protected void BindValue() { Pub onePub = PE_DAL.GetProdGenData(intPubID); this.txtCPJNum.Text = onePub.ProdID; this.txtShortTitle.Text = onePub.ShortTitle; this.txtLongTitle.Text = onePub.LongTitle; this.lblNIHNum.Text = onePub.NIHNum; this.txtFS.Text = onePub.FSNum; this.txtSpanishAccentLongTitle.Text = onePub.SpanishAccentLongTitle; this.txtSpanishNoAccentLongTitle.Text = onePub.SpanishNoAccentLongTitle; this.txtURL.Text = onePub.URL; this.txtNerdoURL.Text = onePub.URL2; this.txtPDFURL.Text = onePub.PDFURL; this.txtKindleURL.Text = onePub.KINDLEURL; this.txtePubURL.Text = onePub.EPUBURL; this.txtPrintFileURL.Text = onePub.PRINTFILEURL; if (onePub.Qty >= 0) { this.lblMaxQtyTile.Text = this.txtMaxQtyTile.Text = onePub.Qty.ToString(); } else { this.lblMaxQtyTile.Text = this.txtMaxQtyTile.Text = String.Empty; } if (onePub.QtyAvailable >= 0) { //NCIDC this.lblQtyAvai.Text = onePub.QtyAvailable.ToString(); this.txtQtyAvai.Text = onePub.QtyAvailable.ToString(); } else { //NCIDC this.lblQtyAvai.Text = String.Empty; this.txtQtyAvai.Text = String.Empty; } if (onePub.QtyThreshold >= 0) { this.txtQtyThresh.Text = onePub.QtyThreshold.ToString(); } else { this.txtQtyThresh.Text = String.Empty; } this.PopulateBookStatusDropDown(onePub.Status.Trim()); //NCIDC //NCIDC this.lblBkStatus.Text = onePub.Status; if (onePub.Weight >= 0) { this.lblWeight.Text = this.txtWeight.Text = onePub.Weight.ToString(); } else { this.lblWeight.Text = this.txtWeight.Text = String.Empty; } //this.lblOwnervalue.Text = onePub.Owner; //this.lblSponsorvalue.Text = onePub.Sponsor; this.lblRecPubDate.Text = onePub.RecDate.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) != 0 ? onePub.RecDate.ToShortDateString() : String.Empty; if (onePub.ProdOrigDate_M == 0) { if (onePub.ProdOrigDate_Y == 0) { this.lblOrigPubDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblOrigPubDate.Text = onePub.ProdOrigDate_Y.ToString(); } } else { this.lblOrigPubDate.Text = onePub.ProdOrigDate_M.ToString(); if (onePub.ProdOrigDate_D == 0) { if (onePub.ProdOrigDate_Y == 0) { this.lblOrigPubDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblOrigPubDate.Text += "/" + onePub.ProdOrigDate_Y.ToString(); } } else { this.lblOrigPubDate.Text += "/" + onePub.ProdOrigDate_D.ToString(); if (onePub.ProdOrigDate_Y == 0) { this.lblOrigPubDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblOrigPubDate.Text += "/" + onePub.ProdOrigDate_Y.ToString(); } } } if (onePub.LastPrintDate_M == 0) { if (onePub.LastPrintDate_Y == 0) { this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text = onePub.LastPrintDate_Y.ToString(); } } else { this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text = onePub.LastPrintDate_M.ToString(); if (onePub.LastPrintDate_D == 0) { if (onePub.LastPrintDate_Y == 0) { this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text += "/" + onePub.LastPrintDate_Y.ToString(); } } else { this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text += "/" + onePub.LastPrintDate_D.ToString(); if (onePub.LastPrintDate_Y == 0) { this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text += "/" + onePub.LastPrintDate_Y.ToString(); } } } if (onePub.LastRevDate_M == 0) { if (onePub.LastRevDate_Y == 0) { this.lblRevPubDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblRevPubDate.Text = onePub.LastRevDate_Y.ToString(); } } else { this.lblRevPubDate.Text = onePub.LastRevDate_M.ToString(); if (onePub.LastRevDate_D == 0) { if (onePub.LastRevDate_Y == 0) { this.lblRevPubDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblRevPubDate.Text += "/" + onePub.LastRevDate_Y.ToString(); } } else { this.lblRevPubDate.Text += "/" + onePub.LastRevDate_D.ToString(); if (onePub.LastRevDate_Y == 0) { this.lblRevPubDate.Text = ""; } else { this.lblRevPubDate.Text += "/" + onePub.LastRevDate_Y.ToString(); } } } //this.lblOrigPubDate.Text = onePub.ProdOrigDate.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) != 0 ? onePub.ProdOrigDate.ToString() : String.Empty; //this.lblLatestPrintDate.Text = onePub.LastPrintDate.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) != 0 ? onePub.LastPrintDate.ToString() : String.Empty; //this.lblRevPubDate.Text = onePub.LastRevDate.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) != 0 ? onePub.LastRevDate.ToString() : String.Empty; this.lblArchiveDate.Text = onePub.ArchDate.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) != 0 ? onePub.ArchDate.ToShortDateString() : String.Empty; //NCIDC if ((this.Mode == PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalAMode) || //NCIDC ((this.Mode == PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalEMode) && !onePub.NONEDITABLEFIELDSFLAG)) if ((this.Mode == PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalAMode) || (this.Mode == PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalEMode)) //Removed check for NONEDITABLEFIELDSFLAG flag (Verified this flag is not set from Admin Tool - possibly had to do something with CPJ at some point) { this.txtWeight.Visible = this.txtMaxQtyTile.Visible = true; this.lblWeight.Visible = this.lblMaxQtyTile.Visible = false; } else { this.txtWeight.Visible = this.txtMaxQtyTile.Visible = false; this.lblWeight.Visible = this.lblMaxQtyTile.Visible = true; } //QC Report if (onePub.ProdID.Length > 0) { this.QCLink.NavigateUrl = "~/reportform.aspx?pubid=" + onePub.PubID; } if (false && onePub.Status == PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs) //***EAC Disabled per HITT 12194 (20120827) { this.ddlOwner.Enabled = false; } else { if (onePub.OwnerID != -1 && onePub.OwnerActive && !onePub.OwnerArcchive) { ddlOwner.SelectedValue = onePub.OwnerID.ToString(); } if (!onePub.OwnerActive || onePub.OwnerArcchive) { ddlOwner.SelectedItem.Value = onePub.OwnerID.ToString(); ddlOwner.SelectedItem.Text = ""; } } if (false && onePub.Status == PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs) //***EAC Disabled per HITT 12194 (20120827) { this.ddlSponsor.Enabled = false; } else { if (onePub.SponsorID != -1 && onePub.SponsorActive && !onePub.SponsorArchvie) { ddlSponsor.SelectedValue = onePub.SponsorID.ToString(); } if (!onePub.SponsorActive || onePub.SponsorArchvie) { ddlSponsor.SelectedItem.Value = onePub.SponsorID.ToString(); ddlSponsor.SelectedItem.Text = ""; } } }
