Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ParseRelation(ParseObject obj)
     if (obj != null)
         ClassName = ParseObject.GetClassName(obj.GetType());
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void TestFailedCreateObject()
        try {
            var obj = new ParseObject ("Thingy");
            obj ["bool"] = false;
            obj ["bl!ng"] = 10;

            AssertRequest ("POST", "/1/classes/Thingy", "{\"bool\":false,\"bl!ng\":10}",
                           400, "{\"code\":105,\"error\":\"invalid field name: bl!ng\"}");
            try {
                obj.Save ().Wait ();
            } catch (AggregateException e) {
                var inner = e.Flatten ().InnerExceptions;
                Assert.AreEqual (1, inner.Count);
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ParseException), inner [0]);
                Assert.AreEqual ("invalid field name: bl!ng", inner [0].Message);
                TestComplete ();

            Assert.Fail ("Expected exception");
        } finally {
            TestComplete ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public ParsePointer(ParseObject obj)
     if (obj != null)
         ObjectId = obj.ObjectId;
         ClassName = ParseObject.GetClassName(obj.GetType());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Helper to update fields in an existing ParseObject
 public Future Apply(ParseObject po, IDictionary<string,object> updates)
     //FIXME: CompositeFuture is broken
     //return Future.ForAll (updates.Select (update => SetKey (po, update.Key, update.Value)).ToArray ());
     foreach (var update in updates)
         SetKey (po, update.Key, update.Value).Wait ();
     return Future.Fulfilled;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void Go()
     var testObject = new ParseObject ("TestObject");
     testObject ["foo"] = "bar";
     testObject ["baz"] = 10;
     Console.WriteLine ("Saved: {0}", testObject.ObjectId);
     Environment.Exit (0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void Main(string[] args)
     Parse.Initialize (APP_ID, API_KEY, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10));
     var testObject = new ParseObject ("TestObject");
     testObject ["foo"] = "bar";
     testObject ["baz"] = 10;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 void MakePost(string body)
     var post = new ParseObject ("Post");
     post ["title"] = new NSString ("I love Parse with Xamarin");
     post ["body"] = new NSString (body);
     post.SaveAsync ((success, error) => {
         var alert = new UIAlertView("Parse", "just pushed to parse", null, "cancel", "ok");
    protected override IDictionary<string, object> EncodeParseObject(ParseObject value) {
      if (value.ObjectId == null) {
        // TODO (hallucinogen): handle local id. For now we throw.
        throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create a pointer to an object without an objectId");

      return new Dictionary<string, object> {
        {"__type", "Pointer"},
        {"className", value.ClassName},
        {"objectId", value.ObjectId}
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void TestCreateObject()
            var obj = new ParseObject ("TestClass");
            obj ["foo"] = "bar";
            var save = obj.Save ();

            //FIXME: test createdate
            AssertChanged (obj, "Id", po => Assert.AreEqual ("Ed1nuqPvcm", po.Id, "objectId"));
            AssertRequest ("POST", "/1/classes/TestClass", "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}",
                           201, "{\"createdAt\":\"2011-08-20T02:06:57.931Z\",\"objectId\":\"Ed1nuqPvcm\"}");
            save.Wait ();
            EnforceAsserts ();
Ejemplo n.º 10
    Future TestUpdateObjectAsync(ParseTestObject testObject)
        var other = new ParseObject ("Foo");
        other ["foo"] = true;

        testObject.SomeString = "string1";
        testObject.SomeNumber = 1;
        testObject.SomeOtherObject = other;

        AssertChanged (other, "ObjectId", po => Assert.AreEqual ("Ed1nuqPvc", po.ObjectId, "objectId"));
        AssertRequest ("POST", "/1/classes/Foo", "{\"foo\":true}",
                       201, "{\"createdAt\":\"2011-08-20T02:06:57.931Z\",\"objectId\":\"Ed1nuqPvc\"}");

        AssertChanged (testObject, "ObjectId", po => Assert.AreEqual ("Abb2ndvcH", po.ObjectId, "objectId"));
        AssertRequest ("POST", "/1/classes/TestObject", "{\"SomeString\":\"string1\",\"SomeInt\":1,\"SomeOtherObject\":{\"__type\":\"Pointer\",\"className\":\"Foo\",\"objectId\":\"Ed1nuqPvc\"}}",
                       201, "{\"createdAt\":\"2011-08-20T02:06:57.931Z\",\"objectId\":\"Abb2ndvcH\"}");

        return testObject.Save ();
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public override void Done(ParseObject testObject, Xamarin.Parse.ParseException e)
     if (testObject != null)
         switch (_operation)
             case "delete":
             case "update":
                 testObject.Put("title", _n.NoteTitle);
                 testObject.Put("note", _n.NoteBody);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public MySaveCallback(ParseObject testObject, NoteScripture n, Context context)
            _testObject = testObject;
            _n = n;

            dbHelper = new NotesDbAdapter(context);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void SaveNoteToParse(long rowId, string noteTitle, string noteBody, string noteScripture, string noteScriptureText, string noteScriptureForHighlight)
            if (!ConnectedToNetwork(context))

            selectedNote.Id = int.Parse(rowId.ToString());

