static void Main(string[] args) { Coordonnees c1 = new Coordonnees(); Coordonnees c2 = new Coordonnees(1, 2); Console.WriteLine(c1); Console.WriteLine(c2); c1._latitude = 0; c1.Longitude = 10.12345; Console.WriteLine(c1); Console.WriteLine(c2); POI p1 = new POI("Coucou", new Coordonnees(10, 14.5892)); POI p2 = new POI(p1); Console.WriteLine(p1); Console.WriteLine(p2); Polyline p = new Polyline(); Console.WriteLine(p); Polygon poly1 = new Polygon(); poly1.Draw(); Thread.Sleep(10000); }
private void POI_Import_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog openFileDlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); openFileDlg.DefaultExt = ".csv"; openFileDlg.Filter = "csv document (.csv)|*.csv"; openFileDlg.ShowDialog(); POI newPOI = new POI(); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(openFileDlg.FileName); Console.WriteLine(lines.Length); if (lines.Length > 2) { //Erreur on essaye d'importer un Trajet MessageBox.Show("Erreur,impossible d'ajouter un traject comme POI!"); return; } string s = lines[0]; string[] lines2 = s.Split(';'); newPOI.Latitude = double.Parse(lines2[0]); newPOI.Longitude = double.Parse(lines2[1]); newPOI.Description = lines2[2]; myPersonalMapData.ObservableCollection.Add(newPOI); UpdateMainWindow(); }
public static Percurso ConvertDTOToModel(PercursoDTO dto) { Percurso p = new Percurso(); p.PercursoID = dto.ID; p.Name = dto.Name; p.Description = dto.Description; p.StartHour = dto.StartHour; p.FinishHour = dto.FinishHour; p.PercursoPOIsOrder = dto.PercursoPOIsOrder; if (dto.PercursoPOIs != null) { foreach (POIDTO poiDTO in dto.PercursoPOIs) { POI poiCon = new POI(); poiCon.POIID = poiDTO.ID; poiCon.Name = poiDTO.Name; poiCon.Description = poiDTO.Description; poiCon.GPS_Lat = poiDTO.GPS_Lat; poiCon.GPS_Long = poiDTO.GPS_Long; poiCon.Altitude = poiDTO.Altitude; p.PercursoPOIs.Add(poiCon); } } if (dto.Creator != null) { p.Creator = dto.Creator; } return(p); }
public ActionResult AproveValidate(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } SugerirPOI sugerirPOI = db.SugerirPOI.Find(id); try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { POI pOI = new POI(); pOI.Nome = sugerirPOI.Nome; pOI.Descricao = sugerirPOI.Descricao; pOI.LocalID = sugerirPOI.LocalID; pOI.CategoriaID = sugerirPOI.CategoriaID; pOI.duracaoVisita = sugerirPOI.duracaoVisita; db.POIs.Add(pOI); db.Entry(sugerirPOI).State = EntityState.Deleted; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Validate")); } } catch (DataException /* dex */) { //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log. ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator."); } return(View(sugerirPOI)); }
private void afficherTrajet(Polyline trajet) { MapPolyline mapPolyline = new MapPolyline(); mapPolyline.Opacity = 0.7; mapPolyline.StrokeThickness = trajet.Epaisseur; SolidColorBrush couleurTrajet = new SolidColorBrush(trajet.Couleur); mapPolyline.Stroke = couleurTrajet; mapPolyline.Locations = new LocationCollection(); foreach (CartoObj o in trajet.CollectionDeCoordonnes) { if (o is POI) { POI p = o as POI; Pushpin pushpin = new Pushpin(); pushpin.ToolTip = p.Draw(); pushpin.Opacity = 0.7; pushpin.Location = new Location(p.Latitude, p.Longitude); pushpin.Background = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Red); Carte.Children.Add(pushpin); mapPolyline.Locations.Add(new Location(p.Latitude, p.Longitude)); } } Carte.Children.Add(mapPolyline); }
