Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static ConfirmPayoutResult ConfirmPayout(string protoIdentity)
            protoIdentity = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(protoIdentity);

            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();

            if (
                !authData.Authority.HasAccess(new Access(authData.CurrentOrganization, AccessAspect.Financials, AccessType.Write)))
                throw new SecurityException("Insufficient privileges for operation");

            ConfirmPayoutResult result = new ConfirmPayoutResult();

            Payout payout = Payout.CreateFromProtoIdentity(authData.CurrentUser, protoIdentity);

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.PayoutCreated,
                                 authData.CurrentUser.Identity, 1, 1, 0, payout.Identity,

            // Create result and return it

            result.AssignedId     = payout.Identity;
            result.DisplayMessage = String.Format(Resources.Pages.Financial.PayOutMoney_PayoutCreated, payout.Identity,

Ejemplo n.º 2
        static public void Run()
            DateTime today = DateTime.Today;

            string lastRun = Persistence.Key["LastSalaryRun"];

            string expectedLastRun = today.ToString("yyyyMM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (lastRun != null && String.Compare(lastRun, expectedLastRun) >= 0)
                // nothing to do, return


            Persistence.Key["LastSalaryRun"] = expectedLastRun;

            // Process the payroll for all organizations. Assume payday is 25th.

            Payroll  payroll = Payroll.GetAll();
            DateTime payday  = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month, 25);

            Dictionary <int, double> salariesTotalPerBudget = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            foreach (PayrollItem payrollItem in payroll)
                Salary salary = Salary.Create(payrollItem, payday);
                PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateBot, EventType.SalaryCreated, 0, payrollItem.OrganizationId,
                                     0, payrollItem.Person.Identity, salary.Identity, string.Empty);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string         attendeeIdString = Request.QueryString["AttendeeId"];
        ParleyAttendee attendee         = ParleyAttendee.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(attendeeIdString));
        Parley         parley           = attendee.Parley;

        string expectedSecurityCode =
            SHA1.Hash(attendee.PersonId.ToString() + parley.Identity.ToString()).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8);

        if (attendee.Active)
            this.LabelResult.Text = "This attendee has already been confirmed.";
        else if (expectedSecurityCode == Request.QueryString["SecurityCode"])
            attendee.Active = true;

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.SignupPage, EventType.ParleyAttendeeConfirmed, attendee.PersonId,
                                 parley.OrganizationId, parley.GeographyId, attendee.PersonId, attendee.Identity,

            this.LabelResult.Text =
                "Attendance has been confirmed. Thank you for registering for the conference, and have fun!";
            this.LabelResult.Text =
                "We were unable to match the attendee identity with the security code. No attendance was confirmed.";
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Parley Create(Organization organization, Person person, FinancialAccount budgetInitial, string name, Geography geography, string description, string informationUrl, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Int64 budgetCents, Int64 guaranteeCents, Int64 attendanceFeeCents)
            Parley newParley =
                FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateParley(organization.Identity, person.Identity,
                                                                          -(budgetInitial.Identity), name, geography.Identity,
                                                                          description, informationUrl, startDate, endDate,
                                                                          budgetCents, guaranteeCents, attendanceFeeCents));

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.ParleyCreated, person.Identity, organization.Identity, 0, 0, newParley.Identity, string.Empty);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void SendInvoice()
            DateTime invoiceDue    = DateTime.Today.AddDays(14);
            DateTime maxInvoiceDue = this.Parley.StartDate.AddDays(-10);

            if (invoiceDue > maxInvoiceDue)
                invoiceDue = maxInvoiceDue;

            OutboundInvoice invoice = OutboundInvoice.Create(this.Parley.Organization, this.Parley.Person, invoiceDue,
                                                             this.Parley.Budget, this.Person.Name, this.Person.Mail,
                                                             this.Parley.Organization.DefaultCountry.Currency, true,

            invoice.AddItem("Deltagarkostnad " + this.Parley.Name, this.Parley.AttendanceFeeCents);  // TODO: Localize