            // Get all selected verses
            string[] verses = noteScriptureForHighlight.Split(',');
            string verseList = "";
            int pos = 2;
            while (pos < verses.Length)
                string v = verses[pos].ToString();
                verseList += v;

                if (pos < (verses.Length - 1))
                    verseList += ",";


            // Initialize Parse
            Parse.Initialize(context, "scBTJphDK8yVGGtNhcL9cYee89GbEKuRkygGYXKa", "wlXg6dWeJBCxD3uNbnoCTnnZlpSvvZWOdfyoeREZ");

            ParseObject testObject = new ParseObject("Note");
            testObject.Put("book", selectedBook.Title);
            testObject.Put("bookName", selectedBook.Name);
            testObject.Put("chapter", selectedChapter.ChapterNumber);
            testObject.Put("language", Language);
            testObject.Put("name", JWName);
            testObject.Put("title", noteTitle);
            testObject.Put("note", noteBody);
            testObject.Put("text", noteScriptureText);
            testObject.Put("verse", verseList);
            testObject.SaveInBackground(new MySaveCallback(testObject, selectedNote, context));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void SyncUserNotesToParse(NotesActivity notesActivity, List<NoteScripture> notes)
            if (!ConnectedToNetwork(context))

            Parse.Initialize(context, "scBTJphDK8yVGGtNhcL9cYee89GbEKuRkygGYXKa", "wlXg6dWeJBCxD3uNbnoCTnnZlpSvvZWOdfyoeREZ");

            List<ParseObject> parseItems = new List<ParseObject>();
            List<NoteScripture> dbNotes = new List<NoteScripture>();

            foreach (NoteScripture note in notes)
                ParseQuery query = new ParseQuery("Note");
                query.WhereEqualTo("objectId", note.NWTId);
                IEnumerable<ParseObject> existedObjects = query.Find();

                // Does not exist in Parse
                if (existedObjects.Count() == 0)
                    ParseObject testObject = new ParseObject("Note");
                    testObject.Put("book", note.Book);
                    testObject.Put("bookName", note.Book);
                    testObject.Put("chapter", note.Chapter);
                    testObject.Put("name", ParseUser.CurrentUser.Username);
                    testObject.Put("title", note.NoteTitle);
                    testObject.Put("note", note.NoteBody);
                    testObject.Put("text", note.Scripture);
                    testObject.Put("verse", note.Verses);
                    testObject.Put("nwtId", note.NWTId);

                // Exists in Parse
                else if (existedObjects.Count() == 1)
                    query.GetInBackground(note.NWTId, new MyGetCallback(note, "update"));

            ParseObject.SaveAllInBackground(parseItems, new MySyncUploadSaveCallback(notesActivity, parseItems, dbNotes));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void parseInsumo(ParseObject parseObject, Insumo insumo)
     parseObject[C_NAME_INS] = insumo.NombreInsumo;
     parseObject[C_PRE_INS]  = insumo.PrecioInsumo;
        public async Task GetAndSyncChatRoomsAsync()
            var query = ParseObject.GetQuery("ChatRoomUser").WhereEqualTo("userId", ParseUser.CurrentUser.ObjectId).Select("chatroomId");
            IEnumerable <ParseObject> chatRoomIds = await query.FindAsync();

            List <ParseObject> results = new List <ParseObject> ();

            foreach (ParseObject crpo in chatRoomIds)
                var currCRUQuery = ParseObject.GetQuery("ChatRoomUser").WhereEqualTo("chatroomId", crpo ["chatroomId"]);
                foreach (ParseObject cruPO in await currCRUQuery.FindAsync())
            List <ChatRoomUser> crusToAdd  = new List <ChatRoomUser> ();
            List <String>       crToAdd    = new List <String> ();
            List <String>       usersToAdd = new List <String> ();

            foreach (var cruPO in results)
                ChatRoomUser cru = FromParseObjectChatRoomUser(cruPO);
                if (DatabaseAccessors.ChatRoomDatabaseAccessor.ExistsChatRoomUser(cru.chatRoomID, cru.userID) == false)
                if (DatabaseAccessors.ChatRoomDatabaseAccessor.ExistsChatRoom(cru.chatRoomID) == false && crToAdd.Contains(cru.chatRoomID) == false)
                if (DatabaseAccessors.UserDatabaseAccessor.ExistsUser(cru.userID) == false && usersToAdd.Contains(cru.userID) == false)
            foreach (string userId in usersToAdd)
                User        newUser   = new User();
                var         userQuery = ParseObject.GetQuery("UserInformation").WhereEqualTo("userId", userId);
                ParseObject userPO    = await userQuery.FirstAsync();

