Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override Node Transform(ParseScope Scope)
            Object = Object.Transform(Scope);
            Index = Index.Transform(Scope);

            if (IsAssignmentTarget)
                //Try to find an indexer macro for this type.
                var setterArguments = DummyArguments(Keyword("SET"), Keyword("AT"), Term(Index.ResultType),
                    Keyword("IN"), Term(Object.ResultType), Keyword("TO"), TermOfAnyType());
                var matchingSetter = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(setterArguments).Where(d =>
                    ExactDummyMatch(d.Terms, setterArguments)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (matchingSetter != null)
                    return new ExplicitIndexSetter(Source, matchingSetter, Object, Index).Transform(Scope);
                    throw new CompileError("No macro of the form SET AT " + Index.ResultType.Name + " IN " +
                            Object.ResultType.Name + " TO VALUE found.", Source);
                //Try to find an access macro for this type.
                var getterArguments = DummyArguments(Keyword("GET"), Keyword("AT"), Term(Index.ResultType),
                    Keyword("FROM"), Term(Object.ResultType));
                var matchingGetter = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(getterArguments).Where(d =>
                    ExactDummyMatch(d.Terms, getterArguments)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (matchingGetter != null)
                    return StaticInvokation.CreateCorrectInvokationNode(Source, Scope, matchingGetter,
                        new List<Node>(new Node[] { Index, Object })).Transform(Scope);
                    throw new CompileError("No macro of the form GET AT " + Index.ResultType.Name + " FROM " +
                        Object.ResultType.Name + " found.", Source);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override Ast.Node Transform(ParseScope Scope)
            //Look for a control macro.
            var control = Scope.EnvironmentContext.FindControl(Arguments);
            if (control != null && control.BlockType == ControlBlockType.NoBlock)
                return control.TransformationFunction(
                    Declaration.GenerateParameterListSyntaxTree(Arguments, control.DeclarationTerms).Members,

            var possibleMatches = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(Arguments);
            var match = FindTypeMatch(possibleMatches, Arguments, Scope);
            if (match == null)
                var errorMessage = "Could not find match for static invokation. Arguments: ";
                foreach (var argument in Arguments)
                    errorMessage += "(";
                    if (argument is Identifier) errorMessage += (argument as Identifier).Name.Value;
                    if (argument.ResultType != null) errorMessage += argument.ResultType.Name + ") ";
                    else errorMessage += "NULL)";
                throw new CompileError(errorMessage, Source);

            return CreateCorrectInvokationNode(Source, Scope, match.Item1, match.Item2).Transform(Scope);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override Node Transform(ParseScope Scope)
            LHS = LHS.Transform(Scope);
            RHS = RHS.Transform(Scope);

            //Generics behave dynamically with operators.
            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(LHS.ResultType, Type.Generic) || Object.ReferenceEquals(RHS.ResultType, Type.Generic))
                return new RawBinaryOperator(Source, Operator.instruction, LHS, RHS, Type.Generic);

            //Equality works with everything.
            if (Operator.token == "==" || Operator.token == "!=")
                return new RawBinaryOperator(Source, Operator.instruction, LHS, RHS, Scope.FindType("BOOLEAN"));

            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(LHS.ResultType, RHS.ResultType))
                if (RawOperators.ContainsKey(LHS.ResultType.Name))
                    if (RawOperators[LHS.ResultType.Name].Contains(Operator.token))
                        //Return type is always boolean for raw comparisons.
                        if (Operator.token == ">" || Operator.token == ">=" || Operator.token == "<" || Operator.token == "<=")
                            return new RawBinaryOperator(Source, Operator.instruction, LHS, RHS, Scope.FindType("BOOLEAN"));
                        return new RawBinaryOperator(Source, Operator.instruction, LHS, RHS, LHS.ResultType);

