Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override bool HitCheck(Point charaposition, Panel.COLOR charaunion)
     if (!base.HitCheck(charaposition, charaunion))
     this.ShakeStart(4, 60);
     this.parent.effects.Add(new RandomBomber(this.sound, this.parent, Bomber.BOMBERTYPE.bomber, 2, this.UnionEnemy, this.union, 18));
     for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.parent.panel.GetLength(0); ++index1)
         for (int index2 = 0; index2 < this.parent.panel.GetLength(1); ++index2)
             if (this.parent.panel[index1, index2].color == this.UnionEnemy)
                 this.parent.panel[index1, index2].State = Panel.PANEL._crack;
     this.flag = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public SonicBoomMini(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     bool par)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.penetration = par;
     if (this.penetration)
         this.power *= 2;
     this.upprint          = false;
     this.speed            = s;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.hitting          = true;
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 - 10, this.position.Y * 24 + 56);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40 + 10, this.position.Y * 24 + 56);
     this.frame = 0;
     this.OldPD = this.positionDirect;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public SuzuranWhite(
     IAudioEngine s,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR union,
     int HP,
     int time)
     : base(s, p, pX, pY, union)
     this.height         = 48;
     this.wide           = 32;
     this.hp             = HP;
     this.hitPower       = 0;
     this.hpmax          = this.hp;
     this.unionhit       = true;
     this.noslip         = true;
     this.overslip       = true;
     this.time           = time;
     this.rebirth        = union == Panel.COLOR.red;
     this.positionDirect = new Vector2(pX * 40 + 16, pY * 24 + 64);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Storm(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.invincibility    = false;
     this.speed            = 1;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.hitting          = true;
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 + 4, this.position.Y * 24 + 42);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40 - 4, this.position.Y * 24 + 42);
     this.frame = 0;
     if (this.StandPanel.state == Panel.PANEL._sand)
         this.element          = ChipBase.ELEMENT.earth;
         this.power           *= 2;
         this.StandPanel.state = Panel.PANEL._nomal;
     this.cEle = this.element;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public MimaFrame(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     Vector2 v,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     int movespeed = 4)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     this.movespeed      = movespeed;
     this.invincibility  = true;
     this.breakinvi      = true;
     this.breaking       = true;
     this.speed          = s;
     this.positionDirect = v;
     this.positionold    = this.position;
     this.OldPD          = this.positionDirect;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public ElementFire(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int roop,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     bool twohit,
     int type = 0)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.type             = type;
     this.twohit           = twohit;
     this.roop             = roop;
     this.speed            = 3;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.hitting          = true;
     this.invincibility    = true;
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 - 8, this.position.Y * 24 + 42);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40 + 8, this.position.Y * 24 + 42);
     this.frame = 0;
     this.color = Color.White;
     this.cEle  = this.element;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Tornado(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     int s)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.invincibility    = false;
     this.movespeed        = s;
     this.speed            = 1;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.hitting          = true;
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40, this.position.Y * 24 + 50);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40, this.position.Y * 24 + 50);
     this.frame = 0;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.movespeed *= -1;
     this.OldPD = this.positionDirect;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public AttackBase(
     IAudioEngine s,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele)
     : base(s, p)
     this.element = ele;
     for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.hitflag.GetLength(0); ++index1)
         for (int index2 = 0; index2 < this.hitflag.GetLength(1); ++index2)
             this.hitflag[index1, index2] = false;
     this.position = new Point(pX, pY);
     this.power    = po;
     this.union    = u;
     if (this.position.X < 0 || this.position.X >= 6)
         this.flag = false;
         this.over = true;
     this.keyName = this.ToString();
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.keyName = this.keyName + "*" + AttackBase.AtIDRed.ToString();
         this.keyName = this.keyName + "*" + AttackBase.AtIDBlue.ToString();
     this.number = 200;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public DelayMeteor(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int hittime,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.invincibility    = true;
     this.movespeed        = 8;
     this.hitting          = false;
     this.hittime          = hittime;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40, this.position.Y * 24 + 50);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40, this.position.Y * 24 + 50);
     this.frame    = 0;
     this.breaking = false;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.movespeed *= -1;