protected void BindOptions() { //if (this.Mode == PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalAMode) //{ this.listLang.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllLang(true); this.listAudience.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllAudience(true); this.listCancerType.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllCancerType(true); this.listProdFormat.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllProdFormat(true); this.listReadingLevel.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllReadinglevel(true); //NCIPL_CC this.listSeries.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllSeries(true); this.listAward.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllAward(true); this.listRace.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllRace(true); //} //else //{ // this.listLang.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllLang(false); // this.listAudience.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllAudience(false); // this.listCancerType.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllCancerType(false); // this.listProdFormat.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllProdFormat(false); // this.listReadingLevel.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllReadinglevel(false); // this.listSeries.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllSeries(false); // this.listAward.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllAward(false); // this.listRace.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetAllRace(false); //} this.listLang.DataTextField = "name"; this.listLang.DataValueField = "id"; this.listLang.DataBind(); this.listAudience.DataTextField = "name"; this.listAudience.DataValueField = "id"; this.listAudience.DataBind(); this.listCancerType.DataTextField = "name"; this.listCancerType.DataValueField = "id"; this.listCancerType.DataBind(); this.listProdFormat.DataTextField = "name"; this.listProdFormat.DataValueField = "id"; this.listProdFormat.DataBind(); this.listReadingLevel.DataTextField = "name"; this.listReadingLevel.DataValueField = "id"; this.listReadingLevel.DataBind(); //NCIPL_CC this.listSeries.DataTextField = "name"; //NCIPL_CC this.listSeries.DataValueField = "id"; //NCIPL_CC this.listSeries.DataBind(); this.listAward.DataTextField = "name"; this.listAward.DataValueField = "id"; this.listAward.DataBind(); this.listRace.DataTextField = "name"; this.listRace.DataValueField = "id"; this.listRace.DataBind(); this.rdbtnListCopyRightMaterial.DataBind(); this.CkboxListNewUpdated.DataBind(); this.CkboxListNewUpdated.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:GenProjSettingENewUpdatedSetting();"); }
protected void BindValues() { Pub l_pub = PE_DAL.GetProdComData(this.PubID); this.TextCtrl_SpellCkDescription.Text = l_pub.Description; this.TextCtrl_SpellCk_Keyword.Text = l_pub.Keywords; this.TextCtrl_SpellCk_Summary.Text = l_pub.Summary; if (l_pub.IsCopyRight > 0) { this.rdbtnListCopyRightMaterial.Yes = true; } else if (l_pub.IsCopyRight == 0) { this.rdbtnListCopyRightMaterial.No = true; } //this.fileTestUpload..Text = l_pub.Thumbnail; if (l_pub.TotalNumPage != 0) { this.txtTotalPage.Text = l_pub.TotalNumPage.ToString(); } //this.txtTotalPage.Text = l_pub.TotalNumPage.ToString(); this.fakeinput.Value = l_pub.Thumbnail; this.fakeLginput.Value = l_pub.LargeImage; this.TextCtrl_SpellCk_Dimension.Text = l_pub.Dimension; this.TextCtrl_SpellCk_Color.Text = l_pub.Color; this.TextCtrl_SpellCk_Other.Text = l_pub.Other; this.TextCtrl_SpellCk_POSInst.Text = l_pub.POSInst; if (l_pub.NEW > 0) { this.CkboxListNewUpdated.New = true; } else if (l_pub.NEW == 0) { this.CkboxListNewUpdated.New = false; } if (l_pub.UPDATED > 0) { this.CkboxListNewUpdated.Updated = true; } else if (l_pub.UPDATED == 0) { this.CkboxListNewUpdated.Updated = false; } if (l_pub.EXPDATE.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) > 0) { this.txtExpDate.Text = l_pub.EXPDATE.ToShortDateString(); } MultiSelectListBoxItemCollection rcoll = PE_DAL.GetLangByPubID(this.PubID); foreach (Lang p in rcoll) { ListItem matchItem = this.listLang.Items.FindByValue(p.LangID.ToString()); if (matchItem != null) { matchItem.Selected = true; } } rcoll = PE_DAL.GetCancerTypeByPubID(this.PubID); foreach (PubEntAdmin.BLL.CancerType p in rcoll) { ListItem matchItem = this.listCancerType.Items.FindByValue(p.CancerTypeID.ToString()); if (matchItem != null) { matchItem.Selected = true; } } rcoll = PE_DAL.GetAudienceByPubID(this.PubID); foreach (PubEntAdmin.BLL.Audience p in rcoll) { ListItem matchItem = this.listAudience.Items.FindByValue(p.AudID.ToString()); if (matchItem != null) { matchItem.Selected = true; } } rcoll = PE_DAL.GetProdFormatByPubID(this.PubID); foreach (ProdFormat p in rcoll) { ListItem matchItem = this.listProdFormat.Items.FindByValue(p.ProdFormatID.ToString()); if (matchItem != null) { matchItem.Selected = true; } } //Commented - NCIPL_CC (Moved Series to NCIPL and ROO tabs) //rcoll = PE_DAL.GetSeriesByPubID(this.PubID); //foreach (PubEntAdmin.BLL.Series p in rcoll) //{ // ListItem matchItem = this.listSeries.Items.FindByValue(p.SeriesID.ToString()); // if (matchItem != null) // { // matchItem.Selected = true; // } //} rcoll = PE_DAL.GetRaceByPubID(this.PubID); foreach (PubEntAdmin.BLL.Race p in rcoll) { ListItem matchItem = this.listRace.Items.FindByValue(p.RaceID.ToString()); if (matchItem != null) { matchItem.Selected = true; } } rcoll = PE_DAL.GetReadlevelByPubID(this.PubID); foreach (Readlevel p in rcoll) { ListItem matchItem = this.listReadingLevel.Items.FindByValue(p.ReadlevelID.ToString()); if (matchItem != null) { matchItem.Selected = true; } } rcoll = PE_DAL.GetAwardByPubID(this.PubID); foreach (PubEntAdmin.BLL.Award p in rcoll) { ListItem matchItem = this.listAward.Items.FindByValue(p.AwardID.ToString()); if (matchItem != null) { matchItem.Selected = true; } } }
protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.BindData(PE_DAL.GetAllFeaturedPubsSeq(DEFAULT_SORTBY, true)); }
public static void MarkOrderBad(int orderid, string who, string reason, out string returnmsg) { PE_DAL.MarkOrderBad(orderid, who, reason, out returnmsg); }
public static OrderCollection GetPrankOrders(string s) { return(PE_DAL.GetPrankOrders(s)); }
protected void BindData_(string PubIDs) { List <Pub> l_listPub = null; string l_key = String.Empty; if (PubIDs == null) { l_key = this.CleanSearchTerms(this.PreviousPage.Keyword.Trim()); l_listPub = PE_DAL.AdminDoSearch( this.PreviousPage.NCIPL ? 1 : 0, this.PreviousPage.ROO ? 1 : 0, this.PreviousPage.Exh ? 1 : 0, this.PreviousPage.Catalog ? 1 : 0, l_key.Length > 0 ? l_key : null, this.PreviousPage.NIHNum1.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.PreviousPage.NIHNum1.Trim() : null, this.PreviousPage.NIHNum2.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.PreviousPage.NIHNum2.Trim() : null, Convert.ToBoolean(this.PreviousPage.Newpub) ? 1 : 0, Convert.ToBoolean(this.PreviousPage.Updatedpub) ? 1 : 0, this.PreviousPage.CreatedFrom.Length > 0 ? Convert.ToDateTime(this.PreviousPage.CreatedFrom) : DateTime.MinValue, this.PreviousPage.CreatedTo.Length > 0 ? Convert.ToDateTime(this.PreviousPage.CreatedTo) : DateTime.MinValue, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedCancerType.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedCancerType != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedCancerType : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedSubject.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedSubject != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedSubject : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedAudience.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedAudience != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedAudience : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedLang.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedLang != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedLang : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedProdFormat.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedProdFormat != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedProdFormat : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedSeries.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedSeries != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedSeries : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedRace.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedRace != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedRace : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedBookStatus.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedBookStatus != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedBookStatus : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedReadingLevel.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedReadingLevel != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedReadingLevel : null, this.PreviousPage.ROOMostCom ? 1 : 0, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedROOSubject.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedROOSubject != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedROOSubject : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedAward.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedAward != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedAward : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedOwner.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedOwner != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedOwner : null, (this.PreviousPage.SelectedSponsor.Length > 0 && this.PreviousPage.SelectedSponsor != "0") ? this.PreviousPage.SelectedSponsor : null, null ); } else { this.mySearch = ((Search)Session[PubEntAdminManager.strSearchCriteria]); l_key = this.CleanSearchTerms(this.mySearch.Key.Trim()); l_listPub = PE_DAL.AdminDoSearch( this.mySearch.NCIPL ? 1 : 0, this.mySearch.ROO ? 1 : 0, this.mySearch.EXH ? 1 : 0, this.mySearch.CATALOG ? 1 : 0, l_key.Length > 0 ? l_key : null, this.mySearch.NIH1.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.mySearch.NIH1.Trim() : null, this.mySearch.NIH2.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.mySearch.NIH2.Trim() : null, Convert.ToBoolean(this.mySearch.ISNEW) ? 1 : 0, Convert.ToBoolean(this.mySearch.ISUPDATED) ? 1 : 0, this.mySearch.CreateFrom.Length > 0 ? Convert.ToDateTime(this.mySearch.CreateFrom) : DateTime.MinValue, this.mySearch.CreateTo.Length > 0 ? Convert.ToDateTime(this.mySearch.CreateTo) : DateTime.MinValue, (this.mySearch.Cancer.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Cancer != "0") ? this.mySearch.Cancer : null, (this.mySearch.Subj.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Subj != "0") ? this.mySearch.Subj : null, (this.mySearch.Aud.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Aud != "0") ? this.mySearch.Aud : null, (this.mySearch.Lang.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Lang != "0") ? this.mySearch.Lang : null, (this.mySearch.Format.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Format != "0") ? this.mySearch.Format : null, (this.mySearch.Serie.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Serie != "0") ? this.mySearch.Serie : null, (this.mySearch.Race.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Race != "0") ? this.mySearch.Race : null, (this.mySearch.Status.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Status != "0") ? this.mySearch.Status : null, (this.mySearch.Level.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Level != "0") ? this.mySearch.Level : null, this.mySearch.ROOCOM ? 