Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves formatting information for a line in a fixed length text file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab">DataTable containing the data.</param>
        /// <param name="useLineTerminator">String containing one or more characters that will denote the end of a line of data.</param>
        /// <param name="columnNamesOnFirstLine">If true, a line containing the column names in delimited format will be the first line returned.</param>
        /// <param name="allowDataTruncation">If true, data longer than defined column length will be truncated; otherwise an exception will be thrown.</param>
        /// <param name="tableNumber">Arbitrary number used to identify the table.</param>
        /// <param name="lineTerminatorChars">Default is CR/LF for characters to mark end of line. You can override the default by setting this parameter.</param>
        /// <returns>PFFixedLengthDataLine object.</returns>
        public PFFixedLengthDataLine GetFixedLengthLineDefinitionFromTable(DataTable tab,
                                                                           bool useLineTerminator,
                                                                           bool columnNamesOnFirstLine,
                                                                           bool allowDataTruncation,
                                                                           int tableNumber,
                                                                           string lineTerminatorChars)
            int colInx    = 0;
            int maxColInx = -1;
            int colLen    = -1;
            DataColumnCollection  cols            = tab.Columns;
            PFFixedLengthDataLine fixedLengthLine = new PFFixedLengthDataLine(cols.Count);

            maxColInx = tab.Columns.Count - 1;

            fixedLengthLine.UseLineTerminator       = useLineTerminator;
            fixedLengthLine.LineTerminator          = lineTerminatorChars;
            fixedLengthLine.ColumnNamesOnFirstLine  = columnNamesOnFirstLine;
            fixedLengthLine.AllowDataTruncation     = allowDataTruncation;
            fixedLengthLine.MaxColumnLengthOverride = this.MaxColumnLengthOverride;

            for (colInx = 0; colInx <= maxColInx; colInx++)
                if (PFFixedLengthDataLine.DataTypeIsNumeric(cols[colInx].DataType))
                    colLen = PFFixedLengthDataLine.GetNumericTypeMaxExtractLength(cols[colInx].DataType);
                else if (PFFixedLengthDataLine.DataTypeIsDateTime(cols[colInx].DataType))
                    colLen = PFFixedLengthDataLine.GetDateTimeTypeMaxExtractLength(cols[colInx].DataType);
                    colLen = cols[colInx].MaxLength;
                fixedLengthLine.SetColumnDefinition(colInx, cols[colInx].ColumnName, colLen);

            if (columnNamesOnFirstLine == true)
                if (returnResultAsString != null)
                    returnResultAsString(fixedLengthLine.OutputColumnNames(), tableNumber);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts data from DataTable into fixed length text format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab">DataTable containing the data.</param>
        /// <param name="useLineTerminator">String containing one or more characters that will denote the end of a line of data.</param>
        /// <param name="columnNamesOnFirstLine">If true, a line containing the column names in delimited format will be the first line returned.</param>
        /// <param name="allowDataTruncation">If true, data longer than defined column length will be truncated; otherwise an exception will be thrown.</param>
        /// <param name="tableNumber">Arbitrary number used to identify the table.</param>
        /// <param name="lineTerminatorChars">Default is CR/LF for characters to mark end of line. You can override the default by setting this parameter.</param>
        private void ExtractFixedLengthDataFromTable(DataTable tab,
                                                     bool useLineTerminator,
                                                     bool columnNamesOnFirstLine,
                                                     bool allowDataTruncation,
                                                     int tableNumber,
                                                     string lineTerminatorChars)
            int rowInx    = 0;
            int maxRowInx = -1;
            int colInx    = 0;
            int maxColInx = -1;
            int colLen    = -1;
            DataColumnCollection  cols            = tab.Columns;
            PFFixedLengthDataLine fixedLengthLine = new PFFixedLengthDataLine(cols.Count);

            maxRowInx = tab.Rows.Count - 1;
            maxColInx = tab.Columns.Count - 1;

            fixedLengthLine.UseLineTerminator         = useLineTerminator;
            fixedLengthLine.LineTerminator            = lineTerminatorChars;
            fixedLengthLine.ColumnNamesOnFirstLine    = columnNamesOnFirstLine;
            fixedLengthLine.AllowDataTruncation       = allowDataTruncation;
            fixedLengthLine.MaxColumnLengthOverride   = this.MaxColumnLengthOverride;
            fixedLengthLine.DefaultStringColumnLength = this.DefaultStringColumnLength;

            for (colInx = 0; colInx <= maxColInx; colInx++)
                if (PFFixedLengthDataLine.DataTypeIsNumeric(cols[colInx].DataType))
                    colLen = PFFixedLengthDataLine.GetNumericTypeMaxExtractLength(cols[colInx].DataType);
                else if (PFFixedLengthDataLine.DataTypeIsDateTime(cols[colInx].DataType))
                    colLen = PFFixedLengthDataLine.GetDateTimeTypeMaxExtractLength(cols[colInx].DataType);
                    colLen = cols[colInx].MaxLength;
                fixedLengthLine.SetColumnDefinition(colInx, cols[colInx].ColumnName, colLen);

            if (columnNamesOnFirstLine == true)
                if (returnResultAsString != null)
                    returnResultAsString(fixedLengthLine.OutputColumnNames(), tableNumber);

            for (rowInx = 0; rowInx <= maxRowInx; rowInx++)
                DataRow row = tab.Rows[rowInx];
                if (returnResultAsString != null)
                    for (colInx = 0; colInx <= maxColInx; colInx++)
                        fixedLengthLine.SetColumnData(colInx, row[colInx].ToString());
                    returnResultAsString(fixedLengthLine.OutputColumnData(), tableNumber);
        }//end ExtractFixedLengthDataFromTable method
Ejemplo n.º 3
        }//end ExtractFixedLengthDataFromTable method

