Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (limitEffectToRange == true)
         if (data.vertHeight > minAltitude + sphere.radius && data.vertHeight < maxAltitude + sphere.radius)
             if (data.vertHeight > average + sphere.radius)
                 data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight / average;
             if (data.vertHeight < average + sphere.radius)
                 data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight * average;
     if (limitEffectToRange == false)
         if (data.vertHeight > average + sphere.radius)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight / average;
         if (data.vertHeight < average + sphere.radius)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight * average;
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (data.vertHeight < sphere.radius + rangeEnd && data.vertHeight > sphere.radius + rangeStart)
         data.vertHeight += simplex.noise(data.directionFromCenter) * deformity;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if ((((canyonPlacementSimplex.noise(data.directionFromCenter) + 1) * 0.5 * canyonThreshold) - canyonSize) < 0)
         data.vertHeight += ((canyonNoiseMap.GetValue(data.directionFromCenter) * noiseDeformity) * multiplyCanyonBy) + addCanyonDepth;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void OnVertexBuild(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            float value = (float)((data.vertHeight - sphere.radius - minHeight) / (maxHeight - minHeight));
            Color color = new Color(value, value, value, 1f);

            data.vertColor = color;
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (addHeight)
         data.vertHeight += Noise.GetValue(data.directionFromCenter) * deformity;
        public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            double scalar = data.vertHeight - sphere.radius;

            scalar *= deformationBalance;
            scalar += sphere.radius;
            scalar *= tiling;
            Vector3d position = data.directionFromCenter * scalar;

            // Now that we have the position, we need to sample the MapSO
            // thrice, once for each plane.
            float x = tiledMap.GetPixelFloat(position.y, position.z);
            float y = tiledMap.GetPixelFloat(position.x, position.z);
            float z = tiledMap.GetPixelFloat(position.x, position.y);

            // Next, we need to process the normal (directionFromCenter).
            var blend = data.directionFromCenter;

            blend.x = Math.Pow(Math.Abs(blend.x), smoothness);
            blend.y = Math.Pow(Math.Abs(blend.y), smoothness);
            blend.z = Math.Pow(Math.Abs(blend.z), smoothness);
            blend  /= (blend.x + blend.y + blend.z);

            double height = (blend.x * x) + (blend.y * y) + (blend.z * z);

            if (scaleByRadius)
                height *= sphere.radius;

            data.vertHeight += deformity * height;
        public override void OnVertexBuild(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            var color = overlay.GetPixelColor(data.u, data.v);

            //if the alpha is 0, use current color. if the alpha is 1, use new color
            data.vertColor = Color.Lerp(data.vertColor, color, color.a);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (data.vertHeight >= maxAltitude + sphere.radius)
         data.vertHeight = maxAltitude + sphere.radius;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData vbData)
        var hei = Math.Sin(3.14159265358979 * vbData.v);

        hei = Math.Pow(hei, power);
        vbData.vertHeight = vbData.vertHeight + hei * offset;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            var absoluteNoise = 1 + Noise.GetValue(data.directionFromCenter); //From -1 - 1 to 0 - 2.
            var deformation   = deformity * 0.5;                              //Scale by 0.5 for the new maxValue of 2.

            data.vertHeight = (data.vertHeight - deformation) + offset;       //Negative by default as valleys are the targeted feature.
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public override void OnVertexBuild(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (data.vertHeight < sphere.radius + 5)
         data.vertColor = Color.red;
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (data.vertHeight > (altitude + sphere.radius))
         data.vertHeight = sphere.radius + altitude;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            if (cutoffStartToInfinity && cutoffEndToInfinity)
                data.vertHeight = flattenTo + sphere.radius;

            if (cutoffStartToInfinity && !cutoffEndToInfinity)
                if (data.vertHeight <= cutoffEnd + sphere.radius)
                    data.vertHeight = flattenTo + sphere.radius;

