public void EnsureProviderApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
            // Arrange
            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                // NOTE: We default to using a ConsoleOutput,
                // however xUnit 2 does not capture the console output,
                // so a custom outputter is required.
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_outputHelper)

                // Output verbose verification logs to the test output
                Verbose = true

            //Act / Assert
            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            .ServiceProvider("Provider", _providerUri)
            .Verify(description: "A invalid GET request for Date Validation with empty string date parameter"
                    , providerState: String.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task VerificationForMessagePactShouldFailWhenWrongMessageIsReturned()
            var recipeRepository     = new FakeRecipeRepository();
            var providerStateHandler = new ProviderStateHandler(recipeRepository);

            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                ProviderStateHandler = providerStateHandler.Handle,
                MessageProducer      = (d) => null

            var pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            var buildDirectory = AppContext.BaseDirectory;
            var pactDir        = Path.GetFullPath($"{buildDirectory}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}..{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}..{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}..{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}pacts{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}");

                await pactVerifier.VerifyPactAsync(pactDir + "messageConsumer-messageProvider.json");
            catch (PactVerificationException e)
                Assert.IsTrue(e.Message.Contains("Expected body or contents to be present, but was not"));
        public void EnsurePassengersApiHonoursPactWithFlightsApi()
            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(output)
                Verbose         = true,
                ProviderVersion = "0.0.1"

            const string providerUrl = "http://localhost:5001";

            WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(new string[0])
            .UseStartup <TestStartup>()

            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            .ServiceProvider("PassengersApi", providerUrl)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void EnsureProviderApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
            // Arrange
            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                // NOTE: We default to using a ConsoleOutput,
                // however xUnit 2 does not capture the console output,
                // so a custom outputter is required.
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_outputHelper)

                // Output verbose verification logs to the test output
                Verbose = true,
                PublishVerificationResults = true,
                ProviderVersion            = "2.4.1-f3842db9e603d7",

            //Act / Assert
            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            .ServiceProvider("Provider", _providerUri)
                        uriOptions: new PactUriOptions(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PACT_BROKER_TOKEN")),
                        consumerVersionTags: new List <string> {
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var outputter = new CustomOutputter();
            var config    = new PactVerifierConfig();

            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(() => { }, () => { }, config);

            pactVerifier.ProviderState("Get user with id '1'");
            _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
            _httpClient.BaseAddress = new System.Uri("http://*****:*****@"\Pact\{0}-{1}.json", ClientName, ProviderName))

            // Assert
            outputter.Output.Should().Contain(string.Format("Verifying a Pact between {0} and {1}", ClientName, ProviderName));
            outputter.Output.Should().Contain("status code 200");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void EnsureProviderApiHonorsPactWithWebUi()
            // Arrange
            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                // NOTE: We default to using a ConsoleOutput,
                // however xUnit 2 does not capture the console output,
                // so a custom outputter is required.
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_outputHelper)

                // Output verbose verification logs to the test output
                Verbose = true

            //Act / Assert
            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            .ServiceProvider("webapi", _providerUri)
            //TODO: common location (publish to pact broker)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void EnsureCarApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
            const string serviceUri = "http://localhost:9222";
            var          config     = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_output)

            using (WebApp.Start <TestStartup>(serviceUri))
                //Act / Assert
                IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);
                .ServiceProvider("Car API", serviceUri)
                .HonoursPactWith("Car API Consumer")
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void VerifyPactWithConsumer(JToken consumer, string pactUrl, string serviceUri)
            //we need to instantiate one pact verifier for each consumer

            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>

            PactUriOptions pactUriOptions = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_configuration.PactBrokerUsername))
                pactUriOptions = new PactUriOptions(_configuration.PactBrokerUsername, _configuration.PactBrokerPassword);

            var pactUri      = new Uri(new Uri(_configuration.PactBrokerUri), pactUrl);
            var pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            .ServiceProvider(_configuration.ProviderName, serviceUri)
            .PactUri(pactUri.AbsoluteUri, pactUriOptions)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void EnsureConsumerHonoursPactWithpPact1Consumer()
            var config = new PactVerifierConfig();

            config.ReportOutputters.Add(new ConsoleOutputter(_output));

            var pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(() => { }, () => { }, config);

            .ProviderState("No subject with id '8' exists")
            .ProviderState("Subject with id '1' exists")
            .ProviderState("Creating new product")
            //Act / Assert
            using (var testServer = TestServer.Create <TestStartup>()) {
                testServer.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost");
                .ServiceProvider("Something API", testServer.HttpClient)
                .Verify();     //NOTE: Optionally you can control what interactions are verified by specifying a providerDescription and/or providerState
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void EnsureDinkumCoinApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
            const string baseUrl = "http://localhost:9011";
            var          fixture = new TestServerFixture();

