Ejemplo n.º 1
        private double[] GetOrientations(int radio, Minutia mtia, OrientationImage dirImg)
            double[] currOrientations = new double[radio / 3];
            int      n      = radio / 3;
            double   incAng = 2 * Math.PI * 3.0 / radio;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                double myAng = mtia.Angle + i * incAng;
                if (myAng > 2 * Math.PI)
                    myAng -= (double)(2 * Math.PI);
                Point pnt = SetPosToSPoint(myAng, radio, new Point(mtia.X, mtia.Y));
                int   row, col;
                dirImg.GetBlockCoordFromPixel(pnt.X, pnt.Y, out row, out col);
                if ((col < 0) || (row < 0) || (row >= dirImg.Height) ||
                    (col >= dirImg.Width) || (dirImg.IsNullBlock(row, col)))
                    currOrientations[i] = double.NaN;
                    currOrientations[i] =
                        Math.Min(Angle.DifferencePi(mtia.Angle, dirImg.AngleInRadians(row, col)),
                                 Angle.DifferencePi(mtia.Angle, dirImg.AngleInRadians(row, col) + Math.PI));
        private void RemoveSmallSegments(ImageMatrix matrix, OrientationImage orientationImage)
            for (int row = 0; row < orientationImage.Height; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < orientationImage.Width; col++)
                    if (!orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row, col))
                        int x, y;
                        orientationImage.GetPixelCoordFromBlock(row, col, out x, out y);

                        int maxLength = orientationImage.WindowSize / 2;
                        for (int xi = x - maxLength; xi < x + maxLength; xi++)
                            for (int yi = y - maxLength; yi < y + maxLength; yi++)
                                const int pThreshold = 10;
                                int[]     xArr       = new int[pThreshold + 1];
                                int[]     yArr       = new int[pThreshold + 1];

                                int x0, y0;
                                if (IsEnd(matrix, xi, yi, out x0, out y0))
                                    xArr[0] = xi;
                                    yArr[0] = yi;

                                    xArr[1] = x0;
                                    yArr[1] = y0;

                                    bool endFound         = false;
                                    bool bifurcationFound = false;
                                    int  pCount           = 1;
                                    for (int i = 1; i < pThreshold && !endFound && !bifurcationFound; i++)
                                        if (IsEnd(matrix, xArr[i], yArr[i], out xArr[i + 1], out yArr[i + 1]))
                                            endFound = true;
                                        else if (!IsContinous(matrix, xArr[i - 1], yArr[i - 1], xArr[i], yArr[i],
                                                              out xArr[i + 1], out yArr[i + 1]))
                                            bifurcationFound = true;

                                    if (endFound || (bifurcationFound && pCount <= pThreshold))
                                        for (int i = 0; i < pCount; i++)
                                            matrix[yArr[i], xArr[i]] = 255;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static double[] GetOrientations(int radio, Minutia mtia, OrientationImage dirImg)
            var currOrientations = new double[radio / 3];
            var n      = radio / 3;
            var incAng = 2 * Math.PI * 3.0 / radio;

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var myAng = mtia.Angle + i * incAng;
                if (myAng > 2 * Math.PI)
                    myAng -= 2 * Math.PI;
                var pnt = SetPosToSPoint(myAng, radio, new Point(mtia.X, mtia.Y));
                dirImg.GetBlockCoordFromPixel(pnt.X, pnt.Y, out var row, out var col);
                if (col < 0 || row < 0 || row >= dirImg.Height ||
                    col >= dirImg.Width || dirImg.IsNullBlock(row, col))
                    currOrientations[i] = double.NaN;
                    currOrientations[i] =
                        Math.Min(Angle.DifferencePi(mtia.Angle, dirImg.AngleInRadians(row, col)),
                                 Angle.DifferencePi(mtia.Angle, dirImg.AngleInRadians(row, col) + Math.PI));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 internal Qi2005Features(List <Minutia> minutiae, OrientationImage dImg)
     Minutiae = new List <GOwMtia>(minutiae.Count);
     foreach (Minutia mtia in minutiae)
         Minutiae.Add(new GOwMtia(mtia, dImg));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public QiFeatures(IReadOnlyCollection <Minutia> minutiae, OrientationImage dImg)
     Minutiae = new List <QiMinutia>(minutiae.Count);
     foreach (var mtia in minutiae)
         Minutiae.Add(new QiMinutia(mtia, dImg));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Extract a minutia list from the specified bitmap image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The source bitmap image to extract features from.</param>
        /// <returns>The features extracted from the specified bitmap image.</returns>
        public override List <Minutia> ExtractFeatures(Bitmap image)
            Ratha1995OrImgExtractor orImgExtractor   = new Ratha1995OrImgExtractor();
            OrientationImage        orientationImage = orImgExtractor.ExtractFeatures(image);
            ImageMatrix             matrix           = skeImgExtractor.ExtractSkeletonImage(image, orientationImage);