            if (!cutoffStartToInfinity && cutoffEndToInfinity)
                if (data.vertHeight >= cutoffStart + sphere.radius)
                    data.vertHeight = flattenTo + sphere.radius;

            if (!cutoffStartToInfinity && !cutoffEndToInfinity)
                if (data.vertHeight >= cutoffStart + sphere.radius && data.vertHeight <= cutoffEnd + sphere.radius)
                    data.vertHeight = flattenTo + sphere.radius;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            offset = data.vertHeight - sphere.radius - altitude;

            offset *= offset > 0 ? overMult : underMult;

            data.vertHeight = sphere.radius + altitude + offset;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override void OnVertexBuild(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            Color mapCol      = map.GetPixelColor(data.u, data.v);
            float alpha       = mapCol.a;
            Color vertexColor = new Color(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);

            data.vertColor = vertexColor;           //Required for STOCK bodies
        }                                           //Module manager syntax is f*****g difficult, man
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData vbData)
     if (vbData.vertHeight < minAlt)
         minAlt = vbData.vertHeight;
         //print("new minAlt "+minAlt);
        public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            var color = overlay.GetPixelColor(data.u, data.v);

            var height = (double)color.grayscale * Deformity;

            data.vertHeight += height;
        public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            if (useMap)
                if (map.GetPixelFloat(data.u, data.v) == cutoff)
                    //Get active range
                    if (data.vertHeight > finalStart && data.vertHeight < finalEnd)
                        //Current altitude to altitude ASL
                        var altitude = data.vertHeight - sphere.radius;

                        //Altitude ASL -> position in range
                        var position = altitude / endingAltitude;

                        //To inversely exponential curvepoint
                        var FloatCurve = (Math.Pow(position, 2)) + (-2 * position) + 1;

                        //Adapt strength to position on curve
                        var strengthConv = FloatCurve * (1 / strength);

                        //Get altitude fraction
                        var NewAlt = Math.Pow(altitude, strengthConv);

                        data.vertHeight = (altitude / NewAlt) + sphere.radius + offset;

                //Get active range
                if (data.vertHeight > finalStart && data.vertHeight < finalEnd)
                    //Current altitude to altitude ASL
                    var altitude = data.vertHeight - sphere.radius;

                    //Altitude ASL -> position in range
                    var position = altitude / endingAltitude;

                    //To inversely exponential curvepoint
                    var FloatCurve = (Math.Pow(position, 2)) + (-2 * position) + 1;

                    //Adapt strength to position on curve
                    var strengthConv = FloatCurve * (1 / strength);

                    //Get altitude fraction
                    var NewAlt = Math.Pow(altitude, strengthConv);

                    data.vertHeight = (altitude / NewAlt) + sphere.radius + offset;

                    //Ninja'd again
 public override void OnVertexBuild(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (addColor)
         var colorFloat = Convert.ToSingle(Noise = new CustomNoise(frequency, lacunarity, seed, octaves, mode, persistence, pass1, pass2, pass3, pass4, pass5, pass6, pass7, pass8, pass9, pass10));
         var finalColor = Color.Lerp(colorStart, colorEnd, colorFloat);
         data.vertColor = Color.Lerp(finalColor, data.vertColor, blend);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public override void OnVertexBuild(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if ((((canyonPlacementSimplex.noise(data.directionFromCenter) + 1) * 0.5 * canyonThreshold) - canyonSize) < 0)
         if (addColor)
             data.vertColor = Color.Lerp(data.vertColor, canyonColor, colorBlend);
        public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            if (useEnum)
                switch (noiseType)
                case NoiseType.billow:
                    noise = new Billow(frequency, lacunarity, persistence, octaves, seed, mode);

                case NoiseType.riggedMultifractal:
                    noise = new RiggedMultifractal(frequency, lacunarity, octaves, seed, mode);

                case NoiseType.perlin:
                    noise = new Perlin(frequency, lacunarity, persistence, octaves, seed, mode);

                case NoiseType.voronoi:
                    noise = new Voronoi(frequency, displacement, seed, enableDistance);