            ParleyOptions options = this.Options;

            foreach (ParleyOption option in options)
                invoice.AddItem(option.Description, option.AmountCents);

            // Create the financial transaction with rows

            FinancialTransaction transaction =
                FinancialTransaction.Create(this.Parley.OrganizationId, DateTime.Now,
                                            "Outbound Invoice #" + invoice.Identity + " to " + this.Person.Name);

            transaction.AddRow(this.Parley.Organization.FinancialAccounts.AssetsOutboundInvoices, invoice.AmountCents, null);
            transaction.AddRow(this.Parley.Budget, -invoice.AmountCents, null);

            // Make the transaction dependent on the outbound invoice

            transaction.Dependency = invoice;

            // Create the event for PirateBot-Mono to send off mails

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.OutboundInvoiceCreated,
                                 this.PersonId, this.Parley.OrganizationId, 1, this.PersonId,
                                 invoice.Identity, string.Empty);

            // Update the attendee as invoiced

            base.Invoiced          = true;
            base.OutboundInvoiceId = invoice.Identity;

            SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().SetParleyAttendeeInvoiced(this.Identity, invoice.Identity);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static Refund Create(Payment payment, Person creatingPerson, Int64 amountCents)
            if (amountCents > payment.AmountCents)
                throw new ArgumentException("Refund amount cannot exceed payment amount");

            Refund refund = FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateRefund(payment.Identity, creatingPerson.Identity, amountCents));

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.RefundCreated, 0, refund.Payment.OutboundInvoice.Organization.Identity,
                                 Geography.RootIdentity, 0, refund.Identity, string.Empty);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static Payment Create(PaymentGroup group, double amount, string reference, string fromAccount, string key, bool hasImage)
            // Match against outbound invoice, too

            OutboundInvoice invoice = OutboundInvoice.FromReference(reference);

            // TODO: Verify that invoice is not already closed; if so, issue refund

            // TODO: Verify correct amount

            invoice.Open = false;

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.OutboundInvoicePaid, 0, group.Organization.Identity,
                                 Geography.RootIdentity, 0, invoice.Identity, string.Empty);

            return(FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreatePayment(group.Identity, amount, reference, fromAccount, key, hasImage,
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //public void Terminate ()
        //    Terminate(EventSource.Unknown);

        public void Terminate(EventSource eventSource, Person actingPerson, string description)
            // TODO: This needs a new overload for v5, which adds the Position and possibly removes the EventSource

            if (base.Active)
                // REMOVED: everything Roles related; being phased out

                //PWLog.Write (actingPerson.Identity, PWLogItem.Person, Person.Identity, PWLogAction.MemberLost,
                //    eventSource + ":" + description, string.Empty);
                PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.LostMember, actingPerson.Identity, OrganizationId, Person.GeographyId,
                                     Person.Identity, 0, OrganizationId.ToString());

                //Added LogChurn here to make SURE they always are logged with the membership.
                if (PersonId > 0 && OrganizationId > 0 && base.Expires.IsDefined())
                    ChurnData.LogChurn(PersonId, OrganizationId);
                base.Active         = false;
                base.DateTerminated = DateTime.Now;

                // Remove all newsletter subscriptions once the membership is terminated (to make sure default is now off and only turn off explicitly turned-on subscriptions)

                // HACK HACK HACK: uses feed IDs in an extremely ugly way to loop 1-9. Should use NewsletterFeeds.ForOrganization() once support for newsletters in different orgs are established.

                for (int newsletterFeedId = 1; newsletterFeedId < 10; newsletterFeedId++)
                        if (this._person.IsSubscribing(newsletterFeedId))
                            this._person.SetSubscription(newsletterFeedId, false);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // ignore nonexisting newsletter feeds -- this is a hack anyway
Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string address = Request.QueryString["Address"];

        Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
            Response.Write("No Address parameter (e.g. [email protected]) was given on the URL.\r\n");

        address = address.ToLowerInvariant();
        string account = address.Substring(0, address.IndexOf('@')).Replace(".", " ");

