Ejemplo n.º 1
		internal SCANanomaly(string s, double lon, double lat, PQSMod m)
			name = s;
			longitude = lon;
			latitude = lat;
			known = false;
			mod = m;
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the parameters of the PQSMod
 /// </summary>
 Boolean IPQSModTweaker.Tweak(CelestialBody body, PQSMod mod)
     if (mod is T)
         return(Tweak(body, (T)mod));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal SCANanomaly(string s, double lon, double lat, PQSMod m)
     name      = s;
     longitude = lon;
     latitude  = lat;
     known     = false;
     mod       = m;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Creates the a PQSMod of type T
 void ICreatable <PQSMod> .Create(PQSMod value)
         Create((T)value, PqsVersion);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Scale By Radius
        void ScaleByRadius(PQSMod mod, double Resize)
            FieldInfo scaleByRadius = mod.GetType().GetField("scaleDeformityByRadius");

            if (scaleByRadius?.FieldType == typeof(bool) && (scaleByRadius?.GetValue(mod) as bool?) == true)
                FieldInfo deformity = mod.GetType().GetField("heightMapDeformity");

                if (deformity == null)
                    deformity = mod.GetType().GetField("deformity");

                if (deformity?.FieldType == typeof(double))
                    deformity.SetValue(mod, (double)deformity.GetValue(mod) / Resize);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public BillboardObject(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_BillboardObject;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public FlattenOcean(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_FlattenOcean;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 // Creates the a PQSMod of type T
 void ICreatable <PQSMod> .Create(PQSMod value)
     Create((T)value, PqsVersion);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public RemoveQuadMap(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_RemoveQuadMap;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 10
            /// <summary>
            /// Renders the Window
            /// </summary>
            protected override void Render(Int32 id)
                // Call base

                // Check for PQS
                if (Current.pqsController == null)
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_ADD, () =>
                        // Create a new PQS
                        GameObject controllerRoot       = new GameObject(Current.name);
                        controllerRoot.transform.parent = Current.transform;
                        PQS pqsVersion = controllerRoot.AddComponent <PQS>();

                        // I am at this time unable to determine some of the magic parameters which cause the PQS to work... (Or just lazy but who cares :P)
                        PSystemBody Laythe = Utility.FindBody(Injector.StockSystemPrefab.rootBody, "Laythe");
                        Utility.CopyObjectFields(Laythe.pqsVersion, pqsVersion);
                        pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial = Laythe.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial;

                        // Create the fallback material (always the same shader)
                        pqsVersion.fallbackMaterial      = new PQSProjectionFallbackLoader();
                        pqsVersion.fallbackMaterial.name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                        // Create the celestial body transform
                        GameObject mod       = new GameObject("_CelestialBody");
                        mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
                        PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform transform = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>();
                        transform.sphere                        = pqsVersion;
                        transform.forceActivate                 = false;
                        transform.deactivateAltitude            = 115000;
                        transform.forceRebuildOnTargetChange    = false;
                        transform.planetFade                    = new PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade();
                        transform.planetFade.fadeFloatName      = "_PlanetOpacity";
                        transform.planetFade.fadeStart          = 100000.0f;
                        transform.planetFade.fadeEnd            = 110000.0f;
                        transform.planetFade.valueStart         = 0.0f;
                        transform.planetFade.valueEnd           = 1.0f;
                        transform.planetFade.secondaryRenderers = new List <GameObject>();
                        transform.secondaryFades                = new PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade[0];
                        transform.requirements                  = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                        transform.modEnabled                    = true;
                        transform.order = 10;

                        // Create the material direction
                        mod = new GameObject("_Material_SunLight");
                        mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.gameObject.transform;
                        PQSMod_MaterialSetDirection lightDirection = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_MaterialSetDirection>();
                        lightDirection.sphere       = pqsVersion;
                        lightDirection.valueName    = "_sunLightDirection";
                        lightDirection.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                        lightDirection.modEnabled   = true;
                        lightDirection.order        = 100;

                        // Create the UV planet relative position
                        mod = new GameObject("_Material_SurfaceQuads");
                        mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
                        PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition uvs = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition>();
                        uvs.sphere       = pqsVersion;
                        uvs.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                        uvs.modEnabled   = true;
                        uvs.order        = 999999;

                        // Crete the quad mesh colliders
                        mod = new GameObject("QuadMeshColliders");
                        mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.gameObject.transform;
                        PQSMod_QuadMeshColliders collider = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_QuadMeshColliders>();
                        collider.sphere                          = pqsVersion;
                        collider.maxLevelOffset                  = 0;
                        collider.physicsMaterial                 = new PhysicMaterial();
                        collider.physicsMaterial.name            = "Ground";
                        collider.physicsMaterial.dynamicFriction = 0.6f;
                        collider.physicsMaterial.staticFriction  = 0.8f;
                        collider.physicsMaterial.bounciness      = 0.0f;
                        collider.physicsMaterial.frictionCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Maximum;
                        collider.physicsMaterial.bounceCombine   = PhysicMaterialCombine.Average;
                        collider.requirements                    = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                        collider.modEnabled                      = true;
                        collider.order = 100;

                        // Assing the new PQS
                        Current.pqsController              = pqsVersion;
                        pqsVersion.transform.position      = Current.transform.position;
                        pqsVersion.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                        // Set mode
                        _mode = Modes.List;
                    }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));

                // Mode List
                if (_mode == Modes.List)
                    // Get the PQS-Spheres and their mods
                    IEnumerable <PQS>    pqsList    = Current.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true);
                    IEnumerable <PQSMod> pqsModList = Current.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true);

                    // Scroll
                    BeginScrollView(250, (pqsList.Count() + pqsModList.Count()) * distance + distance * 4, 20);

                    // Index
                    index = 0;

                    // Render
                    foreach (PQS pqs in pqsList)
                        Button(pqs.ToString(), () =>
                            _mode   = Modes.PQS;
                            _sphere = pqs;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));
                    foreach (PQSMod mod in pqsModList)
                        Button(mod.ToString(), () =>
                            _mode   = Modes.PQSMod;
                            _sphere = mod.sphere;
                            _mod    = mod;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_ADD_MOD, () => _mode = Modes.AddMod, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));
                    if (Current.pqsController.ChildSpheres.All(s => s.name != Current.pqsController.name + "Ocean"))
                        Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_ADD_OCEAN, () =>
                            // Generate the PQS object
                            GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("Ocean");
                            gameObject.layer      = Constants.GameLayers.LocalSpace;
                            PQS ocean             = gameObject.AddComponent <PQS>();

