Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Field GetField(PropertyInfo property)
            Type pt = property.PropertyType;

            if (pt.IsNullable())
                pt = pt.GetNonNullable();
            if (pt.IsArray)
                pt = pt.GetElementType();

            IDataTypeHandler handler = DataTypeFactory.Match(pt);

            if (handler == null)

            ParquetColumnAttribute columnAttr = property.GetCustomAttribute <ParquetColumnAttribute>();

            string   name = columnAttr?.Name ?? property.Name;
            DataType type = handler.DataType;

            var r = new DataField(name,
                                  property.PropertyType //use CLR type here as DF constructor will figure out nullability and other parameters

            r.ClrPropName = property.Name;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Field GetField(PropertyInfo property)
            Type pt = property.PropertyType;

            if (pt.IsNullable())
                pt = pt.GetNonNullable();
            if (pt.IsArray)
                pt = pt.GetElementType();

            IDataTypeHandler handler = DataTypeFactory.Match(pt);

            if (handler == null)

            ParquetColumnAttribute columnAttr = property.GetCustomAttribute <ParquetColumnAttribute>();

            string   name = columnAttr?.Name ?? property.Name;
            DataType type = handler.DataType;

            var r = new DataField(name,
                                  property.PropertyType //use CLR type here as DF constructor will figure out nullability and other parameters

            if (columnAttr != null)
                if (handler.ClrType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                    r = new TimeSpanDataField(r.Name, columnAttr.TimeSpanFormat, r.HasNulls, r.IsArray);
                if (handler.ClrType == typeof(DateTime) || handler.ClrType == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                    r = new DateTimeDataField(r.Name, columnAttr.DateTimeFormat, r.HasNulls, r.IsArray);
                if (handler.ClrType == typeof(decimal))
                    r = new DecimalDataField(r.Name, columnAttr.DecimalPrecision, columnAttr.DecimalScale, columnAttr.DecimalForceByteArrayEncoding, r.HasNulls, r.IsArray);

            r.ClrPropName = property.Name;
