Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to set PID, IV while validating nature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pk">PKM to modify</param>
        /// <param name="Method">Given Method</param>
        /// <param name="HPType">HPType INT for preserving Hidden powers</param>
        /// <param name="originalPKMN"></param>
        public static void FindPIDIV(PKM pk, PIDType Method, int HPType, PKM originalPKMN)
            if (Method == PIDType.None)
                Method = FindLikelyPIDType(pk, originalPKMN);
                if (pk.Version == 15)
                    Method = PIDType.CXD;
                if (Method == PIDType.None)
            PKM iterPKM = pk;

            while (Method != PIDType.None)
                uint seed = Util.Rand32();
                PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pk, Method, seed);
                if (!(pk.Ability == iterPKM.Ability && pk.AbilityNumber == iterPKM.AbilityNumber && pk.Nature == iterPKM.Nature))
                if (pk.PID % 25 == iterPKM.Nature && pk.HPType == HPType) // Util.Rand32 is the way to go
                pk = iterPKM;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Gen3UnShiny(this PKM pkm)
            RNG     rng  = RNG.LCRNG;
            PIDType type = PIDType.Method_1;

            if (pkm.Version == (int)GameVersion.CXD)
                rng  = RNG.XDRNG;
                type = PIDType.CXD;

            IEnumerable <uint> seeds;

                seeds = GetSeedsFromPID(pkm.PID, rng);
            } while (pkm.IsShiny || seeds == null);

            if (pkm.Species == 201)
                type = PIDType.Method_1_Unown;

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pkm, type, seeds.ElementAt(0));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void PIDIVMatchingTest3()
            // Method 1/2/4
            var pk1 = new PK3 {
                PID = 0xE97E0000, IVs = new[] { 17, 19, 20, 16, 13, 12 }
            var ga1 = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk1);

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.Method_1, ga1.Type, "Unable to match PID to Method 1 spread");
            var pk2 = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x5271E97E, IVs = new[] { 02, 18, 03, 12, 22, 24 }

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.Method_2, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk2)?.Type, "Unable to match PID to Method 2 spread");
            var pk4 = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x31B05271, IVs = new[] { 02, 18, 03, 05, 30, 11 }

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.Method_4, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk4)?.Type, "Unable to match PID to Method 4 spread");

            var gk1 = new PK3();

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gk1, ga1.Type, ga1.OriginSeed);
            Assert.AreEqual(pk1.PID, gk1.PID, "Unable to match generated PID to Method 1 PID");
            Assert.IsTrue(gk1.IVs.SequenceEqual(pk1.IVs), "Unable to match generated PID to Method 1 IVs");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private static bool GetPokewalkerMatch(PKM pk, uint oldpid, out PIDIV pidiv)
        // check surface compatibility
        var mid = oldpid & 0x00FFFF00;

        if (mid != 0 && mid != 0x00FFFF00) // not expected bits
            return(GetNonMatch(out pidiv));
        var nature = oldpid % 25;

        if (nature == 24) // impossible nature
            return(GetNonMatch(out pidiv));

        var  gender = pk.Gender;
        uint pid    = PIDGenerator.GetPokeWalkerPID(pk.TID, pk.SID, nature, gender, pk.PersonalInfo.Gender);

        if (pid != oldpid)
            if (!(gender == 0 && IsAzurillEdgeCaseM(pk, nature, oldpid)))
                return(GetNonMatch(out pidiv));
        pidiv = PIDIV.Pokewalker;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void PIDIVMatchingTest3Misc()
            // Colosseum / XD
            var pk3 = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x0985A297, IVs = new[] { 06, 01, 00, 07, 17, 07 }
            var ak3 = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3);

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.CXD, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3)?.Type, "Unable to match PID to CXD spread");

            var gk3 = new PK3();

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gk3, PIDType.CXD, ak3.OriginSeed);
            Assert.AreEqual(pk3.PID, gk3.PID, "Unable to match generated PID to CXD spread");
            Assert.IsTrue(pk3.IVs.SequenceEqual(gk3.IVs), "Unable to match generated IVs to CXD spread");

            // Channel Jirachi
            var pkC = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x264750D9, IVs = new[] { 06, 31, 14, 27, 05, 27 }, SID = 45819, OT_Gender = 1, Version = (int)GameVersion.R
            var akC = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkC);