                            // Setup materials
                            PSystemBody Body = Utility.FindBody(Injector.StockSystemPrefab.rootBody, "Laythe");
                            foreach (PQS oc in Body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true))
                                if (oc.name != "LaytheOcean")

                                // Copying Laythes Ocean-properties
                                Utility.CopyObjectFields <PQS>(oc, ocean);

                            // Load our new Material into the PQS
                            ocean.surfaceMaterial      = new PQSOceanSurfaceQuadLoader(ocean.surfaceMaterial);
                            ocean.surfaceMaterial.name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                            // Load fallback material into the PQS
                            ocean.fallbackMaterial      = new PQSOceanSurfaceQuadFallbackLoader(ocean.fallbackMaterial);
                            ocean.fallbackMaterial.name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                            // Create the UV planet relative position
                            GameObject mod       = new GameObject("_Material_SurfaceQuads");
                            mod.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                            PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition uvs = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition>();
                            uvs.sphere       = ocean;
                            uvs.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                            uvs.modEnabled   = true;
                            uvs.order        = 999999;

                            // Create the AerialPerspective Material
                            AerialPerspectiveMaterial mat = new AerialPerspectiveMaterial();

                            // Create the OceanFX
                            OceanFX oceanFX = new OceanFX();

                            // Apply the Ocean
                            ocean.transform.parent = Current.pqsController.transform;

                            // Add the ocean PQS to the secondary renders of the CelestialBody Transform
                            PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform transform = Current.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).FirstOrDefault(mod_ => mod_.transform.parent == Current.pqsController.transform);
                            typeof(PQS).GetField("_childSpheres", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)?.SetValue(Current.pqsController, null);

                            // Names!
                            ocean.name            = Current.pqsController.name + "Ocean";
                            ocean.gameObject.name = Current.pqsController.name + "Ocean";
                            ocean.transform.name  = Current.pqsController.name + "Ocean";

                            // Set up the ocean PQS
                            ocean.parentSphere            = Current.pqsController;
                            ocean.transform.position      = Current.pqsController.transform.position;
                            ocean.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                            ocean.radius = Current.Radius;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));
                        Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_REMOVE_OCEAN, () =>
                            // Find atmosphere the ocean PQS
                            PQS ocean = Current.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true).First(pqs => pqs != Current.pqsController);
                            PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform cbt = Current.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).First();

                            // Destroy the ocean PQS (this could be bad - destroying the secondary fades...)
                            typeof(PQS).GetField("_childSpheres", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)?.SetValue(Current.pqsController, null);
                            cbt.secondaryFades     = new PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade[0];
                            ocean.transform.parent = null;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));

                    // End Scroll

                // Mode PQS
                if (_mode == Modes.PQS)
                    // Scroll
                    BeginScrollView(250, Utils.GetScrollSize <PQS>() + Utils.GetScrollSize <HazardousOcean>() + distance * 1, 20);

                    // Index
                    index = 0;

                    // Render the PQS

                    // If it is an ocean, create an Hazardous Ocean button
                    if (PQSOceanSurfaceQuad.UsesSameShader(_sphere.surfaceMaterial))
                        Label("hazardousOcean"); index--;
                        if (_sphere.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>() != null)
                            Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_EDIT, () =>
                                UIController.Instance.SetEditedObject(KittopiaWindows.Curve, _sphere.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>().heatCurve ?? new FloatCurve(), c => _sphere.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>().heatCurve = c);
                            }, new Rect(200, index * distance + 10, 75, 20)); index--;
                            Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_REMOVE, () => UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(_sphere.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>()), new Rect(285, index * distance + 10, 75, 20));
                            Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_ADD_HAZOCEAN, () => _sphere.gameObject.AddComponent <HazardousOcean>(), new Rect(200, index * distance + 10, 170, 20));

                    // Rebuild
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_REBUILD, () => _sphere.RebuildSphere());

                    // End Scroll

                // Mode PQSMod
                if (_mode == Modes.PQSMod)
                    // Scroll
                    BeginScrollView(250, Utils.GetScrollSize(_mod.GetType()) + distance * 5, 20);

                    // Index
                    index = 0;

                    // Render the PQS

                    // Rebuild
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_REBUILD, () => _sphere.RebuildSphere());

                    // Remove
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_REMOVE_MOD, () =>
                        _mod.sphere = null;
                        _mod = null;

                        // Hack

                        _mode = Modes.List;

                    // End Scroll

                // Mode AddPQSMod
                if (_mode == Modes.AddMod)
                    // Get all PQSMod types
                    List <Type> types = Parser.ModTypes.Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PQSMod))).ToList();

                    // Begin Scroll
                    BeginScrollView(250, types.Count * distance + 10, 20);

                    // Index
                    index = 0;

                    // Render the possible types
                    foreach (Type t in types)
                        Button(t.FullName, () =>
                            // Hack^6
                            GameObject pqsModObject       = new GameObject(t.Name);
                            pqsModObject.transform.parent = Current.pqsController.transform;
                            PQSMod mod = pqsModObject.AddComponent(t) as PQSMod;
                            mod.sphere = Current.pqsController;