            //Try to find an operator macro for these types.
            var operatorArguments = DummyArguments(Term(LHS.ResultType), Keyword(Operator.token), Term(RHS.ResultType));
            var matchingOperator = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(operatorArguments).Where(d =>
                    ExactDummyMatch(d.Terms, operatorArguments)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (matchingOperator != null)
                return StaticInvokation.CreateCorrectInvokationNode(Source, Scope, matchingOperator,
                    new List<Node>(new Node[] { LHS, RHS })).Transform(Scope);
                throw new CompileError("No operator macro of the form " + LHS.ResultType.Name + " " +
                    Operator.token + " " + RHS.ResultType.Name + " found.", Source);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override Node Transform(ParseScope Scope)
            this.Scope = Scope;
            ResultType = Scope.FindType(Typename);
            if (ResultType == null) throw new CompileError("Unable to find type with name '" + Typename + "'", Source);
            if (ResultType.Origin != TypeOrigin.Script)
                throw new CompileError("New cannot be used with primitive or system types", Source);

            var constructorArguments = DummyArguments(Keyword("CONSTRUCT"), Term(ResultType));
            Constructor = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(constructorArguments).Where(d =>
                ExactDummyMatch(d.Terms, constructorArguments)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (Initializers != null)
                foreach (var initializer in Initializers)
                    initializer.ObjectType = ResultType;

            return this;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override Node Transform(ParseScope Scope)
            Object = Object.Transform(Scope);

            if (IsAssignmentTarget)
                if (Object.ResultType.Origin == TypeOrigin.System)
                    //Try to find an access macro for this type.
                    var setterArguments = DummyArguments(Keyword("SET"), Keyword(Name), Keyword("ON"), Term(Object.ResultType),
                        Keyword("TO"), TermOfAnyType());
                    var matchingSetter = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(setterArguments).Where(d =>
                        ExactDummyMatch(d.Terms, setterArguments)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (matchingSetter != null)
                        return new ExplicitSetter(Source, matchingSetter, Object).Transform(Scope);
                        setterArguments = DummyArguments(Keyword("SET"), Term(Scope.FindType("STRING")), Keyword("ON"),
                            Term(Object.ResultType), Keyword("TO"), TermOfAnyType());
                        matchingSetter = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(setterArguments).Where(d =>
                            ExactDummyMatch(d.Terms, setterArguments)).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (matchingSetter != null)
                            return new GenericSetter(Source, matchingSetter, Name, Object).Transform(Scope);
                            throw new CompileError("No macro of the form SET " + Name + " ON " +
                                Object.ResultType.Name + " TO VALUE found.", Source);
                else if (Object.ResultType.Origin == TypeOrigin.Script)
                    return new StaticMemberAccess(Source) { MemberName = Name, Object = Object }.Transform(Scope);
                    throw new CompileError("Can't assign to this target", Source);
                if (Object.ResultType.Origin == TypeOrigin.System)
                    //Try to find an access macro for this type.
                    var getterArguments = DummyArguments(Keyword("GET"), Keyword(Name), Keyword("FROM"), Term(Object.ResultType));
                    var matchingGetter = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(getterArguments).Where(d =>
                        ExactDummyMatch(d.Terms, getterArguments)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (matchingGetter != null)
                        return StaticInvokation.CreateCorrectInvokationNode(Source, Scope, matchingGetter,
                            new List<Node>(new Node[] { Object })).Transform(Scope);
                        getterArguments = DummyArguments(Keyword("GET"), Term(Scope.FindType("STRING")), Keyword("FROM"),
                        matchingGetter = Scope.FindAllPossibleMacroMatches(getterArguments).Where(d =>
                            ExactDummyMatch(d.Terms, getterArguments)).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (matchingGetter != null)
                            return StaticInvokation.CreateCorrectInvokationNode(Source, Scope, matchingGetter,
                                new List<Node>(new Node[] { new Ast.StringLiteral(Source, Name), Object })).Transform(Scope);
                            throw new CompileError("No macro of the form GET " + Name + " FROM " + Object.ResultType.Name + " found.", Source);
                else if (Object.ResultType.Origin == TypeOrigin.Script)
                    return new StaticMemberAccess(Source) { MemberName = Name, Object = Object }.Transform(Scope);
                else if (Object.ResultType.Origin == TypeOrigin.Primitive)
                    throw new CompileError("Can't access members of primitives.", Source);
                    throw new CompileError("Impossible.", Source);