            return(GetMinutiaes(matrix, orientationImage));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 internal Tico2003Features(List <Minutia> minutiae, OrientationImage dImg)
     Minutiae = new List <OBMtiaDescriptor>(minutiae.Count);
     for (short i = 0; i < minutiae.Count; i++)
         OBMtiaDescriptor mtiaDescriptor = new OBMtiaDescriptor(minutiae[i], dImg);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal TicoFeatures(IReadOnlyList <Minutia> minutiae, OrientationImage dImg)
     Minutiae = new List <MinutiaDescriptor>(minutiae.Count);
     for (short i = 0; i < minutiae.Count; i++)
         var mtiaDescriptor = new MinutiaDescriptor(minutiae[i], dImg);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal bool IsInBound(Point pnt, OrientationImage dImg)
     if (pnt.X > 0 && pnt.X < dImg.Width * dImg.WindowSize &&
         pnt.Y > 0 && pnt.Y < dImg.Height * dImg.WindowSize)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 internal GOwMtia(Minutia mnt, OrientationImage dImg)
     Minutia  = mnt;
     Segments = new Segment[6];
     for (int i = 0; i < Segments.Length; i++)
         Segments[i] = new Segment(i * (2 * Math.PI / 6) + mnt.Angle, mnt, dImg);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static void RemoveBadBlocks(OrientationImage oi)
            var neighborsMatrix = new int[oi.Height, oi.Width];

            for (var row0 = 0; row0 < oi.Height; row0++)
                for (var col0 = 0; col0 < oi.Width; col0++)
                    if (oi[row0, col0] != OrientationImage.Null)
                        var lowRow  = Math.Max(0, row0 - 1);
                        var lowCol  = Math.Max(0, col0 - 1);
                        var highRow = Math.Min(row0 + 1, oi.Height - 1);
                        var highCol = Math.Min(col0 + 1, oi.Width - 1);
                        for (var row1 = lowRow; row1 <= highRow; row1++)
                            for (var col1 = lowCol; col1 <= highCol; col1++)
                                if (oi[row1, col1] != OrientationImage.Null)
                                    neighborsMatrix[row0, col0]++;

            for (var row0 = 0; row0 < oi.Height; row0++)
                for (var col0 = 0; col0 < oi.Width; col0++)
                    if (oi[row0, col0] != OrientationImage.Null)
                        var shouldRemove = true;
                        var lowRow       = Math.Max(0, row0 - 1);
                        var lowCol       = Math.Max(0, col0 - 1);
                        var highRow      = Math.Min(row0 + 1, oi.Height - 1);
                        var highCol      = Math.Min(col0 + 1, oi.Width - 1);
                        for (var row1 = lowRow; row1 <= highRow && shouldRemove; row1++)
                            for (var col1 = lowCol; col1 <= highCol && shouldRemove; col1++)
                                if (neighborsMatrix[row1, col1] == 9)
                                    shouldRemove = false;
                        if (shouldRemove)
                            oi[row0, col0] = OrientationImage.Null;
        private void ApplyThinning(ImageMatrix matrix, OrientationImage orientationImage)
            bool changed = true;

            while (changed)
                changed = false;
                for (int row = 0; row < orientationImage.Height; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < orientationImage.Width; col++)
                        if (!orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row, col))
                            int x, y;
                            orientationImage.GetPixelCoordFromBlock(row, col, out x, out y);

