Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SettingsWindow_Closing(object?sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            //don't close the window, only hide it
            e.Cancel = true;

            //activate the mainwindow before hiding the settingswindow

            //hide the settings window
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async void CheckUpdatesBtn_Click(object?sender, global::Avalonia.Interactivity.RoutedEventArgs e)
            //check for updates if there is an intenet connection
            if (PV_CheckForInternetConnection() == true)
                if (PV_CheckForUpdates() == true)
                    //show a contentdialog to prompt the user to update
                    ContentDialog UpdateDialog = new ContentDialog();
                    UpdateDialog.Title             = "Update available";
                    UpdateDialog.Content           = "An update is available, would you like to download it?";
                    UpdateDialog.PrimaryButtonText = " Yes ";
                    UpdateDialog.CloseButtonText   = " No ";
                    UpdateDialog.DefaultButton     = ContentDialogButton.Primary;
                    ContentDialogResult result = await UpdateDialog.ShowAsync();

                    if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
                        //navigate to the update page and shutdown the application

                        if (PV_MainWindow != null)
                else if (PV_CheckForUpdates() == false)
                    //show a contentdialog to show that there are no updates available
                    ContentDialog NoUpdateDialog = new ContentDialog();
                    NoUpdateDialog.Title           = "You're up to date!";
                    NoUpdateDialog.Content         = "No updates are available for LauncherX";
                    NoUpdateDialog.CloseButtonText = " OK ";
                    NoUpdateDialog.DefaultButton   = ContentDialogButton.Close;
                    ContentDialogResult result = await NoUpdateDialog.ShowAsync();
            else if (PV_CheckForInternetConnection() == false)
                //no internet conntection available, show an error message
                ContentDialog NoInternetDialog = new ContentDialog();
                NoInternetDialog.Title   = "No internet connection";
                NoInternetDialog.Content = "LauncherX cannot check for updates as there is no internet connection. " +
                                           "Connect to the internet and try again";;
                NoInternetDialog.CloseButtonText = " OK ";
                NoInternetDialog.DefaultButton   = ContentDialogButton.Close;
                ContentDialogResult result = await NoInternetDialog.ShowAsync();