                    throw new ArgumentNullException("noiseType is undefinable.", nameof(noiseType));
            if (!useEnum)
                //0 = Billow
                //1 = Rigged
                //2 = Perlin
                //3 = Voronoi
                if (ModMode == 0)
                    noise = new Billow(frequency, lacunarity, persistence, octaves, seed, mode);
                if (ModMode == 1)
                    noise = new RiggedMultifractal(frequency, lacunarity, octaves, seed, mode);
                if (ModMode == 2)
                    noise = new Perlin(frequency, lacunarity, persistence, octaves, seed, mode);
                if (ModMode >= 3)
                    noise = new Voronoi(frequency, displacement, seed, enableDistance);

            if (noise.GetValue(data.directionFromCenter) > startLimiter && noise.GetValue(data.directionFromCenter) < endLimiter)
                data.vertHeight += convDeformity;
        public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            // Get the HeightAlpha, not the Float-Value from the Map
            MapSO.HeightAlpha ha = heightMap.GetPixelHeightAlpha(data.u, data.v);

            // Get the height data from the terrain
            Double height = (ha.height + ha.alpha * (Double)Byte.MaxValue) / (Double)(Byte.MaxValue + 1);

            // Apply it
            data.vertHeight += heightMapOffset + heightMapDeformity * height;
            public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
                // Get the Color, not the Float-Value from the Map
                Color32 c = heightMap.GetPixelColor32(data.u, data.v);

                // Get the height data from the terrain
                Double height = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new [] { c.g, c.a }, 0) / (Double)UInt16.MaxValue;

                // Apply it
                data.vertHeight += heightMapOffset + heightMapDeformity * height;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (data.vertHeight > minHeight && data.vertHeight < maxHeight)
         // 7th order polynomial smoothstep.
         double x = (data.vertHeight - minHeight) / (maxHeight - minHeight);
         x = Math.Min(Math.Max(0.0, (x - 0.5) * slopeScale + 0.5), 1.0); // No Math.clamp?
         double y = -20.0 * Math.Pow(x, 7.0) + 70 * Math.Pow(x, 6.0) - 84.0 * Math.Pow(x, 5.0) + 35.0 * Math.Pow(x, 4.0);
         data.vertHeight = y * (maxHeight - minHeight) + minHeight;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public override void OnVertexBuild(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
            float height = (float)(data.vertHeight - sphere.radius);

            var colors     = Ramp.Evaluate(height);
            var color      = colors [0];
            var noiseColor = colors [1];

            double noise = simplex.noise(data.directionFromCenter);
            float  blend = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs((float)noise) + BaseColorBias);

            data.vertColor = Color.Lerp(color, noiseColor, blend);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the PQS System to query the color of the undergound
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        /// <param name="lat"></param>
        /// <param name="lon"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Color GetSurfaceColorPQS(CelestialBody body, Double lat, Double lon)
            // Tell the PQS that our actions are not supposed to end up in the terrain
            body.pqsController.isBuildingMaps = true;
            body.pqsController.isFakeBuild    = true;

            // Create the vertex information
            PQS.VertexBuildData data = new PQS.VertexBuildData
                directionFromCenter = body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(lat, lon).normalized,
                //vertHeight = body.pqsController.radius
                vertHeight = body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(lat, lon).normalized *body.Radius)

            // Fetch all enabled Mods
            //PQSMod[] mods = body.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSMod>(true).Where(m => m.modEnabled && m.sphere == body.pqsController).ToArray();
            List <PQSMod> modsList = body.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true).Where(m => m.modEnabled && m.sphere == body.pqsController).ToList();

            modsList.Sort(delegate(PQSMod first, PQSMod second)
            PQSMod[] mods = modsList.ToArray();

            // Iterate over them and build the height at this point
            // This is neccessary for mods that use the terrain height to
            // color the terrain (like HeightColorMap)
            foreach (PQSMod mod in mods)

            // Iterate over the mods again, this time build the color component
            foreach (PQSMod mod in mods)