            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_output)
                }, Verbose = true

            using (IWebHost webHost = fixture.CreateWebHost(baseUrl))

                IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);
                //  .ProviderState($"{serviceUri}/provider-states")
                .ServiceProvider("dinkum-coin-api", baseUrl)
 public MessageProviderValidator(
     IReporter reporter,
     PactVerifierConfig config)
     _reporter = reporter;
     _config   = config;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void DoTest()
            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                // NOTE: We default to using a ConsoleOutput,
                // however xUnit 2 does not capture the console output,
                // so a custom outputter is required.
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_outputHelper)

                // Output verbose verification logs to the test output
                Verbose = true

            //Act / Assert
            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            .ServiceProvider("Provider", _providerUri)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public MenuApiProviderTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
            OutputHelper = output;

            ProviderUri = "http://localhost:6001";

            //Get application configuration
            Config = Configuration.For <ConfigModel>();

            //Set up the Pact configuration to be used in tests
            PactConfig = new PactVerifierConfig
                // NOTE: We default to using a ConsoleOutput,
                // however xUnit 2 does not capture the console output,
                // so a custom outputter is required.
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(OutputHelper)

                // Output verbose verification logs to the test output
                Verbose = true,

                //If build number is present, results will be published back to the broker
                ProviderVersion            = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Build_Number) ? Config.Build_Number : null,
                PublishVerificationResults = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Build_Number)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public async Task ShouldThrowWhenResponseIsNotSuccessful()
            var fakePactBrokerMessageHandler = new FakePactBrokerMessageHandler
                ObjectToReturn     = new Contract(),
                StatusCodeToReturn = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest

            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                PactBrokerClient = new HttpClient(fakePactBrokerMessageHandler)
                    BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9292")

            var mockConsumer = new PactVerifier(config);

                await mockConsumer.GetPactFromBroker("some/path");
            catch (PactException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("Getting pact from Pact Broker failed. Pact Broker returned BadRequest", e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public async Task PactBrokerReturnsNonSuccessStatusCode()
            var fakeHttpMessageHandler = new FakePactBrokerMessageHandler {
                StatusCodeToReturn = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound

            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                ProviderVersion  = "1.0",
                PactBrokerClient = new HttpClient(fakeHttpMessageHandler)
                    BaseAddress = new Uri("http://local-pact-broker")
            var mockConsumer = new PactVerifier(config);

                await mockConsumer.PublishVerificationResultsAsync(_pact, new List <FailedInteraction>());
            catch (PactException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("Publishing verification results failed. Pact Broker returned NotFound", e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public BasicTests(StartupMock factory, ITestOutputHelper output)
            _pactServiceUri = "http://localhost:9001";
            _providerUri    = "https://localhost:5090";
            _outputHelper   = output;
            factory.ConfigureRoutingMessages(t =>
            _config = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_outputHelper)
                Verbose                    = false,
                ProviderVersion            = "1.0", //git commit
                PublishVerificationResults = true
            _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();


            _webHost = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder()
                       .ConfigureServices((build, collection) =>
                       .UseStartup <PactStartup>()

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task ShouldPublishVerificationResults()
            var buildDirectory               = AppContext.BaseDirectory;
            var pactDir                      = Path.GetFullPath($"{buildDirectory}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}..{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}..{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}..{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}pacts{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}");
            var pactFileToReturn             = File.ReadAllText(pactDir + "messageConsumer-messageProvider.json");
            var fakePactBrokerMessageHandler = new FakePactBrokerMessageHandler
                ObjectToReturn = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(pactFileToReturn)

            var messageSender = new MessageSender();

            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                MessageProducer            = messageSender.Send,
                ProviderVersion            = "1.0",
                PublishVerificationResults = true,
                PactBrokerClient           = new HttpClient(fakePactBrokerMessageHandler)
                    BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9292")

            var pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            await pactVerifier.VerifyPactAsync("pacts/provider/messageProvider/consumer/messageConsumer/latest");

            var sentVerificationResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VerificationResults>(fakePactBrokerMessageHandler.SentRequestContents.First().Value);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void EnsureProductApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
            const string serviceUri = "http://localhost:13607";
            var          config     = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new CustomOutput(_output)
            var webHostBuilder = new WebHostBuilder()
                                 .UseStartup <TestStartup>();

            using (var server = new TestServer(webHostBuilder))
                //var response = server.CreateRequest($"{serviceUri}/product/productlist")
                //    .SendAsync("GET");

