Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取历史账单列表
        /// </summary>
        private string GetFeesHistoryList(DataRow row)
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["UserId"].AsString()))
                return(new ApiResult(false, "用户信息错误").toJson());
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CommunityId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["CommunityId"].AsString()))
                return(new ApiResult(false, "请选择房屋所在项目").toJson());
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CustID") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["CustID"].AsString()))
                return(new ApiResult(false, "未指定欠费主体").toJson());

            var userId      = row["UserId"].AsString();
            var communityId = row["CommunityId"].AsString();
            var custId      = AppGlobal.StrToLong(row["CustID"].AsString());
            var roomId      = 0L;

            if (row.Table.Columns.Contains("RoomID") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["RoomID"].AsString()))
                roomId = AppGlobal.StrToLong(row["RoomID"].AsString());

            var community = GetCommunity(communityId);

            if (community == null)
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "未查找到小区信息"));

            var commId = AppGlobal.StrToInt(community.CommID);

            PubConstant.tw2bsConnectionString  = Global_Fun.Tw2bsConnectionString(Global_Fun.GetNetType(community.DBServer));
            PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString = GetConnectionStr(community);
            var chargeConnectionString = Global_Fun.BurstConnectionString(commId, Global_Fun.BURST_TYPE_CHARGE);

            var shieldCost = "";

            // 查询需要屏蔽的费用
            using (var appConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString))
                var sql = @"SELECT isnull(object_id(N'Tb_Control_AppCostItem',N'U'),0)";
                if (appConn.Query <long>(sql).FirstOrDefault() != 0)
                    sql = @"SELECT CorpCostID FROM Tb_Control_AppCostItem WHERE CorpID=@CorpID AND CommunityID=@Id AND AllowShow=0;
                            SELECT CorpCostID FROM Tb_Control_AppCostItem WHERE CorpID=@CorpID AND isnull(CommunityID,'')='' AND AllowShow=0;";

                    var reader = appConn.QueryMultiple(sql, new { CorpID = community.CorpID, Id = community.Id });
                    var data1  = reader.Read <string>().FirstOrDefault();
                    var data2  = reader.Read <string>().FirstOrDefault();

                    var data = data1 ?? data2;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                        using (var erpConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString))
                            sql = $@"SELECT CostCode FROM Tb_HSPR_CorpCostItem 
                                    WHERE CorpCostID IN
                                        SELECT Value FROM SplitString('{data}',',',1)

                            var costCodes = erpConn.Query <string>(sql).Select(obj => $"'{obj}'");

                            shieldCost = $@"AND CostCode NOT IN ({ string.Join(",", costCodes.ToArray()) })";

            using (var chargeConn = new SqlConnection(chargeConnectionString))
                var list = new List <PMSAppFeesCostSimpleModel>();

                var sql = $@"/* 欠费已缴清 */
                            SELECT FeesID,x.CostID,CostName,
                                isnull(PaidAmount,0.00) AS PaidAmount,
                                isnull(PrecAmount, 0.00) AS PrecAmount,
                                isnull(SysCostSign,'Unknown') AS SysCostSign,
                                isnull(DueAmount,0.00) AS DueAmount,
                                isnull(DebtsAmount,0.00) AS DebtsAmount,
                                CASE WHEN isnull(x.DebtsLateAmount, 0)>0
                                    THEN dbo.funGetLateFeeDebts(x.CommID,x.FeesID,isnull(x.DebtsLateAmount,0))
                                ELSE 0.0 END AS LateFeeAmount,
                                convert(varchar(10),isnull(FeesDueDate,getdate()),120) AS FeesDueDate
                            FROM Tb_HSPR_Fees x
                            LEFT JOIN { community.DBName }.dbo.Tb_HSPR_CostItem y ON x.CostID=y.CostID 
                            WHERE /*x.CustID=@CustID AND*/ x.RoomID=@RoomID 
                            AND (isnull(x.IsCharge,0)=1 OR isnull(x.IsPrec,0)=1)
                            { shieldCost } 
                            ORDER BY SysCostSign ASC,FeesDueDate DESC;";

