Ejemplo n.º 1
        public string GetDatasetSampleSQL(int topX = 1000, ICoreChildProvider childProvider = null)
            if (configuration == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Can only generate select * statements when constructed for a single AggregateConfiguration, this was constructed with a container as the root entity (it may even reflect a UNION style query that spans datasets)");

            //Show the user all the fields (*) unless there is a HAVING or it is a Patient Index Table.
            string selectList =
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configuration.HavingSQL) && !configuration.IsJoinablePatientIndexTable() ? "*" : null;

            RecreateHelpers(new QueryBuilderCustomArgs(selectList, "" /*removes distinct*/, topX));

            Results.BuildFor(configuration, ParameterManager);

            string sampleSQL = Results.Sql;

            string parameterSql = "";

            //get resolved parameters for the select * query
            var finalParams = ParameterManager.GetFinalResolvedParametersList().ToArray();

            if (finalParams.Any())
                parameterSql = QueryBuilder.GetParameterDeclarationSQL(finalParams);

                return(parameterSql + Environment.NewLine + sampleSQL);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void FindOverridenParameters_TwoTest()
            var myParameter1 = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @fish as int", "1", "fishes be here", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());
            var myParameter2 = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @fish as int", "2", "fishes be here", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());

            var overridingParameter = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @fish as int", "3", "overriding value", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());

            var pm = new ParameterManager();


            var overrides = pm.GetOverridenParameters().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(pm.GetOverrideIfAnyFor(myParameter1), overridingParameter);
            Assert.AreEqual(pm.GetOverrideIfAnyFor(myParameter2), overridingParameter);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, overrides.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(myParameter1, overrides[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(myParameter2, overrides[1]);

            var final = pm.GetFinalResolvedParametersList().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, final.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(overridingParameter, final[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void RegenerateSQL()

            _sql = "";

            if (container != null)
                AddContainerRecursively(container, 0);    //user constructed us with a container (and possibly subcontainers even - any one of them chock full of aggregates)
                AddAggregate(configuration, -1);//user constructed us without a container, he only cares about 1 aggregate
            //Still finalise the ParameterManager even if we are not writting out the parameters so that it is in the Finalized state
            var finalParameters = ParameterManager.GetFinalResolvedParametersList();

            if (!DoNotWriteOutParameters)
                string parameterSql = "";

                //add the globals
                foreach (ISqlParameter param in finalParameters)
                    parameterSql += QueryBuilder.GetParameterDeclarationSQL(param);

                _sql = parameterSql + _sql;
            SQLOutOfDate = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Test_ParameterManager_SimpleRename()
            var p1 = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @fish as int", "1", "fishes be here", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());
            var p2 = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @fish as int", "2", "fishes be here", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());

            var pm1 = new ParameterManager();
            var pm2 = new ParameterManager();
            var pm3 = new ParameterManager();


            pm3.ImportAndElevateResolvedParametersFromSubquery(pm1, out Dictionary <string, string> renames1);
            pm3.ImportAndElevateResolvedParametersFromSubquery(pm2, out Dictionary <string, string> renames2);

            var final = pm3.GetFinalResolvedParametersList().ToArray();

            //the final composite parameters should have a rename in them
            Assert.AreEqual("@fish", final[0].ParameterName);
            Assert.AreEqual("@fish_2", final[1].ParameterName);


            Assert.AreEqual("@fish", renames2.Single().Key);
            Assert.AreEqual("@fish_2", renames2.Single().Value);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public ISqlParameter[] GetAllParameters(AggregateConfiguration aggregate)
            var parameterManager = new ParameterManager();

            foreach (var p in _globals)

            parameterManager.AddParametersFor(aggregate, ParameterLevel.QueryLevel);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void FindOverridenParameters_CaseSensitivityTest()
            var baseParameter       = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @fish as int", "1", "fishes be here", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());
            var overridingParameter = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @Fish as int", "3", "overriding value", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());

            var pm = new ParameterManager();


            var parameters = pm.GetFinalResolvedParametersList().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, parameters.Count());

            var final = parameters.Single();

            Assert.AreEqual("@Fish", final.ParameterName);
            Assert.AreEqual("3", final.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void FindOverridenParameters_OneOnlyTest(ParameterLevel addAt, ParameterLevel overridingLevel)
            var myParameter         = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @fish as int", "1", "fishes be here", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());
            var overridingParameter = new ConstantParameter("DECLARE @fish as int", "999", "overriding value", new MicrosoftQuerySyntaxHelper());

            var pm = new ParameterManager();


            var overrides = pm.GetOverridenParameters().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(pm.GetOverrideIfAnyFor(myParameter), overridingParameter);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, overrides.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(myParameter, overrides[0]);
            var final = pm.GetFinalResolvedParametersList().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, final.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(overridingParameter, final[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates .SQL Property, note that this is automatically called when you query .SQL anyway so you do not need to manually call it.
        /// </summary>
        public void RegenerateSQL()
            var checkNotifier = new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier();

