private IEnumerator EnterFirstAreaRoutine() { // Replace ID 0 with SaveData.Instance.LastArea.ID Overworld overworld = fileSelect.Overworld; AreaData area = AreaData.Areas[SaveData.Instance.LastArea.ID]; if (area.GetLevelSet() != "Celeste") { // Pretend that we've beaten Prologue. LevelSetStats stats = SaveData.Instance.GetLevelSetStatsFor("Celeste"); stats.UnlockedAreas = 1; stats.AreasIncludingCeleste[0].Modes[0].Completed = true; } yield return(fileSelect.Leave(null)); yield return(overworld.Mountain.EaseCamera(0, area.MountainIdle)); yield return(0.3f); overworld.Mountain.EaseCamera(0, area.MountainZoom, 1f); yield return(0.4f); area.Wipe(overworld, false, null); overworld.RendererList.UpdateLists(); overworld.RendererList.MoveToFront(overworld.Snow); yield return(0.5f); LevelEnter.Go(new Session(SaveData.Instance.LastArea), false); }
public EncounterIntro(Overworld overworld, Party enemyParty) : base(overworld) { if (enemyParty == null) throw new Exception("Party enemyParty cannot be null"); this.enemyParty = enemyParty; }
public override void Update(Scene scene) { AreaData area = -1 < Area && Area < (AreaData.Areas?.Count ?? 0) ? AreaData.Get(Area) : null; MapMeta meta = area?.GetMeta(); bool wasFreeCam = inFreeCameraDebugMode; if (meta?.Mountain?.ShowCore ?? false) { Area = 9; orig_Update(scene); Area = area.ID; } else { orig_Update(scene); } Overworld overworld = scene as Overworld; if (!wasFreeCam && inFreeCameraDebugMode && ( ((overworld.Current ?? overworld.Next) is patch_OuiFileNaming naming && naming.UseKeyboardInput) || ((overworld.Current ?? overworld.Next) is OuiModOptionString stringInput && stringInput.UseKeyboardInput))) { // we turned on free cam mode (by pressing Space) while on an text entry screen using keyboard input... we should turn it back off. inFreeCameraDebugMode = false; } }
public void ReadData(Overworld world) { world.TogglePause(); // Keep things from moving around for the save. saveFile = world.saveFile; nextActorId = world.nextActorId; nextItemId = world.nextActorId; actorsData = world.actorsData; cellsData = world.cellsData; itemsData = world.itemsData; foreach (int id in world.actors.Keys) { actorsData.Add(id, world.actors[id].GetData()); } foreach (int id in world.cells.Keys) { cellsData.Add(id, world.cells[id].GetData()); } foreach (int id in world.items.Keys) { itemsData.Add(id, world.items[id].GetData()); } world.TogglePause(); }
public override void Update() { if (menu != null && menu.Focused && Selected) { if (Input.MenuCancel.Pressed && builderThread == null) { Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_button_back); Overworld.Goto <OuiMainMenu>(); } else if (Input.Pause.Pressed) { Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_button_select); menu.Selection = menu.LastPossibleSelection; menu.Current.OnPressed(); } else if (Input.MenuJournal.Pressed) { Audio.Play(SFX.ui_world_journal_select); Overworld.Goto <OuiRandoRecords>(); } } journalEase = Calc.Approach(journalEase, (menu?.Focused ?? false) ? 1f : 0f, Engine.DeltaTime * 4f); base.Update(); }
public ChunkGeneratorSettings(int Seed, float NoiseScale, Overworld Overworld) { this.Overworld = Overworld; NoiseGenerator = new Perlin(Seed); this.NoiseScale = NoiseScale; CaveNoiseScale = NoiseScale * 10.0f; CaveSize = 0.03f; CaveFrequencies = new List <float>() { 0.5f, 0.7f, 0.9f, 1.0f }; CaveNoise = new FastRidgedMultifractal(Seed) { Frequency = 0.5f, Lacunarity = 0.5f, NoiseQuality = NoiseQuality.Standard, OctaveCount = 1, Seed = Seed }; CaveLevels = new List <int>(); var caveStep = 48 / Overworld.NumCaveLayers; for (var i = 0; i < Overworld.NumCaveLayers; ++i) { CaveLevels.Add(4 + (caveStep * i)); } }
