Ejemplo n.º 1
        void ProcessCapturedPacket(PacketDotNet.Packet packet)
            if (!(packet is PacketDotNet.EthernetPacket)) return;
            var eth = (PacketDotNet.EthernetPacket)packet;

            byte[] bytes = eth.Bytes;
            if (!Utility.IsPspPacket(bytes, Utility.HEADER_OFFSET))
                // PSPのパケットではないのでスルー
            string src = eth.SourceHwAddress.ToString();
            string dest = eth.DestinationHwAddress.ToString();

            // サーバーから送られてきた他プレイヤーのPSPパケットか判別
            if (RemoteMacAddresses.ContainsKey(src))
                //string log = String.Format("PSP Packet: サーバーから自PSPへ転送するパケットなのでスルーします: {0} -> {1}", src, desc);
                //AppendToLogTextBox(log, Color.DeepPink);

            bool packetToRemotePSP = true;
            TraficStatistics myStats;
            lock (MyMacAddresses)
                if (MyMacAddresses.ContainsKey(src))
                    myStats = MyMacAddresses[src];
                    myStats = new TraficStatistics();
                    MyMacAddresses[src] = myStats;

                // 手元に送信先MACアドレスのPSPがあるか判別
                if (MyMacAddresses.ContainsKey(dest))
                    packetToRemotePSP = false;
                    // not need tunneling
                    //string log = String.Format("PSP Packet: Local trafic from {0} -> {1}", src, desc);
                    //AppendToLogTextBox(log, Color.Purple);

            if (packetToRemotePSP && TunnelIsLinked)
                TraficStatistics remoteStats;
                lock (RemoteMacAddresses)
                    if (RemoteMacAddresses.ContainsKey(dest))
                        remoteStats = RemoteMacAddresses[dest];
                        remoteStats = new TraficStatistics();
                        RemoteMacAddresses[dest] = remoteStats;

                //string log = String.Format("PSP Packet: {0} -> {1} Size: {2}", src, desc, bytes.Length);
                if (CurrentOperationMode == OperationMode.PlayRoomMaster || CurrentOperationMode == OperationMode.PlayRoomParticipant)
                    myStats.lastModified = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                    myStats.currentOutBytes += bytes.Length;
                    myStats.totalOutBytes += bytes.Length;

                    remoteStats.lastModified = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                    remoteStats.currentOutBytes += bytes.Length;
                    remoteStats.totalOutBytes += bytes.Length;

                    if (Utility.HEADER_OFFSET == 0)
                        //AppendToLogTextBox(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), Color.Black);
                    //    //long timestamp = Environment.TickCount;
                    //    long timestamp = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                    //    AppendToLogTextBox(timestamp.ToString());
                    //    byte[] ticks = BitConverter.GetBytes(timestamp);
                    //    ArenaTunnelClient.Send(ticks.Concat(bytes).ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void listFieldEx(ref PacketDotNet.Packet targetPack)
            //Get packet type name
            var packetTypeName = targetPack.GetType().Name;
            var packetFieldTypeName = packetTypeName.Substring(0, packetTypeName.Length - 6) + "Fields";
            var packetFieldsType = Program.getPacketType("PacketDotNet." + packetFieldTypeName);
            //Get packet fields
            var fieldList = packetFieldsType.GetFields();

            foreach (var i in fieldList)
                var fieldTypeName = i.Name;
                if (fieldTypeName.EndsWith("Position"))
                    int foffset = (int)i.GetValue(null);
                    var fieldName = fieldTypeName.Substring(0, fieldTypeName.Length - 8);
                    offsetDict.Add(fieldName, offset + foffset);
                else if (fieldTypeName.EndsWith("Length"))
                    int length = (int)i.GetValue(null);
                    var fieldName = fieldTypeName.Substring(0, fieldTypeName.Length - 6);
                    lengthDict.Add(fieldName, length);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Connection(PacketDotNet.TcpPacket packet)
     m_srcIp = (packet.ParentPacket as PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet).SourceAddress.ToString();
     m_dstIp = (packet.ParentPacket as PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet).DestinationAddress.ToString();
     m_srcPort = (ushort)packet.SourcePort;
     m_dstPort = (ushort)packet.DestinationPort;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public packView(int loffset , ref PacketDotNet.Packet targetPack)
     pack = targetPack;
     Text = pack.GetType().Name;
     moffset = loffset;
     listField(ref pack);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void AirservClient_onPacketArrival(PacketDotNet.Packet packet, DateTime ArrivalTime)
            this.LiveCaptureFile.ProcessPacket(packet, ArrivalTime);