1 : 0, (this.mySearch.ROOCOMSubj.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.ROOCOMSubj != "0") ? this.mySearch.ROOCOMSubj : null, (this.mySearch.Award.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Award != "0")? this.mySearch.Award : null, (this.mySearch.Owner.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Owner != "0") ? this.mySearch.Owner : null, (this.mySearch.Sponsor.Length > 0 && this.mySearch.Sponsor != "0") ? this.mySearch.Sponsor : null, PubIDs); } if (l_listPub.Count == 1) { if (this.Export) { this.RemColumnHeadersSortedImg(); this.gvResult.DataSource = l_listPub; this.gvResult.DataBind(); } else { this.mySearch.ClearPubId(); this.mySearch.AddPubId(l_listPub[0].PubID); Session[PubEntAdminManager.strSearchCriteria] = this.mySearch; //go directly to pubrecord page if (PubEntAdminManager.TamperProof) { PubEntAdminManager.RedirectEncodedURLWithQS("PubRecord.aspx", "mode=view&pubid=" + l_listPub[0].PubID.ToString()); } else { Response.Redirect("PubRecord.aspx?mode=view&pubid=" + l_listPub[0].PubID.ToString(), true); } } } else { this.lblTotalResCnt.Text = l_listPub.Count.ToString(); if (!this.Export) { this.mySearch.ClearPubId(); //Update the column headers UpdateColumnHeaders(); } else { this.RemColumnHeadersSortedImg(); } this.gvResult.DataSource = l_listPub; this.gvResult.DataBind(); if (l_listPub.Count == 0) { this.trTopCtrlPnl.Visible = this.trBtmCtrlPnl.Visible = false; this.gvResult.Visible = false; this.hyplnkRefSrch2.Visible = this.hyplnkSrch2.Visible = false; } } Session[PubEntAdminManager.strSearchCriteria] = this.mySearch; }
public bool Save() { string SeledConfValue = "", SeledRotateValue = ""; if (txtSeledConf.Text.Trim() != "") { SeledConfValue = this.txtSeledConf.Text.Substring(0, txtSeledConf.Text.Length - 1); } if (txtRotate.Text.Trim() != "") { SeledRotateValue = this.txtRotate.Text.Substring(0, txtRotate.Text.Length - 1); } this.SecVal(); bool blnDisplayStatusSave = PE_DAL.SetExhDisplayStatusByPubID(this.PubID, this.ckboxListDisplayStatusExh.SelectedValueToString(), ','); bool blnNCIPLInterfaceSave = PE_DAL.SetExhInterface(this.PubID, this.txtMaxQtyExh.Text.Trim().Length != 0 ? System.Convert.ToInt32(this.txtMaxQtyExh.Text.Trim()) : -1, this.txtMaxQtyIntl.Text.Trim().Length != 0 ? System.Convert.ToInt32(this.txtMaxQtyIntl.Text.Trim()) : -1, System.Convert.ToInt32(this.rdbtnListYesNoEveryOrder.Yes), System.Convert.ToInt32(this.rdbtnListYesNoShowInSearchRes.Yes)); if (IsExh) { bool blnExcPubs = true; string strExcPubsEr = ""; if (SeledRotateValue != "") { Array a = SeledRotateValue.Split(','); string[] aryString = new string[a.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { DataSet ds = LU_DAL.displayRotationPubsData(Convert.ToInt32(a.GetValue(i))); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 36) { blnExcPubs = false; if (strExcPubsEr == "") { strExcPubsEr = "There are already 36 rotation publications for " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); } else { strExcPubsEr += ", " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); } } } } } if (blnExcPubs) { this.lblErrorRotate.Text = ""; bool blnKioskConfSave = PE_DAL.SetExhKioskInterface(this.PubID, SeledConfValue, SeledRotateValue, ','); if (blnDisplayStatusSave && blnNCIPLInterfaceSave && blnKioskConfSave) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { this.lblErrorRotate.Text = strExcPubsEr + " conference(s)."; return(false); } } else { if (blnDisplayStatusSave && blnNCIPLInterfaceSave) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } }
protected void BindValues() { //If the mode is add, apply the following; //else retrieve from DB if (Session[PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalMode] != null) { if (Session[PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalMode].ToString() == PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalAMode)//add { this.rdbtnListYesNoEveryOrder.No = true; this.rdbtnListYesNoShowInSearchRes.Yes = true; //this.ckboxListDisplayStatusExh.IsOrder = true; } else { MultiSelectListBoxItemCollection rcoll = PE_DAL.GetExhDisplayStatusByPubID(this.PubID); foreach (DisplayStatus p in rcoll) { ListItem matchItem = this.ckboxListDisplayStatusExh.Items.FindByValue(p.DisplayStatusID.ToString()); if (matchItem != null) { matchItem.Selected = true; } } ExhCollection l = PE_DAL.GetExhInterface(this.PubID); if (l.Count > 0) { Exh l_Exh = l[0]; if (l_Exh.EVERYORDER_EXHIBIT > 0) { this.rdbtnListYesNoEveryOrder.Yes = true; } else if (l_Exh.EVERYORDER_EXHIBIT == 0) { this.rdbtnListYesNoEveryOrder.No = true; } //if (!this.rdbtnListYesNoEveryOrder.Selected()) //{ // this.rdbtnListYesNoEveryOrder.No = true; // this.rdbtnListYesNoShowInSearchRes.Yes = true; //} if (l_Exh.ISSEARCHABLE_EXHIBIT > 0) { this.rdbtnListYesNoShowInSearchRes.Yes = true; } else if (l_Exh.ISSEARCHABLE_EXHIBIT == 0) { this.rdbtnListYesNoShowInSearchRes.No = true; } //this.rdbtnListYesNoEveryOrder.Yes = l_Exh.EVERYORDER_EXHIBIT ? true : false; //this.rdbtnListYesNoShowInSearchRes.Yes = l_Exh.ISSEARCHABLE_EXHIBIT ? true : false; this.txtMaxQtyExh.Text = l_Exh.MAXQTY_EXHIBIT.ToString(); this.txtMaxQtyIntl.Text = l_Exh.MAXINTL_EXHIBIT.ToString(); } rcoll = PE_DAL.GetKioskConfByPubID(this.PubID); this.listSeledConf.DataSource = rcoll; this.listSeledConf.DataTextField = "name"; this.listSeledConf.DataValueField = "id"; this.listSeledConf.DataBind(); MultiSelectListBoxItemCollection lstConfSource = this.listConf.DataSource; foreach (PubEntAdmin.BLL.Conf p in rcoll) { MultiSelectListBoxItem li = new MultiSelectListBoxItem(); li.Name = p.ConfName.ToString(); li.ID = p.ConfID; int count = lstConfSource.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MultiSelectListBoxItem item = lstConfSource[i]; if (item.Name == li.Name) { lstConfSource.RemoveAt(i); i--; count--; } } li = null; this.txtSeledConf.Text += p.ID + ","; } listConf.DataSource = lstConfSource; listConf.DataBind(); MultiSelectListBoxItemCollection rcollR = PE_DAL.GetKioskConfRotateByPubID(this.PubID); this.listRotate.DataSource = rcollR; this.listRotate.DataTextField = "name"; this.listRotate.DataValueField = "id"; this.listRotate.DataBind(); foreach (PubEntAdmin.BLL.Conf p in rcollR) { this.txtRotate.Text += p.ID + ","; } } } }