     this.parent.attacks.Add(new Dummy(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X, this.position.Y, this.union, this.hitrange, hittime, true));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public MimaCharge(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     Vector2 v,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     int movespeed = 4)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     this.movespeed      = movespeed;
     this.invincibility  = true;
     this.breakinvi      = true;
     this.breaking       = true;
     this.speed          = s;
     this.positionDirect = new Vector2((float)(position.X * 40.0 + 20.0), (float)(position.Y * 24.0 + 50.0));
     this.positionold    = this.position;
     this.OldPD          = this.positionDirect;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public AnchorBomb(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     Vector2 v,
     Point end,
     int t,
     AnchorBomb.TYPE ty,
     int color = -1)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ChipBase.ELEMENT.aqua)
     this.breaking       = true;
     this.hitting        = false;
     this.speed          = s;
     this.positionDirect = v;
     this.time           = t;
     this.position       = end;
     this.endposition    = new Vector2(end.X * 40 + 20, end.Y * 24 + 80);
     this.movex          = (v.X - this.endposition.X) / t;
     this.movey          = (v.Y - this.endposition.Y) / t;
     this.plusy          = 0.0f;
     this.speedy         = 6f;
     this.plusing        = this.speedy / time;
     this.rebirth        = this.union == Panel.COLOR.red;
     this.type           = ty;
     if (color >= 0)
         this.colorA = color;
         this.colorA = (int)this.type;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public Jizou(
     IAudioEngine s,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR union,
     int colorNo,
     int power)
     : base(s, p, pX, pY, union)
     this.power          = power;
     this.colorNo        = colorNo;
     this.height         = 40;
     this.wide           = 40;
     this.hp             = 10;
     this.hitPower       = 200;
     this.hpmax          = this.hp;
     this.unionhit       = true;
     this.overslip       = true;
     this.rebirth        = (uint)union > 0U;
     this.positionre     = this.position;
     this.positionDirect = new Vector2(pX * 40 + 24, pY * 24 + 72);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public AttackBase(
     IAudioEngine s,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int subp)
     : base(s, p)
     for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.hitflag.GetLength(0); ++index1)
         for (int index2 = 0; index2 < this.hitflag.GetLength(1); ++index2)
             this.hitflag[index1, index2] = false;
     this.position           = new Point(pX, pY);
     this.power              = po;
     this.subpower           = subp;
     this.union              = u;
     this.invincibilitytimeA = 120;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public ShanghaiDS(IAudioEngine s, SceneBattle p, int pX, int pY, byte n, Panel.COLOR u, byte v)
     : base(s, p, pX, pY, n, u, v, 3000, "ShanghaiDS", "ShanghaiDS")
     /* todo:
      *      have shanghaiDS assemble 'hands' by taking 5-6 chips from the deck
      *          check hands for potential PAs
      *          remove applicable chips from hand, replace with PA
      *          make it so shanghaiDS assembles new hands when the player opens the custom screen
      *      have shanghaiDS use buster attack when out of chips for that turn?
      *      have shanghaiDS mirror style changes (sprites at least?)
      *      chip 'location memory'?
      *          this would require a pretty massive retcon in game code and adding stuff to the save
      *          tl;dr MMBN4/5 recorded where on the screen you like to use chips, to use as a reference for what location MMDS would be when using it himself
      *      chip 'combo system'?
      *          like location memory, but records which chips you like to use before and after each other, plus locations
      *      //
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public PoisonShot(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     Vector2 v,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     Point end,
     int t,
     bool cross,
     PoisonShot.TYPE ty)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     this.cross          = cross;
     this.hitting        = false;
     this.speed          = s;
     this.positionDirect = v;
     this.time           = t;
     this.position       = end;
     this.endposition    = new Vector2(end.X * 40 + 20, end.Y * 24 + 80);
     this.movex          = (v.X - this.endposition.X) / t;
     this.movey          = (v.Y - this.endposition.Y) / t;
     this.plusy          = 0.0f;
     this.speedy         = 6f;
     this.plusing        = this.speedy / (this.time / 2);
     this.rebirth        = this.union == Panel.COLOR.red;
     this.type           = ty;
     if (this.type != PoisonShot.TYPE.poison)
     this.badstatus[5]     = true;
     this.badstatustime[5] = 180;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public HyperSpanner(
   IAudioEngine so,
   SceneBattle p,
   int pX,
   int pY,
   Panel.COLOR u,
   int po,
   int s,
   int color,
   ChipBase.ELEMENT ele)
   : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     this.color = color;
     this.speed = s;
     this.attackSpeed = 6;
     this.effecting = true;
     this.breaking = true;
     this.hitting = true;
     this.hitrange = new Point(1, 1);
     if (!this.InAreaCheck(new Point(this.position.X + this.UnionRebirth, this.position.Y)))
         switch (this.position.Y)
             case 0:
                 this.attackUP = false;
             case 1:
                 this.attackUP = true;
                 this.attackUP = true;
                 this.position.Y = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public SwordAttack(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     bool par,