public void clicked() { if (!POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.POIEditWindow.gameObject.activeSelf) { POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.POIEditWindow.gameObject.SetActive(true); } // Here we get the POI from the POIInfo script that is attached to the activeButton. // We then use this info to populate the edit menu fields. POI clickedPOI = POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.POIMenu.GetComponent <POIActiveButtonManager>().activeButton.GetComponent <POIInfoRef>().poiInfo.Point; POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [0].text = clickedPOI.buttonName; POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [1].text = clickedPOI.position.x.ToString(); POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [2].text = clickedPOI.position.y.ToString(); POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [3].text = clickedPOI.position.z.ToString(); POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [4].text = clickedPOI.rotation.y.ToString(); //disable the Add bookmark button, enable save changes POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.POIEditWindow.FindChild("AddBookmark").gameObject.SetActive(false); POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.POIEditWindow.FindChild("SaveChanges").gameObject.SetActive(true); //grey out edit bookmark Transform editBut = POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.AddDeleteWindow.FindChild("EditBookmark") as Transform; editBut.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false; //disable edit button Transform editButText = editBut.FindChild("Text") as Transform; editButText.GetComponent <Text>().color = new Color(0.57f, 0.57f, 0.57f); }
public void reveal(int x, int z)//--done { Debug.Log("reveal"); int[] key = new int[] { x, z }; POI p = getPOI(key[0], key[1], placedPOI); if (p != null) { p.setStatus(POIStatus.Revealed); gm.DestroyObject(getPOIPrefab(key[0], key[1], poiLookup)); Remove(key[0], key[1], poiLookup); if (p.type == POIType.FalseAlarm) { Remove(key[0], key[1], placedPOI); p.setStatus(POIStatus.Removed); } else { GameObject go = gm.instantiateObject(p.Prefab, new Vector3((float)((double)x * 6 - 1.5), posY, (float)((double)z * 6 + 1.5)), Quaternion.identity); go.transform.Rotate(90, 0, 0); poiLookup.Add(key, go); } } }
private void MenuItemPOIImport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); dlg.Multiselect = false; dlg.DefaultExt = ".csv"; Nullable <bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { Excel.Application oExcel = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook WB = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(dlg.FileName); string ExcelWorkbookName = WB.Name; int worksheetcount = WB.Worksheets.Count; Excel.Worksheet wks = (Excel.Worksheet)WB.Worksheets[1]; string firstworksheetname = wks.Name; var firestcellValue = ((Excel.Range)wks.Cells[1, 1]).Value; Console.WriteLine("FIRST CELL VALUE = " + firestcellValue); Console.WriteLine("TEST = ", wks.Cells[2, 1]); Console.WriteLine("TEST = ", wks.Cells[2, 2]); Console.WriteLine("TEST = ", wks.Cells[2, 3]); Console.WriteLine("On a ouvert : " + dlg.FileName); POI p = new POI(new POI((string)((Excel.Range)wks.Cells[2, 3]).Value, (double)((Excel.Range)wks.Cells[2, 1]).Value, (double)((Excel.Range)wks.Cells[2, 2]).Value)); mP.AddCartObj(p); AjouterPushPin(p); releaseObject(oExcel); releaseObject(WB); releaseObject(wks); } }
public async Task <List <POI> > getPOIList(int?id) { client = PVWebApiHttpClient.GetClient(); IEnumerable <POIDTO> pois = null; var response = await client.GetAsync("api/POI/"); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { pois = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <IEnumerable <POIDTO> >(); } List <POI> poiList = new List <POI>(); foreach (POIDTO poiDTO in pois) { POI poi = DTOConverters.ConvertDTOToModel(poiDTO); if (id != null && poi.POIID != id) { poiList.Add(poi); } if (id == null) { poiList.Add(poi); } } return(poiList); }
private void MenuFilePOIImport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool erreurImport = false; OpenFileDialog openFile = new OpenFileDialog(); openFile.Filter = "Fichier CSV files(*.csv) | *.csv"; openFile.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); openFile.ShowDialog(); POI poiLoad = null; try { poiLoad = POI.readCSVfile(openFile.FileName); } catch (CSVexception messageErreurLoadPoi) { MessageBox.Show(messageErreurLoadPoi.Message, "ERREUR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); erreurImport = true; } if (!erreurImport) { PersonneConnectee.ObservableCollection.Add(poiLoad); UpdateListBox(); MessageBox.Show("OUVERTURE REUSSIE", "", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } }
public override void Start() { if (search.poi != null) { poi = search.poi; } }
private void tbDetails_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ICartoObj o = (ICartoObj)ListBox.SelectedItem; string titreFenetre = "", messageFenetre = ""; if (o == null) { MessageBox.Show("Aucun élément de la ListBox est sélectionné", "ERREUR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } else { if (o is POI) { POI p = o as POI; titreFenetre = "Caractéristiques détaillées du POI sélectionné"; messageFenetre = p.Draw(); } if (o is Polyline) { Polyline p = o as Polyline; titreFenetre = "Caractéristiques détaillées du trajet (Polyline) sélectionné"; messageFenetre = p.Draw(); } if (o is Polygon) { Polygon p = o as Polygon; titreFenetre = "Caractéristiques détaillées de la surface (Polygon) sélectionné"; messageFenetre = p.Draw(); } MessageBox.Show(messageFenetre, titreFenetre, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } }
public async Task <bool> UpdateHashtags(POI poi) { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from POIHashtag where POI_POIID = {0}", poi.POIID); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); foreach (Hashtag tag in poi.Hashtags) { Hashtag existingTag = null; existingTag = await getHashtagRepository().FindHashtagAsync(tag.Text); if (existingTag == null) { context.Hashtags.Add(tag); } else { tag.HashtagID = existingTag.HashtagID; context.Entry(tag).State = EntityState.Unchanged; } await context.SaveChangesAsync(); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Insert Into POIHashtag (POI_POIID,Hashtag_HashtagID)" + "Values('" + poi.POIID + "','" + tag.HashtagID + "')"); } await context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(true); }
public POIDTO ConvertModelToDTO(POI poi) { POIDTO dto = new POIDTO() { ID = poi.POIID, Name = poi.Name, Description = poi.Description, OpenHour = poi.OpenHour, CloseHour = poi.CloseHour, VisitDuration = poi.VisitDuration, GPS_Lat = poi.GPS_Lat, GPS_Long = poi.GPS_Long, Altitude = poi.Altitude, Creator = poi.Creator, Approved = poi.Approved, ConnectedPOI = new List <POIConnectedDTO>(), Hashtags = getHashtagRepository().ConvertModelListToDTO(poi.Hashtags) }; foreach (POI connected in poi.ConnectedPOIs) { POIConnectedDTO poiCon = new POIConnectedDTO(); poiCon.ID = connected.POIID; poiCon.Name = connected.Name; dto.ConnectedPOI.Add(poiCon); } return(dto); }
public async Task <bool> UpdatePOI(POI poi) { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from Caminho where POIID = {0}", poi.POIID); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from Caminho where ConnectedPOIID = {0}", poi.POIID); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); foreach (POI connected in poi.ConnectedPOIs) { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Insert Into Caminho (POIID,ConnectedPOIID)" + "Values('" + poi.POIID + "','" + connected.POIID + "')"); if (poi.Approved != null && poi.Approved != "no") { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Insert Into Caminho (POIID,ConnectedPOIID)" + "Values('" + connected.POIID + "','" + poi.POIID + "')"); } } context.Entry(poi).State = EntityState.Modified; await context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(true); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "POIID,Name,Description,OpenHour,CloseHour,VisitDuration,GPS_Lat,GPS_Long,Altitude,ConnectedPOIs")] POI pOI) { ViewBag.PoiList = await getPOIList(null); var connectedForm = Request.Form["ConnectedPOIs"]; parseConnectedPOIs(pOI, connectedForm); string openHour = Request.Form["OpenHour"]; pOI.OpenHour = Convert.ToDateTime(openHour); string closeHour = Request.Form["CloseHour"]; pOI.CloseHour = Convert.ToDateTime(closeHour); pOI.Creator = PVWebApiHttpClient.getUsername(); pOI.Approved = PVWebApiHttpClient.getUsername(); client = PVWebApiHttpClient.GetClient(); var responseHttp = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/POI", pOI); if (responseHttp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View()); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutHashtags(int id, POI pOI) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var allErrors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors.Select(b => b.ErrorMessage)); string problems = ""; foreach (string error in allErrors) { problems += " _____ " + error; } return(BadRequest("Invalid model object: " + problems)); } if (id != pOI.POIID) { return(BadRequest("ID received is not equal to POI ID")); } try { await unitOfWork.POIRepository.UpdateHashtags(pOI); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Exception ocurred: " + ex.Message)); } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
private void tbAfficher_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ICartoObj o = (ICartoObj)ListBox.SelectedItem; if (o == null) { MessageBox.Show("Aucun élément de la ListBox est sélectionné", "ERREUR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } else { Carte.Children.Clear(); if (o is POI) { POI p = o as POI; afficherPOI(p); } if (o is Polyline) { Polyline p = o as Polyline; afficherTrajet(p); } //if (o is Polygon) //{ // Polygon p = o as Polygon; //} } }
/// POI ***************************************************************** /// <summary> /// Gets a POI by name. /// </summary> /// <param name="poiName">Name of the POI.</param> /// <returns>A gym if the name is in the database, otherwise null.</returns> public POI GetPOI(ulong guild, string poiName) { POI poi = null; string queryString = $@"SELECT * FROM POI WHERE GuildID={guild} AND Name='{poiName}';"; using (SqlConnection conn = GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn).ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { poi = new POI { Name = Convert.ToString(reader["Name"]), Latitude = Convert.ToString(reader["Latitude"]), Longitude = Convert.ToString(reader["Longitude"]), IsGym = Convert.ToInt32(reader["IsGym"]) == TRUE, IsSponsored = Convert.ToInt32(reader["IsSponsored"]) == TRUE, IsExGym = Convert.ToInt32(reader["IsEx"]) == TRUE, }; } } conn.Close(); } return(poi); }
private void copyToDto(POI poi, POIDTOReceive poiDto) { if (poiDto.Nome != null) { poi.Nome = poiDto.Nome; } if (poiDto.Descricao != null) { poi.Descricao = poiDto.Descricao; } Local local = db.Locals.Find(poiDto.LocalID); if (local != null) { poi.LocalID = poiDto.LocalID; poi.Local = local; } Categoria categoria = db.Categorias.Find(poiDto.CategoriaID); if (categoria != null) { poi.CategoriaID = poiDto.CategoriaID; poi.Categoria = categoria; } //poi.UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); //poi.User = db.Users.Find(poi.UserId); }
private void Modifier_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //Lors de la modification , il suffit de cliquer sur un element et d'ensuite de cliquer sur modifier. { //Apres cela il suffit juste d'encoder une Description. La latitude et la longitude ne sont pas considerees... //MODIFIER NE FONCTIONNE QU'AVEC UN SEUL POINT !!!!! DONC NI DE POLYLINE NI DE POLYGONE !! if (listBox.SelectedItem is Polygone || listBox.SelectedItem is MyCartographyObjects.Polyline) { return; } Coordonnees selectedPOI = (listBox.SelectedItem as Coordonnees); longitude = selectedPOI.Longitude; latitude = selectedPOI.Latitude; _myMapData.ObservableCollection.Remove(selectedPOI); var mwDialog = new MainWindow(); if (mwDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { //Retour de la dialog, recharge le fichier POI point = new POI(mwDialog.TextBoxDescription.Text, latitude, longitude); Location loc = new Location(latitude, longitude); Pushpin pin = new Pushpin(); pin.Location = loc; pin.Tag = point.Id; MyMap.Children.Add(pin); _myMapData.ObservableCollection.Add(point); listBox.Items.Refresh(); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutPOI(int id, POI pOI) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != pOI.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(pOI).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!POIExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
