Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestMovingCaretMovesTextContainer()
            PaddedTextBox textBox = null;

            AddStep("add textbox", () =>
                textBoxes.Add(textBox = new PaddedTextBox
                    Size = new Vector2(300, 40),
                    Text = "framework framework framework framework framework framework framework"

            AddStep("click on textbox", () =>
            AddStep("move caret to start", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.MoveBackwardLine));
            AddUntilStep("wait for transforms to finish", () => textBox.TextContainerTransformsFinished);
            AddAssert("text container moved to start", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(textBox.TextContainerBounds.TopLeft.X, PaddedTextBox.LEFT_RIGHT_PADDING, 1));

            AddStep("move forward word", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.MoveForwardWord));
            AddUntilStep("wait for transforms to finish", () => textBox.TextContainerTransformsFinished);
            AddAssert("text container didn't move", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(textBox.TextContainerBounds.TopLeft.X, PaddedTextBox.LEFT_RIGHT_PADDING, 1));

            AddStep("move forward word", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.MoveForwardWord));
            AddUntilStep("wait for transforms to finish", () => textBox.TextContainerTransformsFinished);
            AddAssert("text container moved back", () => textBox.TextContainerBounds.TopLeft.X < PaddedTextBox.LEFT_RIGHT_PADDING);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestClickingToMoveCaretMovesTextContainer()
            PaddedTextBox textBox = null;

            AddStep("add textbox", () =>
                textBoxes.Add(textBox = new PaddedTextBox
                    Size = new Vector2(300, 40),
                    Text = "this is very long text in a box that will scroll",

            AddStep("click on textbox", () =>
            AddStep("move caret to start", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.MoveBackwardLine));
            AddUntilStep("wait for transforms to finish", () => textBox.TextContainerTransformsFinished);
            AddAssert("text container moved to start", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(textBox.TextContainerBounds.TopLeft.X, PaddedTextBox.LEFT_RIGHT_PADDING, 1));

            AddStep("click close to the right edge of textbox", () =>
                InputManager.MoveMouseTo((textBox.ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.TopRight + textBox.ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.BottomRight) / 2 - new Vector2(1, 0));
            AddUntilStep("wait for transforms to finish", () => textBox.TextContainerTransformsFinished);
            AddAssert("text container moved back", () => textBox.TextContainerBounds.TopLeft.X < PaddedTextBox.LEFT_RIGHT_PADDING);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestLongTextMovesTextContainer()
            PaddedTextBox textBox = null;

            AddStep("add textbox", () =>
                textBoxes.Add(textBox = new PaddedTextBox
                    Size = new Vector2(300, 40),
                    Text = "hello",

            AddAssert("text container didn't move", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(textBox.TextContainerBounds.TopLeft.X, PaddedTextBox.LEFT_RIGHT_PADDING, 1));

            AddStep("set long text", () => textBox.Text = "this is very long text in a box");
            AddUntilStep("wait for transforms to finish", () => textBox.TextContainerTransformsFinished);
            AddAssert("text container moved to expected position", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(textBox.TextContainerBounds.TopRight.X, textBox.DrawWidth - PaddedTextBox.LEFT_RIGHT_PADDING, 1));