            this.Invoke(new Invoky(() => RefreshAll()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public sPacket(ref PacketDotNet.Packet p)
            timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            PacketDotNet.Packet c;
            for (c = p; c.PayloadPacket != null; c = c.PayloadPacket) ;
            finalType = c.GetType();

            packet = p;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void showPacket(ref PacketDotNet.Packet p)
     HexView.ByteProvider = new HexViewer.DynamicByteProvider(p.Bytes);
     int offset = 0;
     for (var i = p; i != null; i = i.PayloadPacket)
         packViewer.Nodes.Add(new packView(offset, ref i));
         offset += i.Header.Length;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// The main function of the class receives a tcp packet and reconstructs the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tcpPacket"></param>
        public void ReassemblePacket(PacketDotNet.TcpPacket tcpPacket)
            // if the paylod length is zero bail out
            //ulong length = (ulong)(tcpPacket.Bytes.Length - tcpPacket.TCPHeaderLength);
            //if (length == 0) return;
            if (tcpPacket.PayloadData == null || tcpPacket.PayloadData.Length == 0) return;

            reassemble_tcp((ulong)tcpPacket.SequenceNumber, (ulong)tcpPacket.PayloadData.Length,
                            tcpPacket.PayloadData, (ulong)tcpPacket.PayloadData.Length, tcpPacket.Syn,
                            (tcpPacket.ParentPacket as PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet).SourceAddress.Address,
                            (tcpPacket.ParentPacket as PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet).DestinationAddress.Address,
                             (uint)tcpPacket.SourcePort, (uint)tcpPacket.DestinationPort);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public uint[] AddPacket(PacketDotNet.TcpPacket packet, string srcIp)
     uint[] rel = new uint[2];
     if (seq2Start == 0)
         seq2Start = packet.SequenceNumber;
     if (ip1 == srcIp)
         rel[0] = packet.SequenceNumber - seq1Start;
         rel[1] = packet.AcknowledgmentNumber - seq2Start;
         rel[0] = packet.SequenceNumber - seq2Start;
         rel[1] = packet.AcknowledgmentNumber - seq1Start;
     return rel;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends a raw packet throgh this device
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p">The packet to send</param>
 public virtual void SendPacket(PacketDotNet.Packet p)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private static int LengthFromAddressFamily(PacketDotNet.LLDP.AddressFamily addressFamily)
     if (addressFamily == PacketDotNet.LLDP.AddressFamily.IPv4)
         return IPv4Fields.AddressLength;
     if (addressFamily != PacketDotNet.LLDP.AddressFamily.IPv6)
         throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown addressFamily of " + addressFamily);
     return IPv6Fields.AddressLength;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override bool pass(ref PacketDotNet.Packet p)
     if (p.PayloadPacket != null && (p.PayloadPacket is PacketDotNet.IpPacket))
         if (isSource)
             if ((p.PayloadPacket as PacketDotNet.IpPacket).SourceAddress.Equals(ip))
                 return true;
             if ((p.PayloadPacket as PacketDotNet.IpPacket).DestinationAddress.Equals(ip))
                 return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public override bool pass(ref PacketDotNet.Packet p)
     if (p.PayloadPacket != null && p.PayloadPacket.PayloadPacket != null && p.PayloadPacket.PayloadPacket.GetType() == typeof(PacketDotNet.TcpPacket))
         var tcp = p.PayloadPacket.PayloadPacket as PacketDotNet.TcpPacket;
         if (isSource)
             return (tcp.SourcePort == port);
             return (tcp.DestinationPort == port);
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public override bool pass(ref PacketDotNet.Packet p) { return !a.pass(ref p); }
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public abstract bool pass(ref PacketDotNet.Packet p);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override bool pass(ref PacketDotNet.Packet p)
     if (p.PayloadPacket != null && p.PayloadPacket.PayloadPacket != null && p.PayloadPacket.PayloadPacket.GetType() == typeof(PacketDotNet.TcpPacket))
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void AddTcpPacket(PacketDotNet.TcpPacket packet)
     Next_sequence_number = packet.SequenceNumber+packet.PayloadData.Length;
     Tcp_packets.Add(new TcpPacketWrapper(){ Packet = packet, Counter = counter++});
     Packets_added = true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// The main function of the class receives a tcp packet and reconstructs the stream
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tcpPacket"></param>
 public void ReassemblePacket(PacketDotNet.TcpPacket tcpPacket)
     reassemble_tcp((ulong)tcpPacket.SequenceNumber, (ulong)tcpPacket.PayloadData.Length,
                     tcpPacket.PayloadData, (ulong)tcpPacket.PayloadData.Length, tcpPacket.Syn,
                     (tcpPacket.ParentPacket as PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet).SourceAddress.Address,
                     (tcpPacket.ParentPacket as PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet).DestinationAddress.Address,
                      (uint)tcpPacket.SourcePort, (uint)tcpPacket.DestinationPort);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public SyslogMessage(PacketDotNet.UdpPacket udpSyslogPacket)
            Regex msgRegex = new Regex(@"
            (?<DD>[ 0-9][0-9])\s
            [^ ]+?
            ", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