        People candidates = People.FromNamePattern(account);

        bool found = false;

        foreach (Person candidate in candidates)
            if (candidate.PartyEmail == address)
                found = true;
                if (candidate.CryptoFingerprint.Length > 4)
                    Response.Write(candidate.CryptoFingerprint + "\r\nis the pubkey fingerprint for " +
                                   HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(candidate.Canonical) + ".\r\n");
                    Response.Write("No key has been pregenerated for " + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(candidate.Canonical) + ".\r\nA crypto key has been requested. Return in a few minutes to collect its pubkey fingerprint.\r\n");
                    PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.CryptoKeyRequested, 0, 0, 0,
                                         candidate.Identity, 0, string.Empty);

        if (!found)
            Response.Write("No person was found with the supplied address.\r\n");
Ejemplo n.º 10
    protected void ButtonGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Person candidate = Person.FromIdentity((int)ViewState[this.ClientID + "SelectedCandidate"]);

        Election.September2010.SetCandidateDocumented(Organization.PPSE, candidate);

        candidate.PersonalNumber = Formatting.CleanNumber(this.TextPersonalNumber.Text);
        candidate.Phone          = Formatting.CleanNumber(this.TextPhone.Text);

        PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.CandidateDocumentationReceived,
                             _currentUser.Identity, Organization.PPSEid, 1, candidate.Identity,
                             Election.September2010.Identity, string.Empty);

        this.TextPersonalNumber.Text = string.Empty;
        this.TextPhone.Text          = string.Empty;
        this.LabelBallots.Text       = string.Empty;
        this.ComboCandidate.Text     = string.Empty;
        this.LabelCandidateName.Text = "---";

        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "OkMessage", @"alert ('" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(candidate.Canonical + " är klarerad att gå till val.").Replace("'", "''") + "');", true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void ProcessUpload()
            string serverPath = @"C:\Data\Uploads\PirateWeb";  // TODO: Read from web.config

            foreach (Telerik.Web.UI.UploadedFile file in this.Upload.UploadedFiles)
                string clientFileName = file.GetName();
                string extension      = file.GetExtension();

                string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(serverPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + file.GetName()));

                PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.FinancialDataUploaded, _currentUser.Identity,
                                     Int32.Parse(this.DropOrganizations.SelectedValue), Geography.RootIdentity,
                                     _currentUser.Identity, Int32.Parse(this.DropFilters.SelectedValue), base64);

                File.Delete(serverPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + file.GetName());

                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "alldone",
                                                        "alert ('File " + file.GetName().Replace("'", "''") + " was sent for further processing using the " + this.DropFilters.SelectedItem.Text + " filter. You will receive mail and/or SMS when processing has completed.');",
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected void ButtonSignup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsValid)
                return; // no action

            // Sign up this attendee, and create event to send confirmation mail

            ParleyAttendee newAttendee = _parley.CreateAttendee(this.TextNameFirst.Text, this.TextNameLast.Text, this.TextEmail.Text, false);

            // Add options

            ParleyOptions options = _parley.Options;

            foreach (ParleyOption option in options)
                CheckBox checkOption = (CheckBox)this.PlaceholderOptions.FindControl("CheckOption" + option.Identity.ToString());
                if (checkOption.Checked)

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.SignupPage, EventType.ParleyAttendeeCreated, newAttendee.PersonId,
                                 _parley.OrganizationId, _parley.GeographyId, newAttendee.PersonId, newAttendee.Identity,

            if (Request.UserLanguages.Length > 0)
                newAttendee.Person.PreferredCulture = Request.UserLanguages[0];

            this.PanelSignupCompleted.Visible = true;
            this.PanelSignup.Visible          = false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public OutboundInvoice Credit(Person creditingPerson)
            OutboundInvoice credit = Create(Organization, DateTime.Now,
                                            Budget, CustomerName,
                                            InvoiceAddressPaper, Currency,
                                            Domestic, TheirReference, creditingPerson);

            if (Domestic) // TODO: LANGUAGE
                credit.AddItem("Kredit för faktura " + Reference, -AmountCents);
                credit.AddItem("DETTA ÄR EN KREDITFAKTURA OCH SKA EJ BETALAS", 0.00);