private void MenuFilePOIExport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)//EXPORTE TOUT LES POIs PRESENTS DANS LES DONNEES { Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); dlg.DefaultExt = ".csv"; dlg.Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv"; Nullable <bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { string filename = dlg.FileName; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename, false); // POI poi = _myMapData.ObservableCollection[0] as POI; foreach (ICartoObj car in _myMapData.ObservableCollection) { if (car is POI) { POI poi = car as POI; sw.WriteLine(poi.Latitude + ";" + poi.Longitude + ";" + poi.Description + ";"); } } sw.Close(); } }
public static void RotateToPOI(POI poi) { Vector3 point = poi.transform.position; Vector3 vectorToPlayer; vectorToPlayer = CAVECameraRig.playerViewpoint - earthTransform.position; vectorToPlayer = vectorToPlayer.normalized; Vector3 earthPoint = earthTransform.position + (vectorToPlayer * planetRadius); Debug.Log("FORWARD IS " + earthTransform.transform.forward); Quaternion rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(point, earthPoint); float yRot = rot.eulerAngles.y; if (yRot > 180.0f) { Debug.Log("Y ROT WAS " + yRot); yRot = yRot - 360.0f; Debug.Log("Y ROT IS " + yRot); } //earthTransform.transform.Rotate(earthTransform.transform.up, yRot); RoutineRunner.instance.StartCoroutine(RotateEarth(yRot, 0.25f)); }
private void AjouterCoordonnee_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool modificationOK = false; POI p = new POI(); fenetrePOI fenetrePOI = new fenetrePOI(p); fenetrePOI.Owner = this; fenetrePOI.ShowDialog(); if (fenetrePOI.NewPOI != null) { p.Id = p.Id; p.Latitude = fenetrePOI.NewPOI.Latitude; p.Longitude = fenetrePOI.NewPOI.Longitude; p.Description = fenetrePOI.NewPOI.Description; Console.WriteLine("DEBUG newPoi to string : " + p.Draw()); PolylineActuel.CollectionDeCoordonnes.Add(p); modificationOK = true; UpdateListBox(); } if (!modificationOK) { MessageBox.Show("L'ajout à échouée", "ERREUR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public static Dictionary <string, List <PointOfInterestTemplate> > ComputeLuxuryAbundance(Game game) { GridMap <PointOfInterest> gridMap = game.World.Atlas.GetMap(WorldAtlas.Maps.PointOfInterest) as GridMap <PointOfInterest>; List <PointOfInterestTemplate> source = (from POI in gridMap.Data where POI != null && POI.IsLuxuryDeposit() select POI.PointOfInterestDefinition.PointOfInterestTemplate).ToList <PointOfInterestTemplate>(); Dictionary <string, List <PointOfInterestTemplate> > dictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <PointOfInterestTemplate> >(); dictionary.Add("Tier1", new List <PointOfInterestTemplate>()); dictionary.Add("Tier2", new List <PointOfInterestTemplate>()); dictionary.Add("Tier3", new List <PointOfInterestTemplate>()); foreach (PointOfInterestTemplate pointOfInterestTemplate in source.Distinct <PointOfInterestTemplate>()) { string empty = string.Empty; pointOfInterestTemplate.Properties.TryGetValue("LuxuryTier", out empty); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(empty)) { dictionary[empty].Add(pointOfInterestTemplate); } else { Diagnostics.LogError("Luxury resource " + pointOfInterestTemplate.Name + " doesn't have tier data!"); } } return(dictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Export CurrentList to .xlsx /// </summary> /// <param name="path">path to target file</param> private void CurrentListAsExcel(string path) { using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("POI"); for (int i = 0; i < CurrentList.Count; i++) { POI poi = CurrentList[i]; List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > properties = poi.GetPropertyList(); if (i == 0) // Create header { for (int column = 1; column <= properties.Count; column++) { string name = properties[column - 1].Key; worksheet.Cell(1, column).SetValue <string>(name); worksheet.Cell(1, column).