Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Control ID validation.
    /// </summary>
    private void formElem_OnItemValidation(object sender, ref string errorMessage)
        Control ctrl = (Control)sender;

        if (ctrl.ID.ToLowerCSafe() == "webpartcontrolid")
            FormEngineUserControl ctrlTextbox = (FormEngineUserControl)ctrl;
            string newId = ValidationHelper.GetString(ctrlTextbox.Value, null);

            // Validate unique ID
            WebPartInstance existingPart = pti.GetWebPart(newId);
            if ((existingPart != null) && ((webPartInstance == null) || (existingPart.InstanceGUID != webPartInstance.InstanceGUID)))
                // Error - duplicity IDs
                errorMessage = GetString("WebPartProperties.ErrorUniqueID");
                string uniqueId = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(newId, pi.TemplateInstance);
                if (!uniqueId.EqualsCSafe(newId, true))
                    // Check if there is already a widget with the same id in the page
                    existingPart = pi.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(newId);
                    if ((existingPart != null) && existingPart.IsWidget)
                        // Error - the ID collide with another widget which is already in the page
                        errorMessage = ResHelper.GetString("WidgetProperties.ErrorUniqueID");
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes menu.
    /// </summary>
    protected void InitalizeMenu()
        if (webpartId != "")
            // get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)
                this.Visible = false;

            PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if (pti != null)
                WebPartInfo wi = null;

                // Get web part
                WebPartInstance webPart = pti.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, webpartId);
                if (webPart != null)
                    wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartCode"), "").Trim() != "")
                        showCodeTab = true;
                    if (webPart.Bindings.Count > 0)
                        showBindingTab = true;
                    wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(webpartId, 0));

                if (wi != null)
                    // Generate documentation link
                    Literal ltr = new Literal();

                    string docScript = "NewWindow('" + ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/WebParts/WebPartDocumentationPage.aspx") + "?webpartid=" + ScriptHelper.GetString(wi.WebPartName, false) + "', 'WebPartPropertiesDocumentation', 800, 800); return false;";

                    ltr.Text  = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td>";
                    ltr.Text += "<a onclick=\"" + docScript + "\" href=\"#\"><img src=\"" + ResolveUrl(GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_PortalEngine/Documentation.png")) + "\" style=\"border-width: 0px;\"></a>";
                    ltr.Text += "</td>";
                    ltr.Text += "<td>";
                    ltr.Text += "<a onclick=\"" + docScript + "\" href=\"#\">" + GetString("WebPartPropertie.DocumentationLink") + "</a>";
                    ltr.Text += "</td></tr></table>";

                    PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("WebpartProperties.Title") + " (" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(wi.WebPartDisplayName)) + ")";

        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        tabsElem.UrlTarget = "webpartpropertiescontent";
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Control ID validation.
    /// </summary>
    protected void formElem_OnItemValidation(object sender, ref string errorMessage)
        Control ctrl = (Control)sender;

        if (String.Compare(ctrl.ID, "widgetcontrolid", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
            TextBox ctrlTextbox = (TextBox)ctrl;
            string  newId       = ctrlTextbox.Text;

            // Validate unique ID
            WebPartInstance existingPart = pti.GetWebPart(newId);
            if ((existingPart != null) && (existingPart != widgetInstance) && (existingPart.InstanceGUID != widgetInstance.InstanceGUID))
                // Error - duplicit IDs
                errorMessage = GetString("Widgets.Properties.ErrorUniqueID");
    /// <summary>
    /// OnInit
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Code"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Code");

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get page info
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                // Get web part instance
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

                if (webPart != null)
                    txtCode.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartCode"), "");
                EditedObject = webPart;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout");

        WebPartInstance webPart = null;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi != null)
                // Get page template
                PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;

                // Get web part
                if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                    webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        if (webPart != null)
            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (wpi != null)
                // Get the current layout name
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                    // Get the current layout name
                    LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

                // Load the web part information
                if (LayoutCodeName != "")
                    WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wpi.WebPartName, LayoutCodeName);
                    SetEditedObject(wpli, null);

        // Set page tabs
        InitTabs(1, "webpartlayoutcontent");
        SetTab(0, GetString("general.general"), "webpartproperties_layout.aspx" + URLHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(URLHelper.Url.Query, "saved"), null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Init event handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        // Load settings
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWebPart = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Try to find the web part variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (properties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = 0;
                if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.MVT)
                    variantIdFromDB = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetMVTVariantId(PageTemplateId, variantName);
                else if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization)
                    variantIdFromDB = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetContentPersonalizationVariantId(PageTemplateId, variantName);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID    = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebpartId))
            // Get the page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(this.AliasPath, this.PageTemplateId);
            if (pi != null)
                // Get template
                pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;