                    String.Format("KREDITERAD {0:yyyy-MM-dd} i kreditfaktura {1}", DateTime.Today, credit.Reference),
                credit.AddItem("Credit for invoice " + Reference, -AmountCents);
                credit.AddItem("THIS IS A CREDIT. DO NOT PAY.", 0.00);

                    String.Format("CREDITED {0:yyyy-MM-dd} in credit invoice {1}", DateTime.Today, credit.Reference),

            CreditInvoice         = credit;
            credit.CreditsInvoice = this;

            credit.Open = false;

            // Create the financial transaction with rows

            FinancialTransaction transaction =
                FinancialTransaction.Create(credit.OrganizationId, DateTime.Now,
                                            "Credit Invoice #" + credit.Identity + " to " + credit.CustomerName);

                credit.AmountCents, creditingPerson);
            transaction.AddRow(credit.Budget, -credit.AmountCents, creditingPerson);

            // Make the transaction dependent on the credit

            transaction.Dependency = credit;

            // Create the event for PirateBot-Mono to send off mails

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.OutboundInvoiceCreated, creditingPerson.Identity,
                                 OrganizationId, Geography.RootIdentity, 0, credit.Identity, string.Empty);

            // If this invoice was already closed, issue a credit. If not closed, close it.

            if (Open)
                Open = false;
                Payment payment = Payment;

                if (payment != null)

Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void SetPaid()
     Open = false;
     PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.OutboundInvoicePaid, 0, OrganizationId,
                          Geography.RootIdentity, 0, Identity, string.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //public void Terminate ()
        //    Terminate(EventSource.Unknown);

        public void Terminate(EventSource eventSource, Person actingPerson, string description)
            if (base.Active)
                //Added removal of Roles here to make SURE they always are removed with the membership.
                Authority authority = Person.GetAuthority();

                int actingPersonId = actingPerson == null ? 0 : actingPerson.Identity;

                BasicPersonRole[] roles    = authority.AllPersonRoles;
                List <PersonRole> theRoles = new List <PersonRole>();

                foreach (BasicPersonRole basicRole in roles)
                    PersonRole personRole = PersonRole.FromBasic(basicRole);
                    if (personRole.OrganizationId == OrganizationId)
                        PWEvents.CreateEvent(eventSource, EventType.DeletedRole, actingPersonId,
                                             personRole.OrganizationId, personRole.GeographyId,
                                             Person.Identity, (int)personRole.Type,
                        PWLog.Write(actingPersonId, PWLogItem.Person, Person.Identity, PWLogAction.RoleDeleted,
                                    "Role " + personRole.Type + " of " + personRole.Geography.Name +
                                    " was deleted with membership.", string.Empty);

                //now check if this means that you no longer are a member of some uplevel org, then remove those roles as well
                foreach (PersonRole personRole in theRoles)
                    if (!Person.MemberOfWithInherited(personRole.Organization))
                        PWEvents.CreateEvent(eventSource, EventType.DeletedRole, actingPersonId,
                                             personRole.OrganizationId, personRole.GeographyId,
                                             Person.Identity, (int)personRole.Type,
                        PWLog.Write(actingPersonId, PWLogItem.Person, Person.Identity, PWLogAction.RoleDeleted,
                                    "Role " + personRole.Type + " of " + personRole.Geography.Name +
                                    " was deleted with membership of all suborgs.", string.Empty);

                EventSource src = EventSource.PirateWeb;
                    if (HttpContext.Current == null)
                        src = EventSource.PirateBot;
                    src = EventSource.PirateBot;