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.LightSlateGray; worksheet.Cell(1, column).Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.White; } } for (int column = 1; column <= properties.Count; column++) { string value = properties[column - 1].Value; worksheet.Cell(i + 2, column).SetValue <string>(value == null ? "null" : value); } } workbook.SaveAs(path); } }
public void dropPOI(int x, int z) { if (containsKey(x, z, movingPOI)) { POI p = getPOI(x, z, movingPOI); GameObject obj = getPOIPrefab(x, z, movingPOILookup); Remove(x, z, movingPOI); Remove(x, z, movingPOILookup); int[] key = new int[] { x, z }; placedPOI.Add(key, p); poiLookup.Add(key, obj); obj.transform.position = new Vector3((float)(x * 6 - 1.5), posY, (float)(z * 6 + 1.5)); } else if (containsKey(x, z, movingTreated)) { POI p = getPOI(x, z, movingTreated); GameObject obj = getPOIPrefab(x, z, movingTreatedLookup); Remove(x, z, movingTreated); Remove(x, z, movingTreatedLookup); int[] key = new int[] { x, z }; treated.Add(key, p); treatedLookup.Add(key, obj); obj.transform.position = new Vector3((float)(x * 6 - 1.5), posY, (float)(z * 6 + 1.5)); } }
private void UpdateListBox() { ListBox.Items.Clear(); foreach (ICartoObj o in PersonneConnectee.ObservableCollection) { if (o is POI) { POI p = o as POI; //ListBox.Items.Add("POI: " + p.Id + " / " + p.Description); ListBox.Items.Add(p); } if (o is Polyline) { Polyline p = o as Polyline; //ListBox.Items.Add("Trajet: " + p.Id); ListBox.Items.Add(p); } if (o is Polygon) { Polygon p = o as Polygon; //ListBox.Items.Add("Surface: " + p.Id); ListBox.Items.Add(p); } } }
public Models.POI Get(int id) { POI poi = db.POIs.Find(id); return(poi); }
// param: returns reference of duplicated point bool checkButtonNameExist(ref POI duplicatedPoint) { string butName = POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [0].text; foreach (POI point in POIButtonManager.originalHandler.projectPOIs){ if(point.buttonName == butName){ duplicatedPoint = point; return true; //button name existed } } return false; //button name does not exist }
//create a new location and save to handler, //overwrite: true is overwrite existing, false will add a new point public void SaveChanges(bool overwrite) { //create new Point object string sFlag = Application.loadedLevelName; Vector3 pos = new Vector3 (float.Parse(POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [1].text), float.Parse(POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [2].text), float.Parse(POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [3].text)); Vector3 rot = new Vector3 (0, float.Parse(POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [4].text), 0); POI newPoint = new POI (sFlag, POI_ReferenceHub.Instance.poiInfoFields [0].text, pos, rot, POI_GlobalVariables.defaultMarker); if(overwrite){ point.UpdateByValue(newPoint); point.marker.transform.position = point.position; }else{ //generate button and marker pair POIButtonManager.instance.GenerateButMarkerPair (newPoint); //add the point into the orginalHandler POIButtonManager.originalHandler.AddPoint(newPoint); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new POI object. /// </summary> /// <param name="autoPoiID">Initial value of AutoPoiID.</param> /// <param name="poiId">Initial value of PoiId.</param> /// <param name="poiName">Initial value of PoiName.</param> public static POI CreatePOI(int autoPoiID, int poiId, string poiName) { POI pOI = new POI(); pOI.AutoPoiID = autoPoiID; pOI.PoiId = poiId; pOI.PoiName = poiName; return pOI; }
