Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Render()
            switch (m_oSystemContect.SSEntity)
            case StarSystemEntityType.TaskGroup:
                TaskGroupTN TaskGroup = m_oSystemContect.Entity as TaskGroupTN;
                /// <summary>
                /// Update this contact's sensor elements.
                /// </summary>
                if (TaskGroup.SensorUpdateAck != _LastSensorUpdateAck)
                    /// <summary>
                    /// Remove those sensors that are no longer active.
                    /// </summary>
                    BindingList <Guid> SensorRemoveList = new BindingList <Guid>();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, SensorElement> SCE in _SensorContactElements)
                        switch (SCE.Value._sensorType)
                        case ComponentTypeTN.ActiveSensor:
                            ActiveSensorTN aSensor = (SCE.Value.SceenEntity as ActiveSensorTN);
                            if (aSensor.isActive == false || aSensor.isDestroyed == true || ParentSceen.ShowActives == false)

                        case ComponentTypeTN.PassiveSensor:
                            PassiveSensorTN pSensor = (SCE.Value.SceenEntity as PassiveSensorTN);
                            /// <summary>
                            /// Remove this sensor if it is destroyed, or if it isn't the current best thermal/em sensor. if a sensor is destroyed it should be replaced as the best em/thermal.
                            /// </summary>
                            if (pSensor.isDestroyed == true || ParentSceen.ShowPassives == false)
                                if (pSensor.pSensorDef.thermalOrEM == PassiveSensorType.Thermal)
                                    if (pSensor != TaskGroup.BestThermal)
                                    if (pSensor != TaskGroup.BestEM)
                    if (SensorRemoveList.Count != 0)
                        foreach (Guid SCE in SensorRemoveList)

                    if (_SensorContactElements.ContainsKey(TaskGroup.BestEM.pSensorDef.Id) == false && ParentSceen.ShowPassives == true)
                        PassiveSensorDefTN pSensorDef = TaskGroup.BestEM.pSensorDef;
#warning all of these 10000.0's are related to the fact that distance is done by 10k km in Aurora.
                        double factor   = Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10000.0;
                        double AURadius = (double)pSensorDef.range * ((float)Constants.SensorTN.DefaultPassiveSignature / (float)ParentSceen.ShowPassiveSignatureRange) / factor;

                        Vector3 TGPos = new Vector3((float)TaskGroup.Contact.Position.X, (float)TaskGroup.Contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                        SensorElement NSE = new SensorElement(_DefaultEffect, TGPos, (float)AURadius, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, TaskGroup.BestEM.Name, TaskGroup.BestEM, TaskGroup.BestEM.pSensorDef.componentType, ParentSceen);
                        _SensorContactElements.Add(TaskGroup.BestEM.pSensorDef.Id, NSE);

                    if (_SensorContactElements.ContainsKey(TaskGroup.BestThermal.pSensorDef.Id) == false && ParentSceen.ShowPassives == true)
                        PassiveSensorDefTN pSensorDef = TaskGroup.BestThermal.pSensorDef;
                        double             factor     = Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10000.0;
                        double             AURadius   = (double)pSensorDef.range * ((float)Constants.SensorTN.DefaultPassiveSignature / (float)ParentSceen.ShowPassiveSignatureRange) / factor;

                        Vector3 TGPos = new Vector3((float)TaskGroup.Contact.Position.X, (float)TaskGroup.Contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                        SensorElement NSE = new SensorElement(_DefaultEffect, TGPos, (float)AURadius, System.Drawing.Color.Red, TaskGroup.BestThermal.Name, TaskGroup.BestThermal, TaskGroup.BestThermal.pSensorDef.componentType, ParentSceen);
                        _SensorContactElements.Add(TaskGroup.BestThermal.pSensorDef.Id, NSE);

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Check for newly activated sensors.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (ParentSceen.ShowActives == true)
                        foreach (ActiveSensorTN Sensor in TaskGroup.ActiveSensorQue)
                            /// <summary>
                            /// This sensor survived the above cleanup, and is in the sensor contact element list, so don't re check whether it should be here.
                            /// </summary>
                            if (_SensorContactElements.ContainsKey(Sensor.aSensorDef.Id) == true)

