// Add OuterGlow effect.
        void OnFocusCreateGlow(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
            // Get a reference to the TextBox.
            TextBox myTextBox = (TextBox)sender;

            // Initialize a new OuterGlowBitmapEffect that will be applied
            // to the TextBox.
            OuterGlowBitmapEffect myGlowEffect = new OuterGlowBitmapEffect();

            // Set the size of the glow to 30 pixels.
            myGlowEffect.GlowSize = 30;

            // Set the color of the glow to blue.
            Color myGlowColor = new Color();

            myGlowColor.ScA        = 1;
            myGlowColor.ScB        = 1;
            myGlowColor.ScG        = 0;
            myGlowColor.ScR        = 0;
            myGlowEffect.GlowColor = myGlowColor;

            // Set the noise of the effect to the maximum possible (range 0-1).
            myGlowEffect.Noise = 1;

            // Set the Opacity of the effect to 40%. Note that the same effect
            // could be done by setting the ScA property of the Color to 0.4.
            myGlowEffect.Opacity = 0.4;

            // Apply the bitmap effect to the TextBox.
            myTextBox.BitmapEffect = myGlowEffect;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Capture the mouse event and hit test the coordinate point value against
        // the child visual objects.
        void MouseLeftButtonDownHandler(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)

            // Retreive the coordinates of the mouse button event.
            Point         pt  = e.GetPosition(this);
            DrawingVisual hit = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(this, pt).VisualHit as DrawingVisual;

            if (hit != null)
                string tag = hit.ReadLocalValue(FrameworkElement.TagProperty) as string;
                if (tag != null)
                    foreach (DrawingVisual v in _graph.Children)
                        v.BitmapEffect = null;

                    OuterGlowBitmapEffect glow = new OuterGlowBitmapEffect();
                    glow.GlowColor = Colors.Blue;
                    glow.GlowSize  = 1;
                    glow.Opacity   = 0.8;
                    hit.BitmapEffect = glow;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SetGlowOnDrawingVisual(DrawingVisual visual, Color color)
            OuterGlowBitmapEffect glow = new OuterGlowBitmapEffect();

            glow.GlowColor = color;
            glow.GlowSize  = 1;
            glow.Opacity   = 0.8;
            visual.BitmapEffect = glow;
        /* OuterGlowBitmapEffect is deprecated. Try substituting one of the glow 'drop shadow' alternatives
         * I used in the FXEffects project...
         * */
        private void button3_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Animate Glow effect
            DoubleAnimation glowAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(0, 50, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));

            glowAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
            glowAnimation.AutoReverse    = true;
            OuterGlowBitmapEffect myGlowEffect = new OuterGlowBitmapEffect();

            myGlowEffect.GlowColor = Colors.Violet;
            myGlowEffect.GlowSize  = 0;
            button3.BitmapEffect   = myGlowEffect;
            button3.BitmapEffect.BeginAnimation(OuterGlowBitmapEffect.GlowSizeProperty, glowAnimation);
        private void ellipse1_MouseEnter(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
            // Animate Glow effect
            DoubleAnimation glowAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(0, 20, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));

            glowAnimation.RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior(2);
            glowAnimation.AutoReverse    = true;
            OuterGlowBitmapEffect myGlowEffect = new OuterGlowBitmapEffect();

            myGlowEffect.GlowColor = Colors.Aquamarine;
            myGlowEffect.GlowSize  = 0;
            ellipse1.BitmapEffect  = myGlowEffect;
            ellipse1.BitmapEffect.BeginAnimation(OuterGlowBitmapEffect.GlowSizeProperty, glowAnimation);
            ellipse1.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Cyan);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public RenderTargetBitmap CreateBitmap(string text, Typeface typeface, double fontSize)
            RenderTargetBitmap renderTargetBitmap = (RenderTargetBitmap)null;

                Pen                    pen                = this.CreatePen();
                Brush                  brush              = this.CreateBrush();
                FormattedText          formattedText      = new FormattedText(text, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, typeface, fontSize, (Brush)Brushes.White);
                Geometry               geometry           = formattedText.BuildGeometry(new System.Windows.Point(50.0, 50.0));
                DrawingVisual          drawingVisual      = new DrawingVisual();
                DrawingContext         drawingContext     = drawingVisual.RenderOpen();
                BitmapEffectGroup      bitmapEffectGroup  = new BitmapEffectGroup();
                DropShadowBitmapEffect shadowBitmapEffect = new DropShadowBitmapEffect();
                OuterGlowBitmapEffect  glowBitmapEffect   = new OuterGlowBitmapEffect();
                BevelBitmapEffect      bevelBitmapEffect  = new BevelBitmapEffect();
                BlurBitmapEffect       blurBitmapEffect   = new BlurBitmapEffect();
                EmbossBitmapEffect     embossBitmapEffect = new EmbossBitmapEffect();

                /*      foreach (Nubik.Tools.SpriteFont.Enums.Effect effect in (IEnumerable<Nubik.Tools.SpriteFont.Enums.Effect>)GlobalObject<Settings>.Instance.EffectOrder.Values)
                 *    {
                 *        if (effect == Nubik.Tools.SpriteFont.Enums.Effect.DropShadow && GlobalObject<Settings>.Instance.DropShadow.IsEnabled)
                 *            bitmapEffectGroup.Children.Add((BitmapEffect)shadowBitmapEffect);
                 *        else if (effect == Nubik.Tools.SpriteFont.Enums.Effect.OuterGlow && GlobalObject<Settings>.Instance.OuterGlow.IsEnabled)
                 *            bitmapEffectGroup.Children.Add((BitmapEffect)glowBitmapEffect);
                 *        else if (effect == Nubik.Tools.SpriteFont.Enums.Effect.Bevel && GlobalObject<Settings>.Instance.Bevel.IsEnabled)
                 *            bitmapEffectGroup.Children.Add((BitmapEffect)bevelBitmapEffect);
                 *        else if (effect == Nubik.Tools.SpriteFont.Enums.Effect.Blur && GlobalObject<Settings>.Instance.Blur.IsEnabled)
                 *            bitmapEffectGroup.Children.Add((BitmapEffect)blurBitmapEffect);
                 *        else if (effect == Nubik.Tools.SpriteFont.Enums.Effect.Emboss && GlobalObject<Settings>.Instance.Emboss.IsEnabled)
                 *            bitmapEffectGroup.Children.Add((BitmapEffect)embossBitmapEffect);
                 *    }*/
                drawingContext.PushEffect((BitmapEffect)bitmapEffectGroup, (BitmapEffectInput)null);
                drawingContext.DrawGeometry(brush, pen, geometry);
                if (double.IsInfinity(geometry.Bounds.X) || double.IsInfinity(geometry.Bounds.Y))
                int pixelWidth  = 0;
                int pixelHeight = 0;
                    pixelWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(geometry.Bounds.X + geometry.Bounds.Width) + 50;
                    pixelHeight = Convert.ToInt32(geometry.Bounds.Y + geometry.Bounds.Height) + 50;
                catch (Exception ex)
                renderTargetBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
                catch (Exception ex)
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 static MoveablesPanel()
     highlight           = new OuterGlowBitmapEffect();
     highlight.GlowColor = Colors.HotPink;