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.Channel, akC.Type, "Unable to match PID to Channel spread");

            var gkC = new PK3();

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gkC, PIDType.Channel, akC.OriginSeed);
            Assert.AreEqual(pkC.PID, gkC.PID, "Unable to match generated PID to Channel spread");
            Assert.IsTrue(pkC.IVs.SequenceEqual(gkC.IVs), "Unable to match generated IVs to Channel spread");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void Gen4Shiny(this PKM pkm, Shiny shinyType)
            if (pkm.GenNumber == 3)
                if (pkm.Met_Location == 55 && pkm.Ball == 4)
                    CommonEdits.SetShiny(pkm, shinyType);
                Gen3Shiny(pkm, shinyType);

            RNG     rng  = RNG.LCRNG;
            PIDType type = PIDType.Method_1;

            if (pkm.Met_Location == 233)
                type = PIDType.Pokewalker;

            IEnumerable <uint> seeds;

                CommonEdits.SetShiny(pkm, shinyType);
                seeds = GetSeedsFromPID(pkm.PID, rng);
            } while (!pkm.IsShiny || seeds == null);

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pkm, type, seeds.ElementAt(0));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void Gen5UnShiny(this PKM pkm)
            var generation = pkm.GenNumber;

            if (generation == 3)
                if (pkm.Met_Location == Locations.Transfer4 && pkm.Ball == 4)

            RNG                rng   = RNG.LCRNG;
            PIDType            type  = PIDType.Method_1;
            IEnumerable <uint> seeds = null;

                seeds = GetSeedsFromPID(pkm.PID, rng);
            } while (pkm.IsShiny || seeds == null);

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pkm, type, seeds.ElementAt(0));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to set PID, IV while validating nature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pk">PKM to modify</param>
        /// <param name="Method">Given Method</param>
        /// <param name="HPType">HPType INT for preserving Hidden powers</param>
        private static void FindPIDIV(PKM pk, PIDType Method, int HPType)
            if (Method == PIDType.None)
                Method = FindLikelyPIDType(pk);
                if (pk.Version == 15)
                    Method = PIDType.CXD;
                if (Method == PIDType.None)
            var iterPKM = pk.Clone();

            while (true)
                uint seed = Util.Rand32();
                PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pk, Method, seed);
                if (!(pk.Ability == iterPKM.Ability && pk.AbilityNumber == iterPKM.AbilityNumber && pk.Nature == iterPKM.Nature))
                if (HPType >= 0 && pk.HPType != HPType)
                if (pk.PID % 25 != iterPKM.Nature) // Util.Rand32 is the way to go
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to set PID, IV while validating nature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pk">PKM to modify</param>
        /// <param name="Method">Given Method</param>
        /// <param name="HPType">HPType INT for preserving Hidden powers</param>
        private static void FindPIDIV(PKM pk, PIDType Method, int HPType)
            if (Method == PIDType.None)
                Method = FindLikelyPIDType(pk);
                if (pk.Version == (int)GameVersion.CXD && Method != PIDType.PokeSpot)
                    Method = PIDType.CXD;
                if (Method == PIDType.None)
            if (Method == PIDType.Method_1_Roamer && pk.HPType != (int)MoveType.Fighting - 1) // M1 Roamers can only be HP fighting
            if (Method == PIDType.Pokewalker && (pk.Nature >= 24 || pk.AbilityNumber == 4)) // No possible pokewalker matches
            var iterPKM = pk.Clone();

            while (true)
                uint seed = Util.Rand32();
                if (PokeWalkerSeedFail(seed, Method, pk, iterPKM))
                PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pk, Method, seed);
                if (!(pk.Ability == iterPKM.Ability && pk.AbilityNumber == iterPKM.AbilityNumber && pk.Nature == iterPKM.Nature))
                if (HPType >= 0 && pk.HPType != HPType)
                if (pk.PID % 25 != iterPKM.Nature) // Util.Rand32 is the way to go
                if (pk.Version == (int)GameVersion.CXD && Method == PIDType.CXD) // verify locks
                    pk.EncryptionConstant = pk.PID;
                    var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk);
                    if (la.Info.PIDIV.Type != PIDType.CXD || !la.Info.PIDIVMatches)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override void SetPINGA(PKM pk, EncounterCriteria criteria)
            int gender  = criteria.GetGender(-1, pk.PersonalInfo);
            int nature  = (int)criteria.GetNature(Nature.Random);
            int ability = Util.Rand.Next(2);