                            int maxLength = orientationImage.WindowSize / 2;
                            for (int xi = x - maxLength; xi < x + maxLength; xi++)
                                for (int yi = y - maxLength; yi < y + maxLength; yi++)
                                    if (xi > 0 && xi < matrix.Width - 1 && yi > 0 && yi < matrix.Height - 1)
                                        int tl = matrix[yi - 1, xi - 1];
                                        int tc = matrix[yi - 1, xi];
                                        int tr = matrix[yi - 1, xi + 1];

                                        int le = matrix[yi, xi - 1];
                                        int ce = matrix[yi, xi];
                                        int ri = matrix[yi, xi + 1];

                                        int bl = matrix[yi + 1, xi - 1];
                                        int bc = matrix[yi + 1, xi];
                                        int br = matrix[yi + 1, xi + 1];

                                        if (IsVL(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br) ||
                                            IsVR(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br) ||
                                            IsHT(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br) ||
                                            IsHB(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br))
                                            matrix[yi, xi] = 255;
                                            changed        = true;
                                        matrix[yi, xi] = 255;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static OrientationImage ExtractFeatures(Bitmap image)
            var matrix = new ImageMatrix(image);

            var gx = (new SobelVerticalFilter()).Apply(matrix);
            var gy = (new SobelHorizontalFilter()).Apply(matrix);

            var width  = Convert.ToByte(image.Width / BlockSize);
            var height = Convert.ToByte(image.Height / BlockSize);
            var oi     = new OrientationImage(width, height, BlockSize);

            for (var row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    oi.GetPixelCoordFromBlock(row, col, out var x, out var y);
                    var x0 = Math.Max(x - BlockSize / 2, 0);
                    var x1 = Math.Min(image.Width - 1, x + BlockSize / 2);
                    var y0 = Math.Max(y - BlockSize / 2, 0);
                    var y1 = Math.Min(image.Height - 1, y + BlockSize / 2);

                    int gxy = 0, gxx = 0, gyy = 0;
                    for (var yi = y0; yi <= y1; yi++)
                        for (var xi = x0; xi <= x1; xi++)
                            gxy += gx[yi, xi] * gy[yi, xi];
                            gxx += gx[yi, xi] * gx[yi, xi];
                            gyy += gy[yi, xi] * gy[yi, xi];

                    if (gxx - gyy == 0 && gxy == 0)
                        oi[row, col] = OrientationImage.Null;
                        var angle = Angle.ToDegrees(Angle.ComputeAngle(gxx - gyy, 2 * gxy));
                        angle = angle / 2 + 90;
                        if (angle > 180)
                            angle = angle - 180;
                        oi[row, col] = Convert.ToByte(Math.Round(angle));

            RemoveBadBlocksVariance(oi, matrix);
            var smoothed = SmoothOrImg(oi);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static void ApplyThinning(ImageMatrix matrix, OrientationImage orientationImage)
            var changed = true;

            while (changed)
                changed = false;
                for (var row = 0; row < orientationImage.Height; row++)
                    for (var col = 0; col < orientationImage.Width; col++)
                        if (!orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row, col))
                            orientationImage.GetPixelCoordFromBlock(row, col, out int x, out int y);

                            var maxLength = orientationImage.WindowSize / 2;
                            for (var xi = x - maxLength; xi < x + maxLength; xi++)
                                for (var yi = y - maxLength; yi < y + maxLength; yi++)
                                    if (xi > 0 && xi < matrix.Width - 1 && yi > 0 && yi < matrix.Height - 1)
                                        var tl = matrix[yi - 1, xi - 1];
                                        var tc = matrix[yi - 1, xi];
                                        var tr = matrix[yi - 1, xi + 1];

                                        var le = matrix[yi, xi - 1];
                                        var ce = matrix[yi, xi];
                                        var ri = matrix[yi, xi + 1];

                                        var bl = matrix[yi + 1, xi - 1];
                                        var bc = matrix[yi + 1, xi];
                                        var br = matrix[yi + 1, xi + 1];