                            if (t == typeof(PQSMod_VoronoiCraters))
                                PQS mun = Utility.FindBody(Injector.StockSystemPrefab.rootBody, "Mun").pqsVersion;
                                PQSMod_VoronoiCraters craters = mun.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_VoronoiCraters>()[0];
                                PQSMod_VoronoiCraters nc      = pqsModObject.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_VoronoiCraters>()[0];
                                nc.craterColourRamp           = craters.craterColourRamp;
                                nc.craterCurve = craters.craterCurve;
                                nc.jitterCurve = craters.jitterCurve;
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSMod_VertexPlanet))
                                PQSMod_VertexPlanet vp     = mod as PQSMod_VertexPlanet;
                                vp.landClasses             = new [] { new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.LandClass("Class", 0, 1, Color.black, Color.white, 0) };
                                vp.continental             = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                vp.continentalRuggedness   = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                vp.continentalSharpness    = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.NoiseModWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                vp.continentalSharpnessMap = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                vp.terrainType             = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSMod_HeightColorMap))
                                (mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMap).landClasses = new [] { new PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass("Class", 0, 1, Color.black, Color.white, 0) };
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSMod_HeightColorMap2))
                                (mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMap2).landClasses = new[] { new PQSMod_HeightColorMap2.LandClass("Class", 0, 1, Color.black, Color.white, 0) };
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise))
                                (mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise).landClasses = new[] { new PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise.LandClass("Class", 0, 1, Color.black, Color.white, 0) };
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSLandControl))
                                PQSLandControl lc  = mod as PQSLandControl;
                                lc.altitudeSimplex = new Simplex();
                                lc.scatters        = new PQSLandControl.LandClassScatter[0];
                                lc.landClasses     = new [] { new PQSLandControl.LandClass()
                                                                  altitudeRange       = new PQSLandControl.LerpRange(),
                                                                  coverageSimplex     = new Simplex(),
                                                                  longitudeRange      = new PQSLandControl.LerpRange(),
                                                                  latitudeDoubleRange = new PQSLandControl.LerpRange(),
                                                                  latitudeRange       = new PQSLandControl.LerpRange(),
                                                                  scatter             = new PQSLandControl.LandClassScatterAmount[0]
                                                              } };
                                lc.latitudeSimplex  = new Simplex();
                                lc.longitudeSimplex = new Simplex();

                            // Edit the mod
                            _mod    = mod;
                            _sphere = mod.sphere;
                            _mode   = Modes.PQSMod;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));

                    // End Scroll
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public VertexColorNoiseRGB(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexColorNoiseRGB;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        // Generate the scaled space mesh using PQS (all results use scale of 1)
        public static Mesh ComputeScaledSpaceMesh(CelestialBody body, PQS pqs)
            // We need to get the body for Jool (to steal it's mesh)
            const Double rScaledJool          = 1000.0f;
            Double       rMetersToScaledUnits = (Single)(rScaledJool / body.Radius);

            // Generate a duplicate of the Jool mesh
            Mesh mesh = DuplicateMesh(Templates.ReferenceGeosphere);


            // If this body has a PQS, we can create a more detailed object
            if (pqs != null)
                // first we enable all maps

                // The game object the PQS is attached to
                GameObject pqsVersionGameObject = null;
                if (Injector.IsInPrefab)
                    // In order to generate the scaled space we have to enable the mods.  Since this is
                    // a prefab they don't get disabled as kill game performance.  To resolve this we
                    // clone the PQS, use it, and then delete it when done
                    pqsVersionGameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(pqs.gameObject);
                    // At runtime we simply use the PQS that is active
                    pqsVersionGameObject = pqs.gameObject;
                PQS pqsVersion = pqsVersionGameObject.GetComponent <PQS>();

                // Load the PQS of the ocean
                PQS pqsOcean = pqs.ChildSpheres?.FirstOrDefault();

                // Deactivate blacklisted Mods
                Type[] blacklist = { typeof(PQSMod_OnDemandHandler) };
                foreach (PQSMod mod in pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true)
                         .Where(m => m.enabled && blacklist.Contains(m.GetType())))
                    mod.modEnabled = false;

                // Find the PQS mods and enable the PQS-sphere
                PQSMod[] mods = pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true)
                                .Where(m => m.modEnabled && m.transform.parent == pqsVersion.transform).OrderBy(m => m.order).ToArray();
                foreach (PQSMod flatten in mods.Where(m => m is PQSMod_FlattenArea))
                    flatten.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                    .First(f => f.FieldType == typeof(Boolean)).SetValue(flatten, true);

                // Do the same for the ocean
                PQSMod[] oceanMods = new PQSMod[0];
                if (pqsOcean != null)
                    oceanMods = pqsOcean.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true)
                                .Where(m => m.modEnabled && m.transform.parent == pqsOcean.transform).OrderBy(m => m.order).ToArray();
                    foreach (PQSMod flatten in oceanMods.Where(m => m is PQSMod_FlattenArea))
                        flatten.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                        .First(f => f.FieldType == typeof(Boolean)).SetValue(flatten, true);

                    pqsOcean.isBuildingMaps = true;

                pqsVersion.isBuildingMaps = true;

                // If we were able to find PQS mods
                if (mods.Any())
                    // Generate the PQS modifications
                    Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
                    for (Int32 i = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++)
                        // Get the UV coordinate of this vertex
                        Vector2 uv = mesh.uv[i];

                        // Since this is a geosphere, normalizing the vertex gives the direction from center center
                        Vector3 direction = vertices[i];

                        // Build the vertex data object for the PQS mods
                        PQS.VertexBuildData vertex = new PQS.VertexBuildData();
                        vertex.directionFromCenter = direction;
                        vertex.vertHeight          = body.Radius;
                        vertex.u = uv.x;
                        vertex.v = uv.y;

                        // Build from the PQS
                        foreach (PQSMod mod in mods)

                        // Check for sea level
                        if (pqsOcean != null)
                            // Build the vertex data object for the ocean
                            PQS.VertexBuildData vertexOcean = new PQS.VertexBuildData();
                            vertexOcean.directionFromCenter = direction;
                            vertexOcean.vertHeight          = body.Radius;
                            vertexOcean.u = uv.x;
                            vertexOcean.v = uv.y;

                            // Build from the PQS
                            foreach (PQSMod mod in oceanMods)

                            vertex.vertHeight = Math.Max(vertex.vertHeight, vertexOcean.vertHeight);

                        // Adjust the displacement
                        vertices[i] = direction * (Single)(vertex.vertHeight * rMetersToScaledUnits);
                    mesh.vertices = vertices;

                // Cleanup
                if (pqsOcean != null)
                    pqsOcean.isBuildingMaps = false;
                pqsVersion.isBuildingMaps = false;

                // If we are working with a copied PQS, clean it up
                if (Injector.IsInPrefab)