            string packet = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(udpSyslogPacket.PayloadData);

            Match m = msgRegex.Match(packet);
            EndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

            // If the syslog message is invalid or empty, exit
            if (m != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet))
                System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("SwsyslogService", "No match." + Environment.NewLine + packet, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);
                System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("SwsyslogService", "Match." + Environment.NewLine + packet, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

            //parse PRI section into priority
            int pri;
            int? priority = int.TryParse(m.Groups["PRI"].Value, out pri) ? new int?(pri) : null;

            //parse the HEADER section - contains TIMESTAMP and HOSTNAME
            string hostname = null;
            Nullable<DateTime> timestamp = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["HDR"].Value))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["TIMESTAMP"].Value))
                        timestamp = new DateTime(
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        //ignore invalid timestamps

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["HOSTNAME"].Value))
                    hostname = m.Groups["HOSTNAME"].Value;

            if (!timestamp.HasValue)
                //add timestamp as per RFC3164
                timestamp = DateTime.Now;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostname))
                IPEndPoint ipe = (IPEndPoint)ep;
                IPHostEntry he = Dns.GetHostEntry(ipe.Address);
                if (he != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(he.HostName))
                    hostname = he.HostName;
                    hostname = ep.ToString();

            if (priority.HasValue)
                this.facility = (int)Math.Floor((double)priority.Value / 8);
                this.severity = priority % 8;
                this.facility = null;
                this.severity = null;
            this.timestamp = timestamp.Value;
            this.hostname = hostname;
            this.message = m.Groups["MSG"].Value;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends a raw packet throgh this device
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p">The packet to send</param>
 /// <param name="size">The number of bytes to send</param>
 public virtual void SendPacket(PacketDotNet.Packet p, int size)
     SendPacket(p.Bytes, size);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="linkLayerType">
        /// A <see cref="PacketDotNet.LinkLayers"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="snapshotLength">
        /// A <see cref="System.Nullable&lt;System.Int32&gt;"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="captureFilename">
        /// A <see cref="System.String"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mode">
        /// A <see cref="FileMode"/>
        /// </param>
        public CaptureFileWriterDevice(PacketDotNet.LinkLayers linkLayerType,
                                       int? snapshotLength,
                                       string captureFilename,
                                       FileMode mode)
            m_pcapFile = captureFilename;

            // append isn't possible without some difficulty and not implemented yet
            if(mode == FileMode.Append)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("FileMode.Append is not supported, please contact the developers if you are interested in helping to implementing it");

                snapshotLength = Pcap.MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
            } else if(snapshotLength > Pcap.MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("snapshotLength > Pcap.MAX_PACKET_SIZE");

            // set the device handle
            PcapHandle = LibPcapSafeNativeMethods.pcap_open_dead((int)linkLayerType, snapshotLength.Value);