                newUser.name  = (string)userPO ["fullName"];
                newUser.webID = userId;

            foreach (string crid in crToAdd)
                ChatRoom currChatRoom = new ChatRoom();
                currChatRoom.webID = crid;

            foreach (ChatRoomUser cru in crusToAdd)
                User        currUser       = DatabaseAccessors.UserDatabaseAccessor.GetUser(cru.userID);
                List <User> currUserAsList = new List <User> ();
                ChatRoom chatroom = DatabaseAccessors.ChatRoomDatabaseAccessor.GetChatRoom(cru.chatRoomID);
                DatabaseAccessors.ChatRoomDatabaseAccessor.SaveChatRoomUsers(currUserAsList, chatroom);
 public async Task SaveChatRoomUsersAsync(ChatRoomUser cru)
     ParseObject po = ToParseObject(cru);
     await po.SaveAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected override IDictionary<string, object> EncodeParseObject(ParseObject value) {
   throw new ArgumentException("ParseObjects not allowed here.");
        private async Task getAuthors()
            LoadingBar.IsEnabled  = true;
            LoadingBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                var query = ParseObject.GetQuery("Authors");
                //query = query.Limit(10);

                IEnumerable <ParseObject> results = await query.FindAsync();

                int i = 0;

                foreach (ParseObject result in results)
                    string idParse             = result.ObjectId;
                    var    applicantResumeFile = result.Get <ParseFile>("image");
                    string url = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(applicantResumeFile.Url);

                    //string url2 = result.Get<ParseFile>("image").Url;
                    string description = result.Get <string>("Description");
                    string name        = result.Get <string>("Name");
                    //string idParse = result.Get<string>("objectId");
                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("********* c'st l'url de l'image : " + url);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("********* nom : " + name);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("-------URL : ------- " + result.Get <ParseFile>("image").Url);

                    //Uri uri = new Uri(result.Get<ParseFile>("image").Url, UriKind.Absolute);
                    //imageContr.Sourc= new BitmapImage(result.Get<ParseFile>("image").Url);

                    var bitmap = new BitmapImage(result.Get <ParseFile>("image").Url);

                    lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                        IdParse = idParse, Id = i, Nom = name, Description = description, Image = bitmap

                LoadingBar.IsEnabled  = false;
                LoadingBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            catch (Exception e)
                var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/a-milne.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 1, Nom = "A-A Milne", Description = "Novelist , Playwright , Poet ,Britsh Born on 18 January 1882 AD Died 31 January 1956 AD", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/abbie-hoffman.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 2, Nom = "Abbie Hoffman", Description = "Writer, Activist, Psychologist, Speaker ,American  Born on 30 November 1936 AD Died 12 April 1989 AD", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/abraham-cowley.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 3, Nom = "Abraham Cowley", Description = "Poet ,Britsh Born on 1618 AD Died 28 July 1667 AD", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/aeschylus-1.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 4, Nom = "Aeschylus ", Description = "Poet ,Greek Born on 525 BC Died 456 BC", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/ahlam-mosteghanemi-5.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 5, Nom = "Ahlam Mosteghanemi", Description = "Novelist ,Writer ,Algerian Born on 13 April 1953 AD", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/alan-jay-lerner-2.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 6, Nom = "Alan Jay Lerner", Description = "Poet ,American Born on 31 August 1918 AD Died 31 January 1956 AD", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/alan-cumming.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 7, Nom = "Alan Cumming", Description = "Actors, Theater Personalities, Non-Fiction Writers ,Scottish Born on 27 January 1965 AD ", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/alexander-graham-bell.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 8, Nom = "Alexander Graham Bell", Description = "Electrical Engineers, Electronics Entrepreneurs, Scientists ,Britsh Born on 03 March 1847 AD Died 02 August 1922 AD", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/bill-gates.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 9, Nom = "Bill Gates", Description = "Computer Engineers, IT & Software Entrepreneurs, Born on 28 October 1955 AD ", Image = bitmap

                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Authors/albert-einstein-2.jpg"));
                lstSource.Add(new Authors()
                    Id = 10, Nom = "Albert Einstein", Description = "Physicists, German Born on 14 March 1879 AD Died 18 April 1955 AD", Image = bitmap

                LoadingBar.IsEnabled  = false;
                LoadingBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            lstImpaire.DataContext = lstSource.Where(e => e.Id % 2 == 0);
            lstPaire.DataContext   = lstSource.Where(e => e.Id % 2 != 0);
        public TeleOpMatchScoutingPage(ParseObject MatchData, int[] def, double[] autoScoreValue, int teamNo)
            data = MatchData;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                scoreValue [i]  = 0;
                minus [i]       = new Button();
                plus [i]        = new Button();
                displayValue[i] = new Label();

            Label pageTitle = new Label()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Text            = "TeleOp Mode",
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeTitle,
                FontAttributes  = FontAttributes.Bold

