Ejemplo n.º 1
        // ######################  VPP TEST  ##########################

        private void testVPP_Enter()
            byte[] pinscript = new byte[2];
            pinscript[0] = KONST._SET_ICSP_PINS;
            pinscript[1] = 0x03;        // set both pins to inputs.

            timerPGxToggle.Enabled = false;

            buttonCancel.Text = "Cancel";

            if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].Vpp < 1)
                labelStep2FamilyVPP.Text = "1) VPP for this family: "
                                           + string.Format("{0:0.0}V (=VDD)", numericUpDown1.Value);
                labelStep2FamilyVPP.Text = "1) VPP for this family: "
                                           + string.Format("{0:0.0} Volts.", Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].Vpp);
            labelReadVPP.Text        = "";
            labelVPPLow.Visible      = false;
            labelVPPMCLR.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPMCLROff.Visible  = false;
            labelVPPPass.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPShort.Visible    = false;
            labelVPPVDDShort.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void ClearTestMemory()
     for (int i = 0; i < TestMemory.Length; i++)
         TestMemory[i] = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void UpdateMultiWinMem()
     if ((lastPart != Pk2.ActivePart) || (lastFam != Pk2.GetActiveFamily()))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private int getTestMemAddress()
     if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 2)
     { // baseline
                      / Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void dataGridTestMemory_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            int    row            = e.RowIndex;
            int    col            = e.ColumnIndex;
            string editText       = "0x" + dataGridTestMemory[col, row].FormattedValue.ToString();
            int    value          = UTIL.Convert_Value_To_Int(editText);
            int    numColumns     = dataGridTestMemory.ColumnCount - 1;
            int    testMemAddress = (row * numColumns) + col - 1;
            int    testMemStart   = getTestMemAddress() * Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes;
            int    userIDAddr     = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDAddr;

            if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 2)
            { // baseline
                userIDAddr = testMemStart;

            TestMemory[testMemAddress] =
                (uint)(value & Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue);

            if ((Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDWords > 0) &&
                (userIDAddr >= testMemStart) && (userIDAddr < (testMemStart + FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords)))
            { // if user IDs are in test memory
                int userIDIndex = (int)(userIDAddr - testMemStart)
                                  / Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BytesPerLocation;
                if ((testMemAddress >= userIDIndex) && (testMemAddress < (userIDIndex + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDWords)))
                    Pk2.DeviceBuffers.UserIDs[testMemAddress - userIDIndex] =
                        (uint)(value & Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue);
                    if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 3)
                    { // 18F
                        Pk2.DeviceBuffers.UserIDs[testMemAddress - userIDIndex] &= 0xFF;

            if ((Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords > 0) &&
                (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr >= testMemStart) &&
                (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr < (testMemStart + FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords)))
            { // if config words are in test memory
                int cfgWordsIndex = (int)(Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr - testMemStart)
                                    / Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BytesPerLocation;
                if ((testMemAddress >= cfgWordsIndex) && (testMemAddress < (cfgWordsIndex + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords)))
                    Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[testMemAddress - cfgWordsIndex] =
                        (uint)(value & Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[testMemAddress - cfgWordsIndex]);

            testMemJustEdited = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void textBox1_15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int boxNum    = (int)((TextBox)sender).Tag;
            int configNum = boxNum / 16;

            boxNum = boxNum % 16;
            uint bitMask = 1;

            bitMask <<= boxNum;
            //update box value
            if (configWords[configNum].bits[boxNum].Text == "1")
            {// change to 0
                configWords[configNum].bits[boxNum].Text  = "0";
                Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[configNum] &= ~bitMask;
            { // change to 1
                configWords[configNum].bits[boxNum].Text  = "1";
                Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[configNum] |= bitMask;
            if (configWords[configNum].bits[boxNum].ForeColor == Color.Crimson) // red means edited
                configWords[configNum].bits[boxNum].ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.WindowText;
                configWords[configNum].bits[boxNum].ForeColor = Color.Crimson;
            // update value column
            ushort cword = (ushort)Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[configNum];

            if (displayMask == 0)
                cword &= (ushort)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[configNum];
            else if (displayMask == 1)
                cword |= (ushort)~Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[configNum];
            cword &= (ushort)Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue;
            configWords[configNum].value.Text      = string.Format("{0:X4}", cword);
            configWords[configNum].value.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaption; // default blue
            for (int b = 0; b < 16; b++)                                                        // look for any edited bits in the word
                if (configWords[configNum].bits[b].ForeColor == Color.Crimson)
                    configWords[configNum].value.ForeColor = Color.Crimson; // red means edited
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void UpdateMultiWinProgMem(string dataSource)
     if ((lastPart != Pk2.ActivePart) || (lastFam != Pk2.GetActiveFamily()))
         lastPart = Pk2.ActivePart;
         lastFam  = Pk2.GetActiveFamily();
     displayDataSource.Text = dataSource;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void ReadTestMemory()
            byte[] upload_buffer = new byte[KONST.UploadBufferSize];

            Pk2.RunScript(KONST.PROG_ENTRY, 1);
            int bytesPerWord           = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BytesPerLocation;
            int scriptRunsToFillUpload = KONST.UploadBufferSize /
                                         (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].TestMemoryRdWords * bytesPerWord);
            int wordsPerLoop = scriptRunsToFillUpload * Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].TestMemoryRdWords;
            int wordsRead    = 0;


                //Pk2.RunScriptUploadNoLen2(KONST.TESTMEM_RD, scriptRunsToFillUpload);
                Pk2.RunScriptUploadNoLen(KONST.TESTMEM_RD, scriptRunsToFillUpload);
                Array.Copy(Pk2.Usb_read_array, 1, upload_buffer, 0, KONST.USB_REPORTLENGTH);
                Array.Copy(Pk2.Usb_read_array, 1, upload_buffer, KONST.USB_REPORTLENGTH, KONST.USB_REPORTLENGTH);
                int uploadIndex = 0;
                for (int word = 0; word < wordsPerLoop; word++)
                    int  bite    = 0;
                    uint memWord = (uint)upload_buffer[uploadIndex + bite++];
                    if (bite < bytesPerWord)
                        memWord |= (uint)upload_buffer[uploadIndex + bite++] << 8;
                    if (bite < bytesPerWord)
                        memWord |= (uint)upload_buffer[uploadIndex + bite++] << 16;
                    if (bite < bytesPerWord)
                        memWord |= (uint)upload_buffer[uploadIndex + bite++] << 24;
                    uploadIndex += bite;
                    // shift if necessary
                    if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemShift > 0)
                        memWord = (memWord >> 1) & Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue;
                    TestMemory[wordsRead++] = memWord;
            } while (wordsRead < FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords);

            Pk2.RunScript(KONST.PROG_EXIT, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void buttonWriteCalWords_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint[] cals = new uint[Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].CalibrationWords];

            int testMemStart  = getTestMemAddress() * Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes;
            int cfgWordsIndex = (int)(Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr - testMemStart)
                                / Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BytesPerLocation;
            int calWordsIndex = cfgWordsIndex + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords;

            for (int i = 0; i < cals.Length; i++)
                cals[i] = TestMemory[calWordsIndex + i];