            m_pcapDumpHandle = LibPcapSafeNativeMethods.pcap_dump_open(PcapHandle, captureFilename);
            if(m_pcapDumpHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new PcapException("Error opening dump file '" + LastError + "'");
Ejemplo n.º 22
 private void listField(ref PacketDotNet.EthernetPacket p)
     addField("Dest Hw Addr", p.DestinationHwAddress, EthernetFields.DestinationMacPosition,EthernetFields.MacAddressLength);
     addField("Source Hw Addr", p.SourceHwAddress, EthernetFields.SourceMacPosition, EthernetFields.MacAddressLength);
     addField("Ethernet", "Type", p);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void listField(ref PacketDotNet.Packet targetPack)
     if (targetPack is PacketDotNet.InternetLinkLayerPacket)
         this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0xffffff);
     else if (targetPack is PacketDotNet.InternetPacket)
         this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0xccffff);
     else if (targetPack is TransportPacket)
         this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0xccccff);
     switch (targetPack.GetType().Name)
         case "EthernetPacket":
             EthernetPacket eth = targetPack as EthernetPacket;
             listField(ref eth);
         case "ARPPacket":
             ARPPacket arp = targetPack as ARPPacket;
             listField(ref arp);
         case "IPv4Packet":
             var ipv4 = targetPack as IPv4Packet;
             listField(ref ipv4);
         case "ICMPv4Packet":
             var ICMPv4 = targetPack as ICMPv4Packet;
             listField(ref ICMPv4);
         case "TcpPacket":
             var tcp = targetPack as TcpPacket;
             listField(ref tcp);
         case "UdpPacket":
             var udp = targetPack as UdpPacket;
             listField(ref udp);
         case "HLPacket":
             var hlp = targetPack as HLPacket;
             listField(ref hlp);
             Text = hlp.packetType;
     if (targetPack.PayloadPacket == null && targetPack.PayloadData != null)
         addField("Payload Data", targetPack.PayloadData, targetPack.Header.Length, targetPack.BytesHighPerformance.BytesLength-targetPack.Header.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void AnalysisPacket(PacketDotNet.Packet tempPacket)
            if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.EthernetPacket)
                var ethernetPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.EthernetPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "Ethernet, Src: ";
                tempRoot.Detail += ethernetPacket.SourceHwAddress.ToString();
                tempRoot.Detail += ", Dst: ";
                tempRoot.Detail += ethernetPacket.DestinationHwAddress.ToString();

                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = ethernetPacket.SourceHwAddress.ToString(),
                    Children =
                        new Info
                            Detail = ethernetPacket.SourceHwAddress.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = ethernetPacket.DestinationHwAddress.ToString(),
                    Children =
                        new Info
                            Detail = ethernetPacket.DestinationHwAddress.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = ethernetPacket.Type.ToString(),

                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.IpPacket)
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet)
                    tempRoot.Detail = "Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: ";
                    tempRoot.Detail = "Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: ";
                var ipPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.IpPacket;
                tempRoot.Detail += ipPacket.SourceAddress.ToString();
                tempRoot.Detail += ", Dst: ";
                tempRoot.Detail += ipPacket.DestinationAddress.ToString();

                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                   Detail = "Version: " + ipPacket.Version.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Header Length: " + ipPacket.HeaderLength.ToString(),

                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Total Length: " + ipPacket.TotalLength.ToString(),

                if (ipPacket.Protocol.ToString().CompareTo("TCP") == 0)
                    string flags = ipPacket.Header[6].ToString();
                    int flagvalue = 0;
                    for (int index = 0; index < flags.Length; ++index)
                        flagvalue *= 10;
                        flagvalue += (flags[index] - '0');
                    string flagString;
                    int reserverdbit = 1;
                    string rdetail = "";
                    int dofragmentbit;
                    string dofragmentDetail = "";
                    int morefragmentbit;
                    string morefragmentDetail = "";
                    if ((flagvalue & 128) != 0)
                        reserverdbit = 0;
                        rdetail = "Not set";
                        reserverdbit = 1;
                        rdetail = "Set";

                    if ((flagvalue & 64) == 0)
                        dofragmentbit = 0;
                        dofragmentDetail = "Not set";
                        flagString = "Don't frament";
                        dofragmentbit = 1;
                        dofragmentDetail = "Set";
                         flagString = "Frament";

                    if ((flagvalue & 32) == 0)
                        morefragmentbit = 0;
                        morefragmentDetail = "Not set";
                        morefragmentbit = 1;
                        morefragmentDetail = "Set";

                    tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                        Detail = "Flags: 0x02 (" + flagString + ")",
                        Children =
                            new Info
                                Detail =reserverdbit+ "... .... = Reserved bit: " + rdetail,