                // Get template instance
                templateInstance = pti.TemplateInstance;

                // Parent webpart
                WebPartInfo parentWpi = null;

                //Before FormInfo
                FormInfo beforeFI = null;

                //After FormInfo
                FormInfo afterFI = null;

                // Webpart form info
                FormInfo fi = null;

                if (!IsNewWebPart)
                    // Standard zone
                    webPartInstance = pti.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebpartId);

                    // If the web part not found, try to find it among the MVT/CP variants
                    if (webPartInstance == null)
                        // MVT/CP variant
                        templateInstance.LoadVariants(false, VariantModeEnum.None);
                        webPartInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, true);

                        // Set the VariantMode according to the selected web part/zone variant
                        if ((webPartInstance != null) && (webPartInstance.ParentZone != null))
                            VariantMode = (webPartInstance.VariantMode != VariantModeEnum.None) ? webPartInstance.VariantMode : webPartInstance.ParentZone.VariantMode;
                            VariantMode = VariantModeEnum.None;
                        // Ensure that the ZoneVarianID is not set when the web part was found in a regural zone.
                        ZoneVariantID = 0;

                    if ((VariantID > 0) && (webPartInstance != null) && (webPartInstance.PartInstanceVariants != null))
                        // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                        if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                            webPartInstance = webPartInstance.FindVariant(VariantID);
                            // Not authorised for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                            RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                    if (webPartInstance == null)
                        lblInfo.Text        = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
                        pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

                    wpi       = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInstance.WebPartType);
                    form.Mode = FormModeEnum.Update;
                // Webpart instance hasn't created yet
                    wpi       = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WebpartId, 0));
                    form.Mode = FormModeEnum.Insert;

                // Load parent
                if (wpi != null)
                    if (wpi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        parentWpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID);

                // Get the form definition
                string wpProperties = "<form></form>";
                if (wpi != null)
                    wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;

                    // Use parent webpart if is defined
                    if (parentWpi != null)
                        wpProperties = parentWpi.WebPartProperties;

                    // Get before FormInfo
                    if (BeforeFormDefinition == null)
                        beforeFI = PortalHelper.GetPositionFormInfo((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
                        beforeFI = new FormInfo(BeforeFormDefinition);

                    // Get after FormInfo
                    if (AfterFormDefinition == null)
                        afterFI = PortalHelper.GetPositionFormInfo((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);
                        afterFI = new FormInfo(AfterFormDefinition);

                // Add 'General' category at the beginning if no one is specified
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpProperties) && (!wpProperties.StartsWith("<form><category", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    wpProperties = wpProperties.Insert(6, "<category name=\"" + GetString("general.general") + "\" />");

                // Get merged web part FormInfo
                fi = FormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName, wpProperties, beforeFI, afterFI, true);

                // Get datarow with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                if (IsNewWebPart)
                    // Load default properties values

                    // Load overriden system values
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, wpi.WebPartDefaultValues);

                    // Set control ID
                    FormFieldInfo ffi = fi.GetFormField("WebPartControlID");
                    if (ffi != null)
                        ffi.DefaultValue = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(wpi.WebPartName, templateInstance);
                        fi.UpdateFormField("WebPartControlID", ffi);

                // Load values from existing webpart
                LoadDataRowFromWebPart(dr, webPartInstance);

                // Set a unique WebPartControlID for athe new variant
                if (IsNewVariant)
                    // Set control ID
                    dr["WebPartControlID"] = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(wpi.WebPartName, templateInstance);

                // Init the form
                InitForm(form, dr, fi);

Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void BindData()
        if (WebpartId != "")
            // Get page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(AliasPath, PageTemplateId, CultureCode);
            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            // Get page template info
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if (pti != null)
                // Get web part instance
                webPart = pti.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebpartId);
                if (webPart == null)
                    CMSPage.EditedObject = null;

                // Get the web part info
                WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetBaseWebPart(webPart.WebPartType);
                if (wpi == null)

                // Get webpart properties (XML)
                string   wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;
                FormInfo fi           = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName + FormHelper.CORE, wpi.WebPartProperties, null, null, false);

                // Get datarow with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                // Bind drop down list
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    DataTable dropTable = new DataTable();

                    foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)

                    dropTable.DefaultView.Sort = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataTextField  = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataValueField = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataSource     = dropTable.DefaultView;

                // Bind grid view
                DataTable table = new DataTable();
                bindings = webPart.Bindings;

                foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                    string propertyName = column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe();
                    if (bindings.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                        WebPartBindingInfo bi = (WebPartBindingInfo)bindings[propertyName];
                        table.Rows.Add(column.ColumnName, bi.SourceWebPart + "." + bi.SourceProperty);

                gvBinding.DataSource = table;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout");