private void handlePlayerMovement(Delta delta) { Vector2 velocity = Vector2.Zero; if (Input.Up()) { velocity.Y -= 1.0f; } if (Input.Down()) { velocity.Y += 1.0f; } if (Input.Left()) { velocity.X -= 1.0f; } if (Input.Right()) { velocity.X += 1.0f; } if (velocity != Vector2.Zero) { velocity.Normalize(); velocity *= movementVelocity; } Entity entity = Overworld.PlayerParty.PrimaryPartyMember.OverworldEntity; handleWallCollisions(entity, delta, ref velocity); handleSceneryCollisions(entity, delta, ref velocity); entity.Velocity = velocity; Overworld.SetEntityAnimationForVelocity(entity); }
// Temp - start a test wild battle public void TempCreateWildBattle(Map map, Map.Layout.Block block, EncounterTable.Encounter encounter) { Save sav = Save; var me = new PBETrainerInfo(sav.PlayerParty, sav.PlayerName); var wildPkmn = PartyPokemon.GetTestWildPokemon(encounter); var wild = new PBETrainerInfo(new Party { wildPkmn }, "Wild " + PBELocalizedString.GetSpeciesName(wildPkmn.Species).English); void OnBattleEnded() { void FadeFromTransitionEnded() { _fadeFromTransition = null; } _fadeFromTransition = new FadeFromColorTransition(20, 0, FadeFromTransitionEnded); _battleGUI = null; } _battleGUI = new BattleGUI(new PBEBattle(PBEBattleFormat.Single, PBESettings.DefaultSettings, me, wild, battleTerrain: Overworld.GetPBEBattleTerrainFromBlock(block.BlocksetBlock), weather: Overworld.GetPBEWeatherFromMap(map)), OnBattleEnded); void OnBattleTransitionEnded() { _battleTransition = null; } _battleTransition = new SpiralTransition(OnBattleTransitionEnded); }
public override IEnumerator Enter(Oui from) { if (Direction == 0) { Overworld.Goto <OuiChapterSelect>(); goto Done; } Direction = Math.Sign(Direction); yield return(0.25f); int startID = SaveData.Instance.LastArea.ID; string startLevelSet = SaveData.Instance.GetLevelSet(); int count = AreaData.Areas.Count; for (int i = (count + startID + Direction) % count; i != startID; i = (count + i + Direction) % count) { AreaData area = AreaData.Areas[i]; if (area.GetLevelSet() != startLevelSet) { SaveData.Instance.LastArea = area.ToKey(); goto Done; } } Done: Audio.Play("event:/ui/main/whoosh_large_in"); Overworld.Goto <OuiChapterSelect>(); yield break; }
private IEnumerator EnterClose(Oui from) { Overworld.Goto <OuiChapterSelect>(); Visible = false; instantClose = false; yield break; }
// This is a bit of a hack. is there a better way to control this? private void HideMaddy(On.Celeste.Overworld.orig_ctor orig, Overworld self, OverworldLoader loader) { orig(self, loader); if (this.InRandomizer) { self.Maddy.Hide(); } }
public override bool IsStart(Overworld overworld, Overworld.StartMode start) { if (CoreModule.Settings.CurrentVersion == null && !overworld.IsCurrent <OuiOOBE>()) { start = Overworld.StartMode.MainMenu; } return(orig_IsStart(overworld, start)); }
public OverworldData(Overworld world) { actorsData = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, ActorData>(); cellsData = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, TerrainCellData>(); itemsData = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, ItemData>(); ReadData(world); }
public Encounter(Overworld overworld, Party enemyParty) : base(overworld) { this.enemyParty = enemyParty; // In here instead of Start() to stop flicker when the state is rendered before Start() is called. The EncounterRenderer doesn't rely on the state of Encounter anyway OverworldStateRenderer = new EncounterRenderer(this); }
private static bool ElevationCheck(BlocksetBlockBehavior curBehavior, BlocksetBlockBehavior targetBehavior, byte curElevation, byte targetElevations) { if (targetElevations.HasElevation(curElevation)) { return(true); } return(Overworld.AllowsElevationChange(curBehavior) || Overworld.AllowsElevationChange(targetBehavior)); }
public void Exit() { task = null; Lines.Clear(); ((patch_OuiMainMenu)Overworld.GetUI <OuiMainMenu>())?.RebuildMainAndTitle(); Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_button_back); Overworld.Goto <OuiModOptions>(); }
void Awake() { that = this; max = levelLocations.Count - 1; GlobalScript.currentLevel = 1; levelLocations[cur].GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = highlight; }
public EncounterIntro(Overworld overworld, Party enemyParty) : base(overworld) { if (enemyParty == null) { throw new Exception("Party enemyParty cannot be null"); } this.enemyParty = enemyParty; }
public unsafe void RenderTick(uint *bmpAddress, int bmpWidth, int bmpHeight) { RenderUtils.FillColor(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 0xFF000000); CameraObj.Render(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight); if (Overworld.ShouldRenderDayTint()) { DayTint.Render(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight); } }
private void ReceiveDiscardChunk(BinaryReader reader) { int x = reader.ReadInt16() * Overworld.ChunkWidth; int y = reader.ReadInt16() * Overworld.ChunkHeight; OverworldTile tile = Overworld.GetOverworldTile(x, y); tile.UnloadChunks(); }
private void ReceiveExteriorChunk(BinaryReader reader) { int x = reader.ReadInt16() * Overworld.ChunkWidth; int y = reader.ReadInt16() * Overworld.ChunkHeight; OverworldTile tile = Overworld.GetOverworldTile(x, y); tile.LoadChunks(reader); }
public override bool IsStart(Overworld overworld, Overworld.StartMode start) { if (start == RandoModule.STARTMODE_RANDOMIZER) { this.Add(new Coroutine(this.Enter(null))); return(true); } return(false); }
public override bool IsStart(Overworld overworld, Overworld.StartMode start) { if (start != Overworld.StartMode.Titlescreen || CoreModule.Settings.CurrentVersion != null) { return(false); } Add(new Coroutine(Enter(null))); return(true); }
public Menu(Overworld overworld) : base(overworld) { inputButtonListener = new InputButtonListener(new Dictionary<InputButton, ButtonEventHandlers> { { InputButton.Up, new ButtonEventHandlers(down: previousOption) }, { InputButton.Down, new ButtonEventHandlers(down: nextOption) }, { InputButton.A, new ButtonEventHandlers(up: selectOption) } }); }
public Menu(Overworld overworld) : base(overworld) { inputButtonListener = new InputButtonListener(new Dictionary <InputButton, ButtonEventHandlers> { { InputButton.Up, new ButtonEventHandlers(down: previousOption) }, { InputButton.Down, new ButtonEventHandlers(down: nextOption) }, { InputButton.A, new ButtonEventHandlers(up: selectOption) } }); }
public override bool IsStart(Overworld overworld, Overworld.StartMode start) { if (start == (Overworld.StartMode) 55) { this.Add((Component) new Coroutine(this.Enter((Oui)null), true)); return(true); } return(false); }
public Treadmill(Overworld world, int radius, Actor actor) { = world; this.radius = radius; = actor; this.scale = Overworld.GetCellScale(); this.currentCoords = Util.CoordsFromPosition(actor.Translation, scale); InitialRequests(); }
public override IEnumerator Enter(Oui from) { yield return(0.25f); Reload(); Audio.Play(Sfxs.ui_world_whoosh_400ms_back); Overworld.Goto <OuiChapterSelect>(); }