            // Return the generated scaled space mesh
 public VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
 public MaterialFadeAltitudeDouble(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_MaterialFadeAltitudeDouble;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
 public VertexSimplexMultiChromatic(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexSimplexMultiChromatic;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public FlattenAreaTangential(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_FlattenAreaTangential;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 17
            /// <summary>
            /// Writes a PQS to a new config node
            /// </summary>
            public static void WritePQSToConfigNode(PQS pqsVersion, ref ConfigNode body, bool ocean)
                ConfigNode pqs = null;

                if (!ocean)
                    CelestialBody cb        = pqsVersion.GetComponentInParent <CelestialBody>();
                    PQSLoader     pqsLoader = new PQSLoader(cb);
                    pqs = WriteObjectToConfigNode("PQS", ref body, pqsLoader);
                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("Material", ref pqs, pqsLoader.surfaceMaterial);
                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("FallbackMaterial", ref pqs, pqsLoader.fallbackMaterial);
                    if (pqsLoader.physicsMaterial.Value != null)
                        WriteObjectToConfigNode("PhysicsMaterial", ref pqs, pqsLoader.physicsMaterial);
                    CelestialBody cb          = pqsVersion.parentSphere.GetComponentInParent <CelestialBody>();
                    OceanLoader   oceanLoader = new OceanLoader(cb);
                    pqs = WriteObjectToConfigNode("Ocean", ref body, oceanLoader);
                    pqs.AddValue("ocean", pqsVersion.parentSphere.mapOcean && cb.ocean);
                    pqs.AddValue("oceanColor", pqsVersion.parentSphere.mapOceanColor);
                    pqs.AddValue("oceanHeight", pqsVersion.parentSphere.mapOceanHeight);
                    pqs.AddValue("density", cb.oceanDensity);
                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("Material", ref pqs, oceanLoader.surfaceMaterial);
                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("FallbackMaterial", ref pqs, oceanLoader.fallbackMaterial);
                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("Fog", ref pqs, new FogLoader(Part.GetComponentUpwards <CelestialBody>(pqsVersion.gameObject)));
                    if (pqsVersion.gameObject.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>() != null)
                        pqsVersion.gameObject.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>().heatCurve.Save(pqs.AddNode("HazardousOcean"));

                // Mods
                IEnumerable <PQSMod> mods = pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true).Where(m => (ocean || m.sphere == pqsVersion) && !(m is PQSCity) && !(m is PQSCity2));

                // Get all loaded types
                IEnumerable <Type> types = AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies.SelectMany(a => a.assembly.GetTypes());

                if (mods.Count() != 0)
                    ConfigNode modsNode = pqs.AddNode("Mods");
                    foreach (PQSMod Mod in mods)
                        // Fix PQSMods
                        PQSMod mod = Mod;

                        Type loaderType = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == Mod.GetType().Name.Replace("PQSMod_", "").Replace("PQS", ""));

                        // No loader
                        if (loaderType == null)

                        // Create the loader
                        object loader = Activator.CreateInstance(loaderType);

                        // Reflection, because C# being silly... :/
                        PropertyInfo info = loaderType.GetProperty("mod");
                        if (info == null)
                        info.SetValue(loader, mod, null);

                        // Load
                        ConfigNode           modNode      = WriteObjectToConfigNode(loaderType.Name, ref modsNode, loader);
                        IEnumerable <PQSMod> existingMods = pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true).Where(m => m.GetType() == mod.GetType() && m.sphere == pqsVersion && m.name == mod.name);
                        modNode.AddValue("index", existingMods.ToList().IndexOf(mod));