        // Check saved
        bool saved = false;

        if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("saved", false))
            saved           = true;
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
            lblInfo.Text    = GetString("General.ChangesSaved");

        // Init GUI
        mCheckOut     = GetString("WebPartLayout.CheckOut");
        mCheckIn      = GetString("WebPartLayout.CheckIn");
        mUndoCheckOut = GetString("WebPartLayout.DiscardCheckOut");
        mSave         = GetString("General.Save");

        this.imgSave.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/Save.png");

        this.imgCheckIn.ImageUrl  = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/checkin.png");
        this.imgCheckOut.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/checkout.png");

        this.imgUndoCheckOut.ImageUrl      = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/undocheckout.png");
        this.btnUndoCheckOut.OnClientClick = "return confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("General.ConfirmUndoCheckOut")) + ");";

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)
                this.lblInfo.Text        = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
                this.pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        if (webPart == null)
            this.lblInfo.Text        = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
            this.pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);

        if (wpi != null)
            // Load the web part information
            webPartInfo = wpi;
            bool loaded = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                pnlMenu.Visible         = false;
                pnlCheckOutInfo.Visible = false;

                if (LayoutCodeName != "")
                    WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wpi.WebPartName, LayoutCodeName);
                    if (wpli != null)
                        if ((LayoutCodeName != "|default|") && (LayoutCodeName != "|new|"))
                            SetEditedObject(wpli, "WebPartProperties_layout_frameset_frameset.aspx");

                        pnlMenu.Visible         = true;
                        pnlCheckOutInfo.Visible = true;

                        // Read-only code text area
                        etaCode.ReadOnly = false;
                        etaCSS.ReadOnly  = false;

                        // Set checkout panel

                        etaCode.Text = wpli.WebPartLayoutCode;
                        etaCSS.Text  = wpli.WebPartLayoutCSS;
                        loaded       = true;

                if (!loaded)
                    string fileName = webPartInfo.WebPartFileName;

                    if (webPartInfo.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInfo.WebPartParentID);
                        if (pwpi != null)
                            fileName = pwpi.WebPartFileName;

                    if (!fileName.StartsWith("~"))
                        fileName = "~/CMSWebparts/" + fileName;

                    // Check if filename exist
                    if (!FileHelper.FileExists(fileName))
                        lblError.Text      = GetString("WebPartProperties.FileNotExist");
                        lblError.Visible   = true;
                        plcContent.Visible = false;
                        // Load default web part layout code
                        etaCode.Text = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(fileName));

                        // Load default web part CSS
                        etaCSS.Text = wpi.WebPartCSS;

        btnOnOK.Click += new EventHandler(btnOnOK_Click);

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ApplyButton", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
                                                   "function SetRefresh(refreshpage) { document.getElementById('" + this.hidRefresh.ClientID + "').value = refreshpage; } \n" +
                                                   "function OnApplyButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(lnkSave, "") + "} \n" +
                                                   "function OnOKButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnOnOK, "") + "} \n"

        if (saved && (LayoutCodeName == "|new|"))
            // Refresh menu
            string query = URLHelper.Url.Query;
            query = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(query, "layoutcodename", webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout").ToString());
            query = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(query, "reload", "true");

            string scriptText = ScriptHelper.GetScript(@"parent.frames['webpartpropertiesmenu'].location = 'webpartproperties_layout_menu.aspx" + query + "';");
            ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "ReloadAfterNewLayout", scriptText);

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        this.plcCssLink.Visible = String.IsNullOrEmpty(etaCSS.Text.Trim());
        this.lnkStyles.Visible  = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName) && (LayoutCodeName != "|default|");
    protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
        WebPartInstance webPart = null;

        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout");

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            PageInfo pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        if (webPart != null)
            WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            layoutCodeName = QueryHelper.GetString("layoutcodename", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(layoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                layoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

            if (wpi != null)
                wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wpi.WebPartName, layoutCodeName);
                if (wpli != null)
                    if ((layoutCodeName != "|default|") && (layoutCodeName != "|new|"))
                        SetEditedObject(wpli, "WebPartProperties_layout_frameset_frameset.aspx");

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.CurrentMaster.DisplaySiteSelectorPanel = true;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        if (webPart == null)
            // Get the current layout name
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                mLayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        // Strings
        lblLayouts.Text = GetString("WebPartPropertise.LayoutList");

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        // Add default drop down items
        selectLayout.ShowDefaultItem = true;

        // Add new item
        if (SettingsKeyProvider.UsingVirtualPathProvider && CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "EditCode"))
            selectLayout.ShowNewItem = true;

        webPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);