            Label teamNumber = new Label()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Text            = "Team: " + teamNo.ToString(),
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeTitle,
                FontAttributes  = FontAttributes.Bold

            defense(0, 0, 1, "Low Bar", autoScoreValue[0]);
            defense(1, 3, 1, ((defenses)def[0]).ToString(), autoScoreValue[1]);
            defense(2, 6, 1, ((defenses)def[1]).ToString(), autoScoreValue[2]);
            defense(3, 9, 1, ((defenses)def[2]).ToString(), autoScoreValue[3]);
            defense(4, 12, 1, ((defenses)def[3]).ToString(), autoScoreValue[4]);
            shoot(5, 0, 7, "Low Shot");
            shoot(7, 3, 7, "High Shot");
            counter(9, 6, 8, "Teamwork");
            counter(10, 6, 10, "Shots Altered");
            counter(11, 12, 8, "Fouls");

            Button challengeBtn = new Button()
                Text            = "Robot Challenge",
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeMedium,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Gray

            challengeBtn.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                if (challenge == false)
                    challengeBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.Green;
                    challenge = true;
                    challengeBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.Gray;
                    challenge = false;

            Button scaleBtn = new Button()
                Text            = "Robot Scaling",
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeMedium,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Gray

            scaleBtn.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                if (scaled == false)
                    scaleBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.Green;
                    scaled = true;
                    scaleBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.Gray;
                    scaled = false;

            // score

            Button disabledBtn = new Button()
                Text            = "Disabled",
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeMedium,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Gray

            disabledBtn.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                if (disabled == false)
                    disabledBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
                    disabled = true;
                    disabledBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.Gray;
                    disabled = false;

            data = MatchData;

            Button endMatch = new Button()
                Text            = "End Match",
                BackgroundColor = Color.Red,
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeMedium

            endMatch.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                if (new CheckInternetConnectivity().InternetStatus())
                    errorHandling("teleOpE", Convert.ToDouble(scoreValue[0]));
                    errorHandling(((parseString)def[0]).ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(scoreValue[1]));
                    errorHandling(((parseString)def[1]).ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(scoreValue[2]));
                    errorHandling(((parseString)def[2]).ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(scoreValue[3]));
                    errorHandling(((parseString)def[3]).ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(scoreValue[4]));
                    errorHandling("teleOpEAtmpts", Convert.ToInt16(attemptsValue[0]));
                    errorHandling(((parseString)def[0]).ToString() + "Atmpts", Convert.ToInt16(attemptsValue[1]));
                    errorHandling(((parseString)def[1]).ToString() + "Atmpts", Convert.ToInt16(attemptsValue[2]));
                    errorHandling(((parseString)def[2]).ToString() + "Atmpts", Convert.ToInt16(attemptsValue[3]));
                    errorHandling(((parseString)def[3]).ToString() + "Atmpts", Convert.ToInt16(attemptsValue[4]));
                    if (stallBool[0] == true)
                        errorHandling("teleOpEStall", 1);
                    if (stallBool[1] == true)
                        errorHandling(((parseString)def[0]).ToString() + "Stall", 1);
                    if (stallBool[2] == true)
                        errorHandling(((parseString)def[1]).ToString() + "Stall", 1);
                    if (stallBool[3] == true)
                        errorHandling(((parseString)def[2]).ToString() + "Stall", 1);
                    if (stallBool[4] == true)
                        errorHandling(((parseString)def[3]).ToString() + "Stall", 1);
                    errorHandling("teleOpShotLowSuccess", Convert.ToInt32(scoreValue[5]));
                    errorHandling("teleOpShotLowTotal", Convert.ToInt32(scoreValue[5] + scoreValue[6]));
                    if (scoreValue[5] + scoreValue[6] == 0)
                        errorHandling("teleOpShotLowAccuracy", Convert.ToDouble(0));
                        errorHandling("teleOpShotLowAccuracy", Convert.ToDouble((double)scoreValue[5] / (double)(scoreValue[5] + scoreValue[6])));
                    errorHandling("teleOpShotHighSuccess", Convert.ToInt32(scoreValue[7]));
                    errorHandling("teleOpShotHighTotal", Convert.ToInt32(scoreValue[7] + scoreValue[8]));
                    if (scoreValue[7] + scoreValue[8] == 0)
                        errorHandling("teleOpShotHighAccuracy", Convert.ToDouble(0));
                        errorHandling("teleOpShotHighAccuracy", Convert.ToDouble((double)scoreValue[7] / (double)(scoreValue[7] + scoreValue[8])));
                    errorHandling("teamwork", scoreValue[9]);
                    errorHandling("shotsDenied", scoreValue[10]);
                    errorHandling("fouls", scoreValue[11]);
                    errorHandling("challenge", challenge);
                    errorHandling("scaled", scaled);
                    errorHandling("disabled", disabled);
                    errorHandling("score", points);