public bool Save() { return(PE_DAL.SetLiveNewUpdatePubID(this.PubID)); }
public static bool SetProdFormat(int pubid, string selectedValue, char delim) { return(PE_DAL.SetProdFormatByPubID(pubid, selectedValue, delim)); }
protected void dgInfoViewNCIPL_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { if (String.Compare(((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row[0].ToString(), "Display Status:", true) == 0) { DataSet iSet = PE_DAL.GetNCIPLDisplayStatusView(this.PubID); if (iSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Label l_displayStatus = new Label(); foreach (DataRow s in iSet.Tables[0].Rows) { if (l_displayStatus.Text.Length > 0) { l_displayStatus.Text += ", "; } l_displayStatus.Text += s.ItemArray[1].ToString(); } l_displayStatus.Text.Trim(); ((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row[0] = ""; e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Clear(); e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Add(l_displayStatus); } else { Label errLbl = new Label(); errLbl.Text = " - "; e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Clear(); e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Add(errLbl); } } else if (String.Compare(((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row[0].ToString(), "Subject:", true) == 0) { DataGrid dgRegReimb2 = new DataGrid(); dgRegReimb2.ID = "innerDgRegReimb"; //Format the DataGrid to look cool. dgRegReimb2.BorderWidth = (Unit)0; dgRegReimb2.CellPadding = 4; dgRegReimb2.CellSpacing = 0; dgRegReimb2.GridLines = GridLines.None; dgRegReimb2.BorderColor = Color.FromName("#E0E0E0"); dgRegReimb2.ItemStyle.BackColor = Color.White; dgRegReimb2.AlternatingItemStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("LightGray"); dgRegReimb2.ShowHeader = false; dgRegReimb2.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "fieldLabel"; dgRegReimb2.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("#ffff00"); dgRegReimb2.AutoGenerateColumns = false; //****Add a series of BoundColumns****// //***Region Name***// BoundColumn bc = new BoundColumn(); //Set the BoundColumn Values bc.DataField = "Description"; //bc.HeaderText = "Region(s)"; bc.ItemStyle.Wrap = false; bc.ItemStyle.CssClass = "fieldLabel"; dgRegReimb2.Columns.Add(bc); //****End BoundColumns****// DataSet iSet = PE_DAL.GetNCIPLSubjectView(this.PubID); if (iSet != null) { dgRegReimb2.DataSource = iSet; dgRegReimb2.DataBind(); ((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row[0] = ""; e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Clear(); e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Add(dgRegReimb2); } else { Label errLbl = new Label(); errLbl.Text = " - "; e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Clear(); e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Add(errLbl); } } else if (String.Compare(((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row[0].ToString(), "Image Stack:", true) == 0) { //For Displaying Featured Pub Stacks DataGrid dgStackView = new DataGrid(); dgStackView.ID = "innerdgStackView"; //Format the DataGrid to look cool. dgStackView.BorderWidth = (Unit)0; dgStackView.CellPadding = 4; dgStackView.CellSpacing = 0; dgStackView.GridLines = GridLines.None; dgStackView.BorderColor = Color.FromName("#E0E0E0"); dgStackView.ItemStyle.BackColor = Color.White; dgStackView.AlternatingItemStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("LightGray"); dgStackView.ShowHeader = false; dgStackView.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "fieldLabel"; dgStackView.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("#ffff00"); dgStackView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; //****Add a series of BoundColumns****// //***Region Name***// BoundColumn bc = new BoundColumn(); //Set the BoundColumn Values //bc.DataField = "Description"; bc.DataField = "stacktitle"; //bc.HeaderText = "Region(s)"; bc.ItemStyle.Wrap = false; bc.ItemStyle.CssClass = "fieldLabel"; dgStackView.Columns.Add(bc); //****End BoundColumns****// //DataSet iSet = PE_DAL.GetNCIPLStacksView(this.PubID); StackCollection iSet = PE_DAL.GetNCIPLStacksView(this.PubID); //if (iSet != null) if (iSet.Count > 0) { dgStackView.DataSource = iSet; dgStackView.DataBind(); ((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row[0] = ""; e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Clear(); e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Add(dgStackView); } else { Label errLbl = new Label(); errLbl.Text = " - "; e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Clear(); e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Add(errLbl); } } //NCIPL_CC - Part of changes to have collections on NCIPL tab and ROO tab else if (String.Compare(((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row[0].ToString(), "Collections:", true) == 0) { //For Displaying Collections DataGrid dgCollectionsView = new DataGrid(); dgCollectionsView.ID = "innerdgCollectionsView"; //Format the DataGrid to look cool. dgCollectionsView.BorderWidth = (Unit)0; dgCollectionsView.CellPadding = 4; dgCollectionsView.CellSpacing = 0; dgCollectionsView.GridLines = GridLines.None; dgCollectionsView.BorderColor = Color.FromName("#E0E0E0"); dgCollectionsView.ItemStyle.BackColor = Color.White; dgCollectionsView.AlternatingItemStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("LightGray"); dgCollectionsView.ShowHeader = false; dgCollectionsView.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "fieldLabel"; dgCollectionsView.