        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts data from DataTable into fixed length text format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fixedLengthLineDef">Object containing column definitions to use for the output fixed length text data.</param>
        /// <param name="tab">DataTable containing the data.</param>
        /// <param name="useLineTerminator">String containing one or more characters that will denote the end of a line of data.</param>
        /// <param name="columnNamesOnFirstLine">If true, a line containing the column names in delimited format will be the first line returned.</param>
        /// <param name="allowDataTruncation">If true, data longer than defined column length will be truncated; otherwise an exception will be thrown.</param>
        /// <param name="tableNumber">Arbitrary number used to identify the table.</param>
        /// <param name="lineTerminatorChars">Default is CR/LF for characters to mark end of line. You can override the default by setting this parameter.</param>
        /// <remarks>This version of ExtractFixedLengthDataFromTable adjusts column definitions to allow for changes to the data lengths in the data table.</remarks>
        public void ExtractFixedLengthDataFromTable(PFFixedLengthDataLine fixedLengthLineDef,
                                                    DataTable tab,
                                                    bool useLineTerminator,
                                                    bool columnNamesOnFirstLine,
                                                    bool allowDataTruncation,
                                                    int tableNumber,
                                                    string lineTerminatorChars)
            int rowInx    = 0;
            int maxRowInx = -1;
            int dtColInx  = 0;
            int defColInx = 0;
            int maxColInx = -1;
            int colLen    = -1;
            DataColumnCollection  cols = tab.Columns;
            PFFixedLengthDataLine dtFixedLengthLine = new PFFixedLengthDataLine(cols.Count);
            bool colDefOverride = false;

            maxRowInx = tab.Rows.Count - 1;
            maxColInx = tab.Columns.Count - 1;

            dtFixedLengthLine.UseLineTerminator         = fixedLengthLineDef.UseLineTerminator;
            dtFixedLengthLine.LineTerminator            = fixedLengthLineDef.LineTerminator;
            dtFixedLengthLine.ColumnNamesOnFirstLine    = fixedLengthLineDef.ColumnNamesOnFirstLine;
            dtFixedLengthLine.AllowDataTruncation       = fixedLengthLineDef.AllowDataTruncation;
            dtFixedLengthLine.MaxColumnLengthOverride   = fixedLengthLineDef.MaxColumnLengthOverride;
            dtFixedLengthLine.DefaultStringColumnLength = fixedLengthLineDef.DefaultStringColumnLength;

            for (dtColInx = 0; dtColInx <= maxColInx; dtColInx++)
                for (defColInx = 0; defColInx < fixedLengthLineDef.ColumnDefinitions.ColumnDefinition.Length; defColInx++)
                    colDefOverride = false;
                    if (tab.Columns[dtColInx].ColumnName == fixedLengthLineDef.ColumnDefinitions.ColumnDefinition[defColInx].ColumnName)
                        colDefOverride = true;
                if (colDefOverride == false)
                    //dynamically build the column definition
                    if (PFFixedLengthDataLine.DataTypeIsNumeric(tab.Columns[dtColInx].DataType))
                        colLen = PFFixedLengthDataLine.GetNumericTypeMaxExtractLength(tab.Columns[dtColInx].DataType);
                    else if (PFFixedLengthDataLine.DataTypeIsDateTime(tab.Columns[dtColInx].DataType))
                        colLen = PFFixedLengthDataLine.GetDateTimeTypeMaxExtractLength(tab.Columns[dtColInx].DataType);
                        colLen = tab.Columns[dtColInx].MaxLength;
                    dtFixedLengthLine.SetColumnDefinition(dtColInx, tab.Columns[dtColInx].ColumnName, colLen, PFDataAlign.LeftJustify);

            if (columnNamesOnFirstLine == true)
                if (returnResultAsString != null)
                    returnResultAsString(dtFixedLengthLine.OutputColumnNames(), tableNumber);