                            new Info
                                Detail ="." +dofragmentbit+ ".. .... = Don't fragment: "+dofragmentDetail,
                            new Info
                                Detail =".."+ morefragmentbit+ ". .... = More fragment: "+morefragmentDetail,

                else if (ipPacket.Protocol.ToString().CompareTo("UDP") == 0)
                    string flags = ipPacket.Header[6].ToString();
                    int flagvalue = 0;
                    for (int index = 0; index < flags.Length; ++index)
                        flagvalue *= 10;
                        flagvalue += (flags[index] - '0');

                    int reserverdbit = 1;
                    string rdetail = "";
                    int dofragmentbit;
                    string dofragmentDetail = "";
                    int morefragmentbit;
                    string morefragmentDetail = "";
                    if ((flagvalue & 128) != 0)
                        reserverdbit = 0;
                        rdetail = "Not set";
                        reserverdbit = 1;
                        rdetail = "Set";

                    if ((flagvalue & 64) == 0)
                        dofragmentbit = 0;
                        dofragmentDetail = "Not set";
                        dofragmentbit = 1;
                        dofragmentDetail = "Set";

                    if ((flagvalue & 32) == 0)
                        morefragmentbit = 0;
                        morefragmentDetail = "Not set";
                        morefragmentbit = 1;
                        morefragmentDetail = "Set";

                    tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                        Detail = "Flags: 0x00 ",
                        Children =
                            new Info
                                Detail =reserverdbit+ "... .... = Reserved bit: " + rdetail,

                            new Info
                                Detail ="." +dofragmentbit+ ".. .... = Don't fragment: "+dofragmentDetail,
                            new Info
                                Detail =".."+ morefragmentbit+ ". .... = More fragment: "+morefragmentDetail,


                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                   Detail = "Time To Live: " + ipPacket.TimeToLive.ToString(),

                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                   Detail = "Protocol: " + ipPacket.Protocol.ToString(),

                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Source: " + ipPacket.SourceAddress.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Destination: " + ipPacket.DestinationAddress.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.ARPPacket)
                var arpPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.ARPPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "Address Resolution Protocol (" + arpPacket.Operation.ToString() + ")";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Hardware type: " + arpPacket.HardwareAddressType.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Protocol type: " + arpPacket.ProtocolAddressType.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Hardware Size: " + arpPacket.HardwareAddressLength.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Protocol size: " + arpPacket.ProtocolAddressLength.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Opcode: " + arpPacket.Operation.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Sender Mac address: " + arpPacket.SenderHardwareAddress.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Sender Ip address: " + arpPacket.SenderProtocolAddress.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Target Mac address: " + arpPacket.TargetHardwareAddress.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Target Ip address: " + arpPacket.TargetProtocolAddress.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.UdpPacket)
                var udpPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.UdpPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: " + udpPacket.SourcePort.ToString() + ", Dst Port: " + udpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString();

                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Source Port: " + udpPacket.SourcePort.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Destination Port: " + udpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Checksum: " + udpPacket.Checksum.ToString(),
                    Children = { new Info
                        Detail = udpPacket.Checksum.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
                if ((udpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString().CompareTo("80") == 0) || (udpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString().CompareTo("8080") == 0) || (udpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString().CompareTo("1900") == 0))
                    Info temp = new Info();
                    temp.Detail = "Hypertext Transfer Protocol";
                        string str = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tempPacket.Bytes);
                        temp.Children.Add(new Info
                            Detail = str,
                    { }

                    InfoTreeViewControl ifvc1 = new InfoTreeViewControl(temp);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.TcpPacket)
                var tcpPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.TcpPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();

                tempRoot.Detail = "Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: " + tcpPacket.SourcePort.ToString() + ", Dst Port: " + tcpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString() + ", Seq: " + tcpPacket.SequenceNumber.ToString() + ", Ack: " + tcpPacket.Ack.ToString();
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Source Port: " + tcpPacket.SourcePort.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Destination Port: " + tcpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Sequence number: " + tcpPacket.SequenceNumber.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Acknowledgement number: " + tcpPacket.AcknowledgmentNumber.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Header length: " + tcpPacket.Header.Length.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Flags: ",
                    Children = { new Info
                        Detail = tcpPacket.AllFlags.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Window zise value: " + tcpPacket.WindowSize.ToString(),
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Checksum: " + tcpPacket.Checksum.ToString(),
                    Children = { new Info
                        Detail = tcpPacket.Checksum.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);

                if ((tcpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString().CompareTo("80") == 0) || (tcpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString().CompareTo("8080") == 0) || (tcpPacket.DestinationPort.ToString().CompareTo("1900") == 0))
                    Info temp = new Info();
                    temp.Detail = "Hypertext Transfer Protocol";
                        string str = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tempPacket.Bytes);
                        temp.Children.Add(new Info
                            Detail = str,
                    { }