                        // Submods
                        PQSMod_HeightColorMap hcm = mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMap;
                        if (hcm?.landClasses != null)
                            ConfigNode landClasses = modNode.AddNode("LandClasses");
                            foreach (PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass landClass in hcm.landClasses)
                                WriteObjectToConfigNode("Class", ref landClasses, new HeightColorMap.LandClassLoader(landClass));
                        PQSMod_HeightColorMap2 hcm2 = mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMap2;
                        if (hcm2?.landClasses != null)
                            ConfigNode landClasses = modNode.AddNode("LandClasses");
                            foreach (PQSMod_HeightColorMap2.LandClass landClass in hcm2.landClasses)
                                WriteObjectToConfigNode("Class", ref landClasses, new HeightColorMap2.LandClassLoader(landClass));
                        PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise hcmNoise = mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise;
                        if (hcmNoise?.landClasses != null)
                            ConfigNode landClasses = modNode.AddNode("LandClasses");
                            foreach (PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise.LandClass landClass in hcmNoise.landClasses)
                                WriteObjectToConfigNode("Class", ref landClasses, new HeightColorMapNoise.LandClassLoader(landClass));
                        if (mod is PQSLandControl)
                            PQSLandControl lc = mod as PQSLandControl;
                            if (lc.altitudeSimplex != null)
                                KopernicusSimplexWrapper lcaltsimpwrap = new KopernicusSimplexWrapper(lc.altitudeBlend, lc.altitudeOctaves, lc.altitudePersistance, lc.altitudeFrequency);
                                lcaltsimpwrap.seed = lc.altitudeSeed;
                                WriteObjectToConfigNode("altitudeSimplex", ref modNode, new VertexPlanet.SimplexLoader(lcaltsimpwrap));
                            if (lc.latitudeSimplex != null)
                                KopernicusSimplexWrapper lclatsimpwrap = new KopernicusSimplexWrapper(lc.latitudeBlend, lc.latitudeOctaves, lc.latitudePersistance, lc.latitudeFrequency);
                                lclatsimpwrap.seed = lc.latitudeSeed;
                                WriteObjectToConfigNode("latitudeSimplex", ref modNode, new VertexPlanet.SimplexLoader(lclatsimpwrap));
                            if (lc.longitudeSimplex != null)
                                KopernicusSimplexWrapper lclongsimpwrap = new KopernicusSimplexWrapper(lc.longitudeBlend, lc.longitudeOctaves, lc.longitudePersistance, lc.longitudeFrequency);
                                lclongsimpwrap.seed = lc.longitudeSeed;
                                WriteObjectToConfigNode("longitudeSimplex", ref modNode, new VertexPlanet.SimplexLoader(lclongsimpwrap));
                            if (lc.landClasses != null)
                                ConfigNode landClasses = modNode.AddNode("landClasses");
                                foreach (PQSLandControl.LandClass landClass in lc.landClasses)
                                    ConfigNode lcNode = WriteObjectToConfigNode("Class", ref landClasses, new LandControl.LandClassLoader(landClass));
                                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("altitudeRange", ref lcNode, new LandControl.LerpRangeLoader(landClass.altitudeRange));
                                    KopernicusSimplexWrapper lccovsimpwrap = new KopernicusSimplexWrapper(landClass.coverageBlend, landClass.coverageOctaves, landClass.coveragePersistance, landClass.coverageFrequency);
                                    lccovsimpwrap.seed = landClass.coverageSeed;
                                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("coverageSimplex", ref lcNode, new VertexPlanet.SimplexLoader(lccovsimpwrap));
                                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("latitudeDoubleRange", ref lcNode, new LandControl.LerpRangeLoader(landClass.latitudeDoubleRange));
                                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("latitudeRange", ref lcNode, new LandControl.LerpRangeLoader(landClass.latitudeRange));
                                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("longitudeRange", ref lcNode, new LandControl.LerpRangeLoader(landClass.longitudeRange));
                                    KopernicusSimplexWrapper lcnoisesimpwrap = new KopernicusSimplexWrapper(landClass.noiseBlend, landClass.noiseOctaves, landClass.noisePersistance, landClass.noiseFrequency);
                                    lcnoisesimpwrap.seed = landClass.noiseSeed;
                                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("noiseSimplex", ref lcNode, new VertexPlanet.SimplexLoader(lcnoisesimpwrap));
                                    if (landClass.scatter != null)
                                        ConfigNode amount = lcNode.AddNode("scatters");
                                        foreach (PQSLandControl.LandClassScatterAmount scatterAmount in landClass.scatter)
                                            WriteObjectToConfigNode("Scatter", ref amount, new LandControl.LandClassScatterAmountLoader(scatterAmount));
                            if (lc.scatters != null)
                                ConfigNode scatters = modNode.AddNode("scatters");
                                foreach (PQSLandControl.LandClassScatter scatter in lc.scatters)
                                    LandControl.LandClassScatterLoader classLoader = new LandControl.LandClassScatterLoader(scatter);
                                    if (scatter.material.shader == new NormalDiffuse().shader)
                                        classLoader.customMaterial = new NormalDiffuseLoader(scatter.material);
                                    else if (scatter.material.shader == new NormalBumped().shader)
                                        classLoader.customMaterial = new NormalBumpedLoader(scatter.material);
                                    else if (scatter.material.shader == new NormalDiffuseDetail().shader)
                                        classLoader.customMaterial = new NormalDiffuseDetailLoader(scatter.material);
                                    else if (scatter.material.shader == new DiffuseWrapLoader().shader)
                                        classLoader.customMaterial = new DiffuseWrapLoader(scatter.material);
                                    else if (scatter.material.shader == new AlphaTestDiffuse().shader)
                                        classLoader.customMaterial = new AlphaTestDiffuseLoader(scatter.material);
                                    else if (scatter.material.shader == new AerialTransCutout().shader)
                                        classLoader.customMaterial = new AerialTransCutoutLoader(scatter.material);
                                    ConfigNode scatterNode = WriteObjectToConfigNode("Scatter", ref scatters, classLoader);
                                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("Material", ref scatterNode, classLoader.customMaterial);
                        if (mod is PQSMod_VertexPlanet)
                            PQSMod_VertexPlanet vp = mod as PQSMod_VertexPlanet;
                            WriteObjectToConfigNode("ContinentalSimplex", ref modNode, new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(vp.continental));
                            WriteObjectToConfigNode("RuggednessSimplex", ref modNode, new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(vp.continentalRuggedness));
                            WriteObjectToConfigNode("SharpnessNoise", ref modNode, new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.NoiseModWrapper(vp.continentalSharpness));
                            WriteObjectToConfigNode("SharpnessSimplexMap", ref modNode, new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(vp.continentalSharpnessMap));
                            WriteObjectToConfigNode("TerrainTypeSimplex", ref modNode, new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(vp.terrainType));
                            if (vp.landClasses != null)
                                ConfigNode landClasses = modNode.AddNode("LandClasses");
                                foreach (PQSMod_VertexPlanet.LandClass landClass in vp.landClasses)
                                    ConfigNode classNode = WriteObjectToConfigNode("Class", ref landClasses, new VertexPlanet.LandClassLoader(landClass));
                                    WriteObjectToConfigNode("SimplexNoiseMap", ref classNode, new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(landClass.colorNoiseMap));
                        if (!(mod is PQSMod_OceanFX))
                        List <Texture2DParser> wm        = (loader as OceanFX).watermain;
                        ConfigNode             watermain = modNode.AddNode("Watermain");
                        foreach (Texture2DParser texture in wm)
                            watermain.AddValue("waterTex-" + wm.ToList().IndexOf(texture), texture.Value.name);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public VertexDefineCoastLine(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexDefineCoastLine;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public QuadEnhanceCoast(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        static void Duplicate(PQSMod[] pqsMods)
            // Count pqsMods
            int?n = pqsMods?.Length;

            Debug.Log("EditorBuildings.Duplicate", "pqsMods found = " + (n ?? 0));

            if (!(n > 0))

            // Find KSC
            PQSCity ksc = SpaceCenter.Instance?.SpaceCenterTransform?.parent?.GetComponentInChildren <PQSCity>();

            if (ksc == null)

            // Find Radius
            float radius = (float)FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody().Radius;

            // Initialize Lists
            List <GameObject> objects     = new List <GameObject>();
            List <Vector3>    vectors     = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Quaternion> quaternions = new List <Quaternion>();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                PQSMod pqsMod = pqsMods[i];

                if (pqsMod.GetType() == typeof(PQSCity) || pqsMod.GetType() == typeof(PQSCity2))
                    // Calculate position relative to KSC
                    Vector3 relativePosition = pqsMod.transform.position - VABposition;

                    // Check distance from KSC
                    double distance = relativePosition.magnitude;