        // Where condition
        selectLayout.WhereCondition = "WebPartLayoutWebPartID =" + webPartInfo.WebPartID;

        if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("reload", false))
    public void BindData()
        if (WebpartId != "")
            // Get page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(AliasPath, PageTemplateId, CultureCode);
            if (pi == null)
                Visible = false;

            // Get page template info
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if (pti != null)
                // Get web part instance
                webPart = pti.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebpartId);
                if (webPart == null)
                    CMSPage.EditedObject = null;

                // Get the web part info
                WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetBaseWebPart(webPart.WebPartType);
                if (wpi == null)

                // Get webpart properties (XML)
                string wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;
                FormInfo fi = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName + FormHelper.CORE, wpi.WebPartProperties, null, null, false);

                // Get datarow with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                // Bind drop down list
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    DataTable dropTable = new DataTable();

                    foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)

                    dropTable.DefaultView.Sort = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataTextField = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataValueField = "name";
                    drpProperty.DataSource = dropTable.DefaultView;

                // Bind grid view
                DataTable table = new DataTable();
                bindings = webPart.Bindings;

                foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)
                    string propertyName = column.ColumnName.ToLowerCSafe();
                    if (bindings.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                        WebPartBindingInfo bi = (WebPartBindingInfo)bindings[propertyName];
                        table.Rows.Add(column.ColumnName, bi.SourceWebPart + "." + bi.SourceProperty);

                gvBinding.DataSource = table;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Code"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Code");

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get page info
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)
                this.Visible = false;

            pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                // Get web part instance
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

                if (webPart != null)
                    txtCode.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartCode"), "");
    /// <summary>
    /// Init event handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        // Load settings
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID]))
            IsNewWebPart = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Request.Form[hdnIsNewWebPart.UniqueID], false);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID]))
            InstanceGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(Request.Form[hdnInstanceGUID.UniqueID], Guid.Empty);

        // Try to find the web part variant in the database and set its VariantID
        if (IsNewVariant)
            Hashtable properties = WindowHelper.GetItem("variantProperties") as Hashtable;
            if (properties != null)
                // Get the variant code name from the WindowHelper
                string variantName = ValidationHelper.GetString(properties["codename"], string.Empty);

                // Check if the variant exists in the database
                int variantIdFromDB = 0;
                if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.MVT)
                    variantIdFromDB = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetMVTVariantId(PageTemplateId, variantName);
                else if (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization)
                    variantIdFromDB = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetContentPersonalizationVariantId(PageTemplateId, variantName);

                // Set the variant id from the database
                if (variantIdFromDB > 0)
                    VariantID = variantIdFromDB;
                    IsNewVariant = false;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebpartId))
            // Get the page info
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(this.AliasPath, this.PageTemplateId);
            if (pi != null)
                // Get template
                pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;

                // Get template instance
                templateInstance = pti.TemplateInstance;

                // Parent webpart
                WebPartInfo parentWpi = null;

                //Before FormInfo
                FormInfo beforeFI = null;

                //After FormInfo
                FormInfo afterFI = null;

                // Webpart form info
                FormInfo fi = null;

                if (!IsNewWebPart)
                    if (ZoneVariantID > 0)
                        // Zone variant
                        WebPartZoneInstance wpzi = pti.GetZone(ZoneId, ZoneVariantID);
                        webPartInstance = wpzi.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID);
                        // Standard zone
                        webPartInstance = pti.GetWebPart(InstanceGUID, WebpartId);

                    if ((VariantID > 0) && (webPartInstance != null) && (webPartInstance.PartInstanceVariants != null))
                        // Check OnlineMarketing permissions.
                        if (CheckPermissions("Read"))
                            webPartInstance = webPartInstance.FindVariant(VariantID);
                            // Not authorised for OnlineMarketing - Manage.
                            RedirectToInformation(String.Format(GetString("general.permissionresource"), "Read", (VariantMode == VariantModeEnum.ContentPersonalization) ? "CMS.ContentPersonalization" : "CMS.MVTest"));

                    if (webPartInstance == null)
                        lblInfo.Text = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
                        pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

                    wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInstance.WebPartType);
                    form.Mode = FormModeEnum.Update;
                // Webpart instance hasn't created yet
                    wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(WebpartId, 0));
                    form.Mode = FormModeEnum.Insert;

                // Load parent
                if (wpi != null)
                    if (wpi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        parentWpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID);

                // Get the form definition
                string wpProperties = "<form></form>";
                if (wpi != null)
                    wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;

                    // Use parent webpart if is defined
                    if (parentWpi != null)
                        wpProperties = parentWpi.WebPartProperties;