                            ActiveSensorDefTN SensorDef = Sensor.aSensorDef;

                            double factor   = Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10000.0;
                            double AURadius = (double)SensorDef.maxRange / factor;

                            Vector3 TGPos = new Vector3((float)TaskGroup.Contact.Position.X, (float)TaskGroup.Contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                            SensorElement NSE = new SensorElement(_DefaultEffect, TGPos, (float)AURadius, System.Drawing.Color.Turquoise, Sensor.Name, Sensor, Sensor.aSensorDef.componentType, ParentSceen);
                            _SensorContactElements.Add(SensorDef.Id, NSE);

                    _LastSensorUpdateAck = TaskGroup.SensorUpdateAck;

            case StarSystemEntityType.Population:
                Population CurrentPop = (m_oSystemContect.Entity as Population);
                /// <summary>
                /// Populations only have one sensor element.
                /// </summary>
                if (CurrentPop._sensorUpdateAck != _LastSensorUpdateAck && ParentSceen.ShowPassives == true)
                    /// <summary>
                    /// This calculates the default detection distance for strength 1000 signatures.
                    /// </summary>
                    int DSTS       = (int)Math.Floor(CurrentPop.Installations[(int)Installation.InstallationType.DeepSpaceTrackingStation].Number);
                    int SensorTech = CurrentPop.Faction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.DSTSSensorStrength];
                    if (SensorTech > Constants.Colony.DeepSpaceMax)
                        SensorTech = Constants.Colony.DeepSpaceMax;
#warning if EM strength differs from Thermal handle that here.
                    int ScanStrength = DSTS * Constants.Colony.ThermalDeepSpaceStrength[SensorTech] * 100;

                    double factor   = Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10000.0;
                    double AURadius = (double)ScanStrength * ((float)Constants.SensorTN.DefaultPassiveSignature / (float)ParentSceen.ShowPassiveSignatureRange) / factor;

                    Vector3 PopPosition = new Vector3((float)CurrentPop.Contact.Position.X, (float)CurrentPop.Contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Type is set to TypeCount because only the taskgroup section requires it. Likewise for CurrentPop, and CurrentPop.Id, these aren't strictly necessary, but the
                    /// taskgroup section requires more information as more sensor contact elements can be associated with a taskgroup.
                    /// </summary>
                    SensorElement NSE = new SensorElement(_DefaultEffect, PopPosition, (float)AURadius, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, CurrentPop.Name + " DSTS Coverage", CurrentPop, ComponentTypeTN.TypeCount, ParentSceen);
                    _SensorContactElements.Add(CurrentPop.Id, NSE);

            case StarSystemEntityType.Missile:
                OrdnanceGroupTN MissileGroup = (m_oSystemContect.Entity as OrdnanceGroupTN);
                /// <summary>
                /// This ordnance group was just created, so check whether or not any sensors need to be displayed. Or the display could request that passives or actives not be displayed.
                /// </summary>
                if (_LastSensorUpdateAck != MissileGroup._sensorUpdateAck)

                    OrdnanceDefTN OrdDef = MissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef;

                    if (OrdDef.aSD != null && ParentSceen.ShowActives == true)
                        double factor   = Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10000.0;
                        double AURadius = (double)OrdDef.aSD.maxRange / factor;

                        Vector3 MGPos = new Vector3((float)MissileGroup.contact.Position.X, (float)MissileGroup.contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                        SensorElement NSE = new SensorElement(_DefaultEffect, MGPos, (float)AURadius, System.Drawing.Color.Turquoise,
                                                              MissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.Name + " Active Sensor", MissileGroup, ComponentTypeTN.TypeCount, ParentSceen);
                        _SensorContactElements.Add(OrdDef.aSD.Id, NSE);

                    if (OrdDef.tHD != null && ParentSceen.ShowPassives == true)
                        double factor   = Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10000.0;
                        double AURadius = (double)OrdDef.tHD.range * ((float)Constants.SensorTN.DefaultPassiveSignature / (float)ParentSceen.ShowPassiveSignatureRange) / factor;