                    // If the PQSMod is within the chosen range
                    if (pqsMod != ksc && distance < 2000)
                        Debug.Log("EditorBuildings.Duplicate", "pqsMod = " + pqsMod + ", distance = " + distance);

                        // Backup the original enabled state
                        bool backup = pqsMod.enabled;

                        // Disable the original PQSMod component
                        pqsMod.enabled = false;

                        // Instantiate GameObject
                        GameObject clone = Object.Instantiate(pqsMod.gameObject);
                        Debug.Log("EditorBuildings.Duplicate", "clone = " + clone);

                        // Disable the clone

                        // Change to Layer 0

                        // Remove PQSMod component from the clone
                        Object.DestroyImmediate(clone.GetComponent <PQSMod>());

                        // Don't destroy object

                        // Add clone to list
                        // Add clone position to list
                        // Add clone rotation to list

                        // Restore the original PQSMod enabled state
                        pqsMod.enabled = backup;

            // Store lists to arrays
            buildings = objects.ToArray();
            Debug.Log("EditorBuildings.Duplicate", "buildings count = " + buildings?.Length);

            positions = vectors.ToArray();
            Debug.Log("EditorBuildings.Duplicate", "positions count = " + positions?.Length);

            rotations = quaternions.ToArray();
            Debug.Log("EditorBuildings.Duplicate", "rotations count = " + rotations?.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 21
            // PostApply Event
            void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node)
                // Assign the generated PQS to our new world
                generatedBody.pqsVersion                 = pqsVersion;
                generatedBody.pqsVersion.name            = generatedBody.name;
                generatedBody.pqsVersion.transform.name  = generatedBody.name;
                generatedBody.pqsVersion.gameObject.name = generatedBody.name;
                generatedBody.pqsVersion.radius          = generatedBody.celestialBody.Radius;

                // Add an OnDemand Handler

                // Load mods
                if (!node.HasNode("Mods"))
                    goto Debug;
                List <PQSMod> patchedMods = new List <PQSMod>();

                // Get all loaded types
                List <Type> types = Injector.ModTypes;

                // Load mods manually because of patching
                foreach (ConfigNode mod in node.GetNode("Mods").nodes)
                    // get the mod type
                    if (types.Where(t => t.Name == mod.name).Count() == 0)
                    Type   loaderType = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == mod.name);
                    string testName   = mod.name != "LandControl" ? "PQSMod_" + mod.name : "PQSLandControl";
                    Type   modType    = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == testName);
                    if (loaderType == null || modType == null)
                        Debug.LogError("MOD NULL: Loadertype " + mod.name + " with mod type " + testName + " and null? " + (loaderType == null) + (modType == null));
                    // Do any PQS Mods already exist on this PQS matching this mod?
                    IEnumerable <PQSMod> existingMods = pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true).Where(m => m.GetType().Equals(modType) &&
                                                                                                                m.transform.parent == pqsVersion.transform);

                    // Create the loader
                    object loader = Activator.CreateInstance(loaderType);

                    // Reflection, because C# being silly... :/
                    MethodInfo createNew = loaderType.GetMethod("Create", Type.EmptyTypes);
                    MethodInfo create    = loaderType.GetMethod("Create", new Type[] { modType });

                    if (existingMods.Count() > 0)
                        // Attempt to find a PQS mod we can edit that we have not edited before
                        PQSMod existingMod = existingMods.Where(m => !patchedMods.Contains(m) && (mod.HasValue("name") ? m.name == mod.GetValue("name") : true)).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (existingMod != null)
                            create.Invoke(loader, new[] { existingMod });
                            Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod);
                            Logger.Active.Log("PQSLoader.PostApply(ConfigNode): Patched PQS Mod => " + modType);
                            createNew.Invoke(loader, null);
                            Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod);
                            Logger.Active.Log("PQSLoader.PostApply(ConfigNode): Added PQS Mod => " + modType);
                        createNew.Invoke(loader, null);
                        Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod);
                        Logger.Active.Log("PQSLoader.PostApply(ConfigNode): Added PQS Mod => " + modType);

                // ----------- DEBUG -------------
                // Utility.DumpObjectProperties(pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial, " ---- Surface Material (Post PQS Loader) ---- ");
                Utility.GameObjectWalk(pqsVersion.gameObject, "  ");
                // -------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public VertexColorMapBlend(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets objects
 /// </summary>
 protected override void SetEditedObject()
     _mod    = null;
     _sphere = null;
     _mode   = Modes.List;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 // Creates the a PQSMod of type T with given PQS
 void IModLoader.Create(PQSMod mod, PQS pqsVersion)
     Create((T)mod, pqsVersion);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates a PQS Setup + the Scaled Space Maps needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
        private static void GeneratePQS(ref ConfigNode node, String name, String folder, Planet planet, Color planetColor,
                                        out Color average, out List <Color> biomes)
            // Log
            Console.WriteLine("Preparing to load PQS data");

            // Create the node
            ConfigNode pqs = new ConfigNode("PQS");

            // TODO: Material Settings?

            // Create a node for the mods
            ConfigNode mods = new ConfigNode("Mods");


            // Load the PQSDatabase and select a setup
            ConfigNode       pqsDatabase = Utility.Load("pqs");
            List <PQSPreset> data        = pqsDatabase.nodes.Select(n => Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode <PQSPreset>(n))

            data = data.Where(d => ((planet.radius * 100) > d.MinRadius) && ((planet.radius * 100) < d.MaxRadius))
            PQSPreset setup = data[Random.Next(0, data.Count)];

            // Setup the interpreter
            Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter()
                                      .SetVariable("planet", planet, typeof(Planet))
                                      .SetVariable("pqsVersion", setup, typeof(PQSPreset))
                                      .SetVariable("Random", Random, typeof(Random))
                                      .SetVariable("Seed", Seed, typeof(Int32))
                                      .SetVariable("Color", Utility.GenerateColor(), typeof(Color))

            // Transfer the mod nodes and evaluate expressions
            foreach (ConfigNode modNode in setup.Mods.nodes)
                mods.AddConfigNode(Utility.Eval(modNode, interpreter));

            // Create a new PQSObject
            PQS           pqsVersion  = new PQS(planet.radius * 100);
            List <PQSMod> patchedmods = new List <PQSMod>();

