Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void ExecutePrint(object obj)
         using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GlobalClass.TConnectionString))
             string BillNo           = InvoicePrefix + InvoiceNo;
             string DuplicateCaption = GlobalClass.GetReprintCaption(BillNo);
             POutVMTouch.PrintBill(BillNo, conn, (TaxInvoice) ? "INVOICE" : "ABBREVIATED TAX INVOCE", DuplicateCaption);
             GlobalClass.SavePrintLog(BillNo, null, DuplicateCaption);
             GlobalClass.SetUserActivityLog("Exit", "Re-Print", WorkDetail: string.Empty, VCRHNO: BillNo, Remarks: "Reprinted : " + DuplicateCaption);
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show(GlobalClass.GetRootException(ex).Message, MessageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ExecuteSave(object obj)
            string  strSQL;
            decimal Taxable, VAT, Amount, Discount, NonTaxable, Rate, Quantity;
            string  BillNo = string.Empty;

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GlobalClass.TConnectionString))
                    using (SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
                        //PIN.PID = conn.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT CurNo FROM tblSequence WHERE VNAME = 'PID' AND FYID = " + GlobalClass.FYID, transaction: tran);
                        PIN.PID     = Convert.ToInt32(GetInvoiceNo("PID", tran));
                        PIN.Barcode = string.Empty;
                        POUT.PID = PIN.PID;
                        if (POUT.CashAmount > 0)
                            BillNo     = InvoicePrefix + GetInvoiceNo(InvoicePrefix, tran);
                            Quantity   = POUT.ChargedHours;
                            Amount     = POUT.CashAmount / (1 + (GlobalClass.VAT / 100));
                            Rate       = Amount / Quantity;
                            Discount   = 0;
                            NonTaxable = 0;
                            Taxable    = Amount - (NonTaxable + Discount);
                            VAT        = Taxable * GlobalClass.VAT / 100;
                            TParkingSales PSales = new TParkingSales
                                BillNo      = BillNo,
                                TDate       = POUT.OutDate,
                                TMiti       = POUT.OutMiti,
                                TTime       = POUT.OutTime,
                                BillTo      = POUT.BILLTO,
                                BILLTOADD   = POUT.BILLTOADD,
                                BILLTOPAN   = POUT.BILLTOPAN,
                                Amount      = Amount,
                                Discount    = Discount,
                                NonTaxable  = NonTaxable,
                                Taxable     = Taxable,
                                VAT         = VAT,
                                GrossAmount = POUT.CashAmount,
                                PID         = POUT.PID,
                                UID         = POUT.UID,
                                SESSION_ID  = POUT.SESSION_ID,
                                FYID        = GlobalClass.FYID,
                                TaxInvoice  = TaxInvoice
                            TParkingSalesDetails PSalesDetails = new TParkingSalesDetails
                                BillNo      = BillNo,
                                FYID        = GlobalClass.FYID,
                                Quantity    = Quantity,
                                Rate        = Rate,
                                Amount      = Amount,
                                Discount    = Discount,
                                NonTaxable  = NonTaxable,
                                Taxable     = Taxable,
                                VAT         = VAT,
                                NetAmount   = POUT.CashAmount,
                                ProdId      = 0,
                                Description = "Parking Charge",
                                PType       = 'P'

                            conn.Execute("UPDATE tblSequence SET CurNo = CurNo + 1 WHERE VNAME = 'PID' AND FYID = " + GlobalClass.FYID, transaction: tran);
                            conn.Execute("UPDATE tblSequence SET CurNo = CurNo + 1 WHERE VNAME = @VNAME AND FYID = @FYID", new { VNAME = InvoicePrefix, FYID = GlobalClass.FYID }, transaction: tran);
                            GlobalClass.SetUserActivityLog("Exit", "New", VCRHNO: BillNo, WorkDetail: "PID : " + PIN.PID);
                            SyncFunctions.LogSyncStatus(tran, BillNo, GlobalClass.FYNAME);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SyncFunctions.username))
                            SyncFunctions.SyncSalesData(SyncFunctions.getBillObject(BillNo), 1);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BillNo))
                        if (!GlobalClass.NoRawPrinter)
                            RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(GlobalClass.PrinterName, ((char)27).ToString() + ((char)112).ToString() + ((char)0).ToString() + ((char)64).ToString() + ((char)240).ToString(), "Receipt");   //Open Cash Drawer
                        POutVMTouch.PrintBill(BillNo.ToString(), conn, (TaxInvoice) ? "TAX INVOICE" : "ABBREVIATED TAX INVOCE");
                        if (TaxInvoice)
                            POutVMTouch.PrintBill(BillNo.ToString(), conn, "INVOICE");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, MessageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);