                                        if (IsVl(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br) ||
                                            IsVr(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br) ||
                                            IsHt(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br) ||
                                            IsHb(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br))
                                            matrix[yi, xi] = 255;
                                            changed        = true;
                                        matrix[yi, xi] = 255;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    // overrides

    void Start()
        _hrClient      = GetComponent <HRClient>();
        _log           = GetComponent <Log>();
        _restingImages = GetComponent <RestingImages>();

        _focusDetector          = FindObjectOfType <FocusDetector>();
        _focusDetector.Focused += onAttentionGrabberFocused;

        _image = GetComponentInChildren <OrientationImage>();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static OrientationImage SmoothOrImg(OrientationImage img)
            var        smoothed = new OrientationImage(img.Width, img.Height, img.WindowSize);
            const byte wSize    = 3;

            for (var row = 0; row < img.Height; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < img.Width; col++)
                    if (!img.IsNullBlock(row, col))
                        int    count;
                        double ySum;
                        var    xSum = ySum = count = 0;
                        double angle;
                        for (var y = row - wSize / 2; y <= row + wSize / 2; y++)
                            for (var x = col - wSize / 2; x <= col + wSize / 2; x++)
                                if (y >= 0 && y < img.Height && x >= 0 && x < img.Width && !img.IsNullBlock(y, x))
                                    angle = img.AngleInRadians(y, x);
                                    xSum += Math.Cos(2 * angle);
                                    ySum += Math.Sin(2 * angle);
                        if (count == 0 || Math.Abs(xSum) < double.Epsilon && Math.Abs(ySum) < double.Epsilon)
                            smoothed[row, col] = OrientationImage.Null;
                            var xAvg = xSum / count;
                            var yAvg = ySum / count;
                            angle = Angle.ToDegrees(Angle.ComputeAngle(xAvg, yAvg)) / 2;

                            smoothed[row, col] = Convert.ToByte(Math.Round(angle));
                        smoothed[row, col] = OrientationImage.Null;

        private int[] GetProjection(OrientationImage oi, int row, int col, int x, int y, ImageMatrix matrix)
            double angle           = oi.AngleInRadians(row, col);
            double orthogonalAngle = oi.AngleInRadians(row, col) + Math.PI / 2;

            int maxLength = oi.WindowSize / 2;

            int[] projection       = new int[2 * maxLength + 1];
            int[] outlayerCount    = new int[2 * maxLength + 1];
            bool  outlayerFound    = false;
            int   totalSum         = 0;
            int   validPointsCount = 0;

            for (int li = -maxLength, i = 0; li <= maxLength; li++, i++)
                int xi = Convert.ToInt32(x - li * Math.Cos(orthogonalAngle));
                int yi = Convert.ToInt32(y - li * Math.Sin(orthogonalAngle));

                int ySum = 0;
                for (int lj = -maxLength; lj <= maxLength; lj++)
                    int xj = Convert.ToInt32(xi - lj * Math.Cos(angle));
                    int yj = Convert.ToInt32(yi - lj * Math.Sin(angle));
                    if (xj >= 0 && yj >= 0 && xj < matrix.Width && yj < matrix.Height)
                        ySum += matrix[yj, xj];
                        outlayerFound = true;
                projection[i] = ySum;
                totalSum     += ySum;

            if (outlayerFound)
                int avg = totalSum / validPointsCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < projection.Length; i++)
                    projection[i] += avg * outlayerCount[i];

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static ImageMatrix ExtractSkeletonImage(Bitmap image, OrientationImage orientationImage)
            var matrix = new ImageMatrix(image);

            var gb = new GaussianBlur();

            matrix = gb.Apply(matrix);

            matrix = GetBinaryImage(matrix, orientationImage);
            ApplyThinning(matrix, orientationImage);
            RemoveSpikes(matrix, orientationImage);
            FixBifurcations(matrix, orientationImage);
            RemoveSmallSegments(matrix, orientationImage);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal Segment(double ang, Minutia mnt, OrientationImage dImg)
            bool          endOfPoints = false;
            int           i           = 1;
            List <double> points      = new List <double>();

