadingFactory();
            ISynchronizationFactory synchronizationFactory       = new SynchronizationFactory();
            IThreadingProxy         threadingProxy               = new ThreadingProxy(threadingFactory, synchronizationFactory);
            IDnsProxy                  dnsProxy                  = new DnsProxy();
            ITcpEndPointFactory        tcpEndPointFactory        = new TcpEndPointFactory(dnsProxy);
            INetworkingInternalFactory networkingInternalFactory = new NetworkingInternalFactory(threadingProxy, streamFactory);
            ISocketFactory             socketFactory             = new SocketFactory(tcpEndPointFactory, networkingInternalFactory);
            INetworkingProxy           networkingProxy           = new NetworkingProxy(socketFactory, tcpEndPointFactory);
            IProcessProxy              processProxy              = new ProcessProxy();

            // construct Castle.Core dependencies
            ProxyGenerator proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();

            // construct Platform Root Portable Object Format dependencies
            IPofContext    pofContext    = new PlatformPofContext();
            IPofSerializer pofSerializer = new PofSerializer(pofContext);

            // construct dependencies
            var                            managementServerEndpoint      = tcpEndPointFactory.CreateAnyEndPoint(kPlatformManagementPort);
            IMessageFactory                managementMessageFactory      = new MessageFactory();
            IManagementSessionFactory      managementSessionFactory      = new ManagementSessionFactory(collectionFactory, threadingProxy, pofSerializer, managementMessageFactory);
            ILocalManagementServerContext  managementServerContext       = new LocalManagementServerContext(collectionFactory, managementSessionFactory);
            IManagementContextFactory      managementContextFactory      = new ManagementContextFactory(pofContext);
            ILocalManagementRegistry       localManagementServerRegistry = new LocalManagementRegistry(pofSerializer, managementContextFactory, managementServerContext);
            IManagementServerConfiguration managementServerConfiguration = new ManagementServerConfiguration(managementServerEndpoint);
            var                            server = new LocalManagementServer(threadingProxy, networkingProxy, managementSessionFactory, managementServerContext, managementServerConfiguration);


            // construct system-state dependencies
            ICache <string, string> systemStateCache = new InMemoryCache <string, string>("SystemState", new ICacheIndex[0]);
            var platformSystemState = new PlatformSystemStateImpl(systemStateCache);

            localManagementServerRegistry.RegisterInstance(new PlatformSystemStateMob(platformSystemState));

            // construct platform foundational dependencies
            ICacheFactory        cacheFactory         = new CacheFactory();
            PlatformCacheService platformCacheService = new PlatformCacheServiceImpl(collectionFactory, cacheFactory).With(x => x.Initialize());
            Caches specializedCaches = new Caches(platformCacheService);
            SpecializedCacheService specializedCacheService = new SpecializedCacheServiceImpl(specializedCaches);

            // construct backend account service dependencies
            ICache <string, long>             emailToAccountIdCache = new InMemoryCache <string, long>(Accounts.Hydar.CacheNames.kEmailToAccountIdCache, new ICacheIndex[0]);
            ICache <long, AccountInformation> accountInfoByIdCache  = new InMemoryCache <long, AccountInformation>(Accounts.Hydar.CacheNames.kAccountInfoByIdCache, new ICacheIndex[0]);
            IDistributedCounter accountIdCounter  = specializedCacheService.GetCountingCache(Accounts.Hydar.CacheNames.kAccountIdCountingCacheName);
            IPasswordUtilities  passwordUtilities = new PasswordUtilities();
            AccountCache        accountCache      = new AccountCache(emailToAccountIdCache, accountInfoByIdCache, accountIdCounter, passwordUtilities);
            var accountService = new AccountServiceImpl(accountCache);

            localManagementServerRegistry.RegisterInstance(new AccountCacheMob(accountCache));

            // construct frontend identity service dependencies
            ICache <string, Identity>           identityByTokenHydarCache          = new InMemoryCache <string, Identity>(Draek.Identities.Hydar.CacheNames.kIdentityByTokenCache, new ICacheIndex[0]);
            AuthenticationTokenFactory          authenticationTokenFactory         = new AuthenticationTokenFactoryImpl();
            IdentityByTokenCache                identityByTokenCache               = new IdentityByTokenCacheImpl(identityByTokenHydarCache);
            IAuthenticationServiceConfiguration authenticationServiceConfiguration = new AuthenticationServiceConfiguration(platformSystemState);
            AuthenticationService               authenticationService              = new AuthenticationServiceImpl(accountService, authenticationTokenFactory, identityByTokenCache, authenticationServiceConfiguration);
            var identityService = new IdentityServiceProxyImpl(authenticationService);

            localManagementServerRegistry.RegisterInstance(new AuthenticationServiceMob(authenticationService));
            localManagementServerRegistry.RegisterInstance(new IdentityCacheMob(identityByTokenCache));
            localManagementServerRegistry.RegisterInstance(new AuthenticationServiceConfigurationMob(authenticationServiceConfiguration));
