public void CashFlowDisplay(int year) { var yearPL = new PLState(); yearPL = SQL.CashFlowReport(year); CashFlowFormat(yearPL); }
public void CashFlowDisplay(string date) { var monthPL = new PLState(); monthPL = SQL.CashFlowReport(date, cmBx_Month.SelectedIndex + 1); CashFlowFormat(monthPL); }
public void CashFlowDisplay() { var totalPL = new PLState(); totalPL = SQL.CashFlowReport(); CashFlowFormat(totalPL); }
public void ProfitDisplay(int year) { var yearPL = new PLState(); yearPL = SQL.ProfitLossReport(year); ProftLossFormat(yearPL); }
public void ProfitDisplay(string date) { var monthPL = new PLState(); monthPL = SQL.ProfitLossReport(date, cmBx_Month.SelectedIndex + 1); ProftLossFormat(monthPL); }
public void ProfitDisplay() { var totalPL = new PLState(); totalPL = SQL.ProfitLossReport(); ProftLossFormat(totalPL); }
public void ProftLossFormat(PLState statement) { btn_NewLedger.Hide(); title_TotalRevenue.Text = "Total Cash Sales Revenue"; title_ActRec.Text = "Accounts Receivable Collected"; title_Inventory.Text = "Cost of Goods Sold"; title_Gross.Text = "Gross Profit"; title_Asset.Hide(); title_AssetTotal.Hide(); lbl_totalAssets.Hide(); title_Intang.Hide(); title_tradeName.Hide(); lbl_tradeName.Hide(); title_OperProf.Text = "Operating Profit (EBT)"; title_NetIncome.Text = "Net Income"; title_TotalPositive.Hide(); lbl_TotalPositive.Hide(); Title_OperExpensesCategory.Text = "Operating Expenses"; title_AcctPay.Text = "Accounts Payable Paid Out"; title_Utilities.Text = "Operating Expenses"; title_Marketing.Text = "Marketing"; title_Expenses.Show(); lbl_expenses.Show(); title_TotalOpCost.Text = "Total Operating Costs"; title_Taxes.Text = "Taxes"; title_totalLiable.Hide(); lbl_totalLiable.Hide(); lbl_ReportName.Text = "Profit / Loss Report"; dgv_reports.Hide(); grp_StatementDisplay.Show(); grp_StatementDisplay.Text = "Profit / Loss Report"; if (statement.Month != 0 && statement.Year != 0) { lbl_StateDate.Text = "Report for " + statement.LongMonth + " " + statement.Year; } else if (statement.Month == 0 && statement.Year != 0) { if (statement.Year == DateTime.Today.Year) { lbl_StateDate.Text = "Report for the year of " + statement.Year + " through the month of " + DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM"); } else { lbl_StateDate.Text = "Report for the year of " + statement.Year; } } else if (statement.Month == 0 && statement.Year == 0) { lbl_StateDate.Text = "Full Life of Store (From Jan 2010 to Now)"; } lbl_acctRec.Show(); title_ActRec.Show(); lbl_actPay.Show(); title_AcctPay.Show(); lbl_operatingProfit.Show(); title_OperProf.Show(); lbl_Taxes.Show(); title_Taxes.Show(); lbl_acctRec.Text = statement.Receivable.ToString("c2"); lbl_revenue.Text = statement.Sales.ToString("c2"); lbl_inventory.Text = statement.Inventory.ToString("c2"); double grossProft = statement.Sales + statement.Inventory + statement.Receivable; lbl_gross.Text = grossProft.ToString("c2"); lbl_payroll.Text = statement.Payroll.ToString("c2"); lbl_utilities.Text = statement.Utilities.ToString("c2"); lbl_expenses.Text = statement.Expenses.ToString("c2"); lbl_actPay.Text = statement.Vendor.ToString("c2"); lbl_Marketing.Text = statement.Marketing.ToString("c2"); double totalExpense = statement.Payroll + statement.Utilities + statement.Expenses + statement.Marketing + statement.Vendor; lbl_TotalExpense.Text = totalExpense.ToString("c2"); double operatingProfit = grossProft + totalExpense; lbl_operatingProfit.Text = operatingProfit.ToString("c2"); double taxes = statement.Sales * -.055; lbl_Taxes.Text = taxes.ToString("c2"); double net = operatingProfit + taxes; lbl_NetIncome.Text = net.ToString("c2"); title_NetIncome.Text = "Net Income"; }