            while (!endOfPoints)
                Point pnt = SetPosToSPoint(ang, i * interval, new Point(mnt.X, mnt.Y));
                if (IsInBound(pnt, dImg))
                    int row, col;
                    dImg.GetBlockCoordFromPixel(pnt.X, pnt.Y, out row, out col);
                    if ((col < 0) || (row < 0) || (row >= dImg.Height) ||
                        (col >= dImg.Width) || (dImg.IsNullBlock(row, col)))
                        points.Add(Math.Min(Angle.DifferencePi(mnt.Angle, dImg.AngleInRadians(row, col)),
                                            Angle.DifferencePi(mnt.Angle, dImg.AngleInRadians(row, col) + Math.PI)));
                    endOfPoints = true;
            bool isLastNan = false;
            int  j         = points.Count - 1;

            while (!isLastNan && j >= 0)
                if (double.IsNaN(points[j]))
                    isLastNan = true;
            directions = points.ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Extract a skeleton image from the specified bitmap image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The source bitmap image to extract features from.</param>
        /// <returns>The features extracted from the specified bitmap image.</returns>
        public override SkeletonImage ExtractFeatures(Bitmap image)
            Ratha1995OrImgExtractor ratha1995OrImgExtractor = new Ratha1995OrImgExtractor();
            OrientationImage        orientationImage        = ratha1995OrImgExtractor.ExtractFeatures(image);
            ImageMatrix             skeletonImage           = ExtractSkeletonImage(image, orientationImage);

            byte[] img = new byte[skeletonImage.Width * skeletonImage.Height];
            for (int i = 0; i < skeletonImage.Height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < skeletonImage.Width; j++)
                    img[skeletonImage.Width * i + j] = (byte)skeletonImage[i, j];

            return(new SkeletonImage(img, skeletonImage.Width, skeletonImage.Height));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        internal MinutiaDescriptor(Minutia mnt, OrientationImage dImg)
            Minutia = mnt;
            //difRadio = (int) Math.Truncate((Resolution/25.4)*ridgePeriod*2);

            EmptyFeaturesCount = 0;
            Orientations       = new double[72];
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var curr = GetOrientations(InitRadio + i * DifRadio, Minutia, dImg);
                for (var k = 0; k < curr.Length; k++)
                    Orientations[j++] = curr[k];
                    if (double.IsNaN(curr[k]))
 /// <summary>
 ///     Extract features of type <see cref="Tico2003Features"/> from the specified minutia list and orientation image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mtiae">
 ///     The minutia list to extract the features from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="orImg">
 ///     The skeleton image to extract the features from.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///     Features of type <see cref="Tico2003Features"/> extracted from the specified minutiae and skeleton image.
 /// </returns>
 public Tico2003Features ExtractFeatures(List <Minutia> mtiae, OrientationImage orImg)
     return(new Tico2003Features(mtiae, orImg));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static ImageMatrix GetBinaryImage(ImageMatrix matrix, OrientationImage orientationImage)
            int[] filter = { 1, 2, 5, 7, 5, 2, 1 };
            var   newImg = new ImageMatrix(matrix.Width, matrix.Height);

            for (var i = 0; i < matrix.Width; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < matrix.Height; j++)
                    newImg[j, i] = 255;
            for (var row = 0; row < orientationImage.Height; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < orientationImage.Width; col++)
                    if (!orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row, col))
                        orientationImage.GetPixelCoordFromBlock(row, col, out int x, out int y);

                        var maxLength = orientationImage.WindowSize / 2;
                        for (var xi = x - maxLength; xi < x + maxLength; xi++)
                            for (var yi = y - maxLength; yi < y + maxLength; yi++)
                                var projection = GetProjection(orientationImage, row, col, xi, yi, matrix);

                                var       smoothed = new int[orientationImage.WindowSize + 1];
                                const int n        = 7;
                                for (var j = 0; j < projection.Length; j++)
                                    var idx = 0;
                                    int sum = 0, count = 0;
                                    for (var k = j - n / 2; k <= j + n / 2; k++, idx++)
                                        if (k >= 0 && k < projection.Length)
                                            sum += projection[k] * filter[idx];
                                    smoothed[j] = sum / count;