            for (rowInx = 0; rowInx <= maxRowInx; rowInx++)
                DataRow row = tab.Rows[rowInx];
                if (returnResultAsString != null)
                    for (dtColInx = 0; dtColInx <= maxColInx; dtColInx++)
                        dtFixedLengthLine.SetColumnData(dtColInx, row[dtColInx].ToString());
                    returnResultAsString(dtFixedLengthLine.OutputColumnData(), tableNumber);
        }//end method
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void FixedLengthExtractFileTest(MainForm frm)
            PFSQLServer sqlserv          = new PFSQLServer();
            string      connectionString = string.Empty;
            string      sqlQuery         = "select GeographyKey, City, StateProvinceName as StateName, EnglishCountryRegionName as CountryName, PostalCode, SalesTerritoryKey as TerritoryKey from dbo.DimGeography;";
            PFTextFile  extractFile      = new PFTextFile(@"c:\temp\FixedLengthFileTest.txt", PFFileOpenOperation.OpenFileForWrite);
            Stopwatch   watch            = new Stopwatch();


                sqlserv.ServerName            = "PROFASTWS1";
                sqlserv.DatabaseName          = "AdventureWorksDW2008R2";
                sqlserv.UseIntegratedSecurity = true;
                sqlserv.ApplicationName       = "TextExtractTest";
                sqlserv.WorkstationId         = Environment.MachineName;

                connectionString = sqlserv.ConnectionString;

                _msg.Length = 0;
                _msg.Append("Connection string is: \r\n");


                sqlserv.SQLQuery    = sqlQuery;
                sqlserv.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                SqlDataReader rdr = (SqlDataReader)sqlserv.RunQueryDataReader();

                DataTable             schemaTable = rdr.GetSchemaTable();
                PFFixedLengthDataLine line        = new PFFixedLengthDataLine(schemaTable.Rows.Count);
                line.UseLineTerminator   = frm.chkFixedLengthCrLf.Checked;
                line.AllowDataTruncation = frm.chkAllowDataTruncation.Checked;

                //foreach (DataRow myField in schemaTable.Rows)
                //    //For each property of the field...
                //    foreach (DataColumn myProperty in schemaTable.Columns)
                //    {
                //        //Display the field name and value.
                //        Program._messageLog.WriteLine(myProperty.ColumnName + " = " + myField[myProperty].ToString() + " - " );
                //    }


                ////DataRow row = schemaTable.Rows[0];
                ////Program._messageLog.WriteLine(row["ColumnName"] + " is " + row["DataType"]);


                //for (int rowInx = 0; rowInx < schemaTable.Rows.Count; rowInx++)
                //    DataRow row = schemaTable.Rows[rowInx];
                //    Program._messageLog.WriteLine(row["ColumnName"] + " is " + row["DataType"]);


                //line.SetColumnDefinition(0, "GeographyKey", 12,PFDataAlign.RightJustify);
                //line.SetColumnDefinition(1, "City", 30, PFDataAlign.LeftJustify);
                //line.SetColumnDefinition(2, "StateName", 50, PFDataAlign.LeftJustify);
                //line.SetColumnDefinition(3, "CountryName", 50, PFDataAlign.LeftJustify);
                //line.SetColumnDefinition(4, "PostalCode", 15, PFDataAlign.LeftJustify);
                //line.SetColumnDefinition(5, "TerritoryKey", 12, PFDataAlign.RightJustify);

                //foreach (DataRow myField in schemaTable.Rows)
                //    //For each property of the field...
                //    foreach (DataColumn myProperty in schemaTable.Columns)
                //    {
                //    //Display the field name and value.
                //        Program._messageLog.WriteLine(myProperty.ColumnName + " = " + myField[myProperty].ToString());
                //    }

                for (int rowInx = 0; rowInx < schemaTable.Rows.Count; rowInx++)
                    DataRow     row           = schemaTable.Rows[rowInx];
                    string      colName       = row["ColumnName"].ToString();
                    System.Type colType       = (System.Type)row["DataType"];
                    bool        typeIsNumeric = PFFixedLengthDataLine.DataTypeIsNumeric(colType);
                    int         colLen        = PFFixedLengthDataLine.GetNumericTypeMaxExtractLength(colType);
                    if (colLen < 1)
                        colLen = (int)row["ColumnSize"];
                    if (colName.Length > colLen)
                        colLen = colName.Length;
                    PFDataAlign dataAlignment = typeIsNumeric ? PFDataAlign.RightJustify : PFDataAlign.LeftJustify;

                    line.SetColumnDefinition(rowInx, colName, colLen, dataAlignment);
                    Program._messageLog.WriteLine(colName + ", " + colType.FullName + ", " + colLen.ToString() + ", " + dataAlignment.ToString());

                int numRows = 0;
                if (rdr.HasRows)
                    int colInx    = 0;
                    int maxColInx = -1;
                    while (rdr.Read())
                        maxColInx = rdr.FieldCount - 1;
                        for (colInx = 0; colInx <= maxColInx; colInx++)
                            line.SetColumnData(colInx, rdr[colInx].ToString());

                _msg.Length = 0;
                _msg.Append("Number of data rows written:   ");
                _msg.Append("Number of header rows written: 1");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                _msg.Length = 0;
                AppMessages.DisplayErrorMessage(_msg.ToString(), _saveErrorMessagesToAppLog);
                sqlserv = null;
                if (extractFile != null)
                    extractFile = null;
                _msg.Length = 0;
                _msg.Append("Elapsed time: ");
        }//end test