                    if (error == true)
                        errorString = errorString.Remove(errorString.Length - 2);
                        DisplayAlert("Error:", errorString, "OK");
                        errorString = "The following data was unable to be saved: ";
                        errorString = errorStringDefault;
                        error       = false;
                        Navigation.PushModalAsync(new PostMatchScoutingPage(data));
            layoutGrid.Children.Add(pageTitle, 0, 4, 0, 1);
            layoutGrid.Children.Add(teamNumber, 3, 13, 0, 1);
            layoutGrid.Children.Add(scoreLabel, 12, 15, 0, 1);
            layoutGrid.Children.Add(challengeBtn, 9, 12, 10, 11);
            layoutGrid.Children.Add(scaleBtn, 9, 12, 11, 12);
            layoutGrid.Children.Add(disabledBtn, 12, 15, 10, 11);
            layoutGrid.Children.Add(endMatch, 12, 15, 11, 12);

            this.Content = new StackLayout()
                Children =
            BackgroundColor = Color.White;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 protected override IDictionary <string, object> EncodeParseObject(ParseObject value) => null;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public object Decode(object data)
            if (data == null)

            var dict = data as IDictionary <string, object>;

            if (dict != null)
                if (dict.ContainsKey("__op"))

                object type;
                dict.TryGetValue("__type", out type);
                var typeString = type as string;

                if (typeString == null)
                    var newDict = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    foreach (var pair in dict)
                        newDict[pair.Key] = Decode(pair.Value);

                if (typeString == "Date")
                    return(ParseDate(dict["iso"] as string));

                if (typeString == "Bytes")
                    return(Convert.FromBase64String(dict["base64"] as string));

                if (typeString == "Pointer")
                    return(DecodePointer(dict["className"] as string, dict["objectId"] as string));

                if (typeString == "File")
                    return(new ParseFile(dict["name"] as string, new Uri(dict["url"] as string)));

                if (typeString == "GeoPoint")
                    return(new ParseGeoPoint((double)ParseClient.ConvertTo <double>(dict["latitude"]),
                                             (double)ParseClient.ConvertTo <double>(dict["longitude"])));

                if (typeString == "Object")
                    var output = ParseObject.CreateWithoutData(dict["className"] as string, null);
                    output.HandleFetchResult(ParseObjectCoder.Instance.Decode(dict, this));

                if (typeString == "Relation")
                    return(ParseRelationBase.CreateRelation(null, null, dict["className"] as string));

                var converted = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                foreach (var pair in dict)
                    converted[pair.Key] = Decode(pair.Value);

            var list = data as IList <object>;

            if (list != null)
                return((from item in list
                        select Decode(item)).ToList());

Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected virtual object DecodePointer(string className, string objectId)
     return(ParseObject.CreateWithoutData(className, objectId));
 protected override IDictionary <string, object> EncodeParseObject(ParseObject value)
     throw new ArgumentException("ParseObjects not allowed here.");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static async Task <Clinics> CreateFromParseObject(ParseObject parseObject)
            return(await Task.Run <Clinics>(() =>
                var findaPhysioList = new Clinics();

                findaPhysioList._Name = parseObject.ObjectId;
                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("BookURL"))
                    findaPhysioList._Name = (string)parseObject["BookURL"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("OpeningHours"))
                    findaPhysioList._OpeningHours = (string)parseObject["OpeningHours"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("Speciality"))
                    findaPhysioList._Speciaity = (string)parseObject["Speciality"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("Town"))
                    findaPhysioList._Town = (string)parseObject["Town"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("Website"))
                    findaPhysioList._WebSite = (string)parseObject["Website"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("adress1"))
                    findaPhysioList._Address1 = (string)parseObject["adress1"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("name"))
                    findaPhysioList._Name = (string)parseObject["name"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("postcode"))
                    findaPhysioList._Postcode = (string)parseObject["postcode"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("telephone"))
                    findaPhysioList._Telephone = (string)parseObject["telephone"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("lat"))
                    findaPhysioList._Latitude = (double)parseObject["lat"];

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("long"))
                    findaPhysioList._Longitude = (double)parseObject["long"];
                return findaPhysioList;
        ParseObject ToParseObject(ChatRoom chatroom)
            var po = new ParseObject("ChatRoom");

Ejemplo n.º 27
 internal ParseRelation(ParseObject parent, string key) : base(parent, key)
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void TestEncodeParseObjectWithNoObjectsEncoder()
            ParseObject obj = new ParseObject("Corgi");

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => NoObjectsEncoder.Instance.Encode(obj));
Ejemplo n.º 29
    // Update is called once per frame
    void OnClick()
        if (city_ch != null)
            if (city == "Kaohsiung")
                city_ch = "高雄文";
            else if (city == "Taichung")
                city_ch = "臺中文";
            else if (city == "Taipei")
                city_ch = "臺北文";
            else if (city == "NewTaipei")
                city_ch = "新北文";
            else if (city == "Tainan")
                city_ch = "臺南文";
            else if (city == "Taoyuan")
                city_ch = "桃園文";
        GameObject loca = GameObject.Find("place(Clone)");