                                var center = smoothed.Length / 2;
                                int left;
                                for (left = center - 1; smoothed[left] == smoothed[center] && left > 0; left--)

                                int rigth;
                                for (rigth = center + 1;
                                     smoothed[rigth] == smoothed[center] && rigth < smoothed.Length - 1;

                                if (xi >= 0 && xi < matrix.Width && yi >= 0 && yi < matrix.Height)
                                    newImg[yi, xi] = 255;

                                if (xi <= 0 || xi >= matrix.Width - 1 || yi <= 0 || yi >= matrix.Height - 1 ||
                                    left == 255 && rigth == smoothed.Length - 1)
                                if (smoothed[center] < smoothed[left] && smoothed[center] < smoothed[rigth])
                                    newImg[yi, xi] = 0;
                                else if (rigth - left == 2 &&
                                         (smoothed[left] < smoothed[left - 1] &&
                                          smoothed[left] < smoothed[center] ||
                                          smoothed[rigth] < smoothed[rigth + 1] &&
                                          smoothed[rigth] < smoothed[center] ||
                                          smoothed[center] < smoothed[left - 1] &&
                                          smoothed[center] < smoothed[rigth + 1] ||
                                          smoothed[center] < smoothed[left - 1] &&
                                          smoothed[center] < smoothed[rigth] ||
                                          smoothed[center] < smoothed[left] &&
                                          smoothed[center] < smoothed[rigth + 1]))
                                    newImg[yi, xi] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private static void RemoveSpikes(ImageMatrix matrix, OrientationImage orientationImage)
            for (var row = 0; row < orientationImage.Height; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < orientationImage.Width; col++)
                    if (!orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row, col))
                        var cos = new double[3];
                        var sin = new double[3];

                        var orthogonalAngle = orientationImage.AngleInRadians(row, col) + Math.PI / 2;
                        cos[0] = Math.Cos(orthogonalAngle);
                        sin[0] = Math.Sin(orthogonalAngle);

                        var orthogonalAngle1 = orthogonalAngle + Math.PI / 12;
                        cos[1] = Math.Cos(orthogonalAngle1);
                        sin[1] = Math.Sin(orthogonalAngle1);

                        var orthogonalAngle2 = orthogonalAngle - Math.PI / 12;
                        cos[2] = Math.Cos(orthogonalAngle2);
                        sin[2] = Math.Sin(orthogonalAngle2);
                        orientationImage.GetPixelCoordFromBlock(row, col, out int x, out int y);

                        var maxLength = orientationImage.WindowSize / 2;
                        for (var xi = x - maxLength; xi < x + maxLength; xi++)
                            for (var yi = y - maxLength; yi < y + maxLength; yi++)
                                var xj         = xi;
                                var yj         = yi;
                                var spikeFound = true;
                                while (spikeFound)
                                    spikeFound = false;
                                    if (xj > 0 && xj < matrix.Width - 1 && yj > 0 && yj < matrix.Height - 1)
                                        var tl = matrix[yj - 1, xj - 1];
                                        var tc = matrix[yj - 1, xj];
                                        var tr = matrix[yj - 1, xj + 1];

                                        var le = matrix[yj, xj - 1];
                                        var ce = matrix[yj, xj];
                                        var ri = matrix[yj, xj + 1];

                                        var bl = matrix[yj + 1, xj - 1];
                                        var bc = matrix[yj + 1, xj];
                                        var br = matrix[yj + 1, xj + 1];