                var data = chargeConn.Query(sql, new { CommID = community.CommID, RoomID = roomId /*, CustID = custId*/ });

                for (int i = 0; i < data.Count(); i++)
                    var feesInfo = data.ToList()[i];

                    var tmp = list.Find(obj => obj.CostID == feesInfo.CostID);
                    if (tmp == null)
                        tmp = new PMSAppFeesCostSimpleModel()
                            CostID      = feesInfo.CostID,
                            CostName    = feesInfo.CostName,
                            SysCostSign = feesInfo.SysCostSign
                        tmp.Fees = new List <PMSAppFeesSimpleModel>();

                        if (tmp.SysCostSign == "Unknown")
                            tmp.SysCostSign = null;

                    var model = new PMSAppFeesSimpleModel()
                        FeesID        = feesInfo.FeesID,
                        DueAmount     = feesInfo.DueAmount,
                        DebtsAmount   = feesInfo.DebtsAmount,
                        LateFeeAmount = feesInfo.LateFeeAmount,
                        FeesDueDate   = feesInfo.FeesDueDate,
                        PaidAmount    = feesInfo.PaidAmount,
                        PrecAmount    = feesInfo.PrecAmount

                    tmp.TotalDueAmount     += model.DueAmount;
                    tmp.TotalDebtsAmount   += model.DebtsAmount;
                    tmp.TotalLateFeeAmount += model.LateFeeAmount;
                    tmp.TotalPaidAmount    += model.PaidAmount;
                    tmp.TotalPrecAmount    += model.PrecAmount;

                    if (feesInfo.SysCostSign == "B0001")
                        tmp.Expanded = 1;


                return(new ApiResult(true, new
                    ArrearsFees = list
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取欠费列表
        /// </summary>
        private string GetArrearsFees(DataRow row)
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["UserId"].AsString()))
                return(new ApiResult(false, "用户信息错误").toJson());
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CommunityId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["CommunityId"].AsString()))
                return(new ApiResult(false, "请选择房屋所在项目").toJson());
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CustID") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["CustID"].AsString()))
                return(new ApiResult(false, "未指定欠费主体").toJson());

            var userId      = row["UserId"].AsString();
            var communityId = row["CommunityId"].AsString();
            var custId      = AppGlobal.StrToLong(row["CustID"].AsString());
            var roomId      = 0L;

            if (row.Table.Columns.Contains("RoomID") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["RoomID"].AsString()))
                roomId = AppGlobal.StrToLong(row["RoomID"].AsString());

            var community = GetCommunity(communityId);

            if (community == null)
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "未查找到小区信息"));

            var commId = AppGlobal.StrToInt(community.CommID);

            PubConstant.tw2bsConnectionString  = Global_Fun.Tw2bsConnectionString(Global_Fun.GetNetType(community.DBServer));
            PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString = GetConnectionStr(community);
            var chargeConnectionString = Global_Fun.BurstConnectionString(commId, Global_Fun.BURST_TYPE_CHARGE);

            List <string> BindCostList        = new List <string>();
            JObject       PaymentCycleSetting = new JObject();

            using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString))
                var sql = @"SELECT isnull(object_id(N'Tb_HSPR_PaymentBind',N'U'),0)";
                if (conn.QueryFirstOrDefault <long>(sql) != 0)
                    BindCostList = conn.Query <string>("SELECT CostID FROM Tb_HSPR_PaymentBind WHERE CommID = @CommID AND ISNULL(IsDelete,0) = 0", new { CommID = commId }).ToList();
                sql = @"SELECT isnull(object_id(N'Tb_HSPR_PaymentBindingDateModelSet',N'U'),0)";
                if (conn.QueryFirstOrDefault <long>(sql) != 0)
                    // 需求9759,视图新增返回参数IsHis,用于判断是否需要缴纳历史欠费
                    var Setting = conn.QueryFirstOrDefault("SELECT CheckBoxID,MonthNum,IsHis FROM View_HSPR_PaymentBindingDateModelSet_Filter WHERE CommID = @CommID", new { CommID = commId });
                    // Type值:0=默认全选,1=任意选择,2=按月份数量一次性整月选择,3=一次性至少缴纳几个月费用
                    int Type     = 0;
                    int MonthNum = 0;
                    if (null != Setting)
                        int CheckBoxID = 1;
                        if (Setting.CheckBoxID != null)
                            CheckBoxID = Convert.ToInt32(Setting.CheckBoxID);
                        if (Setting.MonthNum != null)
                            MonthNum = Convert.ToInt32(Setting.MonthNum);
                        switch (CheckBoxID)
                        case 1:
                            Type     = 0;
                            MonthNum = 0;

