Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestMSGFPlusResults()
            const string workDir     = @"F:\My Documents\Projects\JoshAldrich\AScore\AScore_DLL\TestCase";
            var          fht         = Path.Combine(workDir, "CPTAC_CompREF_00_iTRAQ_NiNTA_01b_22Mar12_Lynx_12-02-29_msgfdb_fht.txt");
            var          param       = Path.Combine(workDir, "AScore_CID_0.5Da_ETD_0.5Da_HCD_0.05Da_MSGF1E-12.xml");
            var          dta         = Path.Combine(workDir, "CPTAC_CompREF_00_iTRAQ_NiNTA_01b_22Mar12_Lynx_12-02-29_dta.txt");
            var          resultsFile = Path.Combine(workDir, "CPTAC_CompREF_00_iTRAQ_NiNTA_01b_22Mar12_Lynx_12-02-29_msgfdb_fht_ascore.txt");

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            PsmResultsManager dfht = new MsgfdbFHT(fht);
            var pfile = new ParameterFileManager(param);

            var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);


            var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();

            ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, dfht, pfile, resultsFile);

            Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0:F1} seconds", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
            Console.WriteLine("Results in " + resultsFile);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void GetNextRow(
     out int scanNumber, out int scanCount, out int chargeState,
     out string peptideSeq, out double msgfScore, ref ParameterFileManager ascoreParams)
     GetNextRow(out scanNumber, out scanCount, out chargeState, out peptideSeq, ref ascoreParams);
     double.TryParse((string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["MSGF_SpecProb"], out msgfScore);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestMSGFFilter()
            const string workDir     = @"F:\My Documents\Projects\JoshAldrich\AScore\AScore_DLL\TestCase";
            var          fht         = Path.Combine(workDir, "GmaxP_itraq_NiNTA_15_29Apr10_Hawk_03-10-09p_fht.txt");
            var          param       = Path.Combine(workDir, "AScore_CID_0.5Da_ETD_0.5Da_HCD_0.05Da_MSGF1E-12.xml");
            var          dta         = Path.Combine(workDir, "GmaxP_itraq_NiNTA_15_29Apr10_Hawk_03-10-09p_dta.txt");
            var          resultsFile = Path.Combine(workDir, "GmaxP_itraq_NiNTA_15_29Apr10_Hawk_03-10-09p_fht_ascore.txt");

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            PsmResultsManager dfht = new SequestFHT(fht);
            var pfile = new ParameterFileManager(param);

            var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);


            var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();

            ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, dfht, pfile, resultsFile);

            Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0:F1} seconds", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
            Console.WriteLine("Results in " + resultsFile);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void EcoliTest2()
            var datasetname = new string[] {
                @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\SisiTopDown\E_coli_BW_70_bottom_up_23Sep11_Draco_11-07-12_fht.txt"

            var dtaname = new string[] {
                @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\SisiTopDown\E_coli_BW_70_bottom_up_23Sep11_Draco_11-07-12_dta.txt"

            var ascParam = new string[] {
                @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\SisiTopDown\parameterFileForMus.xml"

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            for (var i = 0; i < dtaname.Length; i++)
                var outFile = datasetname[i].Substring(0, datasetname[i].Length - 8) + "_AScoreTry.txt";
                PsmResultsManager datasetMan = new SequestFHT(datasetname[i]);
                //DtaManager dtaManager = new DtaManager(dtaname[i]);
                var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);
                var paramFile    = new ParameterFileManager(ascParam[i]);
                var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();
                //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dtaManager, datasetMan, paramFile, outFile);
                ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, datasetMan, paramFile, outFile);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void FengTest2()
            var datasetname = new string[] {
                @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\FengTest\ETD\B_Mus_con_15Oct10_Hawk_03-10-10p_fht.txt"

            var dtaname = new string[] {
                @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\FengTest\ETD\B_Mus_con_15Oct10_Hawk_03-10-10p_dta.txt"

            var ascParam = new string[] {
                @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\FengTest\parameterFileForMusETD2.xml"

