Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to re-indent the code of the whole document
        /// </summary>
        public static void CorrectCodeIndentation()
            // handle spam (1s min between 2 indent)
            if (Utils.IsSpamming("CorrectCodeIndentation", 1000))

            var parser = new Parser.Pro.Parse.Parser(Sci.Text, Npp.CurrentFileInfo.Path, null, false);

            // in case of an incorrect document, warn the user
            var parserErrors = parser.ParseErrorsInHtml;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parserErrors))
                if (UserCommunication.Message("The internal parser of 3P has found inconsistencies in your document :<br>" + parserErrors + "<br>You can still try to format your code but the result is not guaranteed (worst case scenario you can press CTRL+Z).<br>If the code compiles successfully and the document is incorrectly formatted, please make sure to create an issue on the project's github and (if possible) include the incriminating code so i can fix this problem : <br>" + Config.UrlIssues.ToHtmlLink() + "<br><br>Please confirm that you want to proceed", MessageImg.MsgQuestion, "Correct indentation", "Problems spotted", new List <string> {
                    "Continue", "Abort"
                }) != 0)

            // start indenting

            var indentStartLine = Sci.LineFromPosition(Sci.SelectionStart);
            var indentEndLine   = Sci.LineFromPosition(Sci.SelectionEnd);

            var indentWidth = Sci.TabWidth;
            var i           = 0;
            var dic         = GetIndentation(parser.LineInfo);

            while (dic.ContainsKey(i))
                if (indentStartLine == indentEndLine || (i >= indentStartLine && i <= indentEndLine))
                    var line = Sci.GetLine(i);
                    line.Indentation = (dic[i].BlockDepth + dic[i].ExtraStatementDepth) * indentWidth;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse the current document
 /// </summary>
 private void ParseNow()
     _parser      = new Parser.Pro.Parse.Parser(Sci.Text, Npp.CurrentFileInfo.Path, null, false);
     _parsedItems = _parser.ParsedItemsList.Where(item => !item.Flags.HasFlag(ParseFlag.FromInclude)).ToNonNullList();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the validity of a progress code in the point of view of the appbuilder (make sure it can be opened within the appbuilder)
        /// </summary>
        public static void DisplayParserErrors(bool silent = false)
            if (Npp.CurrentFileInfo.IsProgress && !_displayParserErrorsIgnoredFiles.Contains(Npp.CurrentFileInfo.Path))
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                    var currentFilePath = Npp.CurrentFileInfo.Path;

                    UserCommunication.CloseUniqueNotif("DisplayParserErrors" + currentFilePath);

                    var message = new StringBuilder();
                    message.Append("The analyzed file was :<br>" + currentFilePath.ToHtmlLink() + "<br>");

                    var parser = new Parser.Pro.Parse.Parser(Sci.Text, currentFilePath, null, false);

                    var parserErrors = parser.ParseErrorsInHtml;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parserErrors))
                        message.Append("<br>The parser found syntax errors.<br>You should consider solving those issues in the given order :<br>");

                    var blockTooLong = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var scope in parser.ParsedItemsList.Where(item => item is ParsedImplementation || item is ParsedProcedure || item is ParsedOnStatement).Cast <ParsedScopeBlock>())
                        if (CheckForTooMuchChar(scope))
                            blockTooLong.AppendLine(" - " + (scope.FilePath + "|" + scope.Line).ToHtmlLink("Line " + (scope.Line + 1) + " : <b>" + scope.Name + "</b>") + " (" + NbExtraCharBetweenLines(scope.Line, scope.EndBlockLine) + " extra chars)");
                    if (blockTooLong.Length > 0)
                        message.Append("<br>This file is currently unreadable in the AppBuilder.<br>The following blocks contain more characters than the max limit (" + Config.Instance.GlobalMaxNbCharInBlock + " characters) :<br>");
                        message.Append("<br><i>To prevent this, reduce the number of characters in the above blocks.<br>Deleting dead code and trimming spaces is a good place to start!</i>");

                    // no errors
                    var noProb = blockTooLong.Length == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(parserErrors);
                    if (noProb)
                        if (silent)
                        message.Append("No problems found!");
                        if (silent)
                            message.Append("<br><br>" + "disable".ToHtmlLink("Click here to disable the automatic check for this file"));

                    UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("DisplayParserErrors" + currentFilePath, message.ToString(), noProb ? MessageImg.MsgOk : MessageImg.MsgWarning, "Check code validity", "Analysis results", args => {
                        if (args.Link.Equals("disable"))
                            args.Handled = true;
                            UserCommunication.CloseUniqueNotif("DisplayParserErrors" + currentFilePath);
                            if (!_displayParserErrorsIgnoredFiles.Contains(currentFilePath))
                    }, noProb ? 5 : 0);