                PWLog.Write(actingPersonId, PWLogItem.Person, Person.Identity, PWLogAction.MemberLost,
                            eventSource + ":" + description, string.Empty);
                PWEvents.CreateEvent(src, EventType.LostMember, actingPersonId, OrganizationId, Person.GeographyId,
                                     Person.Identity, 0, OrganizationId.ToString());

                //Added LogChurn here to make SURE they always are logged with the membership.
                if (PersonId > 0 && OrganizationId > 0 && base.Expires != new DateTime(1900, 1, 1))
                    ChurnData.LogChurn(PersonId, OrganizationId);
                base.Active         = false;
                base.DateTerminated = DateTime.Now;

                // Remove all newsletter subscriptions once the membership is terminated (to make sure default is now off and only turn off explicitly turned-on subscriptions)

                // HACK HACK HACK: uses feed IDs in an extremely ugly way to loop 1-9. Should use NewsletterFeeds.ForOrganization() once support for newsletters in different orgs are established.

                for (int newsletterFeedId = 1; newsletterFeedId < 10; newsletterFeedId++)
                        if (this.person.IsSubscribing(newsletterFeedId))
                            this.person.SetSubscription(newsletterFeedId, false);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // ignore nonexisting newsletter feeds -- this is a hack anyway
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Attest(Person attester)
            if (Attested)

            // If needed, create new account for parley

            FinancialAccount ourBudget;
            FinancialAccount parentBudget;
            int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

            if (base.BudgetId < 0) // no account created yet
                ourBudget = FinancialAccount.Create(Budget.Organization,
                                                    "Conf: " + Name,

                parentBudget = Budget;

                base.BudgetId   = ourBudget.Identity;
                ourBudget.Owner = Person;
                SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().SetParleyBudget(Identity, ourBudget.Identity);
                // The budget has been created already - we should already be initialized. Verify this
                // by checking that we were already attested once.

                if (!AttestedOnce)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              "Budget exists despite parley not having been attested. This should not be possible.");

                ourBudget    = Budget;
                parentBudget = ParentBudget;

            ourBudget.SetBudgetCents(DateTime.Today.Year, -BudgetCents);
                                        parentBudget.GetBudgetCents(year) + BudgetCents); // cost budgets are negative

            // Reserve the guarantee money

            FinancialTransaction guaranteeFundsTx = FinancialTransaction.Create(OrganizationId, DateTime.Now,
                                                                                "Conference #" +
                                                                                Identity + " Guarantee");

            guaranteeFundsTx.AddRow(Budget, -GuaranteeCents, attester);
            guaranteeFundsTx.AddRow(Budget.Parent, GuaranteeCents, attester);

            // Finally, set as attested

                EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.ParleyAttested, attester.Identity,
                OrganizationId, 0, 0, Identity, string.Empty);

            base.Attested = true;
            SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().SetParleyAttested(Identity, true);
                                                                      FinancialDependencyType.Parley, Identity,
                                                                      DateTime.Now, attester.Identity, (double)(GuaranteeDecimal));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // This should run daily, suggested right after midnight.

        public static void ChurnExpiredMembers()
            Organizations organizations = Organizations.GetAll();

            foreach (Organization organization in organizations)
                Memberships memberships = Memberships.GetExpired(organization);
                // Mail each expiring member

                foreach (Membership membership in memberships)
                    //only remove expired memberships
                    if (membership.Expires > DateTime.Now.Date)

                    Person person = membership.Person;

                    // Remove all roles and responsibilities for this person in the org

                    Authority authority = person.GetAuthority();

                    foreach (BasicPersonRole basicRole in authority.LocalPersonRoles)
                        PersonRole personRole = PersonRole.FromBasic(basicRole);
                        if (personRole.OrganizationId == membership.OrganizationId)
                            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateBot, EventType.DeletedRole, person.Identity,
                                                 personRole.OrganizationId, personRole.GeographyId, person.Identity,

                    // Mail

                    Memberships personMemberships   = person.GetMemberships();
                    Memberships membershipsToDelete = new Memberships();
                    foreach (Membership personMembership in personMemberships)
                        if (personMembership.Expires <= DateTime.Now.Date)