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void progMemEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            int    row      = e.RowIndex;
            int    col      = e.ColumnIndex;
            string editText = "0x" + dataGridProgramMemory[col, row].FormattedValue.ToString();
            int    value    = 0;

                value = UTIL.Convert_Value_To_Int(editText);
                value = 0;
            int numColumns = dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount - 1;

            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex >= 1) // ascii view
                numColumns /= 2;

            int index = ((row * numColumns) + col - 1);

            if (Pk2.FamilyIsPIC32())
                int progMemP32 = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ProgramMem;
                int bootMemP32 = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].BootFlash;
                progMemP32 -= bootMemP32; // boot flash at upper end of prog mem.

                index -= numColumns;      // first row has "Program Flash" text

                if (index > progMemP32)
                    index -= numColumns; // subtract row with "Boot Flash" text

            Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ProgramMemory[index] =
                (uint)(value & Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue);


            progMemJustEdited = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private int getTestMemAddress()
     if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].TestMemoryStart == 0x800)
     { // baseline
         int tMemAddr = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ProgramMem;
         if (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEMem > 0)
         { // baseline with dataflash
             // test mem starts after data flash
             tMemAddr += Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEMem;
                      / Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void UpdateTestMemForm()
     // Test Memory Words
     textBoxTestMemSize.Text = FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords.ToString();
     if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].TestMemoryStart > 0)
     { // baseline, midrange, PIC18F
         textBoxBaselineConfig.Enabled       = true;
         textBoxTestMemSize.Enabled          = true;
         checkBoxTestMemImportExport.Enabled = true;
         labelNotSupported.Visible           = false;
         textBoxBaselineConfig.Enabled       = false;
         textBoxTestMemSize.Enabled          = false;
         checkBoxTestMemImportExport.Enabled = false;
         dataGridTestMemory.Enabled          = false;
         labelNotSupported.Visible           = true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void progMemEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            int    row      = e.RowIndex;
            int    col      = e.ColumnIndex;
            string editText = "0x" + dataGridProgramMemory[col, row].FormattedValue.ToString();
            int    value    = 0;

                value = UTIL.Convert_Value_To_Int(editText);
                value = 0;
            int numColumns = dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount - 1;

            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex >= 1) // ascii view
                numColumns /= 2;

            uint blankValue = 0xFF;

            if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue > 0xFFFF)
                blankValue = 0xFFFF; // dsPIC
            else if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue == 0xFFF)
                blankValue = 0xFFF; // BL dataflash

            Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[((row * numColumns) + col - 1)] =
                (uint)(value & blankValue);


            progMemJustEdited = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static Constants.FileRead ImportBINFile(string filePath)
        { // for serial EEPROMS only
                FileInfo binDataFile = new FileInfo(filePath);
                LastWriteTime = binDataFile.LastWriteTime;
                FileStream binFile      = File.OpenRead(filePath);
                int        bytesPerWord = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes;
                int        memLoc       = 0;
                int        bytePosition = 0;
                byte[]     fileByte     = new byte[1];
                while (binFile.Read(fileByte, 0, 1) > 0)
                    if (memLoc >= Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ProgramMem)

                    uint memByte = 0xFFFFFF00 | (uint)fileByte[0];
                    for (int shift = 0; shift < bytePosition; shift++)
                    {                     // shift byte into proper position
                        memByte <<= 8;
                        memByte  |= 0xFF; // shift in ones.
                    Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ProgramMemory[memLoc] &= memByte;
                    if (++bytePosition >= bytesPerWord)
                        bytePosition = 0;


Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static bool ExportBINFile(string filePath)
 { // for serial EEPROMS only
         FileStream binFile      = File.Open(filePath, System.IO.FileMode.Create);
         int        bytesPerWord = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes;
         for (int memLoc = 0; memLoc < Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ProgramMem; memLoc++)
             for (int byteNum = 0; byteNum < bytesPerWord; byteNum++)
                 byte outputByte = (byte)((Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ProgramMemory[memLoc] >> (8 * byteNum)) & 0xFF);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void updateDisplay()
            int numRows          = dataGridProgramMemory.RowCount - 1;
            int numCols          = dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount - 1;
            int addressIncrement = (int)Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].EEMemAddressIncrement;

            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            { // ascii view
                numCols /= 2;

            for (int i = 0, idx = 0, address = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= numCols; j++)
                    dataGridProgramMemory[j, i].Value       = string.Format(dataFormat, Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[idx++]);
                    dataGridProgramMemory[j, i].ToolTipText = string.Format(addrFormat, (address));
                    address += addressIncrement;
            int lastCol = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEMem % numCols;

            if (lastCol == 0)
                lastCol = numCols;
            int rowidx = numRows * numCols;

            // fill last row
            for (int j = 1; j <= numCols; j++)
                if (j <= lastCol)
                    dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].Value       = string.Format(dataFormat, Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[rowidx++]);
                    dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ToolTipText = string.Format(addrFormat, (rowidx * addressIncrement));
                    dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].Value       = "";
                    dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ToolTipText = "";
                    dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ReadOnly    = true;

            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            {     // ascii view
                for (int c = numCols + 1; c <= (2 * numCols); c++)
                { // ASCII not editable
                    dataGridProgramMemory.Columns[c].ReadOnly = true;
                if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex == 1)
                { // WORD view
                    for (int i = 0, idx = 0, address = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                        for (int j = numCols + 1; j <= (2 * numCols); j++)
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, i].Value       = UTIL.ConvertIntASCII((int)Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[idx++], asciiBytes);
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, i].ToolTipText = string.Format(addrFormat, (address));
                            address += addressIncrement;
                    // fill last row
                    rowidx = numRows * numCols;
                    for (int j = numCols + 1; j <= (2 * numCols); j++)
                        if (j <= (numCols + lastCol))
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].Value       = UTIL.ConvertIntASCII((int)Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[rowidx++], asciiBytes);
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ToolTipText = string.Format(addrFormat, (rowidx * addressIncrement));
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].Value       = "";
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ToolTipText = "";
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ReadOnly    = true;
                { // BYTE view
                    for (int i = 0, idx = 0, address = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                        for (int j = numCols + 1; j <= (2 * numCols); j++)
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, i].Value       = UTIL.ConvertIntASCIIReverse((int)Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[idx++], asciiBytes);
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, i].ToolTipText = string.Format(addrFormat, (address));
                            address += addressIncrement;
                    // fill last row
                    rowidx = numRows * numCols;
                    for (int j = numCols + 1; j <= (2 * numCols); j++)
                        if (j <= (numCols + lastCol))
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].Value       = UTIL.ConvertIntASCIIReverse((int)Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[rowidx++], asciiBytes);
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ToolTipText = string.Format(addrFormat, (rowidx * addressIncrement));
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].Value       = "";
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ToolTipText = "";
                            dataGridProgramMemory[j, numRows].ReadOnly    = true;