                        case 2:
                            Type     = 1;
                            MonthNum = 0;

                        case 4:
                            Type     = 2;
                            MonthNum = 1;

                        case 6:
                            Type     = 2;
                            MonthNum = 3;

                        case 8:
                            Type     = 2;
                            MonthNum = 6;

                        case 10:
                            Type     = 2;
                            MonthNum = 12;

                        case 12:
                            Type = 3;

                            Type     = 0;
                            MonthNum = 0;
                    PaymentCycleSetting.Add("Type", Type);
                    PaymentCycleSetting.Add("MonthNum", MonthNum);
                    PaymentCycleSetting.Add("IsHis", Setting != null ? Setting.IsHis : 1);
            var shieldCost = "";

            // 查询需要屏蔽的费用
            using (var appConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString))
                var sql = @"SELECT isnull(object_id(N'Tb_Control_AppCostItem',N'U'),0)";
                // 优先取ERP
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shieldCost) && appConn.Query <long>(sql).FirstOrDefault() != 0)
                    sql = @"SELECT CorpCostID FROM Tb_Control_AppCostItem WHERE CorpID=@CorpID AND CommunityID=@Id AND AllowShow=0;
                            SELECT CorpCostID FROM Tb_Control_AppCostItem WHERE CorpID=@CorpID AND isnull(CommunityID,'')='' AND AllowShow=0;";

                    var reader = appConn.QueryMultiple(sql, new { CorpID = community.CorpID, Id = community.Id });
                    var data1  = reader.Read <string>().FirstOrDefault();
                    var data2  = reader.Read <string>().FirstOrDefault();

                    var data = data1 ?? data2;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                        using (var erpConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString))
                            sql = $@"SELECT CostCode FROM Tb_HSPR_CorpCostItem 
                                    WHERE CorpCostID IN
                                        SELECT Value FROM SplitString('{data}',',',1)

                            var costCodes = erpConn.Query <string>(sql).Select(obj => $"'{obj}'");

                            shieldCost = $@"AND CostCode NOT IN ({ string.Join(",", costCodes.ToArray()) })";

            using (var chargeConn = new SqlConnection(chargeConnectionString))
                var list = new List <PMSAppFeesCostSimpleModel>();

                var sql = $@"/* 欠费未缴清 */
                            SELECT FeesID,x.CostID,CostName,isnull(SysCostSign,'Unknown') AS SysCostSign,
                                isnull(DueAmount,0.00) AS DueAmount,
                                isnull(DebtsAmount,0.00) AS DebtsAmount,
                                CASE WHEN isnull(x.DebtsLateAmount, 0)>0
                                    THEN dbo.funGetLateFeeDebts(x.CommID,x.FeesID,isnull(x.DebtsLateAmount, 0))
                                ELSE 0.0 END AS LateFeeAmount,
                                convert(varchar(10),isnull(FeesDueDate,getdate()),120) AS FeesDueDate
                            FROM Tb_HSPR_Fees x
                            LEFT JOIN { community.DBName }.dbo.Tb_HSPR_CostItem y ON x.CostID=y.CostID 
                            WHERE x.CustID=@CustID AND x.RoomID=@RoomID 
                            AND isnull(x.IsCharge,0)=0 AND isnull(x.IsBank,0)=0 AND isnull(x.IsPrec,0)=0 AND isnull(IsFreeze,0)=0 
                            { shieldCost } 
                            ORDER BY SysCostSign ASC,FeesDueDate DESC;