                    // Get before FormInfo
                    if (BeforeFormDefinition == null)
                        beforeFI = PortalHelper.GetPositionFormInfo((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
                        beforeFI = new FormInfo(BeforeFormDefinition);

                    // Get after FormInfo
                    if (AfterFormDefinition == null)
                        afterFI = PortalHelper.GetPositionFormInfo((WebPartTypeEnum)wpi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);
                        afterFI = new FormInfo(AfterFormDefinition);

                // Add 'General' category at the beginning if no one is specified
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpProperties) && (!wpProperties.StartsWith("<form><category", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    wpProperties = wpProperties.Insert(6, "<category name=\"" + GetString("general.general") + "\" />");

                // Get merged web part FormInfo
                fi = FormHelper.GetWebPartFormInfo(wpi.WebPartName, wpProperties, beforeFI, afterFI, true);

                // Get datarow with required columns
                DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();

                if (IsNewWebPart)
                    // Load default properties values

                    // Load overriden system values
                    fi.LoadDefaultValues(dr, wpi.WebPartDefaultValues);

                    // Set control ID
                    FormFieldInfo ffi = fi.GetFormField("WebPartControlID");
                    if (ffi != null)
                        ffi.DefaultValue = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(wpi.WebPartName, templateInstance);
                        fi.UpdateFormField("WebPartControlID", ffi);

                // Load values from existing webpart
                LoadDataRowFromWebPart(dr, webPartInstance);

                // Set a unique WebPartControlID for athe new variant
                if (IsNewVariant)
                    // Set control ID
                    dr["WebPartControlID"] = WebPartZoneInstance.GetUniqueWebPartId(wpi.WebPartName, templateInstance);

                // Init the form
                InitForm(form, dr, fi);

Ejemplo n.º 14
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
        // Do not check changes
        DocumentManager.RegisterSaveChangesScript = false;

        EditForm.OnBeforeSave += EditForm_OnBeforeSave;

        etaCode.Editor.Language = LanguageEnum.HTML;
        etaCSS.Editor.Language = LanguageEnum.CSS;

        wpli = CMSContext.EditedObject as WebPartLayoutInfo;

        layoutID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("layoutid", 0);

        isSiteManager = ((CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator && layoutID != 0) || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("sitemanager", false));
        isNew = (LayoutCodeName == "|new|");
        isDefault = (LayoutCodeName == "|default|") || (!isSiteManager && string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName));

        if ((wpli == null) && isSiteManager)
            isNew = true;

        if (wpli == null)
            editMenuElem.ObjectManager.ObjectType = PredefinedObjectType.WEBPARTLAYOUT;

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "PreviewHierarchyPerformAction", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function actionPerformed(action) { if (action == 'saveandclose') { document.getElementById('" + hdnClose.ClientID + "').value = '1'; } " + editMenuElem.ObjectManager.GetJSFunction(ComponentEvents.SAVE, null, null) + "; }"));


        currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        // Get webpart instance (if edited in CMSDesk)
        if ((webpartId != "") && !isSiteManager)
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, culture);
            if (pi == null)
                ShowInformation(GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound"), null, false);

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, try webpart ID
        if (webPart == null)
            // Site manager
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(webpartId, 0));
            if (wpi == null)
                ShowError(GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound"), null, null);
                startWithFullScreen = false;
            // CMS desk
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (wpi != null)
            if (CMSObjectHelper.UseCheckinCheckout && (!isNew || isSiteManager))
                pnlFormArea.CssClass = "PreviewDefaultContentLarge";
                pnlFormArea.CssClass = "PreviewDefaultContent";

            // Load the web part information
            webPartInfo = wpi;
            bool loaded = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                if (wpli != null)
                    editMenuElem.MenuPanel.Visible = true;

                    // Read-only code text area
                    etaCode.Editor.ReadOnly = false;
                    loaded = true;

                if (!loaded)
                    string fileName = webPartInfo.WebPartFileName;

                    if (webPartInfo.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInfo.WebPartParentID);
                        if (pwpi != null)
                            fileName = pwpi.WebPartFileName;

                    if (!fileName.StartsWithCSafe("~"))
                        fileName = "~/CMSWebparts/" + fileName;

                    // Check if filename exist
                    if (!FileHelper.FileExists(fileName))
                        ShowError(GetString("WebPartProperties.FileNotExist"), null, null);
                        plcContent.Visible = false;
                        // Load default web part layout code
                        etaCode.Text = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(fileName));

