Graphics() public method

public Graphics ( ) : Bitmap
return Bitmap
Ejemplo n.º 1
    static void F()
//        Random.InitState(Time.tim);
        bool             finished = false;
        OverlappingModel model    = null;
        var name = "Dungeon";

//        var name = "Flowers";

        for (int i = 0; i < 1 && !finished; i++)
//            model = new OverlappingModel(name, 3, 48, 48, true, true, 2, -4);
            model    = new OverlappingModel(name, 3, 48, 48, true, true, 8, 0);
            finished = model.Run(42, 0);//(int) (DateTime.Now.Millisecond), 0);

        Debug.Log("Finished: " + finished);
        if (finished)
            var t = model.Graphics();

            File.WriteAllBytes($"Assets\\{name}-result.png", t.EncodeToPNG());

//        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(t, "");
    // called once on creation
    private void Start()
        // retrieve the output dimenions
        width  = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ppWidth");
        height = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ppHeight");

        System.Random random = new System.Random();

        // create the model
        Model model;

        model = new OverlappingModel(inputName, N, width, height, periodicInput, periodicOutput, symmetry);

        // iterate 10 times
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            // run the algorithm with a random seed and return whether or not it completed
            int  seed     = random.Next();
            bool finished = model.Run(seed);

            // if the algorithm completed
            if (finished)
                // get the output image
                Texture2D texture2D = model.Graphics();

                //set the size of the dungeon array
                dungeon = new int[texture2D.width, texture2D.height];

                // iterate through the dungeon while mapping the image to it
                for (int column = 0; column < dungeon.GetLength(0); column++)
                    for (int row = 0; row < dungeon.GetLength(1); row++)
                        // decide on whether the tile is a wall or not based on the greyscale value of the pixel
                        float tempValue = texture2D.GetPixel(column, row).grayscale;
                        if (tempValue < 0.51f)
                            dungeon[column, row] = 0;
                            dungeon[column, row] = 1;

                // this block of code is just adding a border of walls around the generated dungeon
                int borderSize = 5;
                int[,] borderedDungeon = new int[width + borderSize * 2, height + borderSize * 2];

                // iterate through the 2d array. GetLength(0) returns the width of the array
                for (int column = 0; column < borderedDungeon.GetLength(0); column++)
                    // GetLength(1) returns the height of the array
                    for (int row = 0; row < borderedDungeon.GetLength(1); row++)
                        // putting the original array into the bordered one
                        if (column >= borderSize && column < width + borderSize && row >= borderSize && row < height + borderSize)
                            borderedDungeon[column, row] = dungeon[column - borderSize, row - borderSize];
                        else // add the border
                            borderedDungeon[column, row] = 1;

                // create a MeshGenerator and generate a mesh based on the 2d array
                MeshGenerator gen = GetComponent <MeshGenerator>();
                gen.GenerateMesh(borderedDungeon, 1);

                // pass the dungeon to be exported as a csv file
                FindObjectOfType <GameManager>().ExportDungeonData(borderedDungeon);

                // prints the output image inside unity
                Sprite         sprite         = Sprite.Create(texture2D, new Rect(0, 0, texture2D.width, texture2D.height),;
                GameObject     gameObject     = new GameObject($"{name}");
                SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite;