/// <summary>
    /// Calculate selenographic (lunar) coordinates (sub-Solar)
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>sub-solar longitude, sub-solar colongitude, and sub-solar latitude</returns>
    public (double subSolarLongitude, double subSolarColongitude, double subSolarLatitude) SelenographicCoordinates2(double gwdateDay, int gwdateMonth, int gwdateYear)
        var julianDateDays           = PAMacros.CivilDateToJulianDate(gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var tCenturies               = (julianDateDays - 2451545) / 36525;
        var longAscNodeDeg           = 125.044522 - 1934.136261 * tCenturies;
        var f1                       = 93.27191 + 483202.0175 * tCenturies;
        var f2                       = f1 - 360 * (f1 / 360).Floor();
        var sunGeocentricLongDeg     = PAMacros.SunLong(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var moonEquHorParallaxArcMin = PAMacros.MoonHP(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear) * 60;
        var sunEarthDistAU           = PAMacros.SunDist(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var geocentricMoonLatRad     = (PAMacros.MoonLat(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear)).ToRadians();
        var geocentricMoonLongDeg    = PAMacros.MoonLong(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var adjustedMoonLongDeg      = sunGeocentricLongDeg + 180 + (26.4 * (geocentricMoonLatRad).Cosine() * ((sunGeocentricLongDeg - geocentricMoonLongDeg).ToRadians()).Sine() / (moonEquHorParallaxArcMin * sunEarthDistAU));
        var adjustedMoonLatRad       = 0.14666 * geocentricMoonLatRad / (moonEquHorParallaxArcMin * sunEarthDistAU);
        var inclinationRad           = (PAMacros.DegreesMinutesSecondsToDecimalDegrees(1, 32, 32.7)).ToRadians();
        var nodeLongRad              = (longAscNodeDeg - adjustedMoonLongDeg).ToRadians();
        var sinBs                    = -(inclinationRad).Cosine() * (adjustedMoonLatRad).Sine() + (inclinationRad).Sine() * (adjustedMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Sine();
        var subSolarLatDeg           = PAMacros.Degrees((sinBs).ASine());
        var aRad                     = (-(adjustedMoonLatRad).Sine() * (inclinationRad).Sine() - (adjustedMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (inclinationRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Sine()).AngleTangent2((adjustedMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Cosine());
        var aDeg                     = PAMacros.Degrees(aRad);
        var subSolarLongDeg1         = aDeg - f2;
        var subSolarLongDeg2         = subSolarLongDeg1 - 360 * (subSolarLongDeg1 / 360).Floor();
        var subSolarLongDeg3         = (subSolarLongDeg2 > 180) ? subSolarLongDeg2 - 360 : subSolarLongDeg2;
        var subSolarColongDeg        = 90 - subSolarLongDeg3;

        var subSolarLongitude   = Math.Round(subSolarLongDeg3, 2);
        var subSolarColongitude = Math.Round(subSolarColongDeg, 2);
        var subSolarLatitude    = Math.Round(subSolarLatDeg, 2);

        return(subSolarLongitude, subSolarColongitude, subSolarLatitude);
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate selenographic (lunar) coordinates (sub-Earth)
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>sub-earth longitude, sub-earth latitude, and position angle of pole</returns>
    public (double subEarthLongitude, double subEarthLatitude, double positionAngleOfPole) SelenographicCoordinates1(double gwdateDay, int gwdateMonth, int gwdateYear)
        var julianDateDays        = PAMacros.CivilDateToJulianDate(gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var tCenturies            = (julianDateDays - 2451545) / 36525;
        var longAscNodeDeg        = 125.044522 - 1934.136261 * tCenturies;
        var f1                    = 93.27191 + 483202.0175 * tCenturies;
        var f2                    = f1 - 360 * (f1 / 360).Floor();
        var geocentricMoonLongDeg = PAMacros.MoonLong(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var geocentricMoonLatRad  = (PAMacros.MoonLat(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear)).ToRadians();
        var inclinationRad        = (PAMacros.DegreesMinutesSecondsToDecimalDegrees(1, 32, 32.7)).ToRadians();
        var nodeLongRad           = (longAscNodeDeg - geocentricMoonLongDeg).ToRadians();
        var sinBe                 = -(inclinationRad).Cosine() * (geocentricMoonLatRad).Sine() + (inclinationRad).Sine() * (geocentricMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Sine();
        var subEarthLatDeg        = PAMacros.Degrees((sinBe).ASine());
        var aRad                  = (-(geocentricMoonLatRad).Sine() * (inclinationRad).Sine() - (geocentricMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (inclinationRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Sine()).AngleTangent2((geocentricMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Cosine());
        var aDeg                  = PAMacros.Degrees(aRad);
        var subEarthLongDeg1      = aDeg - f2;
        var subEarthLongDeg2      = subEarthLongDeg1 - 360 * (subEarthLongDeg1 / 360).Floor();
        var subEarthLongDeg3      = (subEarthLongDeg2 > 180) ? subEarthLongDeg2 - 360 : subEarthLongDeg2;
        var c1Rad                 = ((nodeLongRad).Cosine() * (inclinationRad).Sine() / ((geocentricMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (inclinationRad).Cosine() + (geocentricMoonLatRad).Sine() * (inclinationRad).Sine() * (nodeLongRad).Sine())).AngleTangent();
        var obliquityRad          = (PAMacros.Obliq(gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear)).ToRadians();
        var c2Rad                 = ((obliquityRad).Sine() * ((geocentricMoonLongDeg).ToRadians()).Cosine() / ((obliquityRad).Sine() * (geocentricMoonLatRad).Sine() * ((geocentricMoonLongDeg).ToRadians()).Sine() - (obliquityRad).Cosine() * (geocentricMoonLatRad).Cosine())).AngleTangent();
        var cDeg                  = PAMacros.Degrees(c1Rad + c2Rad);

        var subEarthLongitude   = Math.Round(subEarthLongDeg3, 2);
        var subEarthLatitude    = Math.Round(subEarthLatDeg, 2);
        var positionAngleOfPole = Math.Round(cDeg, 2);

        return(subEarthLongitude, subEarthLatitude, positionAngleOfPole);