     bool roukan = false)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.noElementWeak    = roukan;
     this.parry            = par;
     this.upprint          = true;
     this.speed            = s;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange   = new Point(0, 2);
     this.hitting    = true;
     this.rebirth    = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 - 10, this.position.Y * 24 + 56);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40 + 10, this.position.Y * 24 + 56);
     this.frame = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public TornadeSide(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.upprint          = true;
     this.speed            = 1;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.hitting          = false;
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 + 40, this.position.Y * 24 + 48);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40 + 40, this.position.Y * 24 + 48);
     this.frame = 0;
     this.parent.attacks.Add(this.StateCopy(this.StateCopy(new BombAttack(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X, this.position.Y, this.union, this.power, 1, this.element))));
     this.parent.attacks.Add(this.StateCopy(this.StateCopy(new BombAttack(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X + this.UnionRebirth, this.position.Y, this.union, this.power, 1, this.element))));
     this.parent.attacks.Add(this.StateCopy(this.StateCopy(new BombAttack(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X + 2 * this.UnionRebirth, this.position.Y, this.union, this.power, 1, this.element))));
     this.parent.attacks.Add(this.StateCopy(this.StateCopy(new BombAttack(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X + 3 * this.UnionRebirth, this.position.Y, this.union, this.power, 1, this.element))));
     this.parent.attacks.Add(this.StateCopy(this.StateCopy(new BombAttack(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X + 3 * this.UnionRebirth, this.position.Y - 1, this.union, this.power, 1, this.element))));
     this.parent.attacks.Add(this.StateCopy(this.StateCopy(new BombAttack(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X + 3 * this.UnionRebirth, this.position.Y + 1, this.union, this.power, 1, this.element))));
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public yuyuMine(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     Panel.PANEL panel,
     bool stealth,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.stealth          = stealth;
     this.panel            = panel;
     this.downprint        = true;
     this.invincibility    = true;
     this.speed            = 1;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.hitting          = true;
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 + 8, this.position.Y * 24 + 70);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40 - 8, this.position.Y * 24 + 70);
     this.frame = 0;
     this.count = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public AncerShot(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     EnemyBase master)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.master           = master;
     this.penetration      = true;
     this.upprint          = false;
     this.speed            = s;
     this.breaking         = true;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.hitting          = true;
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.red;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 - 10, this.position.Y * 24 + 56);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2((this.position.X + 1) * 40 + 10, this.position.Y * 24 + 56);
     this.frame = 0;
     this.OldPD = this.positionDirect;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public MimaRockTower(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     MimaRockTower.MOTION m)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ChipBase.ELEMENT.earth)
     if (this.InArea)
         if (this.parent.panel[this.position.X, this.position.Y].state == Panel.PANEL._break)
         this.canCounter       = false;
         this.time             = 1;
         this.speed            = 3;
         this.invincibility    = false;
         this.animationpoint.X = 0;
         this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
         this.breaking         = true;
         this.hitting          = false;
         this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.red;
         this.positionre       = this.position;
         this.positionDirect   = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 + 20, this.position.Y * 24 + 82);
         this.motion = m;
         this.frame  = 0;
         this.flag = false;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public FallStone(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     int interval,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     if (!this.flag)
     this.interval         = interval;
     this.speed            = s;
     this.animationpoint.X = 0;
     this.hitrange         = new Point(0, 0);
     this.hitting          = false;
     this.rebirth          = this.union == Panel.COLOR.blue;
     this.positionre       = this.position;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 + 20, this.position.Y * 24 + 96);
         this.positionDirect = new Vector2(this.position.X * 40 + 20, this.position.Y * 24 + 96);
     this.frame  = 0;
     this.time   = 1;
     this.shadow = new Shadow(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X, this.position.Y, this);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public override bool HitCheck(Point charaposition, Panel.COLOR charaunion)
            if (!this.flag || !base.HitCheck(charaposition, charaunion))
            if (this.shot != BustorShot.SHOT.reflect)
                this.flag = false;
            switch (this.shot)
            case BustorShot.SHOT.bustor:
                this.parent.effects.Add(new Basterhit(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X, this.position.Y, 2));