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            for (var i = 0; i < dtaname.Length; i++)
                var outFile = datasetname[i].Substring(0, datasetname[i].Length - 8) + "_AScoreTry.txt";
                PsmResultsManager datasetMan = new SequestFHT(datasetname[i]);
                //DtaManager dtaManager = new DtaManager(dtaname[i]);
                var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);
                var paramFile    = new ParameterFileManager(ascParam[i]);
                var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();
                //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dtaManager, datasetMan, paramFile, outFile);
                ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, datasetMan, paramFile, outFile);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void NewTest()
            var ascore = new string[] { "SOSM_May_P1_R2_13Jun11_Hawk_11-04-02p_fht.txt" };

            const string fhtPath = @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\SOSM\CID\ForAScore";
            const string dtapath = @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\SOSM";
            const string parFile = @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\SOSM\parameterFile.xml";

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            foreach (var a in ascore)
                var myFht   = Path.Combine(fhtPath, a);
                var myDta   = Path.Combine(dtapath, a.Substring(0, a.Length - 8) + "_dta.txt");
                var outFile = Path.Combine(fhtPath, a.Substring(0, a.Length - 8) + "_AScore.txt");
                PsmResultsManager datasetMan = new SequestFHT(myFht);
                //DtaManager dtaManager = new DtaManager(myDta);
                var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);
                var paramFile = new ParameterFileManager(parFile);

                var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();
                //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dtaManager, datasetMan, paramFile, outFile);
                ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, datasetMan, paramFile, outFile);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// コンストラクタ
        /// </summary>
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            _kinectManager            = new KinectManager();
            _cameraOptions            = new CameraOptions();
            _jointsOption             = new JointsOption();
            _blenderOptions           = new BlenderOptions();
            _originPositionAutoSetter = new OriginPositionAutoSetter(_jointsOption);
            _kinectDataManager        = new KinectDataManager(_cameraOptions, _blenderOptions, _jointsOption);
            _parameterFileManager     = new ParameterFileManager(this);

            _statusBarMessage = "";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void GetNextRow(out int scanNumber, out int scanCount, out int chargeState, out string peptideSeq,
                                        ref ParameterFileManager ascoreParams)
            if (mDataTable.Columns.Contains(RESULTS_COL_JOB))
                m_jobNum           = (string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow][RESULTS_COL_JOB];
                m_JobColumnDefined = true;

            scanNumber  = int.Parse((string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["Scan"]);
            scanCount   = 1;
            chargeState = int.Parse((string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["Charge"]);
            peptideSeq  = (string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["Peptide"];
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Sisi()
            const string ascoreP = "parameterFile.xml";
            const string direct  = @"C:\Users\aldr699\Documents\2012\Sisi_ASCORE\Group2";

            var fhtFiles = new List <string> {

            var dtaFiles = new List <string> {

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            for (var i = 0; i < fhtFiles.Count; i++)
                var tempfht = Path.Combine(direct, fhtFiles[i]);
                var tempdta = Path.Combine(direct, dtaFiles[i]);
                var ascP    = Path.Combine(direct, ascoreP);
                var tempout = Path.Combine(direct, fhtFiles[i].Substring(0, fhtFiles[i].Length - 4) + "_AScore2.txt");

                PsmResultsManager dsman = new SequestFHT(tempfht);
                //DtaManager dtman = new DtaManager(tempdta);
                var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);
                var pman = new ParameterFileManager(ascP);

                var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();
                //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dtman, dsman, pman, tempout);
                ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, dsman, pman, tempout);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void GetNextRow(
            out int scanNumber, out int scanCount, out int chargeState,
            out string peptideSeq, out double msgfScore, ref ParameterFileManager ascoreParams)
            this.GetNextRow(out scanNumber, out scanCount, out chargeState, out peptideSeq, ref ascoreParams);

            msgfScore = 0;
            if (this.MSGFSpecProbColumnPresent)
                var msgfSpecProb = (string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["MSGF_SpecProb"];
                if (!double.TryParse(msgfSpecProb, out msgfScore))
                    msgfScore = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void SisiConfirm()
            var dtaname = new string[] {
            var datasetname = new string[] {
            var ascParam = new string[] {