        GameObject hot = GameObject.Find("hot(Clone)");

        GameObject [] items = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
        //当预设数量大于 0时

        for (var i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)

        GameObject Hot = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("hot"));

        Hot.transform.parent        = GameObject.Find("hot").transform;
        Hot.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Hot.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        Hot.AddComponent <kao_q_pop>();

        kao_q_pop PostType = Hot.GetComponent <kao_q_pop> ();

        PostType.PostType = "angel";
        PostType.city     = city;
        PostType.exist    = exist;
        if (exist == "exist")
            GameObject location = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("place"));
            location.transform.parent        = GameObject.Find("location").transform;
            location.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            location.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            location.AddComponent <kao_q_loca>();

            //xml_test geo = GameObject.Find("city_now").GetComponent<xml_test>();
            kao_q_loca PostType1 = location.GetComponent <kao_q_loca> ();
            PostType1.PostType = "angel";
            PostType1.city     = city;
        Loom.RunAsync(() => {
            ArrayList label_time = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList label_list = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList post_Id    = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList photo_e    = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList user       = new ArrayList();
            var query            = ParseObject.GetQuery("POST").WhereEqualTo("foo", "angel").WhereEqualTo("Location", city).WhereDoesNotExist("Post_Geo").OrderByDescending("createdAt");

            //query = query.Limit(limit);
            var queryTask = query.FindAsync();

            IEnumerable <ParseObject> post = queryTask.Result;
            foreach (var obj in post)
                string id          = obj.ObjectId;
                string text        = obj ["postfield"].ToString();
                string usr         = obj["User"].ToString();
                DateTime?updatedAt = obj.CreatedAt;

                var imagefile = obj.Get <ParseFile> ("file");
                if (imagefile.Name.Contains("none"))

                string time = updatedAt.ToString();
                //Debug.Log (updatedAt);
                Debug.Log("資料庫傳回:" + text);
            String[] label_text = (String[])label_list.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] labeltime  = (String[])label_time.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] postId     = (String[])post_Id.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] photo      = (String[])photo_e.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] userId     = (String[])user.ToArray(typeof(string));
            Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => {
                for (i = 0; i < photo.Length; i++)
                    if (photo[i] == "1")
                        GameObject o = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("big_angel"));
                        o.name = "angel" + count;

                        o.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("list View").transform;

                        UILabel post_text = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/PostContent").GetComponent <UILabel>();

                        //picture = GameObject.Find("list View/"+o.name+"/photo").GetComponent<UITexture>();

                        test1 postid   = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/photo").GetComponent <test1>();
                        postid.postid  = postId[i];
                        post_text.text = label_text[i];

                        UILabel postplace = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/post_place").GetComponent <UILabel>();
                        postplace.text    = city_ch;

                        AddLike Like = o.GetComponentInChildren <AddLike> ();
                        Like.Post_Id = postId[i];

                        AddDislike DisLike = o.GetComponentInChildren <AddDislike>();
                        DisLike.Post_Id    = postId[i];

                        RetrieveTags Tags = o.GetComponentInChildren <RetrieveTags>();
                        Tags.Post_Id      = postId[i];

                        PostIdSender Sender = o.GetComponentInChildren <PostIdSender>();
                        Sender.Post_Id      = postId[i];

                        ParameterSender PSender = o.GetComponentInChildren <ParameterSender>();
                        PSender.Post_Id         = postId[i];

                        GetPoster poster   = o.GetComponentInChildren <GetPoster>();
                        poster.UserAccount = userId[i];

                        Getuserphoto userphoto = o.GetComponentInChildren <Getuserphoto>();
                        userphoto.UserAccount  = userId[i];
                        if (i > 0)
                            if (photo[i - 1] == "0")
                                Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, -0.6f, 0);
                                GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);
                                int ex_position = count - 1;
                                GameObject ex_item = GameObject.Find("angel" + ex_position);
                                Debug.Log(ex_item.transform.position.x + "," + ex_item.transform.position.y);

                                item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                                item.transform.position = ex_item.transform.position + temp;
                                //item.transform.position += temp;
                                Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
                                Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, -1.3f, 0);
                                GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);
                                int ex_position = count - 1;

                                GameObject ex_item = GameObject.Find("angel" + ex_position);
                                Debug.Log(ex_item.transform.position.x + "," + ex_item.transform.position.y);

                                item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                                item.transform.position = ex_item.transform.position + temp;
                                Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
                        else if (i == 0)
                            Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);

                            item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                            //item.transform.position += temp;

                        GameObject o = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("angel"));
                        o.name = "angel" + count;

                        o.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("list View").transform;