            PIDGenerator.SetRandomPokeSpotPID(pk, nature, gender, ability, SlotNumber);
            pk.Gender     = gender;
            pk.StatNature = nature;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void PIDIVMatchingTest3Event()
            // Restricted: TID/SID are zero.
            var pkR = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x0000E97E, IVs = new[] { 17, 19, 20, 16, 13, 12 }

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.BACD_R, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkR)?.Type, "Unable to match PID to BACD-R spread");

            // Restricted Antishiny: PID is incremented 2 times to lose shininess.
            var pkRA = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x0000E980, IVs = new[] { 17, 19, 20, 16, 13, 12 }, TID = 01337, SID = 60486

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.BACD_R_A, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkRA)?.Type, "Unable to match PID to BACD-R antishiny spread");

            // Unrestricted: TID/SID are zero.
            var pkU = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x67DBFC33, IVs = new[] { 12, 25, 27, 30, 02, 31 }

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.BACD_U, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkU)?.Type, "Unable to match PID to BACD-U spread");

            // Unrestricted Antishiny: PID is incremented 5 times to lose shininess.
            var pkUA = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x67DBFC38, IVs = new[] { 12, 25, 27, 30, 02, 31 }, TID = 01337, SID = 40657

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.BACD_U_A, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkUA)?.Type, "Unable to match PID to BACD-U antishiny spread");

            // berry fix zigzagoon: seed 0x0020
            var pkRS = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x38CA4EA0, IVs = new[] { 00, 20, 28, 11, 19, 00 }, TID = 30317, SID = 00000
            var a_pkRS = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkRS);

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.BACD_R_S, a_pkRS?.Type, "Unable to match PID to BACD-R shiny spread");
            Assert.IsTrue(0x0020 == a_pkRS?.OriginSeed, "Unable to match PID to BACD-R shiny spread origin seed");

            var gkRS = new PK3 {
                TID = 30317, SID = 00000

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gkRS, PIDType.BACD_R_S, a_pkRS.OriginSeed);
            Assert.AreEqual(pkRS.PID, gkRS.PID, "Unable to match generated PID to BACD-R shiny spread");
            Assert.IsTrue(pkRS.IVs.SequenceEqual(gkRS.IVs), "Unable to match generated IVs to BACD-R shiny spread");

            // Unrestricted Antishiny nyx
            var nyxUA = new PK3 {
                PID = 0xBD3DF676, IVs = new[] { 00, 15, 05, 04, 21, 05 }, TID = 80, SID = 0
            var nyx_pkUA = MethodFinder.Analyze(nyxUA);

            Assert.AreEqual(PIDType.BACD_U_AX, nyx_pkUA?.Type, "Unable to match PID to BACD-U antishiny nyx spread");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void PIDIVMatchingTest3MiscChannel()
            // Channel Jirachi
            var pkC = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x264750D9, IVs = new[] { 06, 31, 14, 27, 05, 27 }, SID = 45819, OT_Gender = 1, Version = (int)GameVersion.R

            var(type, seed) = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkC);
            Assert.Equal(PIDType.Channel, type);

            var gkC = new PK3();

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gkC, PIDType.Channel, seed);
            Assert.Equal(pkC.PID, gkC.PID);
            Assert.True(pkC.IVs.SequenceEqual(gkC.IVs), "Unable to match generated IVs to Channel spread");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void PIDIVMatchingTest3MiscCXD()
            // Colosseum / XD
            var pk3 = new PK3 {
                PID = 0x0985A297, IVs = new[] { 06, 01, 00, 07, 17, 07 }

            var(type, seed) = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3);
            Assert.Equal(PIDType.CXD, type);

            var gk3 = new PK3();

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gk3, PIDType.CXD, seed);
            Assert.Equal(pk3.PID, gk3.PID);
            Assert.True(pk3.IVs.SequenceEqual(gk3.IVs), "Unable to match generated IVs to CXD spread");
Ejemplo n.º 14
    private static bool GetG5MGShinyMatch(PKM pk, uint pid, out PIDIV pidiv)
        var low = pid & 0xFFFF;