            case BustorShot.SHOT.normalcharge:
                this.parent.effects.Add(new NormalChargehit(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X, this.position.Y, 1));

            case BustorShot.SHOT.canon:
                this.parent.effects.Add(new Bomber(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X, this.position.Y, Bomber.BOMBERTYPE.bomber, 1));

            case BustorShot.SHOT.seedcanon:

            case BustorShot.SHOT.railgun:
                this.ShakeStart(5, 5);
                this.parent.effects.Add(new Elementhit(this.sound, this.parent, this.position.X, this.position.Y, 1, ChipBase.ELEMENT.eleki));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public ButterflyHoc(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     Vector2 v,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele, bool up, int aS)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     //this.movespeed = movespeed;
     this.invincibility = true;
     //this.breakinvi = true;
     this.breaking       = true;
     this.speed          = s;
     this.hocSpeed       = aS;
     this.positionDirect = v;
     this.positionold    = this.position;
     this.OldPD          = this.positionDirect;
     //this.animationpoint.X = 2;
     this.up = up;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public RandomBomber(
            IAudioEngine s,
            SceneBattle p,
            Bomber.BOMBERTYPE t,
            int interval,
            Panel.COLOR targetunion,
            Panel.COLOR union,
            int many)
            : base(s, p, 0, 0)
            this.union    = union;
            this.interval = interval;
            this.many     = many;
            List <Point> pointList = new List <Point>();

            for (int x = 0; x < this.parent.panel.GetLength(0); ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < this.parent.panel.GetLength(1); ++y)
                    if (this.parent.panel[x, y].color == targetunion && this.InAreaCheck(new Point(x, y)))
                        pointList.Add(new Point(x, y));
            while (this.positions.Count < many)
                for (int index = 0; index < pointList.Count; ++index)
            this.positions        = this.positions.OrderBy <Point, Guid>(i => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList <Point>();
            this.type             = t;
            this.animationpoint.Y = (int)this.type;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public FlaeBall(
     IAudioEngine so,
     SceneBattle p,
     int pX,
     int pY,
     Panel.COLOR u,
     int po,
     int s,
     Vector2 v,
     ChipBase.ELEMENT ele,
     int movespeed = 4,
     bool cross    = false,
     bool load3    = true)
     : base(so, p, pX, pY, u, po, ele)
     this.load3          = load3;
     this.movespeed      = movespeed;
     this.invincibility  = false;
     this.speed          = s;
     this.positionDirect = v;
     this.cross          = cross;
     this.power         /= 2;
     this.OldPD          = this.positionDirect;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public EnemyBase(IAudioEngine s, SceneBattle p, int pX, int pY, byte n, Panel.COLOR u, byte v)
     : base(s, p)
     this.HPposition = new Vector2(-100f, -100f);
     this.position   = new Point(pX, pY);
     this.positionre = this.position;
     this.number     = n;
     this.union      = u;
     if (this.union == Panel.COLOR.red)
         this.rebirth = true;
         this.rebirth = false;
     this.positionnow = this.position;
     this.version     = v;
     if (this.union != Panel.COLOR.red || this.parent == null)
     this.samontarn = this.parent.turn;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public ScissorMan(IAudioEngine s, SceneBattle p, int pX, int pY, byte n, Panel.COLOR u, byte v)
            : base(s, p, pX, pY, n, u, v)
            for (int index = 0; index < this.dropchips.Length; ++index)
                this.dropchips[index] = new ChipFolder(this.sound);
            this.element = ChipBase.ELEMENT.leaf;
            switch (this.version)
            case 0:
                this.name     = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.ScissorManName1");
                this.power    = 80;
                this.hp       = 2100;
                this.moveroop = 2;
                this.nspeed   = 4;
                this.animaHP  = 350;
                this.version  = 1;

            case 1:
                this.name     = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.ScissorManName2");
                this.power    = 80;
                this.hp       = 2000;
                this.moveroop = 2;
                this.nspeed   = 4;
                this.animaHP  = 300;

            case 2:
                this.name     = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.ScissorManName3");
                this.power    = 80;
                this.hp       = 2200;
                this.moveroop = 2;
                this.nspeed   = 4;
                this.animaHP  = 350;

            case 3:
                this.name     = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.ScissorManName4");
                this.power    = 100;
                this.hp       = 2400;
                this.moveroop = 3;
                this.nspeed   = 4;
                this.animaHP  = 400;

            case 4:
                this.name     = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.ScissorManName5");
                this.power    = 200;
                this.hp       = 2600;
                this.moveroop = 3;
                this.nspeed   = 4;
                this.aspeed   = 3;
                this.animaHP  = 500;

                this.name     = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.ScissorManName6") + (version - 3).ToString();
                this.power    = 200;
                this.hp       = 2800 + (version - 4) * 400;
                this.animaHP  = 700;
                this.moveroop = 3;
                this.nspeed   = 4;
                this.aspeed   = 3;
            this.speed       = this.nspeed;
            this.picturename = nameof(ScissorMan);
            this.race        = EnemyBase.ENEMY.navi;
            this.wide        = 160;
            this.height      = 144;
            this.hpmax       = this.hp;
            this.hpprint     = this.hp;
            this.printhp     = true;
            this.effecting   = false;
            this.Flying      = false;
            this.roopmove    = 0;
            switch (this.version)
            case 1:
                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 0;
                this.havezenny           = 0;

            case 2:
                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 0;
                this.havezenny           = 0;

            case 3:
                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new ScissorManV3(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 0;
                this.havezenny           = 8800;