            if ((dataGridProgramMemory.FirstDisplayedCell != null) && !progMemJustEdited)
                int currentRow = dataGridProgramMemory.FirstDisplayedCell.RowIndex;
                dataGridProgramMemory.MultiSelect             = false;
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, currentRow].Selected = true;              // these 4 statements remove the "select" box
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, currentRow].Selected = false;
                dataGridProgramMemory.MultiSelect             = true;
            else if (dataGridProgramMemory.FirstDisplayedCell == null)
            {                                                // remove select box when app first opened.
                dataGridProgramMemory.MultiSelect    = false;
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, 0].Selected = true; // these 4 statements remove the "select" box
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, 0].Selected = false;
                dataGridProgramMemory.MultiSelect    = true;
            progMemJustEdited = false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void buttonTestVPP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            float vdd = 0;
            float vpp = 0;

            labelVPPLow.Visible      = false;
            labelVPPMCLR.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPMCLROff.Visible  = false;
            labelVPPPass.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPShort.Visible    = false;
            labelVPPVDDShort.Visible = false;
            labelReadVPP.Text        = "";

            Thread.Sleep(250); // sleep a bit to let VDD bleed down.

            // check for a powered target first
            if (Pk2.CheckTargetPower(ref vdd, ref vpp) == KONST.PICkit2PWR.selfpowered)
                Pk2.SetVDDVoltage((float)numericUpDown1.Value, 0.85F);
            // Set VPP voltage
            float expectedVPP;

            if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].Vpp > 1)
                expectedVPP = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].Vpp;
                expectedVPP = (float)numericUpDown1.Value;
            Pk2.SetVppVoltage(expectedVPP, 0.50F);
            byte[] vppscript = new byte[8];
            vppscript[0] = KONST._VPP_OFF;
            vppscript[1] = KONST._VPP_PWM_ON;
            vppscript[2] = KONST._DELAY_LONG;
            vppscript[3] = 30;
            vppscript[4] = KONST._MCLR_GND_OFF;
            vppscript[5] = KONST._VPP_ON;
            vppscript[6] = KONST._DELAY_LONG;
            vppscript[7] = 20;

            // check status first for shorts
            KONST.PICkit2PWR status = Pk2.PowerStatus();
            if ((status == KONST.PICkit2PWR.vdderror) || (status == Constants.PICkit2PWR.vddvpperrors))
            { //VDD short!
                labelVPPVDDShort.Visible = true;
            else if (status == KONST.PICkit2PWR.vpperror)
            {//VPP short
                labelVPPShort.Visible = true;
                labelReadVPP.Text     = "Short!";
            else if (status != Constants.PICkit2PWR.no_response)
            {   // status OK, read VPP voltage
                if (Pk2.ReadPICkitVoltages(ref vdd, ref vpp))
                    labelReadVPP.Text = string.Format("{0:0.0} V", vpp);
                    if ((expectedVPP - vpp) > 0.3F)
                        labelVPPLow.Visible = true;
                        labelVPPPass.Visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private void prepTestMem()
     // Send pre-requisite scripts
     if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 0)
     { // midrange = Load Config command
         byte[] prepscript = new byte[7];
         prepscript[0] = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[1] = 0x06;
         prepscript[2] = 0x00;
         prepscript[3] = KONST._WRITE_BYTE_LITERAL;
         prepscript[4] = 0;
         prepscript[5] = KONST._WRITE_BYTE_LITERAL;
         prepscript[6] = 0;
     else if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 2)
     { // baseline
         int    tmStart    = (getTestMemAddress() / 4) - 1;
         byte[] prepscript = new byte[18];
         prepscript[0]  = KONST._CONST_WRITE_DL;     // put # loops in buffer for LOOPBUFFER
         prepscript[1]  = (byte)(tmStart & 0xFF);
         prepscript[2]  = KONST._CONST_WRITE_DL;
         prepscript[3]  = (byte)((tmStart >> 8) & 0xFF);
         prepscript[4]  = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[5]  = 0x06;
         prepscript[6]  = 0x06;
         prepscript[7]  = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[8]  = 0x06;
         prepscript[9]  = 0x06;
         prepscript[10] = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[11] = 0x06;
         prepscript[12] = 0x06;
         prepscript[13] = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[14] = 0x06;
         prepscript[15] = 0x06;
         prepscript[16] = KONST._LOOPBUFFER;
         prepscript[17] = 12;
     else if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 3)
     { // PIC18F - Set address pointer to 0x200000
         byte[] prepscript = new byte[18];
         prepscript[0]  = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[1]  = 0x20;
         prepscript[2]  = 0x0E;
         prepscript[3]  = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[4]  = 0xF8;
         prepscript[5]  = 0x6E;
         prepscript[6]  = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[7]  = 0x00;
         prepscript[8]  = 0x0E;
         prepscript[9]  = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[10] = 0xF7;
         prepscript[11] = 0x6E;
         prepscript[12] = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[13] = 0x00;
         prepscript[14] = 0x0E;
         prepscript[15] = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[16] = 0xF6;
         prepscript[17] = 0x6E;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void ReCalcMultiWinProgMem()
        {   // call on 1) window init, 2) window resize, 3) new part, 4) Change view combo box
            uint memSize = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ProgramMem;

            if (memSize == 0)

            if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)

            // first, calculate the address column size
            uint blankValue = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue;

            // ASCII display disabled for PIC32
            if (blankValue == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex = 0;
                comboBoxProgMemView.Enabled       = false;
                comboBoxProgMemView.Enabled = true;
            uint maxAddr      = (memSize * Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].AddressIncrement) - 1;
            int  addrColWidth = 32; // FFF max

            addrFormat = "{0:X3}";
            if (blankValue == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            {// PIC32
                addrColWidth = 65;
                addrFormat   = "{0:X8}";
            else if (maxAddr > 0xFFFF)
                addrColWidth = 44; // FFFFF max
                addrFormat   = "{0:X5}";
            else if (maxAddr > 0xFFF)
                addrColWidth = 38; // FFFF max
                addrFormat   = "{0:X4}";
            addrColWidth = (int)(addrColWidth * FormPICkit2.ScalefactW); // adjust for DPI

            // Figure data column size minimum
            int dataColWidth  = 24;
            int asciiColWidth = 16;

            asciiBytes = 1;
            dataFormat = "{0:X2}";
            if (blankValue == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            { // PIC32
                dataColWidth  = 65;
                asciiColWidth = 58;
                asciiBytes    = 4;
                dataFormat    = "{0:X8}";
            else if (blankValue > 0xFFFF)
            { // FFFFFF
                dataColWidth  = 50;
                asciiColWidth = 43;
                asciiBytes    = 3;
                dataFormat    = "{0:X6}";
            else if (blankValue > 0xFFF)
            { // FFFF or 3FFF
                dataColWidth  = 36;
                asciiColWidth = 28;
                asciiBytes    = 2;
                dataFormat    = "{0:X4}";
            else if (blankValue > 0xFF)
            { // FFF
                dataColWidth  = 28;
                asciiColWidth = 28;
                asciiBytes    = 2;
                dataFormat    = "{0:X3}";
            float colRatio = 1;