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("#ffff00"); dgCollectionsView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; //****Add a series of BoundColumns****// //***Region Name***// BoundColumn bc = new BoundColumn(); //Set the BoundColumn Values //bc.DataField = "Description"; bc.DataField = "SeriesName"; //bc.HeaderText = "Region(s)"; bc.ItemStyle.Wrap = false; bc.ItemStyle.CssClass = "fieldLabel"; dgCollectionsView.Columns.Add(bc); //****End BoundColumns****// //DataSet iSet = PE_DAL.GetNCIPLStacksView(this.PubID); SeriesCollection iSet = PE_DAL.GetCollectionsByInterfaceByPubId("NCIPL", this.PubID); //if (iSet != null) if (iSet.Count > 0) { dgCollectionsView.DataSource = iSet; dgCollectionsView.DataBind(); ((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row[0] = ""; e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Clear(); e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Add(dgCollectionsView); } else { Label errLbl = new Label(); errLbl.Text = " - "; e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Clear(); e.Item.Cells[1].Controls.Add(errLbl); } } } }
protected bool NewVK_LPCreationVal() { if (this.ProdID.Length > 0 && this.sarr.Length > 0) { this.NewPubCreateVal(); string pubid = this.ProdID.Trim(); List <string> val = PE_DAL.GetProdInt(pubid, System.Convert.ToInt32(this.IsVK)); string[] selectedInt = new string[this.sarr.Length]; string[] t_val; for (int k = 0; k < sarr.Length; k++) { selectedInt[k] = (sarr[k]); } if (val.Count == 0) { Session[DisplayKitPubErrorMsg] = "The Publication you provide does not exist."; return(false); } else { if (System.Convert.ToInt32(val[0]) > 0) { t_val = new string[2]; for (int i = 3; i < val.Count; i++) { t_val[i - 3] = val[i]; } if (this.containsAny(t_val, selectedInt)) { if (this.IsVK) { Session[DisplayKitPubErrorMsg] = "This Virtual Publication ID already exists for the interface(s) selected."; } else { Session[DisplayKitPubErrorMsg] = "This Linked Publication ID already exists for the interface(s) selected."; } return(false); } else { return(true); } } else { t_val = new string[4]; for (int i = 1; i < val.Count; i++) { t_val[(i - 1)] = val[i]; } if (!this.containsAll(t_val, selectedInt)) { Session[DisplayKitPubErrorMsg] = "The publication you provide has not been assigned to the interface(s) you selected."; return(false); } else { return(true); } } } } else { return(false); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!((CustomPrincipal)Context.User).IsInRole(PubEntAdminManager.AdminRole)) { PubEntAdminManager.UnathorizedAccess(); } System.Web.UI.UserControl l_uc; l_uc = (System.Web.UI.UserControl) this.LoadControl("UserControl/AdminMenu.ascx"); this.plcHldMenu.Controls.Clear(); this.plcHldMenu.Controls.Add(l_uc); this.SecVal(); if (PubEntAdminManager.TamperProof) { if (this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString.ContainsKey(PubEntAdminManager.strProdID)) { this.ProdID = (this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strProdID]); } if (this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString.ContainsKey(PubEntAdminManager.strPubID)) { this.KitID = System.Convert.ToInt32(this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strPubID]); } if (this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString.ContainsKey(PubEntAdminManager.strInterface)) { string s = this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strInterface]; if (s.IndexOf(',') < 0) { this.IsNCIPL = (this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strInterface]) == PubEntAdminManager.NCIPL_INTERFACE ? true : false; this.IsROO = (this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strInterface]) == PubEntAdminManager.ROO_INTERFACE ? true : false; } else { sarr = s.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string sstr in sarr) { if (!this.IsNCIPL) { this.IsNCIPL = ((sstr) == PubEntAdminManager.NCIPL_INTERFACE) ? true : false; } if (!this.IsROO) { this.IsROO = ((sstr) == PubEntAdminManager.ROO_INTERFACE) ? true : false; } } } } if (this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString.ContainsKey(PubEntAdminManager.strVK_LPType)) { this.IsVK = (this.myUrlBuilder.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strVK_LPType]) == PubEntAdminManager.strVKType ? true : false; } } else { if (Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strProdID] != null) { this.ProdID = (Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strProdID]); } if (Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strPubID] != null) { this.KitID = System.Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strPubID]); } if (Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strInterface] != null) { string s = Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strInterface]; if (s.IndexOf(',') < 0) { this.IsNCIPL = (Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strInterface]) == PubEntAdminManager.NCIPL_INTERFACE ? true : false; this.IsROO = (Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strInterface]) == PubEntAdminManager.ROO_INTERFACE ? true : false; sarr = new string[1]; if (this.IsNCIPL) { sarr[0] = PubEntAdminManager.NCIPL_INTERFACE; } else if (this.IsROO) { sarr[0] = PubEntAdminManager.ROO_INTERFACE; } } else { sarr = s.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string sstr in sarr) { if (!this.IsNCIPL) { this.IsNCIPL = ((sstr) == PubEntAdminManager.NCIPL_INTERFACE) ? true : false; } if (!this.IsROO) { this.IsROO = ((sstr) == PubEntAdminManager.ROO_INTERFACE) ? true : false; } } } } if (Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strVK_LPType] != null) { this.IsVK = (Request.QueryString[PubEntAdminManager.strVK_LPType]) == PubEntAdminManager.strVKType ? true : false; } } this.lblInstruction.Text = @"To add a publication to the " + (this.IsVK ? "Virtual Kit" : "Linked Publication") + @", enter the Publication ID then click Save.<br />To remove a publication from the " + (this.IsVK ? "Virtual Kit" : "Linked Publication") + @", select the check box next to the publication title."; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Request.UrlReferrer == null || !Request.UrlReferrer.