            _sql = "";

            //reset the Parameter knowledge

            #region Setup to output the query, where we figure out all the joins etc
            //reset everything


            //work out all the filters
            Filters = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetAllFiltersUsedInContainerTreeRecursively(RootFilterContainer);

            TableInfo primary;
            TablesUsedInQuery = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetTablesUsedInQuery(this, out primary, _forceJoinsToTheseTables);

            //force join to any TableInfos that would not be normally joined to but the user wants to anyway e.g. if theres WHERE sql that references them but no columns
            if (_forceJoinsToTheseTables != null)
                foreach (var force in _forceJoinsToTheseTables)
                    if (!TablesUsedInQuery.Contains(force))

            this.PrimaryExtractionTable = primary;


            JoinsUsedInQuery = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.FindRequiredJoins(this);

            //deal with case when there are no tables in the query or there are only lookup descriptions in the query
            if (TablesUsedInQuery.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("There are no TablesUsedInQuery in this dataset");

            _syntaxHelper = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetSyntaxHelper(TablesUsedInQuery);

            if (TopX != -1)
                SqlQueryBuilderHelper.HandleTopX(this, _syntaxHelper, TopX);

            //declare parameters


            /////////////////////////////////////////////Assemble Query///////////////////////////////

            #region Preamble (including variable declarations/initializations)
            //assemble the query - never use Environment.Newline, use TakeNewLine() so that QueryBuilder knows what line its got up to
            string toReturn = "";

            foreach (ISqlParameter parameter in ParameterManager.GetFinalResolvedParametersList())
                //if the parameter is one that needs to be told what the query syntax helper is e.g. if it's a global parameter designed to work on multiple datasets
                var needsToldTheSyntaxHelper = parameter as IInjectKnown <IQuerySyntaxHelper>;
                if (needsToldTheSyntaxHelper != null)

                if (CheckSyntax)

                toReturn += GetParameterDeclarationSQL(parameter);

            //add user custom Parameter lines
            toReturn = AppendCustomLines(toReturn, QueryComponent.VariableDeclaration);


            #region Select (including all IColumns)
            toReturn += Environment.NewLine;
            toReturn += "SELECT " + LimitationSQL + Environment.NewLine;

            toReturn  = AppendCustomLines(toReturn, QueryComponent.SELECT);
            toReturn += Environment.NewLine;

            toReturn = AppendCustomLines(toReturn, QueryComponent.QueryTimeColumn);

            for (int i = 0; i < SelectColumns.Count; i++)
                //output each of the ExtractionInformations that the user requested and record the line number for posterity
                string columnAsSql = SelectColumns[i].GetSelectSQL(_hashingAlgorithm, _salt, _syntaxHelper);

                //there is another one coming
                if (i + 1 < SelectColumns.Count)
                    columnAsSql += ",";

                toReturn += columnAsSql + Environment.NewLine;


            //work out basic JOINS Sql
            toReturn += SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetFROMSQL(this);

            //add user custom JOIN lines
            toReturn = AppendCustomLines(toReturn, QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin);

            #region Filters (WHERE)

            toReturn += SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetWHERESQL(this);

            toReturn = AppendCustomLines(toReturn, QueryComponent.WHERE);
            toReturn = AppendCustomLines(toReturn, QueryComponent.Postfix);

            _sql         = toReturn;
            SQLOutOfDate = false;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates _sql (SQL property) and resolves all parameters, filters containers etc.  Basically Finalizes this query builder
        /// </summary>
        public void RegenerateSQL()

            //things we discover below, set them all to default values again
            _pivotDimension         = null;
            _axisAppliesToDimension = null;
            _axis = null;
            _isCohortIdentificationAggregate = false;


            if (_queryLevelParameterProvider != null)
                ParameterManager.AddParametersFor(_queryLevelParameterProvider, ParameterLevel.QueryLevel);

            TableInfo primary;

            TablesUsedInQuery = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetTablesUsedInQuery(this, out primary, _forceJoinsToTheseTables);

            var tables = _forceJoinsToTheseTables != null
                ? TablesUsedInQuery.Union(_forceJoinsToTheseTables).ToList()
                : TablesUsedInQuery;

            if (!tables.Any())
                throw new QueryBuildingException("No tables could be identified for the query.  Try adding a column or a force join");