public override bool IsStart(Overworld overworld, Overworld.StartMode start) { if (SaveData.Instance != null && SaveData.Instance.LastArea.ID == AreaKey.None.ID) { SaveData.Instance.LastArea = AreaKey.Default; instantClose = true; } return(orig_IsStart(overworld, start)); }
private void AddRecord(Ruleset rules, RecordTuple record) { menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("MODOPTIONS_RANDOMIZER_RULES_" + rules) + ": " + Dialog.Time(record.Item1) + " (" + record.Item2 + ")").Pressed(() => { Settings.Rules = rules; Settings.SeedType = SeedType.Custom; Settings.Seed = record.Item2; Settings.Enforce(); Overworld.Goto <OuiRandoSettings>(); })); }
public override void Update() { if (!(Selected && Focused)) { goto End; } if (Input.MenuRight.Pressed && selectedDigit < (digits.Length - 1)) { selectedDigit = Math.Min(selectedDigit + 1, (digits.Length - 1)); wigglerDigits[selectedDigit].Start(); Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_roll_down); } else if (Input.MenuLeft.Pressed && selectedDigit > 0) { selectedDigit = Math.Max(selectedDigit - 1, 0); wigglerDigits[selectedDigit].Start(); Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_roll_up); } else if (Input.MenuDown.Pressed) { UpdateDigits(selectedDigit, -1); } else if (Input.MenuUp.Pressed) { UpdateDigits(selectedDigit, +1); } else if (Input.MenuConfirm.Pressed) { if (playing != null) { Audio.Stop(playing); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedPath)) { playing = Audio.Play(selectedPath); } } else if (Input.MenuCancel.Pressed || Input.Pause.Pressed || Input.ESC.Pressed) { Focused = false; Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_button_back); Overworld.Goto <OuiModOptions>(); } End: pressedTimer -= Engine.DeltaTime; timer += Engine.DeltaTime; for (int i = 0; i < digits.Length; i++) { wigglerDigits[i].Update(); } wigglerPath.Update(); wigglerBankPath.Update(); }
public override void Update() { if (instantClose) { Overworld.Goto <OuiChapterSelect>(); Visible = false; instantClose = false; return; } orig_Update(); }
public override void Update() { if (menu != null && menu.Focused && Selected && Input.MenuCancel.Pressed) { Audio.Play("event:/ui/main/button_back"); Overworld.Goto <OuiChapterSelect>(); } base.Update(); }
public Run(Party party, Party partyToAvoid, Overworld overworld) : base(party, overworld) { }
public Wander(Party party, Overworld overworld) : base(party, overworld) { thinkTime = 0.0f; destination = entity.Position; }
private void Erode(int width, int height, float seaLevel, Overworld.MapData[,] heightMap, int numRains, int rainLength, int numRainSamples, float[,] buffer) { float remaining = 1.0f - Progress.Value - 0.2f; float orig = Progress.Value; for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { buffer[x, y] = heightMap[x, y].Height; } } for(int i = 0; i < numRains; i++) { LoadingMessage = "Erosion " + i + "/" + numRains; Progress.Value = orig + remaining * ((float) i / (float) numRains); Vector2 currentPos = new Vector2(0, 0); Vector2 bestPos = currentPos; float bestHeight = 0.0f; for(int k = 0; k < numRainSamples; k++) { int randX = PlayState.Random.Next(1, width - 1); int randY = PlayState.Random.Next(1, height - 1); currentPos = new Vector2(randX, randY); float h = Overworld.GetHeight(buffer, currentPos); if(h > bestHeight) { bestHeight = h; bestPos = currentPos; } } currentPos = bestPos; const float erosionRate = 0.99f; Vector2 velocity = Vector2.Zero; for(int j = 0; j < rainLength; j++) { Vector2 g = Overworld.GetMinNeighbor(buffer, currentPos); float h = Overworld.GetHeight(buffer, currentPos); if(h < seaLevel|| g.LengthSquared() < 1e-12) { break; } Overworld.MinBlend(Overworld.Map, currentPos, erosionRate * Overworld.GetValue(Overworld.Map, currentPos, Overworld.ScalarFieldType.Erosion), Overworld.ScalarFieldType.Erosion); velocity = 0.1f * g + 0.7f * velocity + 0.2f * MathFunctions.RandVector2Circle(); currentPos += velocity; } } }