                //Act / Assert
                IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);
                .ServiceProvider("Product API", serviceUri)
                .HonoursPactWith("Product API Consumer")
                .PactUri($"..//consumer - driven - test//Provider//FlixOne.BookStore.ProductService.Test//pacts//product_api_consumer-product_api")
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void EnsureEventApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
            if (!File.Exists(".\\pact\\bin\\pact-provider-verifier.bat"))
                throw new Exception("Please run '.\\Build\\Download-Standalone-Core.ps1' from the project root to download the standalone provider verifier, then 'Clean' and 'Rebuild' the solution.");

            const string serviceUri = "http://localhost:9222";
            var          config     = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_output)

            using (WebApp.Start <TestStartup>(serviceUri))
                //Act / Assert
                IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);
                .ServiceProvider("Event API", serviceUri)
                .HonoursPactWith("Event API Consumer")
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void PactProviderVerifyTest()
            //set a output folder for logs and pacts retreived
            PactConfig = new PactVerifierConfig()
                LogDir = "../../../Log"
            //set a string output to easily assert against
            Outputter = new CustomOutputter();

            PactVerifier = new PactVerifier(() => { }, () => { }, this.PactConfig);
            PactFile     = Path.Combine("../../../Pacts", $"{Consumer}-{Provider}.json".ToLower());

            //verify the interaction
            .ProviderState("Testing Guid", setUp: GuidSetupState);

            //Verify will throw if there was a failure

            Assert.Contains($"Verifying a Pact between {Consumer} and {Provider}", Outputter.Output);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void EnsureEventApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
            var outputter = new CustomOutputter();
            var config    = new PactVerifierConfig();

            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(() => {}, () => {}, config);

                "there are events with ids '45D80D13-D5A2-48D7-8353-CBB4C0EAABF5', '83F9262F-28F1-4703-AB1A-8CFD9E8249C9' and '3E83A96B-2A0C-49B1-9959-26DF23F83AEB'",
                setUp: InsertEventsIntoDatabase)
            .ProviderState("there is an event with id '83f9262f-28f1-4703-ab1a-8cfd9e8249c9'",
                           setUp: InsertEventIntoDatabase)
            .ProviderState("there is one event with type 'DetailsView'",
                           setUp: EnsureOneDetailsViewEventExists);

            _server = TestServer.Create(app =>
                app.Use(typeof(AuthorizationTokenReplacementMiddleware), app.CreateDataProtector(typeof(OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware).Namespace, "Access_Token", "v1"));
                var apiStartup = new Startup();

            //Act / Assert
            .ServiceProvider("Event API", _server.HttpClient)

            // Verify that verifaction log is also sent to additional reporters defined in the config
            Assert.Contains("Verifying a Pact between Consumer and Event API", outputter.Output);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void EnsureUserApiHonoursPactWithBilling()
            // Arrange
            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                // NOTE: We default to using a ConsoleOutput,
                // however xUnit 2 does not capture the console output,
                // so a custom outputter is required.
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_outputHelper)

                // Output verbose verification logs to the test output
                Verbose = true

            //Act / Assert
            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            .ServiceProvider(ProviderName, ProviderUri)
            //.PactUri("http://pact-broker/pacts/provider/Something%20Api/consumer/Consumer/latest") //You can specify a http or https uri
            //.PactUri("http://pact-broker/pacts/provider/Something%20Api/consumer/Consumer/latest", new PactUriOptions("someuser", "somepassword")) //You can also specify http/https basic auth details
            //.PactUri("http://pact-broker/pacts/provider/Something%20Api/consumer/Consumer/latest", new PactUriOptions("sometoken")) //Or a bearer token
            ////or (if you're using the Pact Broker, you can use the various different features, including pending pacts)
            //.PactBroker("http://pact-broker", uriOptions: new PactUriOptions("sometoken"), enablePending: true, consumerVersionTags: new List<string> { "master" }, providerVersionTags: new List<string> { "master" }, consumerVersionSelectors: new List<VersionTagSelector> { new VersionTagSelector("master", false, true) })
        public async Task HonourPactWithSpyLens()
            var baseAddress = $"http://*****:*****@"c:\\git\\pacts\\spylens_frontend-spymaster_api.json")
            await webHost.StopAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to be used within a test to execute a call to the pact broker to verify the API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputters"></param>
        public void RunPactBrokerTest(IList <IOutput> outputters = null)
            if (outputters is null)
                outputters = new List <IOutput>();
            if (!outputters.Any(x => x.GetType() == typeof(ConsoleOutput)))
                outputters.Add(new ConsoleOutput());