                        UILabel post_text = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/PostContent").GetComponent <UILabel>();
                        UILabel postplace = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/post_place").GetComponent <UILabel>();
                        postplace.text    = city_ch;

                        //picture = GameObject.Find("list View/"+o.name+"/photo").GetComponent<UITexture>();

                        //test1 postid = GameObject.Find("list View/"+o.name+"/photo").GetComponent<test1>();
                        //postid.postid =postId[i];
                        post_text.text = label_text[i];

                        AddLike Like = o.GetComponentInChildren <AddLike> ();
                        Like.Post_Id = postId[i];

                        AddDislike DisLike = o.GetComponentInChildren <AddDislike>();
                        DisLike.Post_Id    = postId[i];

                        RetrieveTags Tags = o.GetComponentInChildren <RetrieveTags>();
                        Tags.Post_Id      = postId[i];

                        PostIdSender Sender = o.GetComponentInChildren <PostIdSender>();
                        Sender.Post_Id      = postId[i];

                        ParameterSender PSender = o.GetComponentInChildren <ParameterSender>();
                        PSender.Post_Id         = postId[i];

                        GetPoster poster   = o.GetComponentInChildren <GetPoster>();
                        poster.UserAccount = userId[i];

                        Getuserphoto userphoto = o.GetComponentInChildren <Getuserphoto>();
                        userphoto.UserAccount  = userId[i];

                        if (i > 0)
                            if (photo[i - 1] == "0")
                                Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, -0.57f, 0);
                                GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);

                                int ex_position = count - 1;
                                GameObject ex_item = GameObject.Find("angel" + ex_position);
                                Debug.Log(ex_item.transform.position.x + "," + ex_item.transform.position.y);
                                item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                                item.transform.position = ex_item.transform.position + temp;

                                Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
                                Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, -1.3f, 0);
                                GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);

                                int ex_position = count - 1;
                                GameObject ex_item = GameObject.Find("angel" + ex_position);
                                Debug.Log(ex_item.transform.position.x + "," + ex_item.transform.position.y);

                                item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                                item.transform.position = ex_item.transform.position + temp;

                                Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
                        else if (i == 0)
                            Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);
                            item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                            item.transform.position += temp;
                            Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
Ejemplo n.º 30
    void OnClick()
        string big = "big_" + PostType;


        xml_test geo = GameObject.Find("city_now").GetComponent <xml_test>();

        geo_x = geo.geo_x;
        geo_y = geo.geo_y;
        GameObject [] items = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
        //当预设数量大于 0时

        for (var i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)

        Loom.RunAsync(() => {
            ArrayList label_place = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList label_time  = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList label_list  = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList post_Id     = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList photo_e     = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList user        = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList posttype    = new ArrayList();

            double result  = Convert.ToDouble(geo_x);
            double result2 = Convert.ToDouble(geo_y);
            var point      = new ParseGeoPoint(result2, result);

            var query = ParseObject.GetQuery("POST").WhereEqualTo("foo", PostType).WhereEqualTo("Location", city).WhereWithinDistance("Post_Geo", point, ParseGeoDistance.FromKilometers(2.5)).OrderByDescending("createdAt");

            //query = query.Limit(limit);
            var queryTask = query.FindAsync();

            IEnumerable <ParseObject> post = queryTask.Result;
            foreach (var obj in post)
                string id          = obj.ObjectId;
                string text        = obj ["postfield"].ToString();
                string place       = obj["geo_place"].ToString();
                string post_type   = obj ["foo"].ToString();
                string usr         = obj["User"].ToString();
                DateTime?updatedAt = obj.CreatedAt;
                int sum            = obj.Get <int> ("Sum");

                Debug.Log("資料庫TAG:" + sum);
                var imagefile = obj.Get <ParseFile> ("file");
                if (imagefile.Name.Contains("none"))

                string time = updatedAt.ToString();
                //Debug.Log (updatedAt);
                Debug.Log("資料庫傳回:" + text);

            String[] labelplace = (String[])label_place.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] label_text = (String[])label_list.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] labeltime  = (String[])label_time.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] postId     = (String[])post_Id.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] photo      = (String[])photo_e.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] userId     = (String[])user.ToArray(typeof(string));
            String[] Posttype   = (String[])posttype.ToArray(typeof(string));

            Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => {
                for (i = 0; i < photo.Length; i++)
                    if (photo[i] == "1")
                        GameObject o = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(big));
                        o.name = PostType + count;

                        o.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("list View").transform;

                        UILabel post_text = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/PostContent").GetComponent <UILabel>();

                        //picture = GameObject.Find("list View/"+o.name+"/photo").GetComponent<UITexture>();

                        test1 postid   = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/photo").GetComponent <test1>();
                        postid.postid  = postId[i];
                        post_text.text = label_text[i];

                        UILabel postplace = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/post_place").GetComponent <UILabel>();
                        postplace.text    = labelplace[i];