            // Log
            Console.WriteLine($"Created PQS Object for {name}");

            // Get all loaded types
            List <Type> types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()).ToList();

            // Load mods from Config
            foreach (ConfigNode mod in mods.nodes)
                // get the mod type
                if (types.Count(t => t.Name == mod.name) == 0)
                Type   loaderType = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == mod.name);
                String testName   = mod.name != "LandControl" ? "PQSMod_" + mod.name : "PQSLandControl";
                Type   modType    = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == testName);
                if ((loaderType == null) || (modType == null))

                // Do any PQS mods already exist on this PQS matching this mod?
                IEnumerable <PQSMod> existingmods = pqsVersion.mods.Where(m => m.GetType() == modType);

                // Create the loader
                Object loader = Activator.CreateInstance(loaderType);

                // Reflection, because C# being silly... :/
                MethodInfo createNew = loaderType.GetMethod("Create", new[] { typeof(PQS) });
                MethodInfo create    = loaderType.GetMethod("Create", new[] { modType });

                IList <PQSMod> pqsmods = existingmods as IList <PQSMod> ?? existingmods.ToList();
                if (pqsmods.Any())
                    // Attempt to find a PQS mod we can edit that we have not edited before
                    PQSMod existingMod = pqsmods.FirstOrDefault(m => !patchedmods.Contains(m) &&
                                                                (!mod.HasValue("name") ||
                                                                           ? (pqsmods.ToList().IndexOf(m) ==
                                                                              Int32.Parse(mod.GetValue("index"))) &&
                                                                  (m.name == mod.GetValue("name"))
                                                                           : m.name == mod.GetValue("name"))));
                    if (existingMod != null)
                        create.Invoke(loader, new Object[] { existingMod });
                        Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod);
                        createNew.Invoke(loader, new Object[] { pqsVersion });
                        Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod);
                    createNew.Invoke(loader, new Object[] { pqsVersion });
                    Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod);

                // Log
                Console.WriteLine($"Created a new instance of {loaderType.Name} on {name}");

            // Size
            Int32 width = pqsVersion.radius >= 600000 ? 4096 : pqsVersion.radius <= 100000 ? 1024 : 2048;

            // Biome colors
            int numBiomes = Random.Next(2, 10);

            biomes = new List <Color>(numBiomes);
            for (int i = 0; i < numBiomes; i++)

            // Export ScaledSpace Maps
            using (UnsafeBitmap diffuse = new UnsafeBitmap(width, width / 2))
                using (UnsafeBitmap height = new UnsafeBitmap(width, width / 2))
                    using (UnsafeBitmap biomeMap = new UnsafeBitmap(width, width / 2))
                        Console.WriteLine("Exporting Scaled Space maps from the PQS. This could take a while...");

                        // Iterate over the PQS
                        for (Int32 i = 0; i < width; i++)
                            for (Int32 j = 0; j < (width / 2); j++)
                                // Create a VertexBuildData
                                VertexBuildData builddata = new VertexBuildData
                                    directionFromCenter =
                                        Quaternion.CreateFromAngleAxis((360d / width) * i,
                                                                       Vector3.Up) *
                                        .CreateFromAngleAxis(90d - ((180d / (width / 2.0)) * j),
                                                             Vector3.Right) *
                                    vertHeight = pqsVersion.radius

                                // Build the maps
                                builddata.vertColor.a = 1f;

                                Single h = Mathf.Clamp01((Single)((builddata.vertHeight - pqsVersion.radius) *
                                                                  (1d / pqsVersion.radiusMax)));
                                Single h1 = Mathf.Clamp01((Single)((builddata.vertHeight - pqsVersion.radius) *
                                                                   (1d / (pqsVersion.radiusMax != 0 ? pqsVersion.radiusMax : planet.radius))));

                                diffuse.SetPixel(i, j, builddata.vertColor);
                                height.SetPixel(i, j, new Color(h, h, h));

                                biomeMap.SetPixel(i, j, biomes[(int)(h1 * (numBiomes - 1))]);

                        // Save the textures
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/systems/" + folder + "/PluginData/");
                        using (UnsafeBitmap normals = Utility.BumpToNormalMap(height, 9))
                            // TODO: Implement something to make strength dynamic
                            .Save(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/systems/" + folder + "/PluginData/" + name + "_Texture.png",
                            .Save(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/systems/" + folder + "/PluginData/" + name + "_Height.png",
                                  ImageFormat.Png);       // In case you need it :)
                            .Save(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/systems/" + folder + "/PluginData/" + name + "_Normals.png",
                            .Save(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/systems/" + folder + "/PluginData/" + name + "_Biomes.png",

                // Log
                Console.WriteLine($"Saved maps to {Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/systems/" + folder + "/PluginData/"}");

                // Finish

                // Colors
                average = Utility.GetAverageColor(diffuse.Bitmap);
Ejemplo n.º 26
            // Post Apply
            void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node)
                // Load the Killer Ocean, if it is there
                if (hazardousOcean != null)
                    ocean.gameObject.AddComponent <HazardousOcean>().heatCurve = hazardousOcean;

                // Apply the Ocean
                ocean.transform.parent = generatedBody.pqsVersion.transform;

                // Add the ocean PQS to the secondary renders of the CelestialBody Transform
                PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform transform = generatedBody.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).FirstOrDefault(mod => mod.transform.parent == generatedBody.pqsVersion.transform);


                // Names!
                ocean.name            = generatedBody.pqsVersion.name + "Ocean";
                ocean.gameObject.name = generatedBody.pqsVersion.name + "Ocean";
                ocean.transform.name  = generatedBody.pqsVersion.name + "Ocean";

                // Set up the ocean PQS
                pqsVersion = generatedBody.pqsVersion;

                // Load mods
                if (!node.HasNode("Mods"))
                List <PQSMod> patchedMods = new List <PQSMod>();

                // Get all loaded types
                List <Type> types = Injector.ModTypes;