private static void ScaleMap(Overworld.MapData[,] map, int width, int height, Overworld.ScalarFieldType fieldType) { float min = 99999; float max = -99999; for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { float v = map[x, y].GetValue(fieldType); if(v < min) { min = v; } if(v > max) { max = v; } } } for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { float v = map[x, y].GetValue(fieldType); map[x, y].SetValue(fieldType, ((v - min) / (max - min)) + 0.001f); } } }
public void SeedCivs(Overworld.MapData[,] map, int numCivs, List<Faction> civs ) { for (int i = 0; i < numCivs; i++) { Point? randomPoint = GetRandomLandPoint(map); if (randomPoint == null) continue; else { map[randomPoint.Value.X, randomPoint.Value.Y].Faction = (byte)(i + 1); civs[i].StartingPlace = randomPoint.Value; } } }
public void GrowCivs(Overworld.MapData[,] map, int iters, List<Faction> civs) { int width = map.GetLength(0); int height = map.GetLength(1); byte[] neighbors = new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] neighborheights = new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 0}; Point[] deltas = new Point[] { new Point(1, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(-1, 0), new Point(1, -1) }; for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) { for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++) { for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++) { bool isUnclaimed = map[x, y].Faction == 0; bool isWater = map[x, y].Height < Settings.SeaLevel; if (!isUnclaimed && !isWater) { neighbors[0] = map[x + 1, y].Faction; neighbors[1] = map[x, y + 1].Faction; neighbors[2] = map[x - 1, y].Faction; neighbors[3] = map[x, y - 1].Faction; neighborheights[0] = map[x + 1, y].Height; neighborheights[1] = map[x, y + 1].Height; neighborheights[2] = map[x - 1, y].Height; neighborheights[3] = map[x, y - 1].Height; int minNeighbor = -1; float minHeight = float.MaxValue; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (neighbors[k] == 0 && neighborheights[k] < minHeight && neighborheights[k] > Settings.SeaLevel) { minHeight = neighborheights[k]; minNeighbor = k; } } if (minNeighbor >= 0 && MathFunctions.RandEvent(0.25f / (neighborheights[minNeighbor] + 1e-2f))) { map[x + deltas[minNeighbor].X, y + deltas[minNeighbor].Y].Faction = map[x, y].Faction; } } } } } for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++) { for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++) { byte f = map[x, y].Faction; if (f> 0) { civs[f - 1].Center = new Point(x + civs[f - 1].Center.X, y + civs[f - 1].Center.Y); civs[f - 1].TerritorySize++; } } } foreach (Faction f in civs) { if(f.TerritorySize > 0) f.Center = new Point(f.Center.X / f.TerritorySize, f.Center.Y / f.TerritorySize); } }
public Point? GetRandomLandPoint(Overworld.MapData[,] map) { const int maxIters = 1000; int i = 0; int width = map.GetLength(0); int height = map.GetLength(1); while (i < maxIters) { int x = PlayState.Random.Next(0, width); int y = PlayState.Random.Next(0, height); if (map[x, y].Height > Settings.SeaLevel) { return new Point(x, y); } i++; } return null; }
public Follow(Party party, Party partyToFollow, Overworld overworld) : base(party, overworld) { }
public Play(Overworld overworld) : base(overworld) { npcMovers = new List<NpcMover>(); }