                                        if (CouldBeSpike(tl, tc, tr, le, ce, ri, bl, bc, br))
                                            for (var i = 0; i < sin.Length && !spikeFound; i++)
                                                var xk = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(xj - cos[i]));
                                                var yk = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(yj - sin[i]));
                                                if (matrix[yk, xk] == 0)
                                                    matrix[yj, xj] = 255;
                                                    xj             = xk;
                                                    yj             = yk;
                                                    spikeFound     = true;
                                                    xk = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(xj + cos[i]));
                                                    yk = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(yj + sin[i]));
                                                    if (matrix[yk, xk] == 0)
                                                        matrix[yj, xj] = 255;
                                                        xj             = xk;
                                                        yj             = yk;
                                                        spikeFound     = true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Extract features of type <see cref="Qi2005Features"/> from the specified minutia list and orientation image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mtiae">
 ///     The minutia list to extract the features from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="orImg">
 ///     The skeleton image to extract the features from.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///     Features of type <see cref="Qi2005Features"/> extracted from the specified minutiae and skeleton image.
 /// </returns>
 public Qi2005Features ExtractFeatures(List <Minutia> mtiae, OrientationImage orImg)
     return(new Qi2005Features(mtiae, orImg));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private static List <Minutia> GetMinutiaes(ImageMatrix matrix, OrientationImage orientationImage)
            var minutiaes = new List <Minutia>();

            for (var row = 0; row < orientationImage.Height; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < orientationImage.Width; col++)
                    if (!orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row, col))
                        orientationImage.GetPixelCoordFromBlock(row, col, out var x, out var y);

                        var maxLength = orientationImage.WindowSize / 2;

                        for (var xi = x - maxLength; xi < x + maxLength; xi++)
                            for (var yi = y - maxLength; yi < y + maxLength; yi++)
                                if (xi > 0 && xi < matrix.Width - 1 && yi > 0 && yi < matrix.Height - 1)
                                    if (matrix[yi, xi] == 0)
                                        var values = new List <int>
                                            matrix[yi, xi + 1] == 255 ? 0 : 1,
                                            matrix[yi - 1, xi + 1] == 255 ? 0 : 1,
                                            matrix[yi - 1, xi] == 255 ? 0 : 1,
                                            matrix[yi - 1, xi - 1] == 255 ? 0 : 1,
                                            matrix[yi, xi - 1] == 255 ? 0 : 1,
                                            matrix[yi + 1, xi - 1] == 255 ? 0 : 1,
                                            matrix[yi + 1, xi] == 255 ? 0 : 1,
                                            matrix[yi + 1, xi + 1] == 255 ? 0 : 1

                                        var cn = 0;
                                        for (var i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                                            var idx = i;
                                            if (i == 7)
                                                idx = -1;
                                            cn += Math.Abs(values[i] - values[idx + 1]);
                                        cn = (int)(cn * 0.5);

                                        double angleminu;
                                        // end minutiae
                                        if (cn == 1)
                                            angleminu = GetMinutiaeAngle(matrix, xi, yi, MinutiaType.End);
                                            if (Math.Abs(angleminu - (-1)) > double.Epsilon)
                                                minutiaes.Add(new Minutia
                                                    Angle       = (float)angleminu,
                                                    X           = (short)xi,
                                                    Y           = (short)yi,
                                                    MinutiaType = MinutiaType.End
                                        //bifurcation minutiae
                                        if (cn == 3)
                                            angleminu = GetMinutiaeAngle(matrix, xi, yi, MinutiaType.Bifurcation);
                                            if (!double.IsNaN(angleminu) && Math.Abs(angleminu - (-1)) > double.Epsilon)
                                                minutiaes.Add(new Minutia
                                                    Angle       = (float)angleminu,
                                                    X           = (short)xi,
                                                    Y           = (short)yi,
                                                    MinutiaType = MinutiaType.Bifurcation

            var noInTheBorder = new List <Minutia>();

            for (var i = 0; i < minutiaes.Count; i++)
                // boundary Effects (foreground areas)
                orientationImage.GetBlockCoordFromPixel(minutiaes[i].X, minutiaes[i].Y, out var row, out var col);
                if (row >= 1 && col >= 1 && col < orientationImage.Width - 1 && row < orientationImage.Height - 1)
                    if (!
                        (orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row - 1, col) ||
                         orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row + 1, col) ||
                         orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row, col - 1) ||
                         orientationImage.IsNullBlock(row, col + 1) //||

            var toErase = new bool[noInTheBorder.Count];