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path). ToLower().Contains("displaykitpub.aspx")) { throw new Exception( "Must be invoked by DisplayKitPub.aspx"); } else { if (this.KitID == 0) { //validation for prodid, interfaces if (this.NewVK_LPCreationVal()) { int oPubID = PE_DAL.SetNewKITPUB(this.ProdID.Trim(), 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(IsNCIPLSelected()), System.Convert.ToInt32(IsROOSelected()), IsNCIPLSelected()? 1: -1, IsROOSelected()? 1:-1, System.Convert.ToInt32(this.IsVK)); if (oPubID > 0) { this.KitID = oPubID; } if (this.IsVK) { Pub l_pub = PE_DAL.GetPubInfoByProdID(this.ProdID.Trim()); this.lblTitle.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(l_pub.ShortTitle + "(" + l_pub.ProdID + ")"); this.Title = this.lblPageTitle.Text = "Create Virtual Kit"; this.BindKitData(); } else { this.Title = this.lblPageTitle.Text = "Create Linked Publication"; this.BindPubData(); } this.lblRemv.Visible = false; } else { this.RejectCrossPagePostBack(); } } else { //get the vk/lp details if (this.IsVK) { Pub l_pub = PE_DAL.GetPubInfoByPubID(this.KitID); this.lblTitle.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(l_pub.ShortTitle + "(" + l_pub.ProdID + ")"); this.Title = this.lblPageTitle.Text = "Update Virtual Kit"; this.BindKitData(); } else { this.Title = this.lblPageTitle.Text = "Update Linked Publication"; this.BindPubData(); } //this.lblRemv.Visible = true; } } } this.txtNewPub.Attributes.Add("onchange", "getPubTitle()"); }
public bool Save() { int retValueSetProdGenData = 0; bool retResult = false; bool retOwner = true; bool retSponsor = true; bool blnOwneractive = true; bool blnSponsoractive = true; bool blnLiveInt = false; double l_weight = -1; int l_maxQty = -1; //Begin NCIDC int maxqty = 0; double weight = 0; int qtyavai = 0; int qtythresh = 0; int bookstatusid = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtMaxQtyTile.Text.Trim(), out maxqty)) { if (maxqty > 0) { l_maxQty = maxqty; } } if (double.TryParse(txtWeight.Text.Trim(), out weight)) { if (weight > 0) { l_weight = weight; } } if (int.TryParse(txtQtyAvai.Text.Trim(), out qtyavai)) { if (qtyavai <= 0) { qtyavai = -1; } } else { qtyavai = -1; } if (int.TryParse(txtQtyThresh.Text.Trim(), out qtythresh)) { if (qtythresh <= 0) { qtythresh = -1; } } else { qtythresh = -1; } if (string.Compare(ddlBookStatus.SelectedValue.Trim(), "") != 0) { if (int.TryParse(ddlBookStatus.SelectedValue.Trim(), out bookstatusid)) { if (bookstatusid <= 0) { bookstatusid = -1; } } else { bookstatusid = -1; } } else { bookstatusid = 0; //Special case - remove the assigned bookstatus } //End NCIDC this.SecVal(); if (this.txtWeight.Visible && this.txtMaxQtyTile.Visible) { if (this.txtWeight.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { l_weight = System.Convert.ToDouble(this.txtWeight.Text.Trim()); } if (this.txtMaxQtyTile.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { l_maxQty = System.Convert.ToInt32(this.txtMaxQtyTile.Text.Trim()); } } else { if (this.lblWeight.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { l_weight = System.Convert.ToDouble(this.lblWeight.Text.Trim()); } if (this.lblMaxQtyTile.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { l_maxQty = System.Convert.ToInt32(this.lblMaxQtyTile.Text.Trim()); } } int l_pubid = 0; if (Session[PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalMode].ToString() != PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalAMode) { l_pubid = this.PubID; } if (ddlOwner.SelectedValue != "") { blnOwneractive = PE_DAL.GetOwnerStatusByOwnerID(Convert.ToInt32(ddlOwner.SelectedValue)); } if (ddlSponsor.SelectedValue != "") { blnSponsoractive = PE_DAL.GetSponsorStatusByOwnerID(Convert.ToInt32(ddlSponsor.SelectedValue)); } //NCIDC if (this.lblBkStatus.Text.Trim() != PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs && blnOwneractive == false //NCIDC || this.lblBkStatus.Text.Trim() != PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs && blnSponsoractive == false) if (this.ddlBookStatus.SelectedValue.Trim() != PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs && blnOwneractive == false || this.ddlBookStatus.SelectedValue.Trim() != PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs && blnSponsoractive == false) { //NCIDC if (this.lblBkStatus.Text.Trim() != PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs && blnOwneractive == false) if (this.ddlBookStatus.SelectedValue.Trim() != PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs && blnOwneractive == false) { lblOwnerEr.Visible = true; lblOwnerEr.Text = "An active owner name is required."; retResult = false; } //NCIDC if (this.lblBkStatus.Text.Trim() != PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs && blnSponsoractive == false) if (this.ddlBookStatus.SelectedValue.Trim() != PubEntAdminManager.strInactivePubs && blnSponsoractive == false) { lblSponsorEr.Visible = true; lblSponsorEr.Text = "An active sponsor name is required."; retResult = false; } } else { PlaceHolder plhLiveInt = (PlaceHolder)this.Parent.FindControl("plcHldLiveInt"); bool InNCIPL = ((LiveIntSel)plhLiveInt.Controls[0]).InNCIPL; bool InROO = ((LiveIntSel)plhLiveInt.Controls[0]).InROO; bool InExh = ((LiveIntSel)plhLiveInt.Controls[0]).InExh; bool InCatalog = ((LiveIntSel)plhLiveInt.Controls[0]).InCatalog; blnLiveInt = InNCIPL || InROO || InExh || InCatalog; if (blnLiveInt == true && ddlOwner.SelectedValue == "" || blnLiveInt == true && this.ddlSponsor.SelectedValue == "") { lblOwnerEr.Text = ""; lblSponsorEr.Text = ""; if (blnLiveInt == true && ddlOwner.SelectedValue == "") { lblOwnerEr.Visible = true; lblOwnerEr.Text = "An owner name is required."; retResult = false; } if (blnLiveInt == true && this.ddlSponsor.SelectedValue == "") { lblSponsorEr.Visible = true; lblSponsorEr.Text = "An sponsor name is required."; retResult = false; } } else { Regex r = new Regex(@"\s+"); retValueSetProdGenData = PE_DAL.SetProdGenData(r.Replace(this.txtCPJNum.Text.Trim(), " "), this.txtShortTitle.Text.Trim(), this.txtLongTitle.Text.Trim(), this.txtFS.