                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 1;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 1;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new ScissorManV2(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 1;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new ScissorManV1(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 2;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new ScissorManV3(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 1;
                this.havezenny           = 9000;
                if (this.version >= 8)
                    this.dropchips[4].chip   = new ScissorManX(this.sound);
                    this.dropchips[4].codeNo = this.Random.Next(4);
                    this.havezenny           = 18000;
            this.motion = NaviBase.MOTION.move;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public Poisorlin(IAudioEngine s, SceneBattle p, int pX, int pY, byte n, Panel.COLOR u, byte v)
            : base(s, p, pX, pY, n, u, v)
            this.helpPosition.Y = -4;
            for (int index = 0; index < this.dropchips.Length; ++index)
                this.dropchips[index] = new ChipFolder(this.sound);
            this.picturename = "poisorlin";
            this.race        = EnemyBase.ENEMY.virus;
            this.Flying      = false;
            this.wide        = 48;
            this.height      = 56;
            switch (this.version)
            case 0:
                this.name  = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.PoisorlinName1");
                this.power = 200;
                this.hp    = 1200;

            case 1:
                this.name  = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.PoisorlinName2");
                this.power = 20;
                this.hp    = 80;

            case 2:
                this.name  = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.PoisorlinName3");
                this.power = 50;
                this.hp    = 130;

            case 3:
                this.name  = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.PoisorlinName4");
                this.power = 80;
                this.hp    = 180;

            case 4:
                this.name  = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.PoisorlinName5");
                this.power = 80;
                this.hp    = 200;

                this.name  = ShanghaiEXE.Translate("Enemy.PoisorlinName6") + (version - 3).ToString();
                this.power = 80 + (version - 4) * 20;
                this.hp    = 200 + (version - 4) * 40;
            this.Noslip    = true;
            this.roop      = this.number;
            this.hpmax     = this.hp;
            this.speed     = 7;
            this.hpprint   = this.hp;
            this.printhp   = true;
            this.effecting = false;
            switch (this.version)
            case 0:
                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 3;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 2;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 1;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 0;
                this.havezenny           = 600;
                this.speed   = 1;
                this.type    = NSAttack.PoisonShot.TYPE.sand;
                this.element = ChipBase.ELEMENT.earth;

            case 1:
                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new NSChip.PoisonShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new NSChip.PoisonShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 1;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new NSChip.PoisonShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 2;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new NSChip.PoisonShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 2;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new NSChip.PoisonShot(this.sound);
                if (this.Random.Next(4) < 3)
                    this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 0;
                    this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 3;
                this.havezenny = 300;
                this.type      = NSAttack.PoisonShot.TYPE.poison;
                this.element   = ChipBase.ELEMENT.poison;

            case 2:
                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 3;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 2;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 1;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 0;
                this.havezenny           = 600;
                this.type    = NSAttack.PoisonShot.TYPE.break_;
                this.element = ChipBase.ELEMENT.heat;

            case 3:
                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new ColdShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 3;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new ColdShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 3;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new ColdShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 2;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new ColdShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new ColdShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 1;
                this.havezenny           = 800;
                this.type    = NSAttack.PoisonShot.TYPE.ice;
                this.element = ChipBase.ELEMENT.aqua;

                this.dropchips[0].chip   = new NSChip.PoisonShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[0].codeNo = 0;
                this.dropchips[1].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[1].codeNo = 1;
                this.dropchips[2].chip   = new BreakShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[2].codeNo = 2;
                this.dropchips[3].chip   = new ColdShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[3].codeNo = 2;
                this.dropchips[4].chip   = new NSChip.PoisonShot(this.sound);
                this.dropchips[4].codeNo = 3;
                this.havezenny           = 800;
                this.type    = NSAttack.PoisonShot.TYPE.grass;
                this.element = ChipBase.ELEMENT.leaf;
                if (this.version >= 8)
                    this.dropchips[4].chip   = new PoisonShotX(this.sound);
                    this.dropchips[4].codeNo = this.Random.Next(4);
                    this.havezenny           = 8000;
            this.neutlal = true;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public override bool HitCheck(Point charaposition, Panel.COLOR charaunion)
     return(base.HitCheck(charaposition, charaunion));