            // Reset the PQS
            body.pqsController.isBuildingMaps = false;
            body.pqsController.isFakeBuild    = false;

            Color vertColor = data.vertColor;

            vertColor  += new Color(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.02f);
            vertColor.a = 1;
            // The terrain color is now stored in data.vertColor.
            // For getting the height at this point you can use data.vertHeight
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public static PQS.VertexBuildData getBuildData(CelestialBody body, double lat, double lon)
     if (lat > 90 || lat < -90 || lon > 180 || lon < -180)
         return new PQS.VertexBuildData ();
     PQS pqs = body.pqsController;
     Vector3d radialVector = body.GetRelSurfaceNVector (lat, lon);
     var buildData = new PQS.VertexBuildData ();
     buildData.directionFromCenter = radialVector.normalized;
     buildData.vertHeight = pqs.radius;
     typeof(PQS).InvokeMember ("Mod_OnVertexBuildHeight", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, pqs, new object[]{buildData});
     typeof(PQS).InvokeMember ("Mod_OnVertexBuild", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, pqs, new object[]{buildData});
     buildData.vertColor.a = 1.0f;
     return buildData;
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (addRange)
         if (data.vertHeight < maxAlt && data.vertHeight > minAlt)
             data.vertHeight += noise.GetValue(data.directionFromCenter) * deformity;
     if (!addRange)
         data.vertHeight += noise.GetValue(data.directionFromCenter) * deformity;
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (ModMode == 4 && effect == 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("That's not funny, man.", nameof(effect));
     if (!effectIsPercentage)
         if (ModMode == 1)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight + effect;
         if (ModMode == 2)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight - effect;
         if (ModMode == 3)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight * effect;
         if (ModMode == 4)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight / effect;
     if (effectIsPercentage)
         if (ModMode == 1)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight + (data.vertHeight * effectAsPercent);
         if (ModMode == 2)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight - (data.vertHeight * effectAsPercent);
         if (ModMode == 3)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight * (data.vertHeight * effectAsPercent);
         if (ModMode == 4)
             data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight / (data.vertHeight * effectAsPercent);
 public override void OnVertexBuildHeight(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
     if (addSimplexNoise == true && smoothHeightMap == true)
         data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight + (simplex1.noise(data.directionFromCenter) * deformity) + (simplex2.noise(data.directionFromCenter) * smoothDeformity) + offset + (heightDeformity * heightMap.GetPixelFloat(data.u, data.v));
     if (addSimplexNoise == true && smoothHeightMap == false)
         data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight + (simplex1.noise(data.directionFromCenter) * deformity) + offset + (heightDeformity * heightMap.GetPixelFloat(data.u, data.v));
     if (addSimplexNoise == false && smoothHeightMap == true)
         data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight + (simplex2.noise(data.directionFromCenter) * smoothDeformity) + offset + (heightDeformity * heightMap.GetPixelFloat(data.u, data.v));
     if (addSimplexNoise == false && smoothHeightMap == false)
         data.vertHeight = data.vertHeight + offset + (heightDeformity * heightMap.GetPixelFloat(data.u, data.v));
            public override void OnVertexBuild(PQS.VertexBuildData data)
                maximumAltitude = sphere.radiusMax;
                Double    vHeight = (data.vertHeight - sphere.radiusMin) / sphere.radiusDelta;
                Int32     index;
                LandClass lcSelected = SelectLandClassByHeight(vHeight, out index);

                if (lcSelected.lerpToNext)
                    data.vertColor = Color.Lerp(data.vertColor,
                                                Color.Lerp(lcSelected.color, landClasses[index + 1].color,
                                                           (Single)((vHeight - (lcSelected.convertAltStart / maximumAltitude)) / ((lcSelected.convertAltEnd / maximumAltitude) - (lcSelected.convertAltStart / maximumAltitude)))), blend);
                    data.vertColor = data.vertColor;
                //enter data for else