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtFS.Text.Trim() : null, this.txtSpanishAccentLongTitle.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtSpanishAccentLongTitle.Text.Trim() : null, this.txtSpanishNoAccentLongTitle.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtSpanishNoAccentLongTitle.Text.Trim() : null, this.txtURL.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtURL.Text.Trim() : null, this.txtNerdoURL.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtNerdoURL.Text.Trim() : null, this.txtPDFURL.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtPDFURL.Text.Trim() : null, this.txtKindleURL.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtKindleURL.Text.Trim() : null, this.txtePubURL.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtePubURL.Text.Trim() : null, this.txtPrintFileURL.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? this.txtPrintFileURL.Text.Trim() : null, l_maxQty, l_weight, qtyavai, qtythresh, bookstatusid, ref l_pubid); if (this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { retOwner = PE_DAL.SetOwnerByPubID(l_pubid, Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue)); } else { PE_DAL.DeleteOwnerByPubID(l_pubid); } if (this.ddlSponsor.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { retSponsor = PE_DAL.SetSponsorByPubID(l_pubid, Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlSponsor.SelectedValue)); } else { PE_DAL.DeleteSponsorByPubID(l_pubid); } if (Session[PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalMode].ToString() == PubEntAdminManager.strPubGlobalAMode) { if (retValueSetProdGenData > 0 && retOwner && retSponsor) { this.PubID = l_pubid; retResult = true; } else if (retValueSetProdGenData == 0 || retValueSetProdGenData == -1) { if (l_pubid == 0) { Session[PubEntAdminManager.strGlobalMsg] = "The publication already existed."; } else if (l_pubid == -1) { Session[PubEntAdminManager.strGlobalMsg] = "Error occurs."; } retResult = false; } } else { if (retValueSetProdGenData > 0) { retResult = true; } else if (retValueSetProdGenData == -1) { retResult = false; } } } } return(retResult); }
protected void BindDataVK_LP(bool isVK) { this.gvResult.DataSource = PE_DAL.GetALLVK_LP(isVK); this.gvResult.DataKeyField = "PubID"; this.gvResult.DataBind(); }
public static OrderCollection GetRepeatOrders(string s) { return(PE_DAL.GetRepeatOrders(s)); }
public static Order GetOrderByOrderID(int orderid) { return(PE_DAL.GetOrderByOrderID(orderid)); }
protected void BindData(string PubIDs) { this.mySearch = ((Search)Session[PubEntAdminManager.strSearchCriteria]); //this.mySearch.ClearPubId(); List <Pub> l_listPub = PE_DAL.AdminDoSearchByPubID(PubIDs, this.SortExpression == String.Empty ? PubEntAdminManager.strDefaultSearchSorting : this.SortExpression, System.Convert.ToInt32(this.SortAscending)); //this.lblTotalResCnt.Text = l_listPub.Count.ToString(); //this.gvResult.DataSource = l_listPub; //this.gvResult.DataBind(); if (l_listPub.Count == 1) { if (this.Export) { this.RemColumnHeadersSortedImg(); this.gvResult.DataSource = l_listPub; this.gvResult.DataBind(); } else { this.mySearch.ClearPubId(); this.mySearch.AddPubId(l_listPub[0].PubID); Session[PubEntAdminManager.strSearchCriteria] = this.mySearch; //go directly to pubrecord page if (PubEntAdminManager.TamperProof) { PubEntAdminManager.RedirectEncodedURLWithQS("PubRecord.aspx", "mode=view&pubid=" + l_listPub[0].PubID.ToString()); } else { Response.Redirect("PubRecord.aspx?mode=view&pubid=" + l_listPub[0].PubID.ToString(), true); } } } else { this.lblTotalResCnt.Text = l_listPub.Count.ToString(); if (!this.Export) { this.mySearch.ClearPubId(); //Update the column headers UpdateColumnHeaders(); } else { this.RemColumnHeadersSortedImg(); } this.gvResult.DataSource = l_listPub; this.gvResult.DataBind(); if (l_listPub.Count == 0) { this.trTopCtrlPnl.Visible = this.trBtmCtrlPnl.Visible = false; this.gvResult.Visible = false; this.hyplnkRefSrch2.Visible = this.hyplnkSrch2.Visible = false; } } Session[PubEntAdminManager.strSearchCriteria] = this.mySearch; }
public static void ReleaseOrder(int orderid, string who, out string returnmsg) { PE_DAL.ReleaseOrder(orderid, who, out returnmsg); }
public static bool SetRace(int pubid, string selectedValue, char delim) { return(PE_DAL.SetRaceByPubID(pubid, selectedValue, delim)); }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int _orderid = Int32.Parse(txtOrderNum.Text); ProductCollection col; Order o = PubEntAdmin.BLL.Order.GetOrderByOrderID(_orderid); o = PubEntAdmin.BLL.Order.GetOrderByOrderID(_orderid); if (o != null) { lblSearchMsg.Text = ""; legend1.InnerText = "Order " + _orderid; btnDelete.CommandArgument = _orderid.ToString(); //***EAC lets bind the detail grid first col = PE_DAL.GetOrderDetails(_orderid); bGrid.DataSource = col; bGrid.DataBind(); bOrderID.Text = o.OrderId.ToString(); bCreated.Text = o.DateCreated.ToString("MM/dd/yyy hh:mm"); bName.Text = o.ShipTo.Fullname; bOrg.Text = o.ShipTo.Organization; bAddr1.Text = o.ShipTo.Addr1; bAddr2.Text = o.ShipTo.Addr2; bZip.Text = o.ShipTo.Zip5; bCity.Text = o.ShipTo.City; bState.Text = o.ShipTo.State; bPhone.Text = o.ShipTo.Phone; bEmail.Text = o.ShipTo.Email; bShipmethod.Text = o.ShipMethod; bComment.Text = o.OrderComment; if (o.TermCode == "") { btnDelete.Enabled = txtReason.Enabled = true; lblMessage.Text = ""; } else { btnDelete.Enabled = txtReason.Enabled = false; lblMessage.Text = "This order is not in PENDING status."; } } else { //not found or other problem lblSearchMsg.Text = "Cannot find order number " + _orderid.ToString(); bOrderID.Text = ""; bCreated.Text = ""; bName.Text = ""; bOrg.Text = ""; bAddr1.Text = ""; bAddr2.Text = ""; bZip.Text = ""; bCity.Text = ""; bState.Text = ""; bPhone.Text = ""; bEmail.Text = ""; bShipmethod.Text = ""; bComment.Text = ""; btnDelete.Enabled = false; } }