            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            { // ascii view
                colRatio      = (float)asciiColWidth / ((float)asciiColWidth + (float)dataColWidth);
                dataColWidth += asciiColWidth;
            dataColWidth = (int)(dataColWidth * FormPICkit2.ScalefactW); // adjust for DPI

            // calculate the number of data columns that will fit (must be mult of 2)
            // space left after address column and fudge factor for scroll bar:
            int dataSpace = dataGridProgramMemory.Size.Width - addrColWidth - (int)(20 * FormPICkit2.ScalefactW);
            int maxCols   = dataSpace / dataColWidth;

            for (int mult = 1; mult <= 256; mult *= 2)
                if (mult > maxCols)
                    maxCols = mult / 2;
            if (maxCols > (int)memSize)
                maxCols = (int)memSize; // no point in having more columns than memory locations!
            // get the real width of the final column count
            dataColWidth = dataSpace / maxCols;
            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            { // ascii view
                asciiColWidth = (int)(colRatio * (float)dataColWidth);
                dataColWidth -= asciiColWidth;

            // format the display box
            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            {                                                          // ascii view
                dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount = (2 * maxCols) + 1; // add in address column
            {                                                    // hex only
                dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount = maxCols + 1; // add in address column
            // addr col
            dataGridProgramMemory.Columns[0].Width = addrColWidth;
            // data cols
            for (int i = 1; i <= maxCols; i++)
                dataGridProgramMemory.Columns[i].Width = dataColWidth;
            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            { // ascii view
                for (int i = maxCols + 1; i <= (2 * maxCols); i++)
                    dataGridProgramMemory.Columns[i].Width = asciiColWidth;
            // determine row count
            int numRows = (int)memSize / maxCols;

            if ((memSize % maxCols) > 0)
            { // mem size not an even divider, need an extra row
            if (blankValue == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                numRows += 2;
            dataGridProgramMemory.RowCount = (int)numRows;
            // fill address column
            int rowAddrIncrement = maxCols * (int)Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].AddressIncrement;

            if (blankValue == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            {// PIC32
                int progMemP32 = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ProgramMem;
                int bootMemP32 = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].BootFlash;
                progMemP32 -= bootMemP32; // boot flash at upper end of prog mem.
                progMemP32 /= maxCols;
                dataGridProgramMemory.ShowCellToolTips = false;
                // Program Flash addresses
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, 0].Value = "Program";
                dataGridProgramMemory[1, 0].Value = "Flash";
                for (int col = 0; col < dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount; col++)
                    dataGridProgramMemory[col, 0].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark;
                    dataGridProgramMemory[col, 0].ReadOnly        = true;
                for (int row = 1, address = (int)KONST.P32_PROGRAM_FLASH_START_ADDR; row <= progMemP32; row++)
                    dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].Value           = string.Format(addrFormat, address);
                    dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight;
                    address += rowAddrIncrement;
                // Boot Flash addresses
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, progMemP32 + 1].Value = "Boot";
                dataGridProgramMemory[1, progMemP32 + 1].Value = "Flash";
                for (int col = 0; col < dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount; col++)
                    dataGridProgramMemory[col, progMemP32 + 1].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark;
                    dataGridProgramMemory[col, progMemP32 + 1].ReadOnly        = true;
                for (int row = progMemP32 + 2, address = (int)KONST.P32_BOOT_FLASH_START_ADDR; row < dataGridProgramMemory.RowCount; row++)
                    dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].Value           = string.Format(addrFormat, address);
                    dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight;
                    address += rowAddrIncrement;
                dataGridProgramMemory.ShowCellToolTips = true;
                for (int row = 0, addr = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                    dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].Value           = string.Format(addrFormat, addr);
                    dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].ReadOnly        = true;
                    dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight;
                    addr += rowAddrIncrement;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void redraw()
            // Scale window to number of config words:
            int numUnusedConfigs = K_MAXCONFIGS - Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords;

            numUnusedConfigs *= (int)(48 * ScalefactH);
            numUnusedConfigs -= (int)(24 * ScalefactH); // add a bit of length to the window for Asian OSs
            this.Size         = new Size((int)(this.Size.Width), (int)(this.Size.Height - numUnusedConfigs));

            // defaults for Baseline, Midrange
            string[] cfgNames = new string[K_MAXCONFIGS];
            for (int i = 1; i <= cfgNames.Length; i++)
                cfgNames[i - 1] = string.Format("CONFIG{0:G}", i);

            int configAddress   = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr / 2;
            int configIncrement = 1;

            if (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords == 1)
            { // baseline or midrange
                cfgNames[0] = "CONFIG";

            // PIC18
            if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue == 0xFFFF)
                configAddress   = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr;
                configIncrement = 2;
            // 16-bit
            else if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue == 0xFFFFFF)
                // PIC24F
                if (Pk2.FamilyIsPIC24FJ())
                    for (int cw = 1; cw <= Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords; cw++)
                        cfgNames[Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords - cw] = string.Format("CW{0:G}", cw);
                    configAddress   = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr / 2;
                    configIncrement = 2;
                // PIC24H, dsPIC33, dsPIC30 SMPS, PIC24F-KA-
                else if (Pk2.FamilyIsPIC24H() || Pk2.FamilyIsdsPIC33F() || Pk2.FamilyIsdsPIC30SMPS() ||
                         (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords == 9))
                    cfgNames[0]     = "FBS";
                    cfgNames[1]     = "FSS";
                    cfgNames[2]     = "FGS";
                    cfgNames[3]     = "FOSCSEL";
                    cfgNames[4]     = "FOSC";
                    cfgNames[5]     = "FWDT";
                    cfgNames[6]     = "FPOR";
                    cfgNames[7]     = "FICD";
                    cfgNames[8]     = "FDS";
                    configAddress   = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr / 2;
                    configIncrement = 2;
                // dsPIC30
                    cfgNames[0]     = "FOSC";
                    cfgNames[1]     = "FWDT";
                    cfgNames[2]     = "FBORPOR";
                    cfgNames[3]     = "FBS";
                    cfgNames[4]     = "FSS";
                    cfgNames[5]     = "FGS";
                    cfgNames[6]     = "FICD";
                    configAddress   = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr / 2;
                    configIncrement = 2;
            // PIC32
            else if (Pk2.FamilyIsPIC32())
                cfgNames[0]     = "DEVCFG2L";
                cfgNames[1]     = "DEVCFG2H";
                cfgNames[2]     = "DEVCFG1L";
                cfgNames[3]     = "DEVCFG1H";
                cfgNames[4]     = "DEVCFG0L";
                cfgNames[5]     = "DEVCFG0H";
                configAddress   = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr;
                configIncrement = 2;