                        AddLike Like = o.GetComponentInChildren <AddLike> ();
                        Like.Post_Id = postId[i];

                        AddDislike DisLike = o.GetComponentInChildren <AddDislike>();
                        DisLike.Post_Id    = postId[i];

                        RetrieveTags Tags = o.GetComponentInChildren <RetrieveTags>();
                        Tags.Post_Id      = postId[i];

                        PostIdSender Sender = o.GetComponentInChildren <PostIdSender>();
                        Sender.Post_Id      = postId[i];

                        ParameterSender PSender = o.GetComponentInChildren <ParameterSender>();
                        PSender.Post_Id         = postId[i];

                        GetPoster poster   = o.GetComponentInChildren <GetPoster>();
                        poster.UserAccount = userId[i];

                        Getuserphoto userphoto = o.GetComponentInChildren <Getuserphoto>();
                        userphoto.UserAccount  = userId[i];
                        if (i > 0)
                            if (photo[i - 1] == "0")
                                Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, -0.6f, 0);
                                GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);
                                int ex_position = count - 1;
                                GameObject ex_item = GameObject.Find(PostType + ex_position);
                                Debug.Log(ex_item.transform.position.x + "," + ex_item.transform.position.y);

                                item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                                item.transform.position = ex_item.transform.position + temp;
                                //item.transform.position += temp;
                                Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
                                Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, -1.3f, 0);
                                GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);
                                int ex_position = count - 1;

                                GameObject ex_item = GameObject.Find(PostType + ex_position);
                                Debug.Log(ex_item.transform.position.x + "," + ex_item.transform.position.y);

                                item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                                item.transform.position = ex_item.transform.position + temp;
                                Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
                        else if (i == 0)
                            Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);

                            item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                            //item.transform.position += temp;

                        GameObject o = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(PostType));
                        o.name = PostType + count;

                        o.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("list View").transform;

                        UILabel post_text = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/PostContent").GetComponent <UILabel>();
                        UILabel postplace = GameObject.Find("list View/" + o.name + "/post_place").GetComponent <UILabel>();
                        postplace.text    = labelplace[i];

                        //picture = GameObject.Find("list View/"+o.name+"/photo").GetComponent<UITexture>();

                        //test1 postid = GameObject.Find("list View/"+o.name+"/photo").GetComponent<test1>();
                        //postid.postid =postId[i];
                        post_text.text = label_text[i];

                        AddLike Like = o.GetComponentInChildren <AddLike> ();
                        Like.Post_Id = postId[i];

                        AddDislike DisLike = o.GetComponentInChildren <AddDislike>();
                        DisLike.Post_Id    = postId[i];

                        RetrieveTags Tags = o.GetComponentInChildren <RetrieveTags>();
                        Tags.Post_Id      = postId[i];

                        PostIdSender Sender = o.GetComponentInChildren <PostIdSender>();
                        Sender.Post_Id      = postId[i];

                        ParameterSender PSender = o.GetComponentInChildren <ParameterSender>();
                        PSender.Post_Id         = postId[i];

                        GetPoster poster   = o.GetComponentInChildren <GetPoster>();
                        poster.UserAccount = userId[i];

                        Getuserphoto userphoto = o.GetComponentInChildren <Getuserphoto>();
                        userphoto.UserAccount  = userId[i];

                        if (i > 0)
                            if (photo[i - 1] == "0")
                                Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, -0.57f, 0);
                                GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);

                                int ex_position = count - 1;
                                GameObject ex_item = GameObject.Find(PostType + ex_position);
                                Debug.Log(ex_item.transform.position.x + "," + ex_item.transform.position.y);
                                item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                                item.transform.position = ex_item.transform.position + temp;

                                Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
                                Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, -1.3f, 0);
                                GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);

                                int ex_position = count - 1;
                                GameObject ex_item = GameObject.Find(PostType + ex_position);
                                Debug.Log(ex_item.transform.position.x + "," + ex_item.transform.position.y);

                                item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                                item.transform.position = ex_item.transform.position + temp;

                                Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
                        else if (i == 0)
                            Vector3 temp    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            GameObject item = GameObject.Find(o.name);
                            item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            item.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                            item.transform.position += temp;
                            Debug.Log(item.transform.position.x + "," + item.transform.position.y);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public void SetUp() => ParseObject.RegisterSubclass <ParseUser>();
Ejemplo n.º 32
 // Helper to update fields in an existing ParseObject
 public void Apply(ParseObject po, IDictionary<string,object> updates)
     foreach (var update in updates)
         SetKey (po, update.Key, update.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 private static ParseRelation <T> CreateRelation <T>(ParseObject parent, string key, string targetClassName)
     where T : ParseObject
     return(new ParseRelation <T>(parent, key, targetClassName));
Ejemplo n.º 34
 protected abstract IDictionary<string, object> EncodeParseObject(ParseObject value);
 protected abstract IDictionary <string, object> EncodeParseObject(ParseObject value);