                    InfoTreeViewControl ifvc1 = new InfoTreeViewControl(temp);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.ApplicationPacket)
                var applicationPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.ApplicationPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "Data";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = applicationPacket.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.ICMPv4Packet)
                var iCMPv4Packet = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.ICMPv4Packet;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "Internet Control Message Protocol v4";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Checksum: " + iCMPv4Packet.Checksum.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.ICMPv6Packet)
                var iCMPv6Packet = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.ICMPv6Packet;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "Internet Control Message Protocol v6";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "Checksum: " + iCMPv6Packet.Checksum.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.Ieee80211RadioPacket)
                var ieee80211RadioPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.Ieee80211RadioPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "Ieee80211RadioPacket";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    //Detail = ieee80211RadioPacket.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.DataLinkPacket)
                var dataLinkPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.DataLinkPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "DataLinkPacket";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    // Detail = dataLinkPacket.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.Ieee80211MacFrame)
                var ieee80211MacFrame = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.Ieee80211MacFrame;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "Ieee80211MacFrame";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    // Detail = ieee80211MacFrame.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.IGMPv2Packet)
                var iGMPv2Packet = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.IGMPv2Packet;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "IGMPv2Packet";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    //Detail = iGMPv2Packet.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.InternetPacket)
                var internetPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.InternetPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "InternetPacket";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    //Detail = internetPacket.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.LLDPPacket)
                var lLDPPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.LLDPPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "LLDPPacket";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    //Detail = lLDPPacket.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.PPPPacket)
                var pPPPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.PPPPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "PPPPacket";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    // Detail = pPPPacket.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.SessionPacket)
                var sessionPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.SessionPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "SessionPacket";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    //Detail = sessionPacket.ToString(),
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.TransportPacket)
                var transportPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.TransportPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "TransportPacket";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    Detail = "TransportPacket",
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
            else if (tempPacket is PacketDotNet.WakeOnLanPacket)
                var wakeOnLanPacket = tempPacket as PacketDotNet.WakeOnLanPacket;
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "WakeOnLanPacket";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    //Detail = "TransportPacket",
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
                Info tempRoot = new Info();
                tempRoot.Detail = "UnknowPacketType";
                tempRoot.Children.Add(new Info
                    //Detail = "TransportPacket",
                InfoTreeViewControl ifvc = new InfoTreeViewControl(tempRoot);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private static void PcapPorcessContext(PacketDotNet.RawPacket pPacket)
            var time = pPacket.Timeval.Date;
            var len = pPacket.Data.Length;
            var layer = pPacket.LinkLayerType;

            Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}:{2},{3} Len={4} Layer={5}",
                    time.Hour, time.Minute, time.Second, time.Millisecond, len, layer);

            var packet = PacketDotNet.Packet.ParsePacket(pPacket); //Raw基础包对象

            if (layer == PacketDotNet.LinkLayers.Ethernet) //以太网包
                var ethernetPacket = (PacketDotNet.EthernetPacket)packet;
                System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress srcMac = ethernetPacket.SourceHwAddress;
                System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress destMac = ethernetPacket.DestinationHwAddress;

                Console.WriteLine("MAC:{0} -> {1}", srcMac, destMac);
                if (showDetails) Console.WriteLine("Ethernet packet: " + ethernetPacket.ToColoredString(false));
            var ipPacket = PacketDotNet.IpPacket.GetEncapsulated(packet);  //IP包
            if (ipPacket != null)
                System.Net.IPAddress srcIp = ipPacket.SourceAddress;
                System.Net.IPAddress destIp = ipPacket.DestinationAddress;

                Console.WriteLine("IP: {0} -> {1}", srcIp, destIp);
                if (showDetails) Console.WriteLine("IP packet: " + ipPacket.ToColoredString(false));

                var tcpPacket = PacketDotNet.TcpPacket.GetEncapsulated(packet); //TCP包
                if (tcpPacket != null)
                    int srcPort = tcpPacket.SourcePort;
                    int destPort = tcpPacket.DestinationPort;

                    Console.WriteLine("TCP Port: {0} -> {1}", srcPort, destPort);
                    if (showDetails) Console.WriteLine("TCP packet: " + tcpPacket.ToColoredString(false));

                var udpPacket = PacketDotNet.UdpPacket.GetEncapsulated(packet); //UDP包
                if (udpPacket != null)
                    int srcPort = udpPacket.SourcePort;
                    int destPort = udpPacket.DestinationPort;

                    Console.WriteLine("UDP Port: {0} -> {1}", srcPort, destPort);
                    if (showDetails) Console.WriteLine("UDP packet: " + udpPacket.ToColoredString(false));