            for (int w = 0; w < K_MAXCONFIGS; w++)
                if (w < Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords)
                    if (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[w] == 0)
                    configWords[w].name.Text = cfgNames[w];
                    configWords[w].addr.Text = string.Format("{0:X}", configAddress + (w * configIncrement));
                    ushort cword = (ushort)Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[w];
                    if (displayMask == 0)
                        cword &= (ushort)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[w];
                    else if (displayMask == 1)
                        cword |= (ushort)~Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[w];
                    cword &= (ushort)Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue;
                    configWords[w].value.Text = string.Format("{0:X4}", cword);
                    ushort mask = 1;
                    for (int b = 0; b < 16; b++)
                        if ((Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[w] & mask) > 0)
                            if ((Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[w] & mask) > 0)
                                configWords[w].bits[b].Text = "1";
                                configWords[w].bits[b].Text = "0";
                            configWords[w].bits[b].Text      = "-";
                            configWords[w].bits[b].BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control;
                            configWords[w].bits[b].Enabled   = false;
                        mask <<= 1;
                    if (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[w] == 0)
                        configWords[w].configPanel.Enabled = false;
                    configWords[w].configPanel.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void UpdateTestMemoryGrid()
            bool userIDInTestMem = false;
            int  userIDIndex     = 0;
            int  testMemStart    = getTestMemAddress() * Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes;
            int  userIDAddr      = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDAddr;

            // reset buffers if new family or part.
            if ((Pk2.ActivePart != lastPart) || (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() != lastFamily))
                lastPart   = Pk2.ActivePart;
                lastFamily = Pk2.GetActiveFamily();

            if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 2)
            { // baseline
                userIDAddr = testMemStart;

            if ((Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDWords > 0) &&
                (userIDAddr >= testMemStart) && (userIDAddr < (testMemStart + FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords)))
            {    // if user IDs are in test memory
                userIDInTestMem = true;
                userIDIndex     = (int)(userIDAddr - testMemStart)
                                  / Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BytesPerLocation;
            bool cfgWordsInTestMem = false;
            int  cfgWordsIndex     = 0;

            if ((Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords > 0) &&
                (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr >= testMemStart) &&
                (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr < (testMemStart + FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords)))
            {    // if user IDs are in test memory
                cfgWordsInTestMem = true;
                cfgWordsIndex     = (int)(Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr - testMemStart)
                                    / Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BytesPerLocation;

            // Update Test Memory display
            //      Set address columns first
            //      Set # columns based on blank memory size.
            int dataColumns, columnWidth, columnCount;

            columnCount = 9;
            dataGridTestMemory.Columns[0].Width = 51; // address column
            dataColumns = 8;
            columnWidth = 35;

            int startAddress = getTestMemAddress();

            if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 3)
                startAddress *= 2;

            if (dataGridTestMemory.ColumnCount != columnCount)
                dataGridTestMemory.ColumnCount = columnCount;

            for (int column = 1; column < dataGridTestMemory.ColumnCount; column++)
                dataGridTestMemory.Columns[column].Width = columnWidth; // data columns

            int addressIncrement = (int)Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].AddressIncrement;
            int rowAddressIncrement;
            int hexColumns, rowCount;

//            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex == 0) // hex view
//            {
            hexColumns          = dataColumns;
            rowCount            = (int)FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords / hexColumns;
            rowAddressIncrement = addressIncrement * dataColumns;
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                hexColumns = dataColumns / 2;
//                rowCount = (int)TestMemoryWords / hexColumns;
//                rowAddressIncrement = addressIncrement * (dataColumns / 2);
//            }
            if (dataGridTestMemory.RowCount != rowCount)
                dataGridTestMemory.RowCount = rowCount;

            int    maxAddress    = dataGridTestMemory.RowCount * rowAddressIncrement - 1;
            String addressFormat = "{0:X3}";

            if (maxAddress > 0xFFFF)
                addressFormat = "{0:X5}";
            else if (maxAddress > 0xFFF)
                addressFormat = "{0:X4}";
            for (int row = 0, address = 0; row < dataGridTestMemory.RowCount; row++)
                dataGridTestMemory[0, row].Value           = string.Format(addressFormat, startAddress + address);
                dataGridTestMemory[0, row].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight;
                address += rowAddressIncrement;
            //      Now fill data
            string dataFormat = "{0:X3}";

            //int asciiBytes = 2;
            if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue > 0xFFF)
                dataFormat = "{0:X4}";
            if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue > 0xFFFF)
                dataFormat = "{0:X6}";
                //    asciiBytes = 3;
            for (int col = 0; col < hexColumns; col++)
            { // only allow UserIDs and Config words to be edited.
                dataGridTestMemory.Columns[col + 1].ReadOnly = true;
            for (int row = 0, idx = 0; row < dataGridTestMemory.RowCount; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < hexColumns; col++)
                    if (userIDInTestMem && (idx >= userIDIndex) &&
                        (idx < (userIDIndex + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDWords)))
                        TestMemory[idx] = Pk2.DeviceBuffers.UserIDs[idx - userIDIndex];
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].ToolTipText =
                            string.Format(addressFormat, startAddress + (idx * addressIncrement));
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].Value =
                            string.Format(dataFormat, Pk2.DeviceBuffers.UserIDs[idx++ - userIDIndex]);
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].Style.BackColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].ReadOnly        = false;
                    else if (cfgWordsInTestMem && (idx >= cfgWordsIndex) &&
                             (idx < (cfgWordsIndex + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords)))
                        TestMemory[idx] = Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[idx - cfgWordsIndex];
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].ToolTipText =
                            string.Format(addressFormat, startAddress + (idx * addressIncrement));
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].Value =
                            string.Format(dataFormat, Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[idx++ - cfgWordsIndex]);
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].Style.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon;
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].ReadOnly        = false;
                    else if ((Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].CalibrationWords > 0) &&
                             (idx >= (cfgWordsIndex + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords)) &&
                             (idx < (cfgWordsIndex + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords
                                     + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].CalibrationWords)))
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].ToolTipText =
                            string.Format(addressFormat, startAddress + (idx * addressIncrement));
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].Value =
                            string.Format(dataFormat, TestMemory[idx++]);
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].Style.BackColor = Color.Gold;
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].ReadOnly        = false;
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].ToolTipText =
                            string.Format(addressFormat, startAddress + (idx * addressIncrement));
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].Value =
                            string.Format(dataFormat, TestMemory[idx++]);
                        dataGridTestMemory[col + 1, row].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
            //      Fill ASCII if selected