                // Load mods manually because of patching
                foreach (ConfigNode mod in node.GetNode("Mods").nodes)
                    // get the mod type
                    if (types.All(t => t.Name != mod.name))
                    Type   loaderType = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == mod.name);
                    string testName   = mod.name != "LandControl" ? "PQSMod_" + mod.name : "PQSLandControl";
                    Type   modType    = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == testName);
                    if (loaderType == null || modType == null)
                        Debug.LogError("MOD NULL: Loadertype " + mod.name + " with mod type " + testName + " and null? " + (loaderType == null) + (modType == null));

                    // Do any PQS Mods already exist on this PQS matching this mod?
                    IEnumerable <PQSMod> existingMods = ocean.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true).Where(m => m.GetType() == modType &&
                                                                                                           m.transform.parent == ocean.transform);

                    // Create the loader
                    object loader = Activator.CreateInstance(loaderType);

                    // Reflection, because C# being silly... :/
                    MethodInfo createNew = loaderType.GetMethod("Create", new Type[] { typeof(PQS) });
                    MethodInfo create    = loaderType.GetMethod("Create", new Type[] { modType, typeof(PQS) });

                    if (existingMods.Any())
                        // Attempt to find a PQS mod we can edit that we have not edited before
                        PQSMod existingMod = existingMods.FirstOrDefault(m => !patchedMods.Contains(m) && (mod.HasValue("name") ? m.name == mod.GetValue("name") : true));
                        if (existingMod != null)
                            create.Invoke(loader, new object[] { existingMod, ocean });
                            Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod, "Kopernicus");
                            Logger.Active.Log("OceanLoader.PostApply(ConfigNode): Patched PQS Mod => " + modType);
                            createNew.Invoke(loader, new object[] { ocean });
                            Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod, "Kopernicus");
                            Logger.Active.Log("OceanLoader.PostApply(ConfigNode): Added PQS Mod => " + modType);
                        createNew.Invoke(loader, new object[] { ocean });
                        Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, mod, "Kopernicus");
                        Logger.Active.Log("OceanLoader.PostApply(ConfigNode): Added PQS Mod => " + modType);
 public VertexSimplexNoiseColor(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public TangentTextureRanges(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_TangentTextureRanges;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public VertexHeightOblate(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_OblateFixed;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public CreateSphereCollider(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_CreateSphereCollider;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 31
 private void ModDecal(PQSMod m, ConfigNode node)
     Type mType = m.GetType();
     bool city = mType == typeof(PQSCity);
     if (node.HasValue("latitude") && node.HasValue("longitude"))
         // get the field to set
         FieldInfo posField = null;
         string fname = city ? "repositionRadial" : "position";
         foreach(FieldInfo fi in mType.GetFields())
             if (fi.Name == fname)
                 posField = fi;
         // Get the lat and long
         double lat, lon;
         double.TryParse(node.GetValue("latitude"), out lat);
         double.TryParse(node.GetValue("longitude"), out lon);
         Vector3 posV = Utility.LLAtoECEF(lat, lon, 0, m.sphere.radius);
         if (posField != null)
             posField.SetValue(m, posV);
     if (city)
         if (node.HasValue("lodvisibleRangeMult"))
             PQSCity mod = m as PQSCity;
             double dtmp;
             if (double.TryParse(node.GetValue("lodvisibleRangeMult"), out dtmp))
                 foreach (PQSCity.LODRange l in mod.lod)
                     l.visibleRange = (float)(dtmp * l.visibleRange);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public MapDecal(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_MapDecal;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public OceanFX(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_OceanFX;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public HeightColorMapNoise(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public MaterialQuadRelative(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_MaterialQuadRelative;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
 public AerialPerspectiveMaterial(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
 public VertexSimplexHeightMap(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public VertexPlanet(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexPlanet;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public BlockActivation(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_BlockActivation;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
        //PQS Modder PT1
        private void PQSModderPT1()
            //Todo: swap with switch?
            if( pqsModderStage == 1 )
            if( pqsModderStage == 2 )
            if( pqsModderStage == 3 )

            int yoffset = 280;
            if( TemplateName == "" )
                GUI.Label( new Rect( 20 , yoffset, 200, 20), "No planet selected!" );
            List<PQS> norm_PqsList = new List<PQS>();
            foreach( PQS pqs in Utils.FindLocal(TemplateName).GetComponentsInChildren<PQS>() )
                norm_PqsList.Add( pqs );

            List<PQSMod> PqsList = new List<PQSMod>();
            foreach( PQSMod pqs in Utils.FindLocal(TemplateName).GetComponentsInChildren(typeof( PQSMod )) )
                PqsList.Add( pqs );

            int trimmedScrollSize = ((PqsList.Count() + norm_PqsList.Count() )*30) + 90;
            ScrollPosition2 = GUI.BeginScrollView( new Rect( 0, 260, 420, 250 ), ScrollPosition2 ,new Rect( 0,250,450,trimmedScrollSize));
            foreach (PQS pqs in norm_PqsList)
                if( GUI.Button( new Rect( 20, yoffset, 400, 20 ), ""+pqs ) )
                    //TemplateName = body.celestialBody.name;
                    pqstoMod = pqs;
                    pqsModderStage = 2;
                yoffset += 30;
            foreach (PQSMod pqs in PqsList)
                if( GUI.Button( new Rect( 20, yoffset, 400, 20 ), ""+pqs ) )
                    //TemplateName = body.celestialBody.name;
                    pqsmodtoMod = pqs;
                    pqsModderStage = 1;
                }if( GUI.Button( new Rect( 420, yoffset, 20, 20 ), "?" ) ){(NewWindows[ "HelpWindow" ] as HelpWindow).CustomToggle( ""+pqs.GetType() ); }

                yoffset += 30;
            yoffset += 30;
            if( GUI.Button( new Rect( 20, yoffset, 400, 20 ), "Add new PQSMod" ) )
                pqsModderStage = 3;
            }if( GUI.Button( new Rect( 420, yoffset, 20, 20 ), "?" ) ){(NewWindows[ "HelpWindow" ] as HelpWindow).CustomToggle( "PQSAdder" ); }

 public VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve3(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve3;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public SmoothLatitudeRange(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_SmoothLatitudeRange;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public VoronoiCraters(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_VoronoiCraters;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;
Ejemplo n.º 44
 public AltitudeAlpha(PQSMod template)
     _mod = template as PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha;
     _mod.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
     base.mod = _mod;