/// <summary>
        /// This function should realy be in the DepthChartEditingModel
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadDepthChart()
            this.Cursor    = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            isInitialising = true;
            int teamId     = ((TeamRecord)teamCombo.SelectedItem).TeamId;
            int positionId = positionCombo.SelectedIndex;

            SortedList <int, DepthPlayerValueObject> depthList = depthEditingModel.GetPlayers(teamId, positionId);
            List <PlayerRecord> teamPlayers = depthEditingModel.GetAllPlayersOnTeamByOvr(teamId, positionId);


            foreach (DepthPlayerValueObject valObject in depthList.Values)
                double overall = valObject.playerObject.Overall;
                if (valObject.playerObject.PositionId != positionCombo.SelectedIndex)
                    overall = playeroverall.GetOverall19(valObject.playerObject, positionCombo.SelectedIndex, -1);
                DataGridViewRow row = valObject.playerObject.GetDataRow(positionId, (int)overall);
                //Now add our DepthChartRecord row on
                DataGridViewTextBoxCell depthCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
                depthCell.Value = valObject.depthObject;

            //Add the number of blank rows required for appropriate positions

            //Load the team's players in the availableDataGrid
            foreach (PlayerRecord record in teamPlayers)
                // sting68 ok, for madden 19 we need to get overall separate from the normal function
                // for type we are going to have to use the players type, which isnt going to be accurate for
                // determining an overall for a player out of his normal position
                double overall = playeroverall.GetOverall19(record, positionId, -1);
                if (model.FileVersion == MaddenFileVersion.Ver2019)
                    availablePlayerDatagrid.Rows.Add(record.GetDataRow(positionId, (int)overall));
                    availablePlayerDatagrid.Rows.Add(record.GetDataRow(positionId, -1));

            //Sort by OVR
            availablePlayerDatagrid.Sort(availablePlayerDatagrid.Columns["TeamOverall"], ListSortDirection.Descending);

            teamDepthChartLabel.Text = teamCombo.Text + " Depth Chart (" + positionCombo.Text + ")";

            if (availablePlayerDatagrid.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (availablePlayerDatagrid.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
                    availablePlayerDatagrid.Rows[0].Selected = true;
            if (depthChartDataGrid.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (depthChartDataGrid.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
                    this.depthChartDataGrid.Rows[0].Selected = true;
            this.Cursor    = Cursors.Default;
            isInitialising = false;