                        // Load default web part CSS
                        etaCSS.Text = wpi.WebPartCSS;
                        startWithFullScreen = false;

        if ((wpli == null) && isSiteManager)
            pnlFormArea.CssClass += " NewPreviewContent";

            var breadcrumbs = new string[2, 3];
            breadcrumbs[0, 0] = GetString("WebParts.Layout");
            breadcrumbs[0, 1] = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/WebParts/Development/WebPart_Edit_Layout.aspx?webpartid=" + QueryHelper.GetInteger("webpartid", 0));
            breadcrumbs[1, 0] = GetString("webparts_layout_newlayout");
            editMenuElem.PageTitleBreadcrumbs = breadcrumbs;

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ApplyButton", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
            "function SetRefresh(refreshpage) { document.getElementById('" + hidRefresh.ClientID + @"').value = refreshpage; }
             function OnApplyButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('save');refreshPreview(); }
             function OnOKButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('saveandclose'); } "));


        plcCssLink.Visible = string.IsNullOrEmpty(etaCSS.Text.Trim());

    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

        CurrentMaster.DisplaySiteSelectorPanel = true;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        bool hide = false;

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        // Redirect to information is in main window, just hide selector
        if (webPart == null)
            hide = true;
            webPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (webPartInfo == null)
                hide = true;

            // Get the current layout name
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                mLayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (hide)
            pnlContent.Visible = false;

        // Strings
        lblLayouts.Text = GetString("WebPartPropertise.LayoutList");

        // Add default drop down items
        selectLayout.ShowDefaultItem = true;

        // Add new item
        if (CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "EditCode"))
            selectLayout.ShowNewItem = true;

        // Set where condition
        selectLayout.WhereCondition = "WebPartLayoutWebPartID =" + webPartInfo.WebPartID;

        // Load layouts
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (LayoutCodeName != ""))
            selectLayout.Value = LayoutCodeName;

        // Reload the content page if required
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("reload", false))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    /// <summary>
    /// Init event handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
        // Do not check changes
        DocumentManager.RegisterSaveChangesScript = false;

        EditForm.OnBeforeSave += EditForm_OnBeforeSave;

        etaCode.Editor.Language = LanguageEnum.HTML;
        etaCSS.Editor.Language  = LanguageEnum.CSS;

        wpli = CMSContext.EditedObject as WebPartLayoutInfo;

        layoutID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("layoutid", 0);

        isSiteManager = ((CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator && layoutID != 0) || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("sitemanager", false));
        isNew         = (LayoutCodeName == "|new|");
        isDefault     = (LayoutCodeName == "|default|") || (!isSiteManager && string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName));

        if ((wpli == null) && isSiteManager)
            isNew = true;

        if (wpli == null)
            editMenuElem.ObjectManager.ObjectType = PredefinedObjectType.WEBPARTLAYOUT;

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "PreviewHierarchyPerformAction", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function actionPerformed(action) { if (action == 'saveandclose') { document.getElementById('" + hdnClose.ClientID + "').value = '1'; } " + editMenuElem.ObjectManager.GetJSFunction(ComponentEvents.SAVE, null, null) + "; }"));


        currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        // Get webpart instance (if edited in CMSDesk)
        if ((webpartId != "") && !isSiteManager)
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, culture);
            if (pi == null)
                ShowInformation(GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound"), null, false);

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, try webpart ID
        if (webPart == null)
            // Site manager
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(webpartId, 0));
            if (wpi == null)
                ShowError(GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound"), null, null);
                startWithFullScreen = false;
            // CMS desk
            wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (wpi != null)
            if (CMSObjectHelper.UseCheckinCheckout && (!isNew || isSiteManager))
                pnlFormArea.CssClass = "PreviewDefaultContentLarge";
                pnlFormArea.CssClass = "PreviewDefaultContent";

            // Load the web part information
            webPartInfo = wpi;
            bool loaded = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                if (wpli != null)
                    editMenuElem.MenuPanel.Visible = true;

                    // Read-only code text area
                    etaCode.Editor.ReadOnly = false;
                    loaded = true;

                if (!loaded)
                    string fileName = webPartInfo.WebPartFileName;

                    if (webPartInfo.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInfo.WebPartParentID);
                        if (pwpi != null)
                            fileName = pwpi.WebPartFileName;

                    if (!fileName.StartsWithCSafe("~"))
                        fileName = "~/CMSWebparts/" + fileName;

                    // Check if filename exist
                    if (!FileHelper.FileExists(fileName))
                        ShowError(GetString("WebPartProperties.FileNotExist"), null, null);
                        plcContent.Visible = false;
                        // Load default web part layout code
                        etaCode.Text = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(fileName));