        // generation 5 shiny PIDs
        if (low <= 0xFF)
            var av     = (pid >> 16) & 1;
            var genPID = PIDGenerator.GetMG5ShinyPID(low, av, pk.TID, pk.SID);
            if (genPID == pid)
                pidiv = PIDIV.G5MGShiny;
        return(GetNonMatch(out pidiv));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void Gen3Shiny(this PKM pkm, Shiny shinyType)
            RNG     rng  = RNG.LCRNG;
            PIDType type = PIDType.Method_1;

            if (pkm.Species == 201)
                type = PIDType.Method_1_Unown;

            IEnumerable <uint> seeds;

                CommonEdits.SetShiny(pkm, shinyType);
                seeds = GetSeedsFromPID(pkm.PID, rng);
            } while (!pkm.IsShiny || seeds == null);

            PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pkm, type, seeds.ElementAt(0));
Ejemplo n.º 16
    private static bool IsAzurillEdgeCaseM(PKM pk, uint nature, uint oldpid)
        // check for Azurill evolution edge case... 75% F-M is now 50% F-M; was this a F->M bend?
        int species = pk.Species;

        if (species is not((int)Species.Marill or(int) Species.Azumarill))

        const int AzurillGenderRatio = 0xBF;
        var       gender             = EntityGender.GetFromPIDAndRatio(pk.PID, AzurillGenderRatio);

        if (gender != 1)

        var pid = PIDGenerator.GetPokeWalkerPID(pk.TID, pk.SID, nature, 1, AzurillGenderRatio);

        return(pid == oldpid);
Ejemplo n.º 17
            public static void VerifyResults(IReadOnlyList <uint[]> results, TeamLock[] team)
                var pkm = new PK3();

                for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                    var  result = results[i];
                    var  seeds  = getSeeds(result[result.Length - 1]);
                    bool match  = false;
                    foreach (var seed in seeds)
                        PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pkm, PIDType.CXD, seed);
                        var info = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkm);
                        info.Type.Should().Be(PIDType.CXD, "because the PID should have matched the CXD spread");
                        if (!GetCanOriginateFrom(team, info))
                        match = true;
                    match.Should().BeTrue($"because the lock conditions for result {i} and species {team[0].Species} should have been verified");

                IEnumerable <uint> getSeeds(uint PID)
                    var top = PID >> 16;
                    var bot = PID & 0xFFFF;

                    var seeds = MethodFinder.GetSeedsFromPIDEuclid(RNG.XDRNG, top, bot);

                    foreach (var s in seeds)
                        yield return(RNG.XDRNG.Reverse(s, 3));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the PKM to the inventory, while applying according properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pk"></param>
        public void AddPokemonToInventory(PKM pk)
            pk.TID       = FormMain.main.C_SAV.SAV.TID;
            pk.SID       = FormMain.main.C_SAV.SAV.SID;
            pk.OT_Name   = FormMain.main.C_SAV.SAV.OT;
            pk.OT_Gender = FormMain.main.C_SAV.SAV.Gender;
            pk.MetDate   = DateTime.Today;

            PIDGenerator.SetRandomWildPID(pk, 4, pk.Nature, pk.Ability, pk.Gender, PIDType.Pokewalker);



            // Add the pokemon to the dgv
            ResourceManager rm           = new ResourceManager(typeof(Properties.Resources));
            string          resourceName = "_" + pk.Species;
            Species         name         = (Species)pk.Species;

            grdPokemon.Rows.Add((Image)rm.GetObject(resourceName), name.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static void VerifyResults(IReadOnlyList <uint[]> results, TeamLock[] team)
            var pkm = new PK3();

            for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                var  result = results[i];
                var  seeds  = getSeeds(result[result.Length - 1]);
                bool match  = false;
                foreach (var seed in seeds)
                    PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pkm, PIDType.CXD, seed);
                    var info = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkm);
                    info.Type.Should().Be(PIDType.CXD, "because the PID should have matched the CXD spread");
                    if (!LockFinder.IsAllShadowLockValid(info, team))
                    match = true;
                match.Should().BeTrue($"because the lock conditions for result {i} and species {team[0].Species} should have been verified");