                    ExpiredMail expiredmail    = new ExpiredMail();
                    string      membershipsIds = "";

                    if (membershipsToDelete.Count > 1)
                        foreach (Membership personMembership in membershipsToDelete)
                            membershipsIds += "," + personMembership.MembershipId;
                        membershipsIds = membershipsIds.Substring(1);
                        string expiredMemberships = "";
                        foreach (Membership personMembership in membershipsToDelete)
                            if (personMembership.OrganizationId != organization.Identity)
                                expiredMemberships += ", " + personMembership.Organization.Name;
                        expiredMemberships      += ".  ";
                        expiredmail.pMemberships = expiredMemberships.Substring(2).Trim();

                    //TODO: URL for renewal, recieving end of this is NOT yet implemented...
                    // intended to recreate the memberships in MID
                    string tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + membership.Expires.Year;
                    string stdLink   = "https://pirateweb.net/Pages/Public/SE/People/MemberRenew.aspx?MemberId=" +
                                       person.Identity +
                                       "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8) +
                                       "&MID=" + membershipsIds;

                    expiredmail.pStdRenewLink = stdLink;
                    expiredmail.pOrgName      = organization.MailPrefixInherited;

                    person.SendNotice(expiredmail, organization.Identity);


                    string orgIdString = string.Empty;

                    foreach (Membership personMembership in membershipsToDelete)
                        if (personMembership.Active)
                            orgIdString += " " + personMembership.OrganizationId;

                            personMembership.Terminate(EventSource.PirateBot, null, "Member churned in housekeeping.");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override bool Handle(PhoneMessage msg)
            // renew memberships
            // if there is a third parameter it is the person#
            string[] smsParts = msg.Message.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            int personId = 0;

            if (smsParts.Length > 2)
                // personid is specified
                    personId = Int32.Parse(smsParts[2]);
                    PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.CustomServiceInterface, EventType.ReceivedMembershipPayment,
                                         personId, Organization.PPSEid, 0, personId, 0,
                                         msg.Message.Replace(" ", "_") + "/" + msg.FromNumber);
                    msg.ReplyMessage = "Det kommer strax ett e-mail som bekräftar förnyelsen.";

                    return(true); // Handled;
                catch (Exception)
                    msg.ReplyMessage += "Kunde inte tolka tredje parametern (medlemsnummer).";
                    msg.ErrorMessage += "Person# parameter not valid.\r\nHave replied: " + msg.ReplyMessage;
                // personid is NOT specified, base on phone number
                if (msg.People.Count > 0)
                    int    countOfMembers = 0;
                    Person person         = null;
                    foreach (BasicPerson bPerson in msg.People.Values)
                        person = Person.FromBasic(bPerson);
                        if (person.GetRecentMemberships(Membership.GracePeriod).Count > 0)
                    if (countOfMembers == 1)
                        PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.CustomServiceInterface, EventType.ReceivedMembershipPayment,
                                             person.PersonId, Organization.PPSEid, 0, personId, 0,
                                             msg.Message.Replace(" ", "_") + "/" + msg.FromNumber);
                        msg.ReplyMessage = "Det kommer strax ett e-mail som bekräftar förnyelsen.";

                        return(true); // Handled;
                        msg.ReplyMessage = "Misslyckades utföra åtgärden.";
                        msg.ErrorMessage = "\r\nRequest to renew membership.";
                        msg.ErrorMessage = "\r\nMultiple hits.\r\n\r\nHave replied:" + msg.ReplyMessage;
                    msg.ReplyMessage = "Misslyckades utföra åtgärden: Vi kunde inte hitta ditt telefonnummer i vårt register.";
                    msg.ErrorMessage = "\r\nRequest to renew membership.";
                    msg.ErrorMessage = "\r\nDid not find the phone number in the database.\r\n\r\nHave replied:" + msg.ReplyMessage;