                        // Load default web part CSS
                        etaCSS.Text         = wpi.WebPartCSS;
                        startWithFullScreen = false;

        if ((wpli == null) && isSiteManager)
            pnlFormArea.CssClass += " NewPreviewContent";

            var breadcrumbs = new string[2, 3];
            breadcrumbs[0, 0] = GetString("WebParts.Layout");
            breadcrumbs[0, 1] = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/WebParts/Development/WebPart_Edit_Layout.aspx?webpartid=" + QueryHelper.GetInteger("webpartid", 0));
            breadcrumbs[1, 0] = GetString("webparts_layout_newlayout");
            editMenuElem.PageTitleBreadcrumbs = breadcrumbs;

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ApplyButton", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
                                                   "function SetRefresh(refreshpage) { document.getElementById('" + hidRefresh.ClientID + @"').value = refreshpage; }
             function OnApplyButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('save');refreshPreview(); }  
             function OnOKButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); actionPerformed('saveandclose'); } "));


        plcCssLink.Visible = string.IsNullOrEmpty(etaCSS.Text.Trim());

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string aliasPath   = QueryHelper.GetString("aliaspath", "");
        string webpartId   = QueryHelper.GetString("webpartid", "");
        string zoneId      = QueryHelper.GetString("zoneid", "");
        Guid   webpartGuid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("webpartguid", Guid.Empty);

        // Get page info
        PageInfo pi = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, aliasPath, CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, null, CMSContext.CurrentSite.CombineWithDefaultCulture);

        if (pi != null)
            // Get template
            PageTemplateInfo pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;

            // Get web part
            WebPartInstance webPart = pti.GetWebPart(webpartGuid, webpartId);
            if (webPart != null)
                StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
                Hashtable     properties = webPart.Properties;

                // Get the webpart object
                WebPartInfo wi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
                if (wi != null)
                    // Add the header
                    sb.Append("Webpart properties (" + wi.WebPartDisplayName + ")" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                    sb.Append("Alias path: " + aliasPath + Environment.NewLine);
                    sb.Append("Zone ID: " + zoneId + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                    string wpProperties = "<default></default>";
                    // Get the form info object and load it with the data

                    if (wi.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        // Load parent properties
                        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wi.WebPartParentID);
                        if (wpi != null)
                            wpProperties = wpi.WebPartProperties;
                        wpProperties = wi.WebPartProperties;

                    FormInfo fi = new FormInfo(wpProperties);

                    // General properties of webparts
                    string beforeFormDefinition = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.Before);
                    string afterFormDefinition  = PortalFormHelper.GetWebPartProperties((WebPartTypeEnum)wi.WebPartType, PropertiesPosition.After);

                    // General properties before custom
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(beforeFormDefinition))
                        // Load before definition
                        fi = new FormInfo(FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(beforeFormDefinition, wpProperties, true));

                        // Add Default category for first before items
                        sb.Append(Environment.NewLine + "Default" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                    // General properties after custom
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(afterFormDefinition))
                        // Load after definition
                        fi = new FormInfo(FormHelper.MergeFormDefinitions(fi.GetXmlDefinition(), afterFormDefinition, true));

                    // Generate all properties
                    sb.Append(GetProperties(fi.GetFormElements(true, false), webPart));

                    // Send the text file to the user to download
                    UTF8Encoding enc  = new UTF8Encoding();
                    byte[]       file = enc.GetBytes(sb.ToString());

                    Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=webpartproperties_" + webPart.ControlID + ".txt");
                    Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check permissions for web part properties UI
        CurrentUserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;
        if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout"))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "WebPartProperties.Layout");

        // Check saved
        bool saved = false;
        if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("saved", false))
            saved = true;
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
            lblInfo.Text = GetString("General.ChangesSaved");

        // Init GUI
        mCheckOut = GetString("WebPartLayout.CheckOut");
        mCheckIn = GetString("WebPartLayout.CheckIn");
        mUndoCheckOut = GetString("WebPartLayout.DiscardCheckOut");
        mSave = GetString("General.Save");

        this.imgSave.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/Save.png");

        this.imgCheckIn.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/checkin.png");
        this.imgCheckOut.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/checkout.png");

        this.imgUndoCheckOut.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/EditMenu/undocheckout.png");
        this.btnUndoCheckOut.OnClientClick = "return confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("General.ConfirmUndoCheckOut")) + ");";

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)
                this.lblInfo.Text = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
                this.pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        if (webPart == null)
            this.lblInfo.Text = GetString("WebPartProperties.WebPartNotFound");
            this.pnlFormArea.Visible = false;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                // Get the current layout name
                LayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        WebPartInfo wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
        if (wpi != null)
            // Load the web part information
            webPartInfo = wpi;
            bool loaded = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                pnlMenu.Visible = false;
                pnlCheckOutInfo.Visible = false;

                if (LayoutCodeName != "")
                    WebPartLayoutInfo wpli = WebPartLayoutInfoProvider.GetWebPartLayoutInfo(wpi.WebPartName, LayoutCodeName);
                    if (wpli != null)
                        if ((LayoutCodeName != "|default|") && (LayoutCodeName != "|new|"))
                            SetEditedObject(wpli, "WebPartProperties_layout_frameset_frameset.aspx");