                            /* 仅剩违约金 */
                            SELECT FeesID,CostID,CostName,isnull(SysCostSign,'Unknown') AS SysCostSign,
                                isnull(DueAmount,0.00) AS DueAmount,
                                isnull(DebtsAmount,0.00) AS DebtsAmount,
                                isnull(LateFeeAmount,0.00) AS LateFeeAmount,
                                convert(varchar(10),isnull(FeesDueDate,getdate()),120) AS FeesDueDate
                            FROM view_HSPR_Fees_SearchFilter x
                            WHERE x.CustID=@CustID AND x.RoomID=@RoomID 
                            AND isnull(x.IsCharge,0)=1 AND isnull(x.IsBank,0)=0 AND isnull(x.IsPrec,0)=0 AND isnull(IsFreeze,0)=0 
                            AND isnull(x.LateFeeAmount,0.0)>0 
                            { shieldCost } 
                            ORDER BY SysCostSign ASC,FeesDueDate DESC;

                var reader = chargeConn.QueryMultiple(sql, new { CommID = community.CommID, RoomID = roomId, CustID = custId });
                var data1  = reader.Read();
                //var data2 = reader.Read();

                var data = data1.ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                    var feesInfo = data[i];

                    var tmp = list.Find(obj => obj.CostID == feesInfo.CostID);
                    if (tmp == null)
                        tmp = new PMSAppFeesCostSimpleModel()
                            CostID      = feesInfo.CostID,
                            CostName    = feesInfo.CostName,
                            SysCostSign = feesInfo.SysCostSign
                        tmp.Fees = new List <PMSAppFeesSimpleModel>();

                        if (tmp.SysCostSign == "Unknown")
                            tmp.SysCostSign = null;

                    var model = new PMSAppFeesSimpleModel()
                        FeesID        = feesInfo.FeesID,
                        DueAmount     = feesInfo.DueAmount,
                        DebtsAmount   = feesInfo.DebtsAmount,
                        LateFeeAmount = feesInfo.LateFeeAmount,
                        FeesDueDate   = feesInfo.FeesDueDate

                    tmp.TotalDueAmount     += model.DueAmount;
                    tmp.TotalDebtsAmount   += model.DebtsAmount;
                    tmp.TotalLateFeeAmount += model.LateFeeAmount;

                    if (feesInfo.SysCostSign == "B0001")
                        tmp.Expanded = 1;


                using (var appConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString))
                    // 读取积分信息
                    sql = @"SELECT * FROM Tb_Control_AppPoint WHERE CommunityID=@CommunityId AND isnull(CommunityID,'')<>'' AND IsEnable=1
                            UNION ALL 
                            SELECT * FROM Tb_Control_AppPoint WHERE CorpID=@CorpId AND isnull(CommunityID,'')='' AND IsEnable=1";

                    var controlInfo = appConn.Query <Tb_Control_AppPoint>(sql, new { CommunityId = communityId, CorpId = community.CorpID }).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (controlInfo == null || controlInfo.IsEnable == false)
                        controlInfo = Tb_Control_AppPoint.DefaultControl;

                    // 用户积分余额
                    sql = @"SELECT PointBalance FROM Tb_App_UserPoint WHERE UserID=@UserID";
                    var balance = appConn.Query <int>(sql, new { UserID = userId }).FirstOrDefault();

                    var costSign = new List <string>();
                    // 允许抵用物业费
                    if (controlInfo.AllowDeductionPropertyFees)
                    // 允许抵用车位费
                    if (controlInfo.AllowDeductionParkingFees)
                    return(new ApiResult(true, new
                        ArrearsFees = list,
                        Points = new
                            UserPointBalance = balance,
                            AllowDeductionPropertyFees = controlInfo.AllowDeductionPropertyFees,
                            AllowDeductionParkingFees = controlInfo.AllowDeductionParkingFees,
                            AllowDeductionOtherPropertyFees = controlInfo.AllowDeductionOtherPropertyFees,
                            PointExchangeRatio = controlInfo.PointExchangeRatio,
                            SysCostSign = costSign