public void OnStateEnter() { if (!pathComputed) ComputePath(); //GET POI FROM QUEUE if (pois.Count > 0) { poi = pois.Dequeue(); } else { poi = null; } }
static void DrawGizmoForMyScript(POI hNode, GizmoType gizmoType) { RaycastHit vHit; Ray vRay = new Ray(,; if (Physics.Raycast(vRay, out vHit)) { Gizmos.DrawSphere(vHit.point, 1.0f); } }
/// <summary> /// There are no comments for POISet in the schema. /// </summary> public void AddToPOISet(POI pOI) { base.AddObject("POISet", pOI); }
public PoiAnnotation(POI pointOfInterest, CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate) : base(coordinate) { PointOfInterest = pointOfInterest; }
// Update is called once per frame void LateUpdate () { if (!isServer) return; if(tillExplosionEnd > 0.0f && rigidBody.isKinematic == false) { tillExplosionEnd -= Time.deltaTime; if(tillExplosionEnd <=0.0f) { rigidBody.isKinematic = true; agent.enabled = true; } } float resourceDistance = float.MaxValue; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (stunRemaning > 0.0f ) #else if (stunRemaning > 0.0f || GGJNetworkManager.players.Count != 2) #endif { stunRemaning -= Time.deltaTime; agent.ResetPath(); return; } if (resource != null) { resourceDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, resource.transform.position); } if (agent.enabled == true) { if (target != null) { float targetPos = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position); if (targetPos < resourceDistance || draggedResource != null || (resource != null && resource.getTarget() != this)) { agent.SetDestination(target.transform.position); } else if (draggedResource == null) { agent.SetDestination(resource.transform.position); } } else if (resource != null && draggedResource == null) { agent.SetDestination(resource.transform.position); } else { agent.SetDestination(homeEmitter.position); } if (target != null) { float dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position); if (dist <= 1.5f) { if (!agent.hasPath || agent.velocity.sqrMagnitude == 0f) { Destroy(target.gameObject); target = null; } } } if (resource != null && resourceDistance < 1.5f) { if (resource.follow(this)) draggedResource = resource; } if (draggedResource != null) { float homeDistance = Vector3.Distance(homeEmitter.transform.position, transform.position); if (homeDistance < 1.5f) { Destroy(draggedResource.gameObject); draggedResource = null; GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(resourcePrefab,, Quaternion.identity); NetworkServer.Spawn(go); if (GGJNetworkManager.players[playerNum] != null) { GGJNetworkManager.players[playerNum].resources += 1; } } else { speed *= withResourceSpeedMult; } } } resource = null; agent.speed = speed; speed = maxSpeed; }
private void DrawPoiOnMap(POI poi) { // Foreach POI point. Put it on Maps. var poiIcon = new MapIcon { Location = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition { Latitude = poi.Latitude, Longitude = poi.Longitude }), NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 0.5), Image = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/POI.png")), ZIndex = 2, CollisionBehaviorDesired = MapElementCollisionBehavior.RemainVisible }; MyMap.MapElements.Add(poiIcon); }
private void DrawConnection(POI hFirst, POI hSecond, float headSize, Color color) { Vector3 vDirection = hFirst.Position - hSecond.Position; Vector3 dir = vDirection.normalized; Vector3 vConePosition = hSecond.Position - vDirection * -0.95f; Color c = Handles.color; Handles.color = color; Handles.DrawLine(hFirst.Position, hSecond.Position); Handles.ConeCap(0, vConePosition, Quaternion.LookRotation(dir != ? dir : Vector3.right), headSize); Handles.color = c; }
public void addPOI(POI poi) { if (!isServer) return; if (poi.playerNum != playerNum) return; float dist = Vector3.Distance(poi.transform.position, transform.position); if (target == null) { target = poi; distanceToPOI = dist; } else { if(dist < distanceToPOI) { target = poi; distanceToPOI = dist; } } }