                        pnlMenu.Visible = true;
                        pnlCheckOutInfo.Visible = true;

                        // Read-only code text area
                        etaCode.ReadOnly = false;
                        etaCSS.ReadOnly = false;

                        // Set checkout panel

                        etaCode.Text = wpli.WebPartLayoutCode;
                        etaCSS.Text = wpli.WebPartLayoutCSS;
                        loaded = true;

                if (!loaded)
                    string fileName = webPartInfo.WebPartFileName;

                    if (webPartInfo.WebPartParentID > 0)
                        WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartInfo.WebPartParentID);
                        if (pwpi != null)
                            fileName = pwpi.WebPartFileName;

                    if (!fileName.StartsWith("~"))
                        fileName = "~/CMSWebparts/" + fileName;

                    // Check if filename exist
                    if (!FileHelper.FileExists(fileName))
                        lblError.Text = GetString("WebPartProperties.FileNotExist");
                        lblError.Visible = true;
                        plcContent.Visible = false;
                        // Load default web part layout code
                        etaCode.Text = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(fileName));

                        // Load default web part CSS
                        etaCSS.Text = wpi.WebPartCSS;

        btnOnOK.Click += new EventHandler(btnOnOK_Click);

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ApplyButton", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
               "function SetRefresh(refreshpage) { document.getElementById('" + this.hidRefresh.ClientID + "').value = refreshpage; } \n" +
               "function OnApplyButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(lnkSave, "") + "} \n" +
               "function OnOKButton(refreshpage) { SetRefresh(refreshpage); " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnOnOK, "") + "} \n"

        if (saved && (LayoutCodeName == "|new|"))
            // Refresh menu
            string query = URLHelper.Url.Query;
            query = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(query, "layoutcodename", webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout").ToString());
            query = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(query, "reload", "true");

            string scriptText = ScriptHelper.GetScript(@"parent.frames['webpartpropertiesmenu'].location = 'webpartproperties_layout_menu.aspx" + query + "';");
            ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "ReloadAfterNewLayout", scriptText);

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        this.plcCssLink.Visible = String.IsNullOrEmpty(etaCSS.Text.Trim());
        this.lnkStyles.Visible = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName) && (LayoutCodeName != "|default|");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.CurrentMaster.DisplaySiteSelectorPanel = true;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.PageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        if (webPart == null)
            // Get the current layout name
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                mLayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        // Strings
        lblLayouts.Text = GetString("WebPartPropertise.LayoutList");

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        // Add default drop down items
        selectLayout.ShowDefaultItem = true;

        // Add new item
        if (SettingsKeyProvider.UsingVirtualPathProvider && CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "EditCode"))
            selectLayout.ShowNewItem = true;

        webPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);

        // Where condition
        selectLayout.WhereCondition = "WebPartLayoutWebPartID =" + webPartInfo.WebPartID;

        if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("reload", false))
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

        CurrentMaster.DisplaySiteSelectorPanel = true;

        if (webpartId != "")
            // Get pageinfo
            pi = GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateId, cultureCode);
            if (pi == null)

            // Get page template
            pti = pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo;
            if ((pti != null) && ((pti.TemplateInstance != null)))
                webPart = pti.TemplateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, zoneVariantId, variantId) ?? pti.GetWebPart(webpartId);

        bool hide = false;

        // If the web part is not found, do not continue
        // Redirect to information is in main window, just hide selector
        if (webPart == null)
            hide = true;
            webPartInfo = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPart.WebPartType);
            if (webPartInfo == null)
                hide = true;

            // Get the current layout name
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LayoutCodeName))
                mLayoutCodeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(webPart.GetValue("WebPartLayout"), "");

        if (hide)
            pnlContent.Visible = false;

        // Strings
        lblLayouts.Text = GetString("WebPartPropertise.LayoutList");

        // Add default drop down items
        selectLayout.ShowDefaultItem = true;

        // Add new item
        if (CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "EditCode"))
            selectLayout.ShowNewItem = true;

        // Set where condition
        selectLayout.WhereCondition = "WebPartLayoutWebPartID =" + webPartInfo.WebPartID;

        // Load layouts
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (LayoutCodeName != ""))
            selectLayout.Value = LayoutCodeName;

        // Reload the content page if required
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() || QueryHelper.GetBoolean("reload", false))