            for (var i = 0; i < noInTheBorder.Count; i++)
                var mA = noInTheBorder[i];
                for (var j = 0; j < noInTheBorder.Count; j++)
                    if (i != j)
                        var mB = noInTheBorder[j];
                        // different to orientation image
                        orientationImage.GetBlockCoordFromPixel(mA.X, mA.Y, out var row, out var col);
                        var angleOi = orientationImage.AngleInRadians(row, col);
                        if (mA.MinutiaType == MinutiaType.End &&
                            Math.Min(Angle.DifferencePi(mA.Angle, angleOi),
                                     Angle.DifferencePi(mA.Angle, angleOi + Math.PI)) > Math.PI / 6)
                            toErase[i] = true;

                        //  near minutiaes elimination
                        if (mA.MinutiaType == mB.MinutiaType &&
                            MtiaEuclideanDistance.Compare(mA, mB) < 5)
                            toErase[i] = toErase[j] = true;

                        //  Ridge break elimination (Ratha)
                        if (mA.MinutiaType == MinutiaType.End &&
                            mB.MinutiaType == MinutiaType.End &&
                            Math.Abs(mA.Angle - mB.Angle) < double.Epsilon &&
                            MtiaEuclideanDistance.Compare(mA, mB) < 10)
                            toErase[i] = toErase[j] = true;

                        // Ridge break elimination (tavo - migue)
                        if (mA.MinutiaType == MinutiaType.End &&
                            mB.MinutiaType == MinutiaType.End &&
                            Angle.DifferencePi(mA.Angle, mB.Angle) < Math.PI / 12 &&
                            MtiaEuclideanDistance.Compare(mA, mB) < 10)
                            toErase[i] = toErase[j] = true;

                        // spike elimination
                        if (mA.MinutiaType == MinutiaType.End &&
                            mB.MinutiaType == MinutiaType.Bifurcation &&
                            MtiaEuclideanDistance.Compare(mA, mB) < 15)
                            if (RemoveSpikeOnMinutiae(matrix, mA, mB))
                                toErase[i] = true;

            var result = new List <Minutia>();

            for (var i = 0; i < noInTheBorder.Count; i++)
                if (!toErase[i])

Ejemplo n.º 27
        private static void RemoveBadBlocksVariance(OrientationImage oi, ImageMatrix matrix)
            var    maxLength      = oi.WindowSize / 2;
            var    varianceMatrix = new int[oi.Height, oi.Width];
            double max            = 0;
            var    min            = double.MaxValue;

            for (var row = 0; row < oi.Height; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < oi.Width; col++)
                    oi.GetPixelCoordFromBlock(row, col, out var x, out var y);

                    // Computing Average
                    var sum   = 0;
                    var count = 0;
                    for (var xi = x - maxLength; xi < x + maxLength; xi++)
                        for (var yi = y - maxLength; yi < y + maxLength; yi++)
                            if (xi >= 0 && xi < matrix.Width && yi >= 0 && yi < matrix.Height)
                                sum += matrix[yi, xi];
                    var avg = 1.0 * sum / count;

                    // Computing Variance
                    double sqrSum = 0;
                    for (var xi = x - maxLength; xi < x + maxLength; xi++)
                        for (var yi = y - maxLength; yi < y + maxLength; yi++)
                            if (xi >= 0 && xi < matrix.Width && yi >= 0 && yi < matrix.Height)
                                var diff = matrix[yi, xi] - avg;
                                sqrSum += diff * diff;
                    varianceMatrix[row, col] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(sqrSum / (count - 1)));

                    // Computing de max variance
                    if (varianceMatrix[row, col] > max)
                        max = varianceMatrix[row, col];
                    if (varianceMatrix[row, col] < min)
                        min = varianceMatrix[row, col];

            for (var row = 0; row < oi.Height; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < oi.Width; col++)
                    varianceMatrix[row, col] =
                        Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(254.0 * (varianceMatrix[row, col] - min) / (max - min)));

            const int t = 15;

            for (var row = 0; row < oi.Height; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < oi.Width; col++)
                    if (!oi.IsNullBlock(row, col) && varianceMatrix[row, col] <= t)
                        oi[row, col] = OrientationImage.Null;