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            for (var i = 0; i < dtaname.Length; i++)
                var outFile = Path.Combine(
                    Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(datasetname[i]) + "_AScore.txt");
                PsmResultsManager datasetMan = new MsgfdbFHT(datasetname[i]);
                //DtaManager dtaManager = new DtaManager(dtaname[i]);
                var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);
                var paramFile    = new ParameterFileManager(ascParam[i]);
                var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();
                //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dtaManager, datasetMan, paramFile, outFile);
                ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, datasetMan, paramFile, outFile);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void GetNextRow(out int scanNumber, out int scanCount, out int chargeState, out string peptideSeq,
                                        ref ParameterFileManager ascoreParams)
            if (mDataTable.Columns.Contains(RESULTS_COL_JOB))
                m_jobNum           = (string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow][RESULTS_COL_JOB];
                m_JobColumnDefined = true;

            scanNumber  = int.Parse((string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["Scan"]);
            scanCount   = 1;
            chargeState = int.Parse((string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["Charge"]);
            peptideSeq  = (string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["Peptide"];

            if (mDataTable.Columns.Contains("FragMethod"))
                var fragType = ((string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["FragMethod"]).ToLower();

                switch (fragType)
                case "hcd":
                    ascoreParams.FragmentType = FragmentType.HCD;

                case "etd":
                    ascoreParams.FragmentType = FragmentType.ETD;

                case "cid":
                    ascoreParams.FragmentType = FragmentType.CID;

                    ascoreParams.FragmentType = FragmentType.Unspecified;
                ascoreParams.FragmentType = FragmentType.Unspecified;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void ForJohnJacobs()
            const string myfht = @"C:\DMS_WorkDir\Step_1_ASCORE\U54_HPp1_LoBMI_NS_11_5Sep08_Draco_08-07-15_xt.txt";
            const string mydta = @"C:\DMS_WorkDir\Step_1_ASCORE\dtas\U54_HPp1_LoBMI_NS_11_5Sep08_Draco_08-07-15_dta.txt";
            const string mypar = @"C:\DMS_WorkDir\Step_1_ASCORE\DynMWPYOx_EmH20_QmNH3_cid.xml";

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            PsmResultsManager dataman = new XTandemFHT(myfht);
            //DtaManager dta = new DtaManager(mydta);
            var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);

            var          par          = new ParameterFileManager(mypar);
            const string fileOutput   = @"C:\DMS_WorkDir\Step_1_ASCORE\U54_HPp1_LoBMI_NS_11_5Sep08_Draco_08-07-15_xt_ascore.txt";
            var          ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();

            //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dta, dataman, par, fileOutput);
            ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, dataman, par, fileOutput);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public abstract void GetNextRow(out int scanNumber, out int scanCount, out int chargeState,
                                 out string peptideSeq, out double msgfScore, ref ParameterFileManager ascoreParams);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void QuYi()
            const string direct = @"C:\Documents and Settings\aldr699\My Documents2011\EColiPhos";

            const string ascoreP = "parameterFile.xml";

            var fhtFiles = new List <string> {

            var dtaFiles = new List <string> {

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            for (var i = 0; i < fhtFiles.Count; i++)
                var tempfht = Path.Combine(direct, fhtFiles[i]);
                var tempdta = Path.Combine(direct, dtaFiles[i]);
                var ascP    = Path.Combine(direct, ascoreP);
                var tempout = Path.Combine(direct, fhtFiles[i].Substring(0, fhtFiles[i].Length - 4) + "_AScore.txt");