            /*            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex == 1)
             *          {
             *              for (int col = 0; col < hexColumns; col++)
             *              { // ascii not editable
             *                  dataGridTestMemory.Columns[col + hexColumns + 1].ReadOnly = true;
             *              }
             *              for (int row = 0, idx = 0; row < dataGridTestMemory.RowCount; row++)
             *              {
             *                  for (int col = 0; col < hexColumns; col++)
             *                  {
             *                      dataGridTestMemory[col + hexColumns + 1, row].ToolTipText =
             *                          string.Format(addressFormat, (idx * addressIncrement));
             *                      dataGridTestMemory[col + hexColumns + 1, row].Value =
             *                          UTIL.ConvertIntASCII((int)testMemory[idx++], asciiBytes);
             *                  }
             *              }
             *          }
            if ((dataGridTestMemory.FirstDisplayedCell != null) && !testMemJustEdited)
                //currentCol = dataGridProgramMemory.FirstDisplayedCell.ColumnIndex;
                int currentRow = dataGridTestMemory.FirstDisplayedCell.RowIndex;
                dataGridTestMemory[0, currentRow].Selected = true;              // these 2 statements remove the "select" box
                dataGridTestMemory[0, currentRow].Selected = false;
            else if (dataGridTestMemory.FirstDisplayedCell == null)
            {                                             // remove select box when app first opened.
                dataGridTestMemory[0, 0].Selected = true; // these 2 statements remove the "select" box
                dataGridTestMemory[0, 0].Selected = false;
            testMemJustEdited = false;

            if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 2)
            { // baseline
                labelBLConfig.Visible         = true;
                textBoxBaselineConfig.Visible = true;
                textBoxBaselineConfig.Text    = string.Format("{0:X4}", Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[0]);
                labelBLConfig.Visible         = false;
                textBoxBaselineConfig.Visible = false;

            if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 0)
            { // midrange
                labelCalWarning.Visible     = true;
                buttonWriteCalWords.Visible = true;
                buttonWriteCalWords.Enabled = (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].CalibrationWords > 0);
                labelCalWarning.Visible     = false;
                buttonWriteCalWords.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static bool ExportHexFile(string filePath, bool progMem, bool eeMem)
            StreamWriter hexFile = new StreamWriter(filePath);

            // Start with segment zero

            // Program Memory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            int fileSegment    = 0;
            int fileAddress    = 0;
            int arrayIndex     = 0;
            int bytesPerWord   = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes;
            int arrayIncrement = 16 / bytesPerWord;     // # array words per hex line.

            if (progMem)
                    string hexLine = string.Format(":10{0:X4}00", fileAddress);
                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayIncrement; i++)
                        // convert entire array word to hex string of 4 bytes.
                        string hexWord = string.Format("{0:X8}", Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ProgramMemory[arrayIndex + i]);
                        for (int j = 0; j < bytesPerWord; j++)
                            hexLine += hexWord.Substring((6 - 2 * j), 2);
                    hexLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(hexLine));

                    fileAddress += 16;
                    arrayIndex  += arrayIncrement;

                    // check for segment boundary
                    if ((fileAddress > 0xFFFF) && (arrayIndex < Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ProgramMemory.Length))
                        fileSegment += fileAddress >> 16;
                        fileAddress &= 0xFFFF;
                        string segmentLine = string.Format(":02000004{0:X4}", fileSegment);
                        segmentLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(segmentLine));
                } while (arrayIndex < Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ProgramMemory.Length);
            // EEPROM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (eeMem)
                int eeSize = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEMem;
                arrayIndex = 0;
                if (eeSize > 0)
                    uint eeAddr = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEAddr;
                    if ((eeAddr & 0xFFFF0000) > 0)
                    { // need a segment address
                        string segmentLine = string.Format(":02000004{0:X4}", (eeAddr >> 16));
                        segmentLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(segmentLine));

                    fileAddress = (int)eeAddr & 0xFFFF;
                    int eeBytesPerWord = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].EEMemHexBytes;
                    arrayIncrement = 16 / eeBytesPerWord;     // # array words per hex line.
                        string hexLine = string.Format(":10{0:X4}00", fileAddress);
                        for (int i = 0; i < arrayIncrement; i++)
                            // convert entire array word to hex string of 4 bytes.
                            string hexWord = string.Format("{0:X8}", Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[arrayIndex + i]);
                            for (int j = 0; j < eeBytesPerWord; j++)
                                hexLine += hexWord.Substring((6 - 2 * j), 2);
                        hexLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(hexLine));

                        fileAddress += 16;
                        arrayIndex  += arrayIncrement;
                    }while (arrayIndex < Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory.Length);
            // Configuration Words ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (progMem)
                int configWords = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords;
                if ((configWords > 0) && (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr >
                                          (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ProgramMem * bytesPerWord)))
                { // If there are Config words and they aren't at the end of program flash
                    uint configAddr = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr;
                    if ((configAddr & 0xFFFF0000) > 0)
                    { // need a segment address
                        string segmentLine = string.Format(":02000004{0:X4}", (configAddr >> 16));
                        segmentLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(segmentLine));

                    fileAddress = (int)configAddr & 0xFFFF;

                    int cfgsWritten = 0;
                    for (int lines = 0; lines < (((configWords * bytesPerWord - 1) / 16) + 1); lines++)
                        int cfgsLeft = configWords - cfgsWritten;
                        if (cfgsLeft >= (16 / bytesPerWord))
                            cfgsLeft = (16 / bytesPerWord);
                        string hexLine = string.Format(":{0:X2}{1:X4}00", (cfgsLeft * bytesPerWord), fileAddress);
                        fileAddress += (cfgsLeft * bytesPerWord);
                        for (int i = 0; i < cfgsLeft; i++)
                            // convert entire array word to hex string of 4 bytes.
                            string hexWord = string.Format("{0:X8}", Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[cfgsWritten + i]);
                            for (int j = 0; j < bytesPerWord; j++)
                                hexLine += hexWord.Substring(8 - ((j + 1) * 2), 2);
                        hexLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(hexLine));
                        cfgsWritten += cfgsLeft;

            // UserIDs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (progMem)
                int userIDs = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDWords;
                arrayIndex = 0;
                if (userIDs > 0)
                    uint uIDAddr = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDAddr;
                    if ((uIDAddr & 0xFFFF0000) > 0)
                    { // need a segment address
                        string segmentLine = string.Format(":02000004{0:X4}", (uIDAddr >> 16));
                        segmentLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(segmentLine));

                    fileAddress = (int)uIDAddr & 0xFFFF;
                    int idBytesPerWord = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].UserIDHexBytes;
                    arrayIncrement = 16 / idBytesPerWord;     // # array words per hex line.
                    string hexLine;
                        int remainingBytes = (userIDs - arrayIndex) * idBytesPerWord;
                        if (remainingBytes < 16)
                            hexLine        = string.Format(":{0:X2}{1:X4}00", remainingBytes, fileAddress);
                            arrayIncrement = (userIDs - arrayIndex);
                            hexLine = string.Format(":10{0:X4}00", fileAddress);
                        for (int i = 0; i < arrayIncrement; i++)
                            // convert entire array word to hex string of 4 bytes.
                            string hexWord = string.Format("{0:X8}", Pk2.DeviceBuffers.UserIDs[arrayIndex + i]);
                            for (int j = 0; j < idBytesPerWord; j++)
                                hexLine += hexWord.Substring((6 - 2 * j), 2);
                        hexLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(hexLine));

