Ejemplo n.º 1
            public static kindE kindE_from_PTokE(PTokE ptokE)       // this does not destinguish between prop and special_prop
                switch (ptokE)
                case PTokE.OP_dot:          return(kindE.val_field);

                case PTokE.OP_star:         return(kindE.ref_field);

                case PTokE.OP_percent:      return(kindE.property);

                case PTokE.OP_special_prop: return(kindE.property);

                default: throw new Exception();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // there is no technical reason to have this in the same static class, since it's not an extension method, there is also little reason not to ....

        public static IEnumerable <PTokBase> toks_form_JSonValue(JsonArray jArr)
            foreach (JsonObject jObj in jArr)
                if (jObj["E"] == "Whitespace")
                    yield return new PTokWhitespace {
                               len = jObj["len"]
                    PTokE E = (PTokE)Enum.Parse(typeof(PTokE), jObj["E"]);

                    yield return(new PTok {
                        E = E, pay = jObj["pay"]