            var pactVerifierConfig = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = outputters

            var user           = Configuration.GetValue <string>(Constants.ENV_VAR_PACT_BROKER_USER);
            var pwd            = Configuration.GetValue <string>(Constants.ENV_VAR_PACT_BROKER_USER_PASSWORD);
            var pactUriOptions = new PactUriOptions().SetBasicAuthentication(user, pwd);

            var name = Configuration.GetValue <string>(Constants.ENV_VAR_PACT_BROKER_PROVIDER_NAME);
            var path = Configuration.GetValue <string>(Constants.ENV_VAR_PACT_BROKER_PATH);

            IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(pactVerifierConfig);

            .ServiceProvider(name, ServerUri)
            .PactBroker(path, pactUriOptions)
            .ProviderState(ServerUri + Constants.PROVIDER_STATES_ROUTE)
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public async Task ShouldThrowWhenClientThrowsForAnyOtherReason()
            var fakePactBrokerMessageHandler = new FakePactBrokerMessageHandler
                ObjectToReturn   = new Contract(),
                ExceptionToThrow = new HttpRequestException("Something went wrong.")

            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                PactBrokerClient = new HttpClient(fakePactBrokerMessageHandler)
                    BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9292")

            var mockConsumer = new PactVerifier(config);

                await mockConsumer.GetPactFromBroker("some/path");
            catch (PactException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("Pact cannot be retrieved using the provided Pact Broker Client: Something went wrong.", e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void EnsureProviderApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
            // Arrange
            config = new PactVerifierConfig
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_outputHelper)

                Verbose = true
            config.CustomHeader = new KeyValuePair <string, string>("X-Clarksons-Security-Cloud", "UqkejnjkHNM5gPY4VKeLNeoNv2eLUvZL8Di1xDqjc/I1dvdcQO9EGeUg6wYR0+ta+218kbu5Z5GgodKF92WmuGyTZGZ600fAS0OPKZ2kXIiwwqVO+a2apqxIOYLLrJdOFGkw6h6pZ8NurSQdQYvavA==");

            //Act / Assert
            pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);

            .ServiceProvider("fixture_api", _providerUri)
        public void Ctor_WhenCalled_SetsOutputters()
            var verifierConfig = new PactVerifierConfig();
            var config         = GetSubject(verifierConfig: verifierConfig);

            Assert.Equal(verifierConfig.Outputters, config.Outputters);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void EnsureTheThingHonorsPactWithConsumer()
            // arrange
            const string serviceUri = "http://*****:*****@"C:\temp\pact\pactDir\pactconsumer-pactproducer.json")
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public async Task EnsureProviderApiHonoursPactWithConsumerAsync()
            // Arrange
            var config = new PactVerifierConfig
                // NOTE: We default to using a ConsoleOutput,
                // however xUnit 2 does not capture the console output,
                // so a custom outputter is required.
                Outputters = new List <IOutput>
                    new XUnitOutput(_outputHelper)

                // Output verbose verification logs to the test output
                Verbose = true

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            // complete task in event

            // wait for task somewhere else
            await tcs.Task;

             * //Act / Assert
             * IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);
             * pactVerifier.ProviderState($"{_pactServiceUri}/provider-states")
             *  .ServiceProvider("Provider", _providerUri)
             *  .HonoursPactWith("Consumer")
             *  .PactUri(@"..\..\..\..\..\pacts\consumer-provider.json")
             *  .Verify();*/
        public async Task HonourPactWithSpyLens()
            var baseAddress = $"http://*****:*****@"http://localhost:8082/pacts/provider/SpyMaster%20Api/consumer/SpyLens%20JS%20Frontend/latest")
            await webHost.StopAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public Reporter(PactVerifierConfig config)
     : this(new List<Action<string>>
         new FileReportOutputter(config.LoggerName).Write
 public ProviderServiceValidator(
     IHttpRequestSender httpRequestSender,
     IReporter reporter,
     PactVerifierConfig config)
     : this(new ProviderServiceResponseComparer(),
 internal ProviderServiceValidator(
     IProviderServiceResponseComparer providerServiceResponseComparer,
     IHttpRequestSender httpRequestSender,
     IReporter reporter,
     PactVerifierConfig config)
     _providerServiceResponseComparer = providerServiceResponseComparer;
     _httpRequestSender = httpRequestSender;
     _reporter = reporter;
     _config = config;