                        fileAddress += 16;
                        arrayIndex  += arrayIncrement;
                    } while (arrayIndex < Pk2.DeviceBuffers.UserIDs.Length);
            // Test Memory --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (FormPICkit2.TestMemoryEnabled && FormPICkit2.TestMemoryOpen)
                if (FormPICkit2.formTestMem.HexImportExportTM())
                    int tmSize = FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords;
                    arrayIndex = 0;
                    if (tmSize > 0)
                        uint tmAddr = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].TestMemoryStart;
                        if ((tmAddr & 0xFFFF0000) > 0)
                        { // need a segment address
                            string segmentLine = string.Format(":02000004{0:X4}", (tmAddr >> 16));
                            segmentLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(segmentLine));

                        fileAddress = (int)tmAddr & 0xFFFF;
                        int tmBytesPerWord = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes;
                        arrayIncrement = 16 / tmBytesPerWord;     // # array words per hex line.
                            string hexLine = string.Format(":10{0:X4}00", fileAddress);
                            for (int i = 0; i < arrayIncrement; i++)
                                // convert entire array word to hex string of 4 bytes.
                                string hexWord = string.Format("{0:X8}", FormTestMemory.TestMemory[arrayIndex + i]);
                                for (int j = 0; j < tmBytesPerWord; j++)
                                    hexLine += hexWord.Substring((6 - 2 * j), 2);
                            hexLine += string.Format("{0:X2}", computeChecksum(hexLine));
                            if ((fileAddress != ((int)tmAddr & 0xFFFF)) || (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() != 3))
                            { // skip User ID line on PIC18F

                            fileAddress += 16;
                            arrayIndex  += arrayIncrement;
                        } while (arrayIndex < FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords);
            //end of record line.
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void ReCalcMultiWinMem()
        {   // call on 1) window init, 2) window resize, 3) new part, 4) Change view combo box
            uint memSize = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEMem;

            if (memSize == 0)

            if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)

            // first, calculate the address column size
            uint maxAddr      = (memSize * Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].EEMemAddressIncrement) - 1;
            int  addrColWidth = 30; // FF max

            addrFormat = "{0:X2}";
            if (maxAddr > 0xFFF)
                addrColWidth = 40;
                addrFormat   = "{0:X4}";
            else if (maxAddr > 0xFF)
                addrColWidth = 32; // FFF max
                addrFormat   = "{0:X3}";
            addrColWidth = (int)(addrColWidth * FormPICkit2.ScalefactW); // adjust for DPI

            // Figure data column size minimum
            uint blankValue = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue;
            // col width min for PIC32 is 62
            int dataColWidth  = 24; //FF
            int asciiColWidth = 16;

            asciiBytes = 1;
            dataFormat = "{0:X2}";
            if (blankValue > 0xFFFF)
            { // FFFF
                dataColWidth  = 36;
                asciiColWidth = 28;
                asciiBytes    = 2;
                dataFormat    = "{0:X4}";
            else if (blankValue == 0xFFF)
            { // FFF baseline dataflash
                dataColWidth  = 28;
                asciiColWidth = 28;
                asciiBytes    = 2;
                dataFormat    = "{0:X3}";
            float colRatio = 1;

            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            { // ascii view
                colRatio      = (float)asciiColWidth / ((float)asciiColWidth + (float)dataColWidth);
                dataColWidth += asciiColWidth;
            dataColWidth = (int)(dataColWidth * FormPICkit2.ScalefactW); // adjust for DPI

            // calculate the number of data columns that will fit (must be mult of 2)
            // space left after address column and fudge factor for scroll bar:
            int dataSpace = dataGridProgramMemory.Size.Width - addrColWidth - (int)(20 * FormPICkit2.ScalefactW);
            int maxCols   = dataSpace / dataColWidth;

            for (int mult = 1; mult <= 256; mult *= 2)
                if (mult > maxCols)
                    maxCols = mult / 2;
            if (maxCols > (int)memSize)
                maxCols = (int)memSize; // no point in having more columns than memory locations!
            // get the real width of the final column count
            dataColWidth = dataSpace / maxCols;
            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            { // ascii view
                asciiColWidth = (int)(colRatio * (float)dataColWidth);
                dataColWidth -= asciiColWidth;

            // clear selection
            if ((dataGridProgramMemory.FirstDisplayedCell != null) && !progMemJustEdited)
                int currentRow = dataGridProgramMemory.FirstDisplayedCell.RowIndex;
                dataGridProgramMemory.MultiSelect             = false;
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, currentRow].Selected = true;              // these 4 statements remove the "select" box
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, currentRow].Selected = false;
                dataGridProgramMemory.MultiSelect             = true;
            else if ((dataGridProgramMemory.FirstDisplayedCell == null) && (dataGridProgramMemory.RowCount > 0))
            {                                                // remove select box when app first opened.
                dataGridProgramMemory.MultiSelect    = false;
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, 0].Selected = true; // these 4 statements remove the "select" box
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, 0].Selected = false;
                dataGridProgramMemory.MultiSelect    = true;
            progMemJustEdited = false;
            // format the display box
            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            {                                                          // ascii view
                dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount = (2 * maxCols) + 1; // add in address column
            {                                                    // hex only
                dataGridProgramMemory.ColumnCount = maxCols + 1; // add in address column
            // addr col
            dataGridProgramMemory.Columns[0].Width = addrColWidth;
            // data cols
            for (int i = 1; i <= maxCols; i++)
                dataGridProgramMemory.Columns[i].Width = dataColWidth;
            if (comboBoxProgMemView.SelectedIndex > 0)
            { // ascii view
                for (int i = maxCols + 1; i <= (2 * maxCols); i++)
                    dataGridProgramMemory.Columns[i].Width = asciiColWidth;
            // determine row count
            int numRows = (int)memSize / maxCols;

            if ((memSize % maxCols) > 0)
            { // mem size not an even divider, need an extra row
            dataGridProgramMemory.RowCount = (int)numRows;
            // fill address column
            int rowAddrIncrement = maxCols * (int)Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].EEMemAddressIncrement;

            for (int row = 0, addr = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].Value           = string.Format(addrFormat, addr);
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].ReadOnly        = true;
                dataGridProgramMemory[0, row].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight;
                addr += rowAddrIncrement;