            //get the database language syntax based on the tables used in the query
            _syntaxHelper = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetSyntaxHelper(tables);

            //tell the count column what language it is
            if (_countColumn != null)
                _isCohortIdentificationAggregate = _aggregateConfigurationIfAny != null && _aggregateConfigurationIfAny.IsCohortIdentificationAggregate;

                //if it is not a cic aggregate then make sure it has an alias e.g. count(*) AS MyCount.  cic aggregates take extreme liberties with this field like passing in 'distinct chi' and '*' and other wacky stuff that is so not cool
                _countColumn.SetQuerySyntaxHelper(_syntaxHelper, !_isCohortIdentificationAggregate);

            IAggregateHelper aggregateHelper = _syntaxHelper.AggregateHelper;

            if (_pivotID != -1)
                    _pivotDimension = SelectColumns.Single(
                        qtc => qtc.IColumn is AggregateDimension
                        ((AggregateDimension)qtc.IColumn).ID == _pivotID);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new QueryBuildingException("Problem occurred when trying to find PivotDimension ID " + _pivotID + " in SelectColumns list", e);

            foreach (AggregateDimension dimension in SelectColumns.Select(c => c.IColumn).Where(e => e is AggregateDimension))
                var availableAxis = dimension.AggregateContinuousDateAxis;

                if (availableAxis != null)
                    if (_axis != null)
                        throw new QueryBuildingException(
                                  "Multiple dimensions have an AggregateContinuousDateAxis within the same configuration (Dimensions " + _axisAppliesToDimension.GetRuntimeName() + " and " + dimension.GetRuntimeName() + ")");
                        _axis = availableAxis;
                        _axisAppliesToDimension = dimension;

            if (_pivotDimension != null)
                if (_pivotDimension.IColumn == _axisAppliesToDimension)
                    throw new QueryBuildingException("Column " + _pivotDimension.IColumn + " is both a PIVOT and has an AXIS configured on it, you cannot have both.");

            //work out all the filters
            Filters = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetAllFiltersUsedInContainerTreeRecursively(RootFilterContainer);

            //tell the manager about them

            if (AggregateTopX != null)
                SqlQueryBuilderHelper.HandleTopX(this, _syntaxHelper, AggregateTopX.TopX);

            //if user wants to force join to some other tables that don't appear in the SELECT list, who are we to stop him!
            if (_forceJoinsToTheseTables != null)
                foreach (TableInfo t in _forceJoinsToTheseTables)
                    if (!TablesUsedInQuery.Contains(t))

                    //if user has force joined to a primary extraction table
                    if (t.IsPrimaryExtractionTable)
                        if (primary == null) //we don't currently know the primary (i.e. none of the SELECT columns were from primary tables so use this table as primary)
                            primary = t;
                        else if (primary.ID == t.ID) //we know the primary already but it is the same table so thats fine
                            //this isn't fine
                            throw new QueryBuildingException("You chose to FORCE a join to table " + t + " which is marked IsPrimaryExtractionTable but you have also selected a column called " + primary + " which is also an IsPrimaryExtractionTable (cannot have 2 different primary extraction tables)");

            this.PrimaryExtractionTable = primary;


            JoinsUsedInQuery = SqlQueryBuilderHelper.FindRequiredJoins(this);

            var queryLines = new List <CustomLine>();

            _sql = "";


            //assuming we were not told to ignore the writing out of parameters!
            if (!DoNotWriteOutParameters)
                foreach (ISqlParameter parameter in ParameterManager.GetFinalResolvedParametersList())
                    queryLines.Add(new CustomLine(QueryBuilder.GetParameterDeclarationSQL(parameter), QueryComponent.VariableDeclaration));

            CompileCustomLinesInStageAndAddToList(QueryComponent.VariableDeclaration, queryLines);

            //put the name in as SQL comments followed by the SQL e.g. the name of an AggregateConfiguration or whatever

            queryLines.Add(new CustomLine(SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetFROMSQL(this), QueryComponent.FROM));
            CompileCustomLinesInStageAndAddToList(QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin, queryLines);

            queryLines.Add(new CustomLine(SqlQueryBuilderHelper.GetWHERESQL(this), QueryComponent.WHERE));

            CompileCustomLinesInStageAndAddToList(QueryComponent.WHERE, queryLines);

            GetGroupBySQL(queryLines, aggregateHelper);

            queryLines = queryLines.Where(l => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l.Text)).ToList();

            _sql = aggregateHelper.BuildAggregate(queryLines, _axis);