                PsmResultsManager dsman = new MsgfdbFHT(tempfht);
                //DtaManager dtman = new DtaManager(tempdta);
                var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);
                var pman = new ParameterFileManager(ascP);

                var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();
                //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dtman, dsman, pman, tempout);
                ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, dsman, pman, tempout);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override void GetNextRow(out int scanNumber, out int scanCount, out int chargeState, out string peptideSeq, out double msgfScore, ref ParameterFileManager ascoreParams)
            GetNextRow(out scanNumber, out scanCount, out chargeState, out peptideSeq, ref ascoreParams);

            msgfScore = 0;

            if (mDataTable.Columns.Contains("MSGF_SpecProb"))
                if (!double.TryParse((string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["MSGF_SpecProb"], out msgfScore))
                    msgfScore = 0;
            else if (mDataTable.Columns.Contains("MSGFDB_SpecEValue"))
                if (!double.TryParse((string)mDataTable.Rows[mCurrentRow]["MSGFDB_SpecEValue"], out msgfScore))
                    msgfScore = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void OsmaniRedux()
            const string ascorePETD = "ETDPhos.xml";
            const string ascorePCID = "CIDPhos.xml";
            const string directETD  = @"C:\Users\aldr699\Documents\2012\Osmani\ETD";
            const string directCID  = @"C:\Users\aldr699\Documents\2012\Osmani\CID";

            var fhtFiles = new List <string> {

            const string direct2 = @"C:\Users\aldr699\Documents\2012\Osmani";

            var dtaFiles = new List <string> {

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                for (var i = 0; i < fhtFiles.Count; i++)
                    string direct;
                    string ascoreP;
                    if (j == 0)
                        direct  = directETD;
                        ascoreP = ascorePETD;
                        direct  = directCID;
                        ascoreP = ascorePCID;

                    var tempfht = Path.Combine(direct, fhtFiles[i]);
                    var tempdta = Path.Combine(direct2, dtaFiles[i]);
                    var ascP    = Path.Combine(direct, ascoreP);
                    var tempout = Path.Combine(direct, fhtFiles[i].Substring(0, fhtFiles[i].Length - 4) + "_AScore.txt");

                    PsmResultsManager dsman = new SequestFHT(tempfht);
                    //DtaManager dtman = new DtaManager(tempdta);
                    var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);
                    var pman = new ParameterFileManager(ascP);

                    var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();
                    //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dtman, dsman, pman, tempout);
                    ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, dsman, pman, tempout);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Sisi_Kidneys()
            const string ascoreP   = "HCDPhos.xml";
            const string directSeq = @"C:\Users\aldr699\Documents\2012\Sisi_Work\DarthVehDas\Sequest";
            const string directMsg = @"C:\Users\aldr699\Documents\2012\Sisi_Work\DarthVehDas\MSGFDB";

            var fhtFiles = new List <string> {

            var msgfdbFile = new List <string> {

            const string direct2 = @"C:\Users\aldr699\Documents\2012\Sisi_Work\DarthVehDas";

            var dtaFiles = new List <string> {

            var peptideMassCalculator = GetDefaultPeptideMassCalculator();

            for (var j = 1; j < 2; j++)
                for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    string fht;
                    string direct;
                    if (j == 0)
                        direct = directSeq;
                        fht    = fhtFiles[i];
                        direct = directMsg;
                        fht    = msgfdbFile[i];

                    var tempfht = Path.Combine(direct, fht);
                    var tempdta = Path.Combine(direct2, dtaFiles[i]);
                    var ascP    = Path.Combine(direct2, ascoreP);
                    var tempout = Path.Combine(direct, fhtFiles[i].Substring(0, fhtFiles[i].Length - 4) + "_AScore.txt");
                    PsmResultsManager dsman;
                    if (j == 0)
                        dsman = new SequestFHT(tempfht);
                        dsman = new MsgfdbFHT(tempfht);
                    if (dsman == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to load fht");
                    //DtaManager dtman = new DtaManager(tempdta);
                    var spectraCache = new SpectraManagerCache(peptideMassCalculator);
                    var pman = new ParameterFileManager(ascP);

                    var ascoreEngine = new AScore_DLL.AScoreProcessor();
                    //ascoreEngine.AlgorithmRun(dtman, dsman, pman, tempout);
                    ascoreEngine.RunAScoreOnSingleFile(spectraCache, dsman, pman, tempout);