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static Constants.FileRead ImportHexFile(String filePath, bool progMem, bool eeMem)
        {  // NOTE: The device buffers being read into must all be set to blank value before getting here!
                FileInfo hexFile = new FileInfo(filePath);
                LastWriteTime = hexFile.LastWriteTime;
                TextReader hexRead          = hexFile.OpenText();
                int        bytesPerWord     = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].ProgMemHexBytes;
                int        eeMemBytes       = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].EEMemHexBytes;
                uint       eeAddr           = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEAddr;
                int        progMemSizeBytes = (int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ProgramMem * bytesPerWord;
                int        segmentAddress   = 0;
                bool       configRead       = false;
                bool       lineExceedsFlash = true;
                bool       fileExceedsFlash = false;
                int        userIDs          = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDWords;
                uint       userIDAddr       = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].UserIDAddr;
                if (userIDAddr == 0)
                    userIDAddr = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                int userIDMemBytes = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].UserIDHexBytes;
                // need to set config words to memory blank.
                int configWords = Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords;
                for (int cw = 0; cw < configWords; cw++)
                    Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[cw] = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].BlankValue;

                string fileLine = hexRead.ReadLine();
                while (fileLine != null)
                    if ((fileLine[0] == ':') && (fileLine.Length >= 11))
                    { // skip line if not hex line entry,or not minimum length ":BBAAAATTCC"
                        int byteCount   = Int32.Parse(fileLine.Substring(1, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        int fileAddress = segmentAddress + Int32.Parse(fileLine.Substring(3, 4), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        int recordType  = Int32.Parse(fileLine.Substring(7, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                        if (recordType == 0)
                        {     // Data Record}
                            if (fileLine.Length >= (11 + (2 * byteCount)))
                            { // skip if line isn't long enough for bytecount.
                                for (int lineByte = 0; lineByte < byteCount; lineByte++)
                                    int byteAddress = fileAddress + lineByte;
                                    // compute array address from hex file address # bytes per memory location
                                    int arrayAddress = byteAddress / bytesPerWord;
                                    // compute byte position withing memory word
                                    int bytePosition = byteAddress % bytesPerWord;
                                    // get the byte value from hex file
                                    uint wordByte = 0xFFFFFF00 | UInt32.Parse(fileLine.Substring((9 + (2 * lineByte)), 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                                    // shift the byte into its proper position in the word.
                                    for (int shift = 0; shift < bytePosition; shift++)
                                    {                      // shift byte into proper position
                                        wordByte <<= 8;
                                        wordByte  |= 0xFF; // shift in ones.

                                    lineExceedsFlash = true; // if not in any memory section, then error

                                    // program memory section --------------------------------------------------
                                    if (byteAddress < progMemSizeBytes)
                                        if (progMem)
                                        {                                                              // if importing program memory
                                            Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ProgramMemory[arrayAddress] &= wordByte; // add byte.
                                        lineExceedsFlash = false;
                                        //NOTE: program memory locations containing config words may get modified
                                        // by the config section below that applies the config masks.

                                    // EE data section ---------------------------------------------------------
                                    if ((byteAddress >= eeAddr) && (eeAddr > 0) && (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEMem > 0))
                                        int eeAddress = (int)(byteAddress - eeAddr) / eeMemBytes;
                                        if (eeAddress < Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEMem)
                                            lineExceedsFlash = false;
                                            if (eeMem)
                                            {                                                              // skip if not importing EE Memory
                                                if (eeMemBytes == bytesPerWord)
                                                {                                                          // same # hex bytes per EE location as ProgMem location
                                                    Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[eeAddress] &= wordByte; // add byte.
                                                {  // PIC18F/J
                                                    int eeshift = (bytePosition / eeMemBytes) * eeMemBytes;
                                                    for (int reshift = 0; reshift < eeshift; reshift++)
                                                    { // shift byte into proper position
                                                        wordByte >>= 8;
                                                    Pk2.DeviceBuffers.EEPromMemory[eeAddress] &= wordByte; // add byte.
                                    // Some 18F parts without EEPROM have hex files created with blank EEPROM by MPLAB
                                    else if ((byteAddress >= eeAddr) && (eeAddr > 0) && (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].EEMem == 0))
                                        lineExceedsFlash = false; // don't give too-large file error.
                                    // Config words section ----------------------------------------------------
                                    if ((byteAddress >= Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr) &&
                                        (configWords > 0))
                                        int configNum = (byteAddress - ((int)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigAddr)) / bytesPerWord;
                                        if (configNum < Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigWords)
                                            lineExceedsFlash = false;
                                            configRead       = true;
                                            if (progMem)
                                            { // if importing program memory
                                                Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ConfigWords[configNum] &=
                                                    (wordByte & Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[configNum]);
                                                if (byteAddress < progMemSizeBytes)
                                                {                                                                                  // also mask off the word if in program memory.
                                                    Pk2.DeviceBuffers.ProgramMemory[arrayAddress] &=
                                                        (wordByte & Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].ConfigMasks[configNum]); // add byte.

                                    // User IDs section ---------------------------------------------------------
                                    if (userIDs > 0)
                                        if (byteAddress >= userIDAddr)
                                            int uIDAddress = (int)(byteAddress - userIDAddr) / userIDMemBytes;
                                            if (uIDAddress < userIDs)
                                                lineExceedsFlash = false;
                                                if (progMem)
                                                {                                                          // if importing program memory
                                                    if (userIDMemBytes == bytesPerWord)
                                                    {                                                      // same # hex bytes per EE location as ProgMem location
                                                        Pk2.DeviceBuffers.UserIDs[uIDAddress] &= wordByte; // add byte.
                                                    {  // PIC18F/J, PIC24H/dsPIC33
                                                        int uIDshift = (bytePosition / userIDMemBytes) * userIDMemBytes;
                                                        for (int reshift = 0; reshift < uIDshift; reshift++)
                                                        { // shift byte into proper position
                                                            wordByte >>= 8;
                                                        Pk2.DeviceBuffers.UserIDs[uIDAddress] &= wordByte; // add byte.
                                    // ignore data in hex file
                                    if (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].IgnoreBytes > 0)
                                        if (byteAddress >= Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].IgnoreAddress)
                                            if (byteAddress < (Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].IgnoreAddress
                                                               + Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].IgnoreBytes))
                                            { // if data is in the ignore region, don't do anything with it
                                              // but don't generate a "hex file larger than device" warning.
                                                lineExceedsFlash = false;

                                    // test memory section ---------------------------------------------------------
                                    if (FormPICkit2.TestMemoryEnabled && FormPICkit2.TestMemoryOpen)
                                        if (FormPICkit2.formTestMem.HexImportExportTM())
                                            if ((byteAddress >= Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].TestMemoryStart) &&
                                                (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].TestMemoryStart > 0) &&
                                                (FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords > 0))
                                                int tmAddress =
                                                    (int)(byteAddress - Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].TestMemoryStart)
                                                    / bytesPerWord;
                                                if (tmAddress < FormPICkit2.TestMemoryWords)
                                                    lineExceedsFlash = false;
                                                    FormTestMemory.TestMemory[tmAddress] &= wordByte; // add byte.

                            if (lineExceedsFlash)
                                fileExceedsFlash = true;
                        } // end if (recordType == 0)

                        if ((recordType == 2) || (recordType == 4))
                        {     // Segment address
                            if (fileLine.Length >= (11 + (2 * byteCount)))
                            { // skip if line isn't long enough for bytecount.
                                segmentAddress = Int32.Parse(fileLine.Substring(9, 4), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                            if (recordType == 2)
                                segmentAddress <<= 4;
                                segmentAddress <<= 16;
                        } // end if ((recordType == 2) || (recordType == 4))

                        if (recordType == 1)
                        { // end of record

                        if (hexFile.Extension.ToUpper() == ".NUM")
                        { // Only read first line of SQTP file
                    fileLine = hexRead.ReadLine();

                if (!configRead && (configWords > 0))
                if (fileExceedsFlash)