                        Vector3 MGPos = new Vector3((float)MissileGroup.contact.Position.X, (float)MissileGroup.contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                        SensorElement NSE = new SensorElement(_DefaultEffect, MGPos, (float)AURadius, System.Drawing.Color.Red,
                                                              MissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.Name + " Thermal Sensor", MissileGroup, ComponentTypeTN.TypeCount, ParentSceen);
                        _SensorContactElements.Add(OrdDef.tHD.Id, NSE);

                    if (OrdDef.eMD != null && ParentSceen.ShowPassives == true)
                        double factor   = Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10000.0;
                        double AURadius = (double)OrdDef.eMD.range * ((float)Constants.SensorTN.DefaultPassiveSignature / (float)ParentSceen.ShowPassiveSignatureRange) / factor;

                        Vector3 MGPos = new Vector3((float)MissileGroup.contact.Position.X, (float)MissileGroup.contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                        SensorElement NSE = new SensorElement(_DefaultEffect, MGPos, (float)AURadius, System.Drawing.Color.Blue,
                                                              MissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.Name + " EM Sensor", MissileGroup, ComponentTypeTN.TypeCount, ParentSceen);
                        _SensorContactElements.Add(OrdDef.eMD.Id, NSE);

                    _LastSensorUpdateAck = MissileGroup._sensorUpdateAck;

            foreach (GLPrimitive oPrimitive in m_lPrimitives)

            /// <summary>
            /// Adding sensor elements to children causes wierd behavior that I'd rather not deal with.
            /// </summary>
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, SensorElement> sElement in _SensorContactElements)

            if (RenderChildren == true)
                foreach (SceenElement oElement in m_lChildren)

            // render lable:
            if (m_oLable != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Refresh(float a_fZoomScaler)
            // Adjust the size of the Primary Sprite (the TG icon) if necessary.
            if (MinimumSize.X > 0 && MinimumSize.Y > 0)
                // calc size in pixels given current zoom factor:
                Vector2 v2CurrSize = RealSize * a_fZoomScaler;

                if (MinimumSize.X > v2CurrSize.X && MinimumSize.Y > v2CurrSize.Y)
                    // then it is too small, make it display at a proper size:
                    PrimaryPrimitive.SetSize(MinimumSize / a_fZoomScaler);
                    // we want to draw to scale:

            /// <summary>
            /// update position of the selected contact and its travelline:
            /// </summary>
            Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero, lastPos = Vector3.Zero;

            switch (m_oSystemContect.SSEntity)
            case StarSystemEntityType.TaskGroup:
                pos     = new Vector3((float)m_oSystemContect.Position.X, (float)m_oSystemContect.Position.Y, 0.0f);
                lastPos = new Vector3((float)m_oSystemContect.LastPosition.X, (float)m_oSystemContect.LastPosition.Y, 0.0f);

                TaskGroupTN TaskGroup = m_oSystemContect.Entity as TaskGroupTN;

                if (TaskGroup.DrawTravelLine != 3)
                    m_oTravelLine.StartPos = lastPos;
                    m_oTravelLine.EndPos   = pos;
                else if (TaskGroup.DrawTravelLine == 3)
                    m_oTravelLine.StartPos = pos;
                    m_oTravelLine.EndPos   = pos;

                if (TaskGroup.DrawTravelLine == 2)
                    TaskGroup.DrawTravelLine = 3;

            case StarSystemEntityType.Population:

            case StarSystemEntityType.Missile:
                pos     = new Vector3((float)m_oSystemContect.Position.X, (float)m_oSystemContect.Position.Y, 0.0f);
                lastPos = new Vector3((float)m_oSystemContect.LastPosition.X, (float)m_oSystemContect.LastPosition.Y, 0.0f);

                OrdnanceGroupTN MissileGroup = m_oSystemContect.Entity as OrdnanceGroupTN;

                if (MissileGroup.DrawTravelLine != 3)
                    m_oTravelLine.StartPos = lastPos;
                    m_oTravelLine.EndPos   = pos;
                else if (MissileGroup.DrawTravelLine == 3)
                    m_oTravelLine.StartPos = pos;
                    m_oTravelLine.EndPos   = pos;

                if (MissileGroup.DrawTravelLine == 2)
                    MissileGroup.DrawTravelLine = 3;

            PrimaryPrimitive.Position = pos;
            Lable.Position            = pos;

            // Adjust the size of the text so it is always 10 point:
            Lable.Size = UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE / a_fZoomScaler;

            switch (m_oSystemContect.SSEntity)
            case StarSystemEntityType.TaskGroup:
                Lable.Text = m_oSystemContect.Entity.Name;

            // loop through any children:
            foreach (SceenElement oElement in m_lChildren)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a new post sceen creation contact element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_oDefaultEffect">default effect, I don't know what these are really.</param>
        /// <param name="oContact">The system contact to be created.</param>
        public void AddContactElement(GLEffect a_oDefaultEffect, SystemContact oContact)
            SceenElement oContactElement;
            Vector3      v3ContactPos;

            GLUtilities.GLFont oNameLable;
            GLUtilities.GLQuad oContactQuad;

            switch (oContact.SSEntity)
            case StarSystemEntityType.TaskGroup:
                TaskGroupTN TaskGroup = oContact.Entity as TaskGroupTN;
                oContactElement          = new ContactElement(a_oDefaultEffect, oContact);
                oContactElement.EntityID = oContact.Id;

                v3ContactPos = new Vector3((float)TaskGroup.Contact.Position.X, (float)TaskGroup.Contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                oContactQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                                                      new Vector2(0.0001f, 0.0001f),                                 // what size is a task groug anyway???

                oNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect, v3ContactPos,
                                                    UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, oContact.faction.FactionColor, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, TaskGroup.Name);

                oContactElement.Lable            = oNameLable;
                oContactElement.Lable.Size       = UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE / m_fZoomScaler; //Initial taskgroup names weren't being scaled properly for whatever reason.
                oContactElement.PrimaryPrimitive = oContactQuad;
                oContactElement.RealSize = new Vector2(0.0001f, 0.0001f);
                (oContactElement as ContactElement).ParentSceen = this;

            case StarSystemEntityType.Missile:
                OrdnanceGroupTN MissileGroup = oContact.Entity as OrdnanceGroupTN;
                oContactElement          = new ContactElement(a_oDefaultEffect, oContact);
                oContactElement.EntityID = oContact.Id;

                v3ContactPos = new Vector3((float)MissileGroup.contact.Position.X, (float)MissileGroup.contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                oContactQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                                                      new Vector2(0.0001f, 0.0001f),                             // what size is a missile?

                oNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect, v3ContactPos,
                                                    UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, oContact.faction.FactionColor, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, MissileGroup.Name);

                oContactElement.Lable            = oNameLable;
                oContactElement.Lable.Size       = UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE / m_fZoomScaler; //Same problem may exist with missile labels.
                oContactElement.PrimaryPrimitive = oContactQuad;
                oContactElement.RealSize = new Vector2(0.0001f, 0.0001f);
                (oContactElement as ContactElement).ParentSceen = this;

            case StarSystemEntityType.Population:
                Population CurrentPopulation = oContact.Entity as Population;
                oContactElement          = new ContactElement(a_oDefaultEffect, oContact);
                oContactElement.EntityID = oContact.Id;

                v3ContactPos = new Vector3((float)CurrentPopulation.Contact.Position.X, (float)CurrentPopulation.Contact.Position.Y, 0.0f);

                oContactQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                                                      new Vector2(0.0001f, 0.0001f),                             // what size is a population?

                oNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect, v3ContactPos,
                                                    UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, oContact.faction.FactionColor, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, CurrentPopulation.Name);

                oContactElement.Lable            = oNameLable;
                oContactElement.Lable.Size       = UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE / m_fZoomScaler; //Same problem may exist with population labels.
                oContactElement.PrimaryPrimitive = oContactQuad;
                oContactElement.RealSize = new Vector2(0.0001f, 0.0001f);
                (oContactElement as ContactElement).ParentSceen = this;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fire this MFC in point defense mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TG">Taskgroup the MFC is in</param>
        /// <param name="FiredFrom">Ship the MFC is on</param>
        /// <param name="Target">Target of point defense fire.</param>
        /// <param name="MissilesToFire">Number of missiles to fire at it</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int FireWeaponsPD(TaskGroupTN TG, ShipTN FiredFrom, OrdnanceGroupTN Target, int MissilesToFire)
            /// <summary>
            /// simple stupid sanity check.
            /// </summary>
            if (MissilesToFire == 0)

            int LaunchCount = 0;
            /// <summary>
            /// Just a temporary variable for this function.
            /// </summary>
            BindingList <OrdnanceGroupTN> LocalMissileGroups = new BindingList <OrdnanceGroupTN>();

            foreach (MissileLauncherTN LaunchTube in m_lLinkedWeapons) //int loop = 0; loop < LinkedWeapons.Count; loop++)
                if (LaunchTube.isDestroyed == false && LaunchTube.loadTime == 0 && LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance != null)
                    if (FiredFrom.ShipOrdnance.ContainsKey(LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance) == true)
                        OrdnanceTN newMissile = new OrdnanceTN(this, LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance, FiredFrom);

                        /// <summary>
                        /// Point defense does not go by MFC targetting. have to add target here.
                        /// </summary>
                        newMissile.target = new TargetTN(Target);


                        /// <summary>
                        /// Create a new missile group
                        /// </summary>
                        if (LocalMissileGroups.Count == 0)
                            OrdnanceGroupTN newMissileGroup = new OrdnanceGroupTN(TG, newMissile);

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Add this ordnance group to the ord groups targetting list for the intended target missile group.
                            /// This is only necessary here as Manually fired MFC missiles are connected to their MFC.
                            /// </summary>
                        /// <summary>
                        /// An existing missile group may be useable.
                        /// </summary>
                            bool foundGroup = false;
                            foreach (OrdnanceGroupTN OrdGroup in LocalMissileGroups)
                                /// <summary>
                                /// All Missile groups should be composed of just 1 type of missile for convienence.
                                if (OrdGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.Id == LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance.Id)
                                    foundGroup = true;

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Have to create a new missile group after all.
                            /// </summary>
                            if (foundGroup == false)
                                OrdnanceGroupTN newMissileGroup = new OrdnanceGroupTN(TG, newMissile);

                                /// <summary>
                                /// Add this ordnance group to the ord groups targetting list for the intended target missile group.
                                /// This is only necessary here as Manually fired MFC missiles are connected to their MFC.
                                /// </summary>
                        /// <summary>
                        /// Decrement the loaded ordnance count, and remove the type entirely if this was the last one.
                        /// </summary>
                        FiredFrom.ShipOrdnance[LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance] = FiredFrom.ShipOrdnance[LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance] - 1;
                        if (FiredFrom.ShipOrdnance[LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance] == 0)

                        /// <summary>
                        /// Set the launch tube cooldown time as a missile was just fired from it.
                        /// </summary>
                        LaunchTube.loadTime = LaunchTube.missileLauncherDef.rateOfFire;

                        if (LaunchCount == MissilesToFire)
                        String       Msg        = String.Format("No ordnance {0} on ship {1} is available for Launch Tube {2} in PD Mode", LaunchTube.Name, FiredFrom.Name, LaunchTube.Name);
                        MessageEntry newMessage = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.FiringNoAvailableOrdnance, TG.Contact.Position.System, TG.Contact,
                                                                   GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, Msg);
                else if (LaunchTube.isDestroyed == true)
                    String       Msg        = String.Format("Destroyed launch tube {0} is still attached to {1}'s MFC in PD Mode", LaunchTube.Name, FiredFrom.Name);
                    MessageEntry newMessage = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.Error, TG.Contact.Position.System, TG.Contact,
                                                               GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, Msg);
                else if (LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance == null)
                    String       Msg        = String.Format("No loaded ordnance for launch tube {0} on ship {1} in PD Mode", LaunchTube.Name, FiredFrom.Name);
                    MessageEntry newMessage = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.FiringNoLoadedOrdnance, TG.Contact.Position.System, TG.Contact,
                                                               GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, Msg);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Fire Weapons spawns new missiles groups or adds missiles to existing ones.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TG">Taskgroup this MFC is in.</param>
        /// <param name="FiredFrom">Ship these missiles were fired from.</param>
        /// <returns>If missiles were fired at all from this MFC. true = atleast 1 missile(and therefore missile group, false = no missiles.</returns>
        public bool FireWeapons(TaskGroupTN TG, ShipTN FiredFrom)
            bool retv = false;

            if (m_oTarget != null)
                /// <summary>
                /// Just a temporary variable for this function.
                /// </summary>
                BindingList <OrdnanceGroupTN> LocalMissileGroups = new BindingList <OrdnanceGroupTN>();

                foreach (MissileLauncherTN LaunchTube in m_lLinkedWeapons)
                    if (LaunchTube.isDestroyed == false && LaunchTube.loadTime == 0 && LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance != null)
                        if (FiredFrom.ShipOrdnance.ContainsKey(LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance) == true)
                            OrdnanceTN newMissile = new OrdnanceTN(this, LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance, FiredFrom);

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Create a new missile group
                            /// </summary>
                            if (LocalMissileGroups.Count == 0)
                                OrdnanceGroupTN newMissileGroup = new OrdnanceGroupTN(TG, newMissile);
                            /// <summary>
                            /// An existing missile group may be useable.
                            /// </summary>
                                bool foundGroup = false;
                                foreach (OrdnanceGroupTN OrdGroup in LocalMissileGroups)
                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// All Missile groups should be composed of just 1 type of missile for convienence.
                                    if (OrdGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.Id == LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance.Id)
                                        foundGroup = true;

                                /// <summary>
                                /// Have to create a new missile group after all.
                                /// </summary>
                                if (foundGroup == false)
                                    OrdnanceGroupTN newMissileGroup = new OrdnanceGroupTN(TG, newMissile);
                            /// <summary>
                            /// Decrement the loaded ordnance count, and remove the type entirely if this was the last one.
                            /// </summary>
                            FiredFrom.ShipOrdnance[LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance] = FiredFrom.ShipOrdnance[LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance] - 1;
                            if (FiredFrom.ShipOrdnance[LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance] == 0)

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Set the launch tube cooldown time as a missile was just fired from it.
                            /// </summary>
                            LaunchTube.loadTime = LaunchTube.missileLauncherDef.rateOfFire;

                            /// <summary>
                            /// return that a missile was launched.
                            /// </summary>
                            retv = true;
                            String       Msg        = String.Format("No ordnance {0} on ship {1} is available for Launch Tube {2}", LaunchTube.Name, FiredFrom.Name, LaunchTube.Name);
                            MessageEntry newMessage = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.FiringNoAvailableOrdnance, TG.Contact.Position.System, TG.Contact,
                                                                       GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, Msg);
                    else if (LaunchTube.isDestroyed == true)
                        String       Msg        = String.Format("Destroyed launch tube {0} is still attached to {1}'s MFC", LaunchTube.Name, FiredFrom.Name);
                        MessageEntry newMessage = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.Error, TG.Contact.Position.System, TG.Contact,
                                                                   GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, Msg);
                    else if (LaunchTube.loadedOrdnance == null)
                        String       Msg        = String.Format("No loaded ordnance for launch tube {0} on ship {1}", LaunchTube.Name, FiredFrom.Name);
                        MessageEntry newMessage = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.FiringNoLoadedOrdnance, TG.Contact.Position.System, TG.Contact,
                                                                   GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, Msg);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Simple assignment of a missile group as the target of this MFC
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="OrdnanceTarget">missile group to be targetted.</param>
 public void assignTarget(OrdnanceGroupTN OrdnanceTarget)
     m_oTarget = new TargetTN(OrdnanceTarget);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for Missile group targets.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="OGTarget">missile targeted on.</param>
 public TargetTN(OrdnanceGroupTN OGTarget)
     : base()
     TargetType